19644916? ago

Dam. I have the download and it has Jeffery Epstein on top of the page (page 71 of 800+). How confusing. Thank you for the correction and apologize for my bad memory.

19607913? ago

Late last year when they closed this case, I was so outraged and disappointed. Now I understand why. It takes so much effort and time to set the stage and remove the block in order to move this case forward, as this demon in human form is intricately connected to the world powers. Hey, it has happened! Patriots in control! Trust the PLAN! Our patience and endurance pays out at last!

19605675? ago

It looks like the liberals are being prepp'd https://i.redd.it/aljo2umdjw831.jpg

19603081? ago

Let's see where this goes...

This is pretty amazing in how the connections are so clear with this Q project.


19602453? ago

I still haven’t seen a report on MSM with the talking heads. Maybe it will go on the rotation tomorrow. Maybe it never will. 🤔

19601378? ago

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19600497? ago


Trump BANNED Epstein after he found out that he was trying to molest little girls at Mar-a-Lago. Now, tell me. If you owned a golf club and found out there was a serial child predator was a member, you'd think a guy who loves kids so much would rat his friend out and call the cops. But he didn't. He ignored it and countless other little girls got raped after that. Trump is not a "good guy" by just banning him.

19605510? ago

Idiot! You need solid evidence to go after and convict, not just rumors and circumstantial evidence.

19600042? ago

The elite, illuminati, the powers that be…. use sex and pedophilia as a weapon. Most people in power, most high profile figures in Politics, are pedophiles, this is a tool used by the elite, to control their servants.

Epstein will commit suicide, or be found dead, before this is all finished. He knows to much and Epstein has the power to bring down the house…

19599553? ago

Didn't think it was gonna happen. Feel like celebrating right now.

19599325? ago

The AI "narative" bots are not programmed to deal with losing, watch the synthetic personalities start going into complete break down.

19599276? ago

torture him until he rats out everybody

19598931? ago

if people are honest, they will admit POTUS trump is very involved...

19600052? ago

Your nose is showing

19600145? ago

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002 https://twitter.com/timobrien/status/1147681218714095616

19600141? ago

I am sure you only research that which fits your narrative. Try thinking for yourself. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002 https://twitter.com/timobrien/status/1147681218714095616

19598867? ago

It's hard to believe some of the "arrest of GTFO" people are STILL running their mouths. Ya gotta be blind (or be getting paid by someone like Media Matters) if you're still saying that nothing is really happening. Epstein getting popped is BIG...he's a guy who has some of the nastiest shit in the world on people like Bill Clinton and the dozens of other DC and Hollywood "elite" who visited Lolita Island over the past 25 years. Remember, this isn't old Jeff's first offense...this time he isn't looking at a few months in a jailhouse motel room and daily "work release", he'll go to a real prison full of guys who hate diddlers. He's looking at YEARS, enough that at the age of 66 it will amount to a life sentence. He sure as fuck doesn't want to go out that way...he has a LOT of motivation to start singing to the prosecutors in hopes of a plea deal.

Granted, it's taken seemingly forever for something significant to happen, but I think we've just witnessed the first part of something that's going to become huge in coming weeks and months. There's no way Epstein is going to get another slap on the wrist, he's gonna talk, and you can be certain there are a lot of folks in DC and Hollywood who are very fucking nervous right about now. I'm thinking it may be time to pop some corn...




19599435? ago

That’s what we believed NXIVM, Weinstein, Spacey and Weiner would start. We got fuckall. This is a charade, a distraction, a waste of fucking time. NOTHING.

19598600? ago

Funny they are trying hard to connect Trump to him. PANIC bitches

19601466? ago

what the fuck are you talking about? whether you like it or not trump is very connected to him. A simple search shows many pics of them out on the town together. This guy is connected to everyone including trump

19598385? ago

Here we go, more birdseed to keep us Qtards occupied... nxivm? Spacey? Nothingburgers. Nothing came out of that...

Now this Epstein mothefucker piece of shit in the forums to keep us posting links and pictures, to keep us busy creating hot air while nothing happens... I’m just sick and tired of this shit...

Bla, bla, bla...

Had fucking enough. All I know is poverty, injustice and oppression. This Q thing gave me a lot of hope for a while, but down here in the Real World I’m just sick of this shit. E’body can get fucked.

We’re all slaves and that’s all there is to it. Had enough.

19597805? ago

I woke up this morning and read it first... this is like Christmas morning for me. I hope he will bring down Podestas, Clintons and all pizzagate pedos.

19597252? ago

notice the last 2 sentences of this article... they had to drag trump into this, they couldn't NOT say something negative about potus

19596767? ago

Is this connected to the explosion today in Florida?

19596519? ago

I can literally hear him saying...in his lil NY accent and Jew whine...

Aye wunt mye lawyah...

