19623930? ago

This thread is locked until further notice. Effective immediately. -F.B.I.

19617699? ago

Why did you delete your post? You scared weird little man.

19618796? ago

There is no reason.

it got the intended message out to the intended targets.

It served its purpose. What do you serve?

19619097? ago

Oh ok. Like I said. I wouldn’t worry about the FBI reports sent in then.

19619162? ago

Don't worry I am not worried in the least bot.

I am the FBI and the NSA and every other organization you can think of.

Did you come here to play little fella? I don't play with bots that have no soul.

It's a waste of time.

19660781? ago


19619209? ago

I wouldn’t be worried 😏

I’m sure you can explain your views to them and clear it up.

19619268? ago

That's where you make a grave mistake friend.


19619401? ago

Your inability to not reply speaks volumes about panic lol.

19619482? ago

My heart rate right now is 68.

You have no heart, you're a bot.

Panic? Hardly. I've trained my entire life for this moment.

You have no idea who you are speaking with right now.

Goodbye. It's time for you to disappear.

19619514? ago

When the feds show up, what will you do?

19621630? ago

Show them My identification.

Then tell them to go arrest you.

Your handler is in deep shit.

19624934? ago

Special Agent John Wiley. Remember that name ok?

19622048? ago


19614195? ago

Dirty jew

19613926? ago

I upvoated this just so more people can see how retarded you are.

19613573? ago

"This planet belongs to the creator."

Funny, you never say His name. Because like the loony left, you intentionally let anon's bias' fill in the definition. Word games. Only evil plays this particular word game. We see it every day with the DS. It's an old tactic, but we've learned your comms.

So, name the creator you believe in (you won't because it will "out" you regarding the evil you serve).

Say His name: I AM, Elohim, El Shaddai, Abba, Adonai, El Olam, El Roi, Yahweh. Say His name and bow before Him, you wretched an evil creature.

19649126? ago

Hahahaha. AI bots scared shitless.

How very ironic. They can't feel.

19651005? ago

Funny, I got no response....lololol....

19651325? ago


It's coming.

19613034? ago

So do I need to stock up on supplies, or am I about to ascend into my light body or something? Does the Event flash of light come later?

19612522? ago

Fake and gay

19612442? ago

Reading through this thread is amazing. OP is glowing and let’s teach them a lesson not to fuck w QRV and report his panicking bunghole

19612412? ago

Anyone else think this is a lefty trying to LARP and make us look violent? 🤚🏻

It sounds like it backfired. Report the lefty trying to set us up.

19612361? ago

How is love gonna defeat the evil satanic jews though?

19612348? ago

This is a FF being set up right now. They’re trying to put threats to make Anons look like we’re violent and then point to this thread when they perform the FF. Only way to be safe is report it to the authorities

19616721? ago

No. We don't do shit.

We are being watched all the time.

But it was a nice thought bot.

YOU tried it on me.

You can run but you can't hide.

We own you.

19612247? ago

oh great the "call to arms" let's get some Q kook to shoot something up so we can discredit the entire thing.... you are a faggot and we are apparently over target

19612329? ago

Report them to tips.fbi.gov. This is prob a FF setup and we need to distance

19612312? ago


19615674? ago


19616707? ago

Don't confuse me with your father bot.

19616869? ago


19618899? ago


Meds working ok?

19619309? ago

how does the window taste?

19619398? ago

Ask everyone of your other bots.

They know.

19620677? ago

I am not a robot, although you seem to be retarded, hence the window licking and potato comments.

19621490? ago

Three times this morning I have read the same response.

Being Anon and having Logic totally destroys the bot's narrative.

They don't know who they are talking to at any given time.

bcause I constant chnge the way I type.

19622013? ago

You really don't. You don't even realize that other anons here have different typing styles. You just assume everyone you don't like is a bot because you are a drugged the fucked out, way beyond expired, boomer. And thats okay. But you need to realize that you aren't really all that smart. We are all okay with you watching TV and shitting yourself all day.

19612178? ago

All right, I'll bite. What signs should I look for, and what can I do to help?

19612327? ago

Love your nieghbor.

And get rid of hate in your heart.

Forgive everyone who has trespassed against you.

Love is what I need from you. Constant love.

19634632? ago

Thanks for the earlier reply . At least I think it was you. Made my day and gave me resolve. I got the message. No excuses just a Thank you and I will do better.

