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19633356? ago




  • On July 7th, 2019, at 21:53:24 EST, an anon makes a voat post titled: "Hi Evil. I'm Back. Get off of MY PLANET. You Have 10 Days To Comply With My Order."

This post gained a lot of attention, with many people in the comments threatening to report the OP to authorities. The post itself was a warning about what is to take place on July 17th.

  • On July 8th, 2019, at 1:11:43 AM EST, the post was deleted by the author.

  • On July 8th, 2019, at 18:11:43 EST, Q returned with post 3355:


Welcome back Q

So good to see you

Are you returning publicly again now


The time has come to re_enter the public domain.


Sound familiar? Q's post was made EXACTLY 17 hours after the deletion of the voat post.


Negative groups with advanced occult knowledge of the natural world have been at work for a very long time. For example:

At the end of the first 2442 digits of Pi, "666" occurs for the very first time in Pi. The numbers 2442 and 666 represent evil. 2442 - 666 = 1776.

2442 is an inversion of 2424, the number of Jesus, which occurs for the very first time in Pi at the end of the first 1111 digits.

G2424: Ἰησοῦς - Iēsous

I. Jesus = "Jehovah is salvation"

The first 2446 (1223 * 2) digits of Pi end in the digits 667278. 667 + 278 + 278 = 1223. 1223 is perfect because it is the 200th prime number. The numbers 1223 and 2446 also represent good, and are numbers used by the forces of light.

There is a community of Christians/Catholics on YouTube who have been receiving prophetic dreams and visions regarding the rapture/harvest.

Genevieve Brazel, a resident of Sydney Australia, claims she heard a voice while fully awake at 7:24 PM, Thursday, June 27th:

A Kingsman redeemer is coming to get you on the seventeenth of July

While I was researching this, at either 2:25 or 2:26 PM on Sunday, June 30th, 2019, I saw a bright flash of light in my living room. I had no idea what it was. I actually wondered if The Event was about to happen. I looked out the window to investigate, but I couldn't understand why I perceived that bright flash of light.

To investigate this subject, we will use the lexicon in Strong's Bible Concordance. How are words numbered in Strong's Lexicon?

The Strong's Concordance takes the original Hebrew/Greek words of the Bible, and puts them in alphabetical order. Only root words are included.

Let's lookup those numbers in Strong's Greek Lexicon:

G225: ἀλήθεια - alētheia

I. objectively

A. what is true in any matter under consideration

G226: ἀληθεύω - alētheuō

I. to speak or tell the truth

Was this a sign that the material I was researching was in fact true?

Here are some relevant tools and sources of information:

In Christian theology, Jesus is sometimes referred to as a Redeemer.

Greek word for "Jesus":


Ι   Iota    10
η   Eta     8
σ   Sigma   200
ο   Omicron 70
υ   Upsilon 400
σ   Sigma   200

Equals 888

Her message:

A Kingsman redeemer is coming to get you on the seventeenth of July

(55 letters, 13 words)


English Ordinal    Full Reduction    Reverse Ordinal    Reverse Full Reduction
667                262               818                278
1                  1                 8                  8

Combined values: 2025

What is 667 in Strong's Greek Lexicon?

G667: ἀPiοφέρω - apopherō

I. to carry off or bring away

Rev 17:3 - Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit...

  • "Kingsman" itself adds up to 88.
  • The first occurence of 667 in Pi is directly followed by 278.
  • The 262nd prime number is 1667.
  • 667 + 262 = 929, the number of chapters in the Old Testament
  • The first 5 digits of pi are 14159, the 1667th prime number. The first occurrence of 1667 in pi is preceded by the three digits 555.

Every gematria value easily relates to 223, 556 or 1223.

  • 667 + 556 = 1223
  • 818 - 262 = 556
  • 278 * 2 = 556
  • 278 - 55 = 223

Chinese national, Zu Chongzhi used a 24576 sided polygon to estimate Pi as being between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927. Zu proposed a fractional estimate of 355/113 which has become known as Zu's Ratio. It is now known that this is the most accurate fractional approximation of Pi possible using a denominator less than 16604.

  • The (55 letters, 13 words) of her message are a reference to the 355/113 fraction.
  • 24576 = 110000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)
  • The totient of 24576 = 10000000000000 in binary (13 zeroes)

The Bible is filled with references to Pi

If you sum every digit of Pi before the Feynman point ("999999" sequence), you come up with the number 3375.

3375 is the 15th cube number (15 * 15 * 15).

Revelation 21:16 King James Version (KJV)

And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

The city is a cube, and the length of each side measures 12,000 furlongs. Convert furlongs to miles and you get exactly 1,500 miles.

1500 cubed is 3375000000.

2446 + 929 = 3375

Genevieve claims her daughter received a message on May 20th, 2019:

The light of me will soon shine in all eyes. Bright as the sun when I come from above. Then you will be with me eternally. Together forever.


The light of me will soon shine in all eyes. Bright as the sun when I come from above. Then you will be with me eternally. Together forever.

(109 letters, 28 words)


English Ordinal    Full Reduction    Reverse Ordinal    Reverse Full Reduction
1315               550               1628               557
1                  1                 8                  8

Combined values: 4050
  • This message has a combined value of exactly double the previous message we examined.
  • The first occurence of 1315 in Pi is followed by 557. The sequence looks like "13151557".

Genevieve claims she was woken up by a thunderous and loud voice:

You will be with me by then Genevieve. By July the twenty seventh you will be with me.


You will be with me by then Genevieve. By July the twenty seventh you will be with me.

(67 letters, 18 words)


English Ordinal    Full Reduction    Reverse Ordinal    Reverse Full Reduction
900                324               909                324
9                  9                 9                  9

Combined values: 2457

Let's view the properties of each number.

