19627033? ago

Squeeze him hard enough and he'll give up every name in the NYC phone book. The only thing he can bargain for now is how he will die. I'm hoping for general population in the toughest prison in NY. He'll last about as long as a snowball in the hubs of hell.

19625268? ago

Jeff, honey, you are now a slaver. Trump's EO says everything you own is now the government's. What do you know you haven't documented for blackmail somewhere? Nothing? It sucks to be you right now.

19624485? ago

This is amazing. God bless Donald Trump for his work thus far on dismantling one of the most evil organizations on the planet.

19635609? ago

See names? Many names....Michael Liffman California real estate, Chris Tucker, Nada Marcinkova, Ryan Dionne, Eva Andersson? GeraldineLaybourne Nickelodeon, Gwendolyn Beck, Peter Marino Leather guy? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3323474

19644979? ago

19624466? ago

I'll believe it when I see it. That guy will be dead in 5 minutes if he gives up any big names.

19623963? ago

Chapo is probably in negotiations with the Dems to take him out. Why else would you put him there. Otherwise put them next to each other and tape the cells.

19623546? ago

I predict he will give the lawyers minnows while protecting the most (((powerful and rich))).

19623494? ago

Jew York will give Epstein a deal, and he will name Trump not Clinton. This is smelling more like a setup every day. The state of Jew York was already trying to get to Trump, and they think they have found a way to reach their goals.

19623045? ago

No deals.

19623025? ago

Why do you believe Jack Posbiec? The guy with the Rape Melania sign?


19623736? ago

That must be a different Jack. He was, however, an intel officer, so that is reason enough to be sceptical of him.

19622938? ago

Something in my gut tells me something is fishy behind the scenes. Now, my gut feeling doesn’t equate to the thousands of moving variables that are involved in all this. All I’m saying is I think something weird is gonna happen

19624078? ago

It's called the Great Awakening. Get with the program.

19625251? ago

Lol I am with the program dipshit, it’s called being skeptical.

19623309? ago

Accused of Luring Girls to His Manhattan Mansion and Abusing Them https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3321129


We talk about Lolita island alot but it's important to remember this was in the heart of America's biggest city. I mentioned a year ago how the government did not even list it's zip code. With Epstein's arrest we will not only see the horrors connected to Lolita Island but see how something this horrific was hidden in plain sight right in the middle of NYC.


They tried to say all the girls were legal in this Page Six report in 2016.


They named Peter Listerman as a procurer. He is a famous matchmaker who would procure girls for Epstein, politicians and A-List celebrities.

"One procurer, Peter Listerman, claims in TV interviews that he introduced many oligarchs and A-listers to Russian models, and says: “I’m not a pimp, just [a] matchmaker"


This is Peter Listerman's Instagram.


19622781? ago

... individuals that paid for activities ...

We also want the names of his non paying vistors!

19622731? ago

No deals WE have it all. NSA.

19622641? ago


19622534? ago

I need a cell phone so I can twitter, Anything i would say would be fact.

19622427? ago

My theory is that he (Epstein) was willing to talk, but he needed to be protected. Having him in jail was the best they could do?

19635621? ago

Baldwin, Courtney Love, Duke of York, Hoffman, Jagger, Kissinger, Kennedy, Rothschild, David Blaine, Mills, Spacey, Soros, Maria Shriver, David Rockefeller, John Kerry... Epstein's Little Black Book https://voat.co/v/anon/3321415

19622564? ago

What else could they do? He was a high profile target, he can’t vanish in a cabin in the woods

19622209? ago

yep, watch out, if they are all out to get Trump. It only takes epstein to lie, a liberal DEM prosecutor, and a couple fake witnesses to lie.

19622029? ago

twitter trolls saying that Trump violently raped a 13 year old on the island. The Left again projecting onto Trump what Clinton & others did.
Q - NO DEALS. They predicted this bullshit happening.

19621979? ago

Proffer... Shakespeare was right, hang the fucking lawyers

19621891? ago

Epstein: "I will plead guilty and name the names of others involved in my crimes". Prosecutor: "No deals". Oh, then I am innocent.

19621790? ago

Yeah pretty much all he has to do is lie to get out of this.

Our leaders need to be more ruthless when dealing with these animals.

19621680? ago



19627638? ago

No Deals

Q 447 Q 453 Q 520 Q 564 Q 786 Q 884 Q 1005 Q 1937 Q 2568 (My favorite)

correct me if I missed any others...

19629419? ago


Welcome on Board.

19623629? ago

Hopefully not until after he spills ALL the beans, and names every single name under oath. Then they should put him in gen pop...

19621675? ago

"no deals" ?

19621429? ago

What’s a “proffer”?

19621705? ago

an offer

19621732? ago

Ok so typo? This is excellent news having the defense come right out first and offer to snitch!!!!

19621876? ago

its not a typo, just look it up fuck man

19621627? ago

A tentative offer, something offered for consideration

19621418? ago

Did you hear Epstein was involved in a tragic accident next Thursday?

19623333? ago

A double pop to the back of the head from a 22, while he was cleaning his 38. It was an "accident'.

19621807? ago

The ol' shoelace noose from the cell door?

19621643? ago


19622461? ago

More like red scarf meets door knob.

19621395? ago

if this is thrue he is a target, soon get very ill.

19621139? ago

LOL... like Epstein will rat out people. This will be a political shit show. If suicide weekend happens mid-week, then we'll know its true.

19621715? ago

Presuming Epstein's a Mossad asset it'll depend on what they allow him to do. If they allow him to flip, he might flip.

19621105? ago


19621450? ago

They know what djt is doing, they’ve known since before he won. This is their final attempt to save themselves by muddying up the Epstein waters with something like this. The alliance is prepared tho, imo.

19621103? ago

suck it we already got the names....burn mutha

19621679? ago

anons been adding up, British media socialite or Israeli Maxwell woman? Jean Luc Brunel, Jewish billionaire Edgar Bronfman Jr, and there is a New Orleans place? Kissinger, Peter Soros, , David Rockefeller, Ron Burkle named here as Ron Burckle, Oliver Zahm? Rothschild Guinness Chandler or Ray Rachel Chandler? Jeff Koons, NEXIVM cultists, Kevin Spacey, Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Abramovic, Mariah "Sunshine" Coogan and the Standard Hotel Crash...or expect the usual names?

19622718? ago

Don’t forget DeNiro “Those who are the loudest...”

19623372? ago

whats with the Temples? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3322099

19621095? ago

https://tweetsave.com/jackposobiec/status/1148264605455720448 :

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "SCOOP: Epstein's lawyer has already made a proffer to SDNY. Epstein will agree to cooperate with the investigation, including giving up the names of individuals that paid for activities with underage girls in exchange for a maximum sentence not to exceed 5 years - @OANN"

This has been an automated message.

19621596? ago

Make the deal. Get the names and then put him in general population in the worst prison in NY!

19621009? ago

MOAB baby!!