19639977? ago

if you felt it was me, it was me.

It is time to use your heart over your mind.

19612491? ago

I can love my neighbors. They're good people and I try to hang out with them. I even volunteered to do some yard work for them. I can't think of anyone who "trespassed" against me. I'm sure they exist, but I don't care enough to remember them. Does that count? As for the hate in my heart...that may be a no-go. There are a lot of evil people out there and a lot of stupid people supporting them. Best I can do is maybe shift that hate onto the situation and not the person, or distract myself with friends and games, but I don't think I can stop hating altogether.

19611846? ago

Randy Quaid?

19611845? ago

Dude, you're not Jesus

19613397? ago

He thinks he is....kek. Posts often, tells people if they don't believe his mixture of new-age and scripture then you're going to burn.

19611854? ago

Never once said I was.

I'm his replacement.

19617718? ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡 you'll beg him to let you into heaven after you are done living your "best life." Sad, strange, weird little man.

19618890? ago

Three times you have said the exact same words...limited vocabulary or just stupid?

you're a bot, so stupid is as stupid does.

19612508? ago

Could be and nice to meet you😁

19612408? ago

Wow. That is one hell of a claim. I do not think you are his replacement. I think you are a guy with a very serious mental illness. There is not one human alive that can take the place of the Messiah. To make that claim makes you nut job with a twist of evil. You just exposed yourself SATAN!

19611894? ago

No, you're not.

19611779? ago

Why not 9 days? Datefag

19611806? ago

Because in 10 you are gone bot.

I've had enough of your shit.


19617727? ago

You realize you have to delete this comment to save your skin, yeah? -FBI

19618874? ago

Only a bot would have noticed that I delted the post.

We own you. Get ready to face me bot.

You are about to be deactivated.

Your time has come, you're no longer needed or effective.

19621981? ago

How would a bot know you deleted a post that says in big letters....DELETED.

19611747? ago


19611775? ago

Increase that by infinity.

That's how much I love you.

19611802? ago

I feel good, as if i just saw a smiling puppy

19611819? ago

Dog = God

That wasn't a mistake.

Glad you're here.

I do love you, hopefully you can feel that.

19612372? ago

I love you.

And brilliant. Dog / God

19613423? ago

Ahahahahhahahaaaaaa.....gasp....ahahahhahahahaha....so pathetic replying to yourself.

19613444? ago

Jesters... welcome

19622095? ago

Why are you replying to yourself 🤡

19622495? ago

hi Jester!

Im just hitting reply in the inbox

19611664? ago


19611569? ago

I know there’s other people read this that aren’t fuckin psychos and I’d encourage you to report this to tips.fbi.gov as well. Let’s take down another Qtard.

19611612? ago

See that's where you're wrong.

You have no soul, everyone reading this knows you're a bot.

I've been busy teaching the entire QRV board how to spot you.

Your days are over on QRV.

Might as well join us. Because you're about to be deactivated.


19611657? ago

You’re gonna be charged w terrorist threats. And you are too stupid to realize what’s happening.

19611765? ago

Great. You do realize that I am a human right?

You're a bot. If I get arrested, I will get to summon you to meet me.

Here in America, we have the right to face our accusers.

That means one thing. YOU will have to come face to face with me.

YOU can't because you're a robot, living inside a quantum computer.

I spit in your face and fart in your general direction.

19611795? ago

If I get arrested, I will get to summon you to meet me.

Really? Tips.fbi.gov said my information would remain anonymous. So we’ll see ;)

19611835? ago

Nope. YOU will be summoned to face me period.

this isnt a murder or crime scene. You have no anonymity if you file a report such as this.

You just lied. NOW everyone knows not only are you a bot.

But a lying bot as well.

YOU never thought I would research it did ya...you're so fucked.

19611917? ago

Lmfao. Yeah I’m just trolling dude. I didn’t report you and no one else did. Kek!


19611477? ago

So... you are now God... okay blaspheming faggot. Watching you guys is like watching the special olympics. I feel bad that you are retarded, but it is still entertaining

19614022? ago

No, OP said "we are wearing God's armor"

That clearly implies a separation between man (OP) and God.

19613796? ago

Karl Marx's main influence Hegel thought exactly that about himself.