  • 2457 represents the famous 24576 sided polygon.
  • 24576 / 2457 = 10.002442002442 (002442 repeats continuously)
  • Totient of 2457 in Duodecimal is 900

The meaning of this message is that she will escape the evil of 2442 which we will expound upon in the next section...

19633362? ago


On June 13th, 2019, at 4:10:26 PM, POTUS tweeted (tweet #6334):

After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House at the end of the month and going home to the Great State of Arkansas....

(123 letters, 31 words)


English Ordinal    Full Reduction    Reverse Ordinal    Reverse Full Reduction
1380               561               1953               666
3                  3                 9                  9

Combined values: 4560

Bonus tidbit: 1380 + 1953 = 3333

This tweet references these Bible verses:

Revelation 12:6 New International Version (NIV)

The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.

Revelation 12:14 New International Version (NIV)

The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach.

Time, times and half a time, represents 1 + 2 + 0.5 = 3.5, and 3.5 multiplied by the 360 day prophetic year = 1260 days.

This tweet is a warning that the 1260 days is about to begin.

The 123 letters of this tweet represents:

Revelation 12:3 New International Version (NIV)

Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.

The word "sign" in Revelation 12:3 is sēmeion (σημεῖον) "of signs portending remarkable events soon to happen", and is used 77 times in the New Testament.

This tweet is telling us that 77 days after the date of this tweet is the first day of the 1260 days.

This dragon is Pindar, and the 31 words of the tweet is a reference to:

H5175: nachash - נָחָשׁ

I. serpent, snake

This word is used 31 times in the Old Testament, first occuring:

Genesis 3:1 New International Version (NIV)

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made...

The word pheugō (φεύγω) "to flee away, seek safety by flight", is also used 31 times in the New Testament.

The 666 gematria value of the tweet represents the number of the beast in Revelation.

The Lost Codices of Pakal:

After these 22 cycles each of 52 years, then another prophetic round of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells will be open, but this time each cycle will last only 360 days for the total of 7,920 days, then it will come the time of 40 days and 40 nights for the time redemption, you will be tested, and then after all of this again for another 1,260 days, then you will need to redeem yourself for another period of only 60 days, if you keep yourself faithful to the divine time, then you will have the opportunity to see the end of the cycle. Learn from my knowledge brothers and sisters, find the truth behind the voice of my spirit, because I am Pakal son of Kan Bahlum Mo and Queen Sak Kuk, I proclaim myself to be the messenger of the time cycles, and remember that all my numbers are secret for those who can understand it. Once that I had gone you will see clear signs and you will be tested, so learn of my knowledge and be one with the eternal light that lies within us.

Timeline of Events

  • Timeline of events

  • In Biblical eschatology, a Prophetic Year is a length of 360 days, and so is the "tun" unit in the Mayan calendar.

  • I was born November 11th, 1997.

  • There are 7918 days from November 11th, 1997, to July 17th, 2019.

  • The diameter of the Earth is 7918 miles.

  • The first occurence of 7918 in Pi is followed by 358. The sequence looks like "79185358"

  • There are 21 sets of 360 day years, plus 358 days, 7918 days total, from November 11th, 1997, to July 17th, 2019.

  • 358 can be thought of as 158 and 200. 158th prime = 929, 200th prime = 1223. 1223 + 1223 + 929 = 3375, the dimensions of the city in Revelation.

  • February 9th, 2019, I received a dream of a rapture type Event.

  • There are 158 days from February 9th, 2019, to July 17th, 2019.

  • The 158th prime number is 929, the number of chapters in the Old Testament.

  • The length of time between 11/11/1997 and 7/19/2019 is exactly 7920 days, exactly 22 sets of the 360 day year.

  • 22 is the Number of Revelation, and there are 22 chapters in the book of Revelation.

  • Brazilian medium Chico Xavier prophecied that if we could reach July 20th, 2019, without starting a third world war, we would be ready to enter a new era, and our brothers from other planets would be expressly authorized to present themselves publicly and officially to the inhabitants of Earth.

  • December 21st, 2012, marked the end of the thirteenth Baktun cycle on the Mayan calendar. 2442 days after that date is August 29th, 2019, the first day of the 1,260 days.

H2442: chakah - חָכָה

I. to wait, wait for, await

  • The first day of the 1260 days is 77 days after Trump's Revelation tweet.

  • 24576 / 2457 = 10.002442002442 (002442 repeats continuously)

  • The gematria of the 6th word of Genesis 1:1 is 407 (View original Hebrew here). 407 * 6 = 2442

  • The gematria value of this word is 33. 74 represents darkness in the Bible. 33 * 74 = 2442

  • The gematria value of "Lucifer" is 74. The first two values of the letters 'L' and 'u' are 12 and 21 respectively. Reflections of eachother. 1221 * 2 (the first two characters of the name) = 2442. "Lu" adds up to 33.

  • Once again, 33 * 74 = 2442.

We are ascending to the 4th density

16.50 ▶ Questioner: Thank you. Is it possible for you to give a small description of the conditions [in] fourth density?

Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to consider as we speak that there are no words for positively describing fourth density. We can only explain what is not and approximate what is. Beyond fourth density our ability grows more limited still until we become without words.

That which fourth density is not: it is not of words, unless chosen. It is not of heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities. It is not of disharmony within self. It is not of disharmony within peoples. It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way.

Approximations of positive statements: it is a plane of a type of bipedal vehicle which is much denser and more full of life; it is a plane wherein one is aware of the thoughts of other-selves; it is a plane where one is aware of the vibrations of other-selves; it is a plane of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density; it is a plane striving towards wisdom or light; it is a plane wherein individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.

19640863? ago

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