19674974? ago

Remember the movies, with this one. AND then subs took you to bars under sea, real life. Advertising for the rich, yet entrapped. How do you get out if you want to leave? This is exactly why Q says "trust yourself." I used to think it would be cool, but didn't like being STUCK.

19669404? ago

Island of Sin

Epstein, 61, is said to have paid for a submarine to be modified at one point for Professor Stephen Hawking, who had never been underwater before. The Cambridge professor visited Epstein’s “Island of Sin” in March 2006 shortly before the pedophile billionaire was charged by police in Palm Beach with unlawful sexual activity with a minor.


19667831? ago

Stephen Hawking died in the 70's, and replaced with a poor lookalike to continue propaganda.

19667304? ago

Yeah right!

19666451? ago

Yup traffickers use submarines. It's even alluded to in archer where they build a sub in the bottom of a mansion and the pool is modeled after the Biltmore estate child torture/murder pool.

19667855? ago

Yep, I caught that.

19665255? ago

Lol. Whomever was doing his voice was just fucking with Epstein. "Hey Jeff, you know, I always wanted to ride in a submarine," and Hey Jeffry, massage my balls, I am better at physics when you do that."

19664558? ago

TIL Stephen Hawking's tongue still worked oy vey

19665186? ago

Imagine the poor girl who had to blow him. All she'd hear is Hawking slapping his keyboard and a computer voice screaming: oh god oh god don't stop I'm coming.

19667872? ago

Can not unhear.

19664397? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUOAjSL1wKw @ 4.14 he is doing the nasty.

19663990? ago

The submarine that was modified by Epstein for Stephen Hawkins visit was an Atlantis submarine.


Check photos on this blog, same sub as Epstein took Hawkings on. Not sure if any connection or if he owns one but here you go.



19663428? ago

This ties in with the post about Epstein's gf Ghiselle (sp?) Maxwell having a licence to operate a submarine and the post about Wexner's Luxury Yacht possibly having a sub dock in it.

The article also mentions a Japanese Bathhouse. Another anon had posted about Cappy's video showing what appeared to be quite an elegant bathhouse in his final days and was wondering if there was indeed a bathhouse on his island. Also reminds me of "Bathhouse Barry" from his 2008 run that made the rounds back then. That was my first time ever hearing of such a thing. Could this be the actual bathhouse in Cappy's vid?

The island hosts a helipad, a lagoon and cabanas. It also has a library, a Japanese bathhouse and cinema.

I don't have Cappy's video, (saw it back when it was posted, so it's out there) but here is the video another anon had posted which shows parts of Cappy's video.


Can anybody verify any of this?

19662862? ago

Sciencefag here. Was aghast to learn Nobel Prize winner Murray Gell-Mann was guest of Epstein. Among others. Scientist friends and I have always speculated that Nobel Prize was rigged. Also can’t get funding to study anything outside accepted scientific “fact”. Can’t get it published either. DS has hijacked EVERYTHING frens.

19665657? ago

Yup...been rigged a long time. We just didn't know it.

19663980? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3326088/19659862 Claire Bronfman's father if anyone is wondering. She's neck deep in the NXVIM sex trafficking stuff....It's all connected... Jimmy Buffet? and the Masonic gayboys of The Bohemian Grove for some time now

19663923? ago

Nobel prize rigged??? Really? I thought Obama won it because he brought peace to the world by destabilizing the middle east and funding ISIS.

19669481? ago

Well the Peace Prize has always been a joke and politically motivated. Every time they give it to an Israeli I gotta laugh. Gell-Mann won the physics prize. That’s a joke too, is what I’m sayin.

19669001? ago

And look where the norwegian prime-minister at the time, Jens Stoltenberg, ended up: Head of NATO!

Kinda makes you wanna go; Hmmmmm...

19665063? ago

The created a "fraud Nigger" category and gave the first one to O'Bumboy.