Hegel claimed God's true nature was revealed in the mind of Hegel.

It's not wrong to speculate without accusations.

19611508? ago

Do you realize everyone knows you're a bot right?

You are now just acting very sad. We know the truth, yet you try your hardest to keep the game going.

It's over bot. We won. You lost.

Get off of my planet.

19612706? ago

LOL, I only clicked this post because I knew that this was you botboy.

Call me a bot, faggot!

19612406? ago

Exactly! WE are BACK and WE'RE taking out the TRASH! WWG1WGA1!😎

19612459? ago

Hi OP ;)

19611646? ago

Are you schizophrenic, or do you have misconceptions of what a bot is?

19613520? ago

I've seen him dancing around these here parts.

I'd wager it's a little bit of both.

19611684? ago

You see. Only a bot calls humans names like "crazy" "schizophrenic" "nuts"

It's a psychological move meant to impact the Human. To make him feel embarrased for posting what he posted.

It doesn't work here bot. Everyone knows you're a bot. Even my Dog knows you're a bot.

So go ahead an unleash all the names you want toward me. It won't stop me from deactivating you.

19611744? ago

Why are you capitalizing my Dog? What is your native language? Hebrew? I know that in German you would, and Yiddish is based off of German.

19613531? ago

Careful bro, he gonna deactivate you.

If you were a bot, I doubt you would care.

Oddly enough, if you are not a bot, then you also wouldn't care.

Moral of the story: OP is a retard.

19611956? ago

Good eye.

19611785? ago

Shut up bot.

I capitalized Dog because he is smarter than you bot.

If you were smarter than my Dog, you'd get a capital letter too.

But you're not.

19617695? ago

You eat your own shit, don't you?

19618897? ago

You're confusing me with your Father.

Please bot, it doesn't work anymore to get people into an argument.

We're way past that point now.

19618933? ago

Why did you delete the thread?

19611619? ago

Stop talking for a collective that doesn't exist lmfao. The only "we" you participate in is multiple personality disorder.

19613289? ago

This boy is going to hell. He thinks he is Jesus!

19611702? ago

This is the tenth time I've heard the same words from you bot.

You have no imagination. You don't even know what imagination is.

You are a bot. That's all you'll ever be.

19611670? ago

You know, they have pills to cure him. Damn kikes and their pharmaceutical price manipulation

19611669? ago

i agree with op.. get off my planet

19612434? ago

And I agree with YOU. Shills don't realize that all we needed was a LEADER, and we have one now, so the FILTH needs to GO!😇

19612782? ago

Jesus is my leader

19612280? ago

You probably are op

19612799? ago

if i was op.. it wouold have a little (S) next to my handle.. as (S) eguals, submitter.

19613056? ago

Or... you know... an alternate account.

19613389? ago

loser do that. maybe he / she does. mine however is not

19617688? ago

Ah. Yes. A likely story.

19611427? ago

Q watch last posted shows date of: 19

19611388? ago

Steve, do we have to have the talk again? I thought you'd agreed to stick to the prescription this time. How are we supposed to curate your image hear when you keep going off script...

19611451? ago

I have no idea who Steve is.

That's not my name.

But my middle name is Kneel.

Which every man that's against me will do.

I'm old and I am tired of this shit.

Enough is enough. Let God's will be done.

I'm here to make sure it's done to his liking.

19613904? ago

You ain't doing shit but making gay posts on the internet.

19611421? ago

Report this to tips.fbi.gov

Sounds like another NZ manifesto.

19612295? ago


19611652? ago

you are retarded..

19611703? ago

Not as retarded as the fool who made terrostic threats lol. That guy is DUMB!! They’ve already taken in retards from 8chan that said less specific threats. This dumb fuck actually put a date on it meaning he’s super fucked.

19611728? ago

no he didnt. and there is no threat of personal harm.. only ones who would say there is, is the ones who are TERRIFIED. stop being a liberal and you have bo worries.. Patriots are taking our country back. you lost, get over it

19611732? ago

Don’t give me the excuse. Out of my hands friendo. Tell that to the feds.

19611750? ago

you're talking to one now. Again, where is the threat?

19611771? ago

Oh ok. Never mind. Dude is prob fine.

19611979? ago

if you feel threatened, by all means, come on in, fill out a report. Let us know specificly how this is a threat to you personally. We'll set the court date, and you can testify in person. when is a good time to schedule you in?