19596344? ago

arrests or gtfo my ass. what good are arrests if nothing comes from them? this guy's been arrested before. lots of have been arrested. still no big fish have fried. im not concern fagging either, it's just reality.

19596336? ago

He will have a jew lawyer and the jew prosecuting attorney and jew judge will let him off.

19596301? ago

... and New York.


19596253? ago

June 26th, 2019 Court Document Jeffrey Epstein. FLSD Docket.


19596186? ago

May his death be slow and painful

19596046? ago

Are they throwing Epstein under the bus to go after Trump?

19595912? ago

Well I hope this ONE charge will lead to a LOT of victims coming out on this POS.

19595878? ago

Liberal here, who has been following Qanon for the last year and a half (not always because I've thought highly of it, to be honest), but this feels like a pretty wild moment. Like, maybe my red pill moment?

Anyway, I might be written off as a LARP to boost morale or a shill or something, but good luck around here. I don't often believe what is constructed, but I've figured that if it is correct, everybody wins in a truly fantastic way. If it plays out as everyone has said it will I'll be on the front lines as a converted evangelist.

19601079? ago

Red Pill = DMT

Everything in 3D seems silly after The DMT...

19599456? ago

this isn't about politics, it's about humanity. welcome human.

19595948? ago

Haha, well welcome if so. I dunno if you still consider yourself Liberal, but bringing to justice these sick motherfuckers is something we can all enjoy.

19595592? ago

This is the SECOND domino to fall, NXVIM was the first, the chain reaction has started, LETS GO!

19595306? ago

Interesting timing with Kevin Spacey just having his civil case dropped

19595269? ago


Dig early PizzaGate. Wiener Laptop found by white hat NYPD and stone-walled by BlackHat NYPD etc. Dig thataway

I’m making some assumptions

19595250? ago

Arrests or GTFO! Oh....wait ;)

19595205? ago

Video July 6th by BCP about Jeffrey Epstein's connections with the Clintons at https://invidio.us/watch?v=S-KKOAv5JhM


19595062? ago


19594959? ago

Bill Clinton is definitely on the flight logs. Ray chandler also.

19594939? ago

Around 5:30 p.m. Saturday, about a dozen federal agents broke down the door to Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse to execute search warrants, witnesses and sources said.

“We heard the loud banging and we walked over and saw all these FBI agents just pounding down the door,” a witness told the Herald.

Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, according to one of the sources. Flight records show he had just flown to Teterboro from Paris on Saturday.




19594690? ago

Q said 'welcome aboard' to Alan Dershowitz. Who has been defending Epstein

Trump appointed Alex Acosta as labor secretary. The same Acosta who gave Epstein a cushy plea deal.

Trump was friends with Epstein and even noted his enjoyment of 'young' women.


Good luck spinning all that, geniuses

19596034? ago

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. They know Trump knows, so they thought Trump was putting them there to cover it up, Trump knew they'd try to cover it up and has been watching, now they're all screwed.

19600669? ago

I was thinking the same thing but Clinton who was keeping him even closer! He was getting info!

19595438? ago

Jew narrative. Every last talking point. Your nose is showing

19594367? ago

The end of that article made me chuckle. "Donald Trump was his friend and he rode in his plane too."

Should probably say.. "one day he let Donald Trump on his plane, and it was the biggest fucking mistake he ever made, as you can see"

19600776? ago

Waris Ahluwalia who is a Sikh celebrity actor, fashion designer and owner ... Rachel Chandler, Marina Abramovic https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3230627

19594648? ago

Trump appointed Alex Acosta as labor secretary. Acosta as prosecutor gave Epstein a sweetheart plea deal.

Sounds more like Trump was trying to protect Epstein. But don't let facts get in the of a good story.

19601065? ago

Um, maybe bad people in government jobs e-mail/text stupid things on government owned devices...

19595357? ago

Acosta was TOLD to hand down the plea deal. Now he wants revenge

19594874? ago

Well then he did an incredibly shitty job of protecting him, huh?

19594366? ago


19594362? ago

I wonder if that coal billionaire who died in the helicopter crash ties into this somehow? Hopefully this dude started singing the minute they put the cuffs on him.

19594311? ago

Arrests or GTF.. oh

19599267? ago


19594289? ago


19594270? ago

Jeffrey gets arrested and a fl mall blows up...in of all places Broward country

19594057? ago

Looking over some old Q drops:

Q DROP 3041 - The unsealing of the first several indictments will bring about 'unity' and 'change' - 'change' that 'we' can believe in. Returning 'POWER' to the PEOPLE. Returning 'THE RULE OF LAW' to OUR LAND. WE STAND TOGETHER. WE STAND TOGETHER AS PATRIOTS. Q

19594625? ago

good find!

19594051? ago

Please, someone with posting rights take this and post it how you will

We need to take control of this before the MSM. They will use this and spin it to include Trump. We start the narative now, not them.



Can Anons add smth & help backing up with sauce, please?

