19643684? ago

If Dersh walked in while I was getting gummed, I'd go softer than Charmin.

19639413? ago

She actually looks like how one would look after flipping to the wrong side.

19638962? ago

Dersh likes little boys. Just wait.

19637949? ago

maybe that is just normal in a jewish family

19668829? ago

Jean-Luc Brunel ?

19637851? ago

Tranny Annie is needin alot more estrogen

19637779? ago

All the people promoted by mainstream media are sickos. All the people the sheeple have been told to believe are corrupt. The sheeple are realy going to loose their minds trying to figure out what reality really is. (Hell, I don't know who to trust anymore and I've been paying attention for a long time). SMH

19637271? ago


You've never had someone come talk yo you while you're getting a blow job?

19635886? ago

Where's the muh joo replies?

19635857? ago

Fuck Ann Coulter. We don't need that treasonous bitch.

19638004? ago

This information is in the court record, it does not matter that Ann Coulter is sharing it, it is the information not the source.

But yes Ann is paid whore.

19637182? ago

The Island Religion? I hear its a Babylon or Baal ammon place, "Synagogue of Satan" ...are they praying to the Masonic Sabbati? Is it the Pyramid Eye or Temple of Lucifer? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3322166/19622679

All of the above.

Merely multiple denominations of the same underlying religion of evil.

19636324? ago

Niggers downvoting the Truth SMH. Coulter is a DS Asset you morons, pay fucking attention to your Grey Hat Double Agents.

19635767? ago

Why is everyone accusing trump of being on board with the pefofilia ?

19635870? ago

LOL, nobody is saying that except fake news, rabbi.

LOL, "everyone's talking about [fake news story]!"

19637972? ago

From a twitter and fake news viewpoint, most responses are "fuck trump the pedofile" but anyone here knows trump was helping police years ago. People unaware see the fake news.

19635573? ago

Don't trust Ann Coulter, she's a fraud.

19635188? ago

Holy fuck. I never thought I'd live to see the day. Ann Coulter spreading some truth without hate. Hallelujah

19635175? ago

Ann Coulter posting about Dershowitz when he's clearly a whistleblower here? What does that make her?

19636838? ago

Doucheowitz didnt do nothing but cover his own ass up.

19648534? ago

Maybe, but his demeanour suggests that he knew what was happening but was not a part of it.

19634700? ago

Wouldn't faze me either. It's just sex.

19635224? ago

it was more than this, it connects to abuse and human trafficking

19635756? ago

LOL, yes, "connects" hate to Jews in general rather than Satanists in particular, right moishe?

19636858? ago

At least the super rich, fake Jews....like Weiner...oh wait...

19634661? ago

That is very interesting. So why would Alan Dershowitz join a 2017 motion brought by filmmaker and author Mike Cernovich to unseal records from a 2015 defamation case brought by Epstein victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. Giuffre says Maxwell helped Epstein traffic herself and other underage girls to sex parties at the billionaire pedophile's many residences. Surely if he was involved he would NOT want sealed documents to be unsealed. But if he was innocent then naturally he would want the evidence (vindicating him) to be seen as he has repeatedly been saying on his twitter account.

19637183? ago

the tweet didnt say he was the one getting the blowjobs.

19635987? ago

Masons & the Jewish Sabbati? Is there a Connection?? https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3321606

19635894? ago

Douche owitz has been talking out both sides of his mouth for years.

19635253? ago

Lawyers for Virginia Giuffre say Cernovich was acting as Dershowitz's proxy as the two have a relationship apart from this case, and that they were seeking limited, one-sided documents that would undo the protective orders upon which the minor victims relied, that they were only seeking to unseal a single filing with 700 exhibits out of 586 docket entries. The protective order was put in place to conceal the identities of the minors who were sexually victimized and some of the specifics of their abuse. Giuffre's lawyers claim that Dershowitz and Cernovich's requests for this limited disclosure are self-serving and that they wish for this information to be released in order to humiliate, harass, and intimidate the victims.

19637936? ago

Well, if most of the info is sealed, then no one knows the truth. So they went for 1 file out of many. They succeeded. Accuse them of whatever, but to bring light to darkness, it has to start somewhere. The info can be redacted with the kids names, but let the light shine upon those guilty of forced prostitution of minors.

19636563? ago

Great info there, Dershowitz was great friends with Epstein, Alan was trying to get out ahead of what is coming against him, fuck him side ways. And Mike Cernovich is nothing but a controlled paytriot. Fucking Israel firtsters fuck them all!

Alan defended Epstein, let's see, we have NXVIM sex traffickers with billionaire Jews hands all over it, funding it, then we have the same billionaire jews hands all over Epstein's sex trafficking. Then some of the same jews have their hands trying to control the release of information in the case. They spin their own self interest and self preservation to the ignorant sheep.

This is was all a Nation State level blackmail and honeypot operation and if you take a step back and look at it, you can see the same Nation State has sent in a cleaning crew. All these people are fucking evil.

19664068? ago

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19638326? ago

Dershowitz was Epsteins Lawyer. That does not make Dershowitz a pedophile too. However there is evidence that Epstein hired detectives to threaten & intimidate witnesses to prevent them testifying. So it comes as no surprise to me that Dershowitz is being 'set up' & smeared at the same time that he is trying to get the sealed documents unsealed. One of the stated conditions to the victims by the FBI was that they would get to have their day in court if the agreed to the plea deal. But this never happened. It seems a lot of people are already very frightened about what might come out. Bill Clinton appointed a lawyer with 24 hours of Epsteins arrest and has issued a statement denying any knowledge about this. The big tell as far as I am concerned is that Dershowitz is now working to have all the documents unsealed. He particularly would know what is in them and far from harassing & intimidating the victims it might just expose how big & wide this operation really was. Epstein's new lawyers have already offered to reveal all the names involved in exchange for a 5 year plea deal. But there may be a softer target to go after Ghislaine Maxwell. I believe Cernovich is now moving on to target the disclosure of all the members of Congress who were protected by secret payments to victims to drop allegations of sexual impropriety. Cernovich's actions here can hardly be called 'self serving' as he is merely doing his job as a journalist and demonstrating that "Sunlight is the best disinfectant"

19635223? ago

see the Leslie "Les" Wexner connection

19634641? ago

I wonder how many filthy kikes will down-vote this post and attempt to protect two monstrous child rapists in an attempt to prevent us from learning the truth?

19636000? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3323474/19635654 Do manifests have to be kept for yachts? He did bring a lot of people over on his yacht, too. Anyone know are they looking into that?

19636422? ago

It's called a log book

19738046? ago

JE Plane flight history. A question for a true Planefag: https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3334055

19635595? ago

You should know, rabbi.

You kikes are the biggest pushers of anti-jew narrative on QRV, to portray the poor little Jews as targeted by bullies.

We know your comms, moishe.

19636778? ago

Coping so hard.

19636120? ago

fuck off you faggot.

19636150? ago

That guy must have triggered you, moishe

19634636? ago

Oy vey!

19637364? ago

Ghislaine Maxwell seems interesting https://voat.co/v/QRV/3322400

19645088? ago

nasty bitch!

19637918? ago

And again a fucking Jew.

19635752? ago

There's ^ the rabbi!

19635028? ago

19634598? ago

https://tweetsave.com/anncoulter/status/1148310522208706560 :

Ann Coulter on Twitter: "Wow. "'Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz was around Epstein frequently,' declares Roberts in the filing. “Dershowitz was so comfortable with the sex that was going on that he would even come and chat with Epstein while I was giving oral sex to Epstein.'”… /PUHQTnU7j9"

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