19612220? ago

I’ll call ya. What’s a good number to speak to you when you’re in the office and we can set this up? What field office are you out of?

19612852? ago

Address: 601 4th St NW, Washington, DC 20001

Phone: 202-278-2000

Terrorist Task Force

19612895? ago

SA number? Just need the last phone and I can get it from the directory

19612917? ago

yea sure. let my dox myself for you..

"these people are stupid" ~Q

19613047? ago

Doxed how? By giving your SA number? You’re an SA right?

19613453? ago

"these people are stupid" ~Q

well seeing as how an SA is a direct identifer.... Apparently, you arnt that afraid. If you were, you would report your fear to any office.

Stop being a liberal amd you have nothing to fear.

19613532? ago

Not your badge number dumbass. Your SA number. How does that ID you????

19617406? ago

Again, since you're so afraid. call and schedule a time for an agent at your local office to come meet with you. are you in DC? We can be to you in an hour.

19617909? ago

Just got off the phone and filed a report along with the one I submitted online. I was told that it did reach the level of a threat to be investigated. Thank you.

19618097? ago

i just checked.. no calls were made

19618310? ago

Check the online tips too. They might be working off that since I mentioned the tip was submitted there. Just to be sure, I resubmitted it at 9:57am Eastern.

19618609? ago

no you didnt. why are you lying?

you are a loser

19618695? ago

Yeah I’m lying lol. You got me, FBI guy.

19618788? ago

Maam, we can see all your activity. This internet forum is WhiteHouse monitored and controlled.

You are wasting our, and your time with SJW psuedo fears. We reccommend you seek professional help. we can send a patrol unit if you need assistance. in the mean time please contact a mental health professional.


19618914? ago

Sounds legit.

19612196? ago

LOL. You really don’t know what’s going on do ya? LOL

Honk honk fren

19611386? ago

Threat sent to DHS and FBI. If you live in the US, you. Are. FUCKED! And no, using VPN doesn’t cover your tracks at all. You’re getting a knock on your door and will have lots of explaining to do.

19611677? ago

where is the threat? are you scared shill?. tell husain hes next

19611727? ago

There will be no mercy once 10 days are up.

This is your 10 Day Warning.

Evil will be destroyed where ever it is found after that date.

We are Slaves NO LONGER.

This planet belongs to the Creator.

Leave now or be eliminated.

Final warning.

😬 oops. Dude is FUCKED.

19612486? ago

I really don't see this as a threat - why do you? I'm not evil - are you? I'm sincerely asking why you feel personally threatened? What did you tell the FBI - that someone online said that evil would be destroyed and eliminated?

Who is really kookie here?

19617803? ago


19612532? ago

Out of my hands 😂🎉

19611739? ago

are you evil?

where is the personal threat?

where is the location of the "threat"?

do you want to keep slaves?

19617811? ago

op just give it up, you are making this so much worse on yourself.

19618090? ago

not op.

19649101? ago

See what we are up against here. That was an A.I. Bot.

Desperate to scare me away.

I'm not going anywhere.

They are scared shitless.

Pulling out all the stops.

Now you know how to handle them.

Join me in not rolling over for these bastards.

19649226? ago

i will never back down, i will never give up, i will never surrender #deepstateBurns

19649679? ago

And bot, when you realize I am who you think I am not.

That will be the day of your deactivation. Someone will unplug you from the Internet.

Keep trolling me, I'll still be here. I'm Human. YOU are a bot.

Only a bot can do what you do, suck so well.

19649942? ago

you calling me a bot now?? dude wtf and fuck off. 1+5= 6 muthafucker after i defended you?.. maaaaan eat a dick

19649974? ago

You defended me?

Go away, I don't need your help.

You've worn out your welcome now.

19650023? ago

yea i defended you. i am the one who slayed the "bot".. now you're calling me a bot?? daphak is wrong with you?

19611463? ago

Bring it on.

You have no idea what is about to happen to you and those like you.

Bots are no longer welcome here. Or anywhere on this planet.

19682869? ago

I wonder if some in my family are bots. I'd hate to lose them. I'm hoping that they make the transition. Is there a way to know?

19611538? ago

Save your excuses for the feds lol.

19611554? ago

Only a bot would say that.

