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19660092? ago

I wonder if there are underwater entrances to the island. It would seem silly when they could just bring children there at night in a boat. But perhaps that is a risk for interception by the Coast Guard. It might be hard to explain why you have a boat full of children.

19664061? ago

Great info there, Dershowitz was great friends with Epstein, Alan was trying to get out ahead of what is coming against him, fuck him side ways. And Mike Cernovich is nothing but a controlled paytriot. Fucking Israel firtsters fuck them all!

Alan defended Epstein, let's see, we have NXVIM sex traffickers with billionaire Jews hands all over it, funding it, then we have the same billionaire jews hands all over Epstein's sex trafficking. Then some of the same jews have their hands trying to control the release of information in the case. They spin their own self interest and self preservation to the ignorant sheep. This is was all a Nation State level blackmail and honeypot operation and if you take a step back and look at it, you can see the same Nation State has sent in a cleaning crew. All these people are fucking evil.