19662487? ago

The luxury estate on the Island is often used for conferences held by the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation, which sponsors cutting-edge science and medical research.

Recent conferences have included topics such as gravity, language evolution and global threats to the Earth.

It’s called gravity

19662262? ago

I think they pay Scientist to steer us away from the real Science...Black holes are a joke....Electric Universe

19662424? ago

Black hole was a glazed donut out of focus on a black velvet blanket.

19662143? ago

Someone do a video of Hawking interacting with underage girls with his robot voice please!!!!

19671196? ago

Like that Family Guy scene? https://youtu.be/xUOAjSL1wKw?t=252

19662078? ago

Correct me if im wrong on this but isn't whatever Hawking has supposed to kill him within a few years and here is old as fuck?

Makes me think something fishys going on but then again, I could be way off and instead just a sad conspiracy nut being sceptical to anything and anyone

19665945? ago

A while back I was watching a scientist (who happens to be a Christian, Chuck Missler) giving a study. If I remember right, he also knew Stephen Hawking.

Chuck Missler was making the point that, "Stephen Hawking talked about (xyz science concept) before he died."

I was like WHAT??? Before S. H. died? He had just died a few months ago. This study was videoed something like 25 years ago (I emailed K-house to verify the date of Chuck's vid).

So...clone? S.H. did have an amazing brain.

19662355? ago

yeah, he died around the time he divorced, the story goes (and is dead now, apparently)

19662379? ago

Oh wait he supposed to be dead? Then who's the cunt in the chair being paraded around?

19664663? ago

There is two of them. The one of lately is an imposter. Go dig. It's out there, easy.

19662450? ago

he died little over a year ago, don't think anybody is being paraded lately

19662656? ago

Hah you're right. I completely forgot.

But question somewhat still stands. If Hawking died early on, who's the guy who recently died?

19664155? ago

good question; "an actor" and perhaps, didn't even die. just had to sit still, didn't even need the same disease...

19662306? ago

Can't find the truth in a world so filled with lies.

19661706? ago

No logs. Especially none for the real vips. Everything really secret goes on underwater...

19664677? ago

More secret than BC.. idk.

19661650? ago

There are a ton of tourist subs in the Caribbean. Anyone can go on one. They show you wreckage and reefs mainly.

19661593? ago

hawking is a fraud. what better puppet than one that just sits there and you can speak thru a box... and he just smiles...

space is a lie... what keeps us from the vacuum of space? gravity.... lol.... sure it does...

as the ball spins at 1000 mph... gravity... that thing you overcome slightly with every jump... think merry-go-round... imagine spinning it really fast... what happens...

people have been stupid. can't believe satanists exist... yet believe space does!

19662389? ago

Why a plane traveling opposite of rotation should reach its destination rapidly, a plane flying with rotation would have to fly 1000mph just to stay in the same place. Use your brains people there are many holes in the many lies "they" have taught you from birth. There are no aliens, only demonic beings cast from heaven.

19664234? ago

the air is moving with the planet, dumbass. its not magically immune to gravity. otherwise when you stand still youd be smashing into the stationery air at 1000mph

19664058? ago

the number of problems with ball theory is astounding.

the only demon is the ego, the veil we pulled over our own eyes to play the game.

19662158? ago

Yeah... gravity.

If the earth were to start spinning 1000000 times faster, I'm sure things would start to fly off.

What you're missing is special relativity.

Are you one of those flat earth people?

19664211? ago

If the earth were to start spinning 1000000 times faster, I'm sure things would start to fly off.

pulls number from hat

What you're missing is special relativity.

nobody thinks this is why we don't fly off the earth. space and time talk makes no sense here.

Are you one of those flat earth people?

nice tone. one of those people... lol.

attempt to assassinate character. no attempt to discuss facts.

19663750? ago

special relativity. .. lol.. not saying it's a joke but seems likely.. like so many errors to be found in proported science of the modern age.

