19610069? ago

Epstein’s Little Black Book

19610316? ago

Eli Weisel is in it. Read his “true accounts” of the Holocaust way back when I didn’t know better.

Goes deep.

19608076? ago

How will they expose the full extent of crimes against children without harming American children psychologically?

19604971? ago

2 weeks

19604210? ago

Transparency - if he outs the elite it should be available for all to see what these sick people have done to children. Then go after them with extreme prejudice. The accusations are massive and a decent DOJ/FBI (which are totally suspect in this) needs to investigate and do the right thing.

19603283? ago

Yep. The Little Black Book has Trump in there too. Uh Oh ...

19602350? ago

epstein singing could crack the entire pyramid into pieces

19612681? ago

They need to use CIA interrogations bleed him out for info and then hang him.

19601842? ago

Just like (((Wieners))) laptop yay!!!

Getting the popcorn ready!!!

19601290? ago

Correction - "Jeffrey Epstein Documents Will Expose Powerful Politicians, Businessmen"

Panic in DC - Panic in NY - Panic in London

19608870? ago


19601356? ago

What do Epstein and the father of Clare Bronfman of NXIVM have in common? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3319907

19601254? ago

Oh my god — this story was brought up to me by my blind Democratic family member and Bill Clinton’s involvement. Knowing who else and what else is involved here, this could finally force their awakening!

19601835? ago

Who is Rachel Chandler?: A Compendium https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3128269/17716012 "The couple's unusual ceremony was conducted by a shaman.." ... Lypiatt Park which was built in 1220. Owner of the estate, Dan Chadwick, son of the famous sculptor Lynn Chadwick, was running around in a white rabbit suit for the wedding.

19601085? ago

So, the left has been pushing to normalize pedophilia. Epstein is charged with trafficking minors, and he was previously convicted of sex with minors. How will the left swing this?

19601046? ago


19602084? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3319994 Married into Guinness Rothschild? .... Rachel Chandler is poised to take down the entire bunch of lefties. NXIVM opens up one's eyes and makes pizzagate real.

19601375? ago

Jeffrey Epstein https://voat.co/v/QRV/3319249 Here comes the storm.

This will hit both sides, right/left about to have major players exposed.

Let the shit hit the fan.

19600995? ago

don't hold your breath. Comey's daughter is a prosecutor for the SDNY... just a couple days after rumor fly that earlier court docs were set to be unsealed. sounds like ass-covering to me. I'll bet anything that this case delays the release.

19602116? ago

Imperator Rex is stating that this is a federal - not state - case and that Barr is ultimately in charge.

19601524? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3319946 What do Adam Schiff, a helicpoter ride, Standard Hotel and Rachel Chandler have in common?

19601342? ago

Epstein? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3319264/19592438 Cannot wait to see how the Menorah Shekel Menorah media tries to spin this!

Epstein...... that sounds jewish

19604293? ago

He is jewish and works closely with the mossad.

19605213? ago

So did Maxwell and look where that got him?

19601186? ago

Not only is she a prosecutor for the SDNY. She is THE prosecutor for this one. I have a feeling Trump is going to get dragged into this.

19601277? ago

He already has - was listed as a friend and visitor...

19600801? ago

Thinking one step ahead...

This is how the MSM and the Impeach Trump crowd will play their cards.

  • Epstein is a pedo, sex trafficking, perverted sicko.

  • Trump is linked to Epstein through comments in the press, Epstein with a minor at Mara Lago, Trump at the island, etc, etc...

  • Acosta got Epstein a light sentence.

  • Trump rewarded Acosta with an appointment as US Secretary of Labor for getting Epstein a light sentence.

Hopefully, there is much more going on behind the curtain, but given that this is taking place in SDNY, it appears that the cabal is in control.

It's possible that the cabal was planning to roll this out closer to 2020 election, but Trump decided to use Barr to push it now and get out ahead of it with enough time to get the entire story into the public domain before November 2020.

19605268? ago

NXIVM took about six months. Now we have Epstein. Then there is always Olag Deripaska which is Epstein ver 2.0 who was also allegedly worked for the FBI employed Christopher Steele and moonlighted for the Russian mafia.

19604776? ago

What I've understood is that Trump got a ride from Florida to NY with Epstein's son. That plane doesn't go to Pedo Island every time it flies. There is no proof that Trump was ever at Epstein's island.

Trump rewarded Acosta with an appointment as US Secretary of Labor for getting Epstein a light sentence.

Where do you get this shit from? Got a source? A real source?

19601486? ago

Chandler? https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/3319967 Ghislaine Maxwell, British Royalty connected socialite

19601282? ago

I am wondering about that, too. One problem for the left, though, is they have been pushing to normalize pedophilia.

19600834? ago

I wonder what trump did there. Maybe trump is also 'dirty' but willing to pay for it by saving the world.

19605756? ago

Or maybe Trump kicked out Epstein because it was not only his staff being harassed but the Pedo's underaged sex slaves being caught on property.

19600758? ago

Hopefully we get satanic sacrifice of children especially Haitian children out into the light. We should NOT stop with only some truth exposed. What went on at Epstein island including human sacrifices need to be exposed.

19602971? ago

Unfortunately, none of the Haiti stuff will be revealed and exposed, other than truthers putting it out there. If it were found that a former head of state like BC or HRC were involved in something like that, countries would declare war and all other kinds of shit. It would get ugly. I guess we'll see how it unfolds though.

19603281? ago

Unfortunately, none of the Haiti stuff will be revealed and exposed

Says who? Got a source for that claim?

countries would declare war and all other kinds of shit.

Your imagination is working a bit too hard. No evidence.

19605563? ago

It's all common sense. Get that little hamster to run faster so you can think this through!

19610059? ago

It's all common sense.

Deflecting a question is pretty common but you'll have to explain your version of 'common' sense. If you can't support your statement with factual evidence then you're just another web wanker feeding on his own bullshit version of reality.

I didn't expect you support your claims, btw. You can't.

19610184? ago

No fucking shit, it was my opinion. I think you take this internet thing a little too serious. Get off your fucking high horse, faggot. Not every single word written on QRV and other forums has to be backed with fucking sources like it Wikipedia. You're so fucking stupid man.

19611408? ago

Thanks, I knew it. You're an idiot.

19601509? ago

and the Maxwell Media who changed that Jewish name to sound more British? https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3319972 Rachel Chandler or that may be the name of her handler.... Epstein... She was also friends with Paris Hilton.

19601542? ago

Robert Maxwell stole my dad's pension...that's likes for you

19602455? ago

Remember how entirely weird the R Maxwell death story was ? Standing on deck of his boat, had heart attack, conveniently fell overboard into the sea. The part of the sea he fell into was also conveniently outside "jurisdiction" somewhere off Canary Islands I think. Quick autopsy, in the "outside jurisdiction" area, and interred very, very quickly, almost within 24 hrs . No idea what was going on here, but I recall no one believed the story at the time.

19603090? ago

Yep....I guess he retired on other people's money

Seems his daughter is just as much of a scumbag

19601553? ago

Edit : Likes = ((()))

19601080? ago

An innocent man has been set up by a corrupt government. This is not a time to celebrate. Also, Haitian shitsprog are not human children. They are niggers.