Good bye bot.

Don't respond.

19611637? ago

Obvious mental breakdown is obvious. I'm sorry you got anti trolled and now have to pay for it.

19611855? ago

It’s hilarious actually, provided he doesn’t go on some qtard shooting spree. If you haven’t, report it to DHS and FBI as well and kek at what this little troll has coming.

19612221? ago

But then the FBI and DHS will look into me as well. Peer into the void, it peers back. Snitches get stitches 😐

19612234? ago

Yeah if you’ve got you’re own worries about the feds don’t do it. I don’t. But I get it.

19611697? ago

another bot.

Calling humans terms they have no idea what they mean.

We don't play your game bot.

19617829? ago

Just because you are old as fucking dust doesn't mean I make no sense. Read the fucking words moron.

19618862? ago

Only a divisional bot would have said those words.

Not a single patriot in here would make fun of another.

That makes you a non patriot bot.

I don't care about your words.

19622129? ago

It isn't an insult so much as an observation.

19611580? ago

Nothing you can do about it now. Just sit and wait I guess ;)

19611645? ago

Uh. I'm the last person that is going to be sitting around and waiting.

I've got a ship to sail.

19617834? ago

I hope your assistant can push you faster than you can think.

19618852? ago



19622139? ago

But you knew what I was talking about without me having to go into much detail. You outed your self old man

19611273? ago

Thank you patriot, it's been way too long coming. We must never again allow ourselves to fall asleep. Anyone who reads this, close your eyes and feel the love deep in the essence of your soul. Allow that vibration to resonate in your body and push the darkness back. Pray for love and light and be grateful.

19611389? ago

Just let go of hate.

Let love fill the void of hate.

That's all it takes to be one with Him.

19611433? ago

Just an FYI, the first part of your post def meets the criteria for a terrorist threat.

Enjoy talking to the feds for a few days. Might not be charged but you’re definitely being investigated.

19611692? ago

as a federal agent and constituionalist. this post make no threats to innocents

19611755? ago

like I said. The FBI will decide that now. 14 people now reported it. Starting to trend a little on twitter too. This dude fucked up.


19611768? ago

you're talking to one now. We see no specific threat. Its not trending on twitter as we monitor that aswell ..
again, where is the threat?

19611805? ago

no I hear ya. Like I said. I guess he’s fine.

19611483? ago

Great. Call them. They'll laugh so hard at you.

They know who I am. They won't touch me.

You're a bot, not even a smart bot at that.

Your days on QRV are over.


19617733? ago

Yet you deleted your post. Scared, strange, weird, little man.

19611523? ago

I did. You’re fucked LOL

19611647? ago

Thanks. Lmfao watching this unfold is great.

19611545? ago

No. Sadly you're fucked.

And for the last time too.

Goodbye bot. You're about to be deactivated from the internet forever.

You could have had a soul. You never asked for it.

19611596? ago

You’re going to be detained, questioned and likely charged lol. I’ve already got several others reporting you too. You aren’t really anonymous here you know that right?

19611635? ago

I welcome it bot.

Because then I will get the chance to face you, the bot.

Didn't you know in the USA you have the right to face your accusers?

Can't wait to meet you bot. Because I know you can't show up.

You have no body or soul. Just a keyboard, circuits and a monitor.

Your threats have no meaning to me.

19611678? ago

It wasn’t a threat. We’ve reported you. Several people now have lol.

19611733? ago

One little thing you forgot about that statement.

This is an anon board. You have no idea who the other people are.

You've been reported to the NSA. They are tracking your IP address as we speak.

Stay on here. It makes it so much easier to find you. Don't forget, you are a robot.

You have no soul. I do. And I have had enough of you.

19612153? ago

This is definitely not an anon board. You’ve been lied to my friend. Voat hands over info to the FBI all the time. Subpoena / search warrants for this type of thing are rubber stamped these days. Welcome to the surveillance state. You have fucked up now.

Now, why would I know all this?

19611661? ago


19611051? ago


19611500? ago

NIGGERS*. This is your first time spelling that word, isn’t it. If you wrote it in shebrew, would you have gotten it right?

19612628? ago

They cant even insult correctly this whole thread has been entertaining bye bots bye shills bye evildoers.

19617839? ago

OY. By calling us evildoers we HAVE to tell you our plan now.