70% failure in attempts to reproduce science you base your life on.

19662348? ago

neatly categorize people into media-approved labels, do you?

19661690? ago

yeah, and -- thank God we never converted to the metric system!

it would have hidden one of their numerological tells: the Earth zooms around the sun at 66,600 mph! often rounded up to 67k, but, it would not be a satanic numerology reference once multiplied by 10/6 -- then it'd be 111,000 kph.

i get a lot of shit for discussing "level water" (Earth has hills and valleys, kek) -- it's good to find like minds

19662924? ago

oh, look. the christ cucks are trying to science again. bless their little hearts.

19661869? ago

it is rather amusing to point t things out about ball earth theory that make no sense... level water being a great one... I always think of the Suez Canal... 100 miles as the crow flies and absolutely level the whole way.

19662212? ago

yep, and the Bedford Level experiments, done more than a century ago and repeated a couple years ago, with a canal that's six miles straight at one point, and in neither experiment were they able to detect a curve.

19661773? ago

Water level?

School me, I’m curious

19662251? ago

that was someone else answering, so i figured i'd add: what i meant was "i get a lot of shit for discussing flat Earth", so i changed it to "level water" instead because i agree with them -- the Earth is not flat because it has hills and valleys! :)

everywhere you look, water is level; it never curves. if we're on a ball, it will have to curve at some point. but, it's always, always level when at rest, you can make a straight-edge out of it.

19661828? ago

What is water level when the earth is round?

19662130? ago


19661937? ago

Yeah. I’m stumped

So what do you believe we are on?

19662296? ago

we're "on" Earth.

what's Earth on? God knows.

we're "trapped" -- there's a firmament above us; we can't go more than 10 miles down without our equipment melting; and there's ice at the edges (antarctica). possibly other realms across the ice, but Scripture doesn't describe them so who knows.

i believe Scripture to be the Word of God due to the heptadic structure contained within (see dr. chuck missler's sharing of dr. ivan panin's research).

19661514? ago

What is with all the Epstein obsession? It is well known he is a Pedo.

19661270? ago

Imagine how MK-split a kids mind would be after having to perform sexual favors for Hawking. Assuming that’s what he was there for.

19661839? ago

On a submarine no less.

19661246? ago

I wonder if it was equipped with weaponry?

Say, to take out a plane or something....

19660800? ago

I've been in a private submarine. Anybody can take a tour in the Caribbean and see underwater artifacts. Probably big enough for 20 or so people. This would be so easy to maneuver around. You can easily surface in a private boat dock and nobody would see it if there were structures around it. If tour operators can afford them, a billionaire certainly could.

19663927? ago

Hawking had an illness which normally kills in 2-3 yrs and yet he lived so long

19661666? ago

Just posted basically the same. I've been on one in Barbados ( or maybe it was Aruba), one of the islands. They have tour companies.

19660092? ago

I wonder if there are underwater entrances to the island. It would seem silly when they could just bring children there at night in a boat. But perhaps that is a risk for interception by the Coast Guard. It might be hard to explain why you have a boat full of children.

19664061? ago

Great info there, Dershowitz was great friends with Epstein, Alan was trying to get out ahead of what is coming against him, fuck him side ways. And Mike Cernovich is nothing but a controlled paytriot. Fucking Israel firtsters fuck them all!

Alan defended Epstein, let's see, we have NXVIM sex traffickers with billionaire Jews hands all over it, funding it, then we have the same billionaire jews hands all over Epstein's sex trafficking. Then some of the same jews have their hands trying to control the release of information in the case. They spin their own self interest and self preservation to the ignorant sheep. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3323422/19636563 This is was all a Nation State level blackmail and honeypot operation and if you take a step back and look at it, you can see the same Nation State has sent in a cleaning crew. All these people are fucking evil.

19665642? ago

Uh...wow. Not sure why I am surprised but I am.

19662654? ago


19660201? ago