  • Trump kicked Jeffrey Epstein out of his Golf Club and banned him for life, when he found out, Epstein was hooking up with the 14 Year old daughter of an employer

-Trump is NOT in the flight log to Lolita Island, not even once. He "hitched a ride" back from Daytona Beach TO NYC with Epstein's son one time…and I have little doubt they tried like holy hell to get Trump to Lolita Island. Epstein assaulted a young girl at Mara Largo and Trump had him banned for life.

-At Epstein's first arrest Trump went voluntarily to the police to give a statement and at the time the Police commented "He could not have been MORE forthcoming".

-Trump knew what Epstein was up to "he's a fun guy, likes his girls young, really really young". People held that against him as if it were some form of agreement when in fact, in typical Trump fashion he slapped Epstein publicly..iron fist in velvet glove. He was NOT a politician and he had to do business with these people and he still managed to say something about what he knew was going on.




19601382? ago

There is no evidence that trump banned epstein. It is a rumour. Clinton and Trump were both very connected to Epstein.

19600686? ago

Trump kicked Jeffrey Epstein out of his Golf Club and banned him for life, when he found out, Epstein was hooking up with the 14 Year old daughter of an employer

Yet didn't bother even notifying police. Classy

19601390? ago

There isnt even any evidence that he kicked him out.

19599171? ago

Need to show that Prince Randy Andy of House of Windsor fame was better buddies with Epstein. There are several pics of them together, even after Eppie was busted the first time. I bet Elizabeth is not very happy....I wonder if she will approve sacrificing Andrew to save the dynasty? Just a thought......

19595973? ago

Yeah, if you had any doubts that Fox News was an ally or not, look at that part where they try to slip in that Trump is Epstein's friend.

19595463? ago

Awesome! Jews are in here pushing counter narrative tough

19594037? ago


19594029? ago

Why is no one talking about this?


This guy is a major impact on this indictment being unsealed. But the new media either doesn't know or doesn't want to give him a platform.

19593915? ago

I assume GEOTUS is on top of this. "Acosta" is labor secretary, he gave the free pass to Epstein way back when. I have read/heard/seen flight logs to Epstein Island. Geotus went 1, ONE time only to that Island, Hillary went 6 times, WJC went 26 times. The spin from Dems are going to be amazing to hear.

19596018? ago

It's not just Dems. Fox News is pushing this narrative already.


"Epstein -- who is friends with President Trump and former President Bill Clinton -- avoided federal criminal charges in 2007 and 2008 after agreeing to a plea deal in which he pleaded guilty to states charges of soliciting prostitution and served 13 months in a Florida county and registered as a sex offender."

19593913? ago

((("1. ARRESTS; OR")))

((("2. GTFO!")))


19593851? ago

I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it–Jeffrey enjoys his social life.

Donal Trump praising the sick fuck in New York Magazine back in 2002

19596056? ago

Because if he had said anything otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we? If Trump knew back then, there was no one he could tell that he could trust that could do anything about it, immediately at-least.

19593766? ago

Just remember, this is the guy Trump openly praised for his "social life" and love of younger women.

19596075? ago

He was dropping hints about his true nature. He knew but couldn't tell anyone that could do anything about it at the time. So he became the GEOTUS and gathered enemies close to him who would think he did so to have them cover for Epstein, and all the while he watched the honeypot and collected all he needed to end them.

19593578? ago

I get that slick Willy rode the express but it looks like all evidence of picture between Epstein and Clinton have been scrubbed.

19593561? ago

This is big (dare I say, a "happening"?), because God knows what this maggot might say and do in order to stay out of prison. Remember, this is the second time...the first time he was was given kid-glove treatment (motel room conditions, daily "work release") and a very short sentence because of his connections with Bill Clinton, but I don't think that counts for much these days. My guess is he's looking at years in a bad place, and an elite wealthy pedophile like Epstein sure as fuck don't wanna go there. Think about all those trips to Lolita Island by the Clintons and dozens of other hi-ranking Deep State and Hollywood elite types over the past 25 years...this guy has some SERIOUS dirt on some very big people. He has witnessed utter debauchery that can put people in prison, and he's desperate to stay out of one...he's a prosecutors dream come true. I'll bet there are a lot of worried motherfuckers in DC and Hollywood tonight, and I betcha old Jeff is shitting his pants right about now...



19601379? ago

My question: why now? Any thoughts?

19604311? ago

I dunno...I guess it had to start somewhere at some time, and apparently it's now. Trump HAD to get something going before the 2020 election in order to secure his base, now he's got the next 16 months to hammer these fuckers. Should be fun to watch...


19593472? ago

Ok who went to Lolita Island between 2005 and 2009 the dates this miserable POS is accused of sex trafficking? Look for suicides soon.

19593450? ago


he won't get bail.

19596271? ago

They didn't murder Raniere and let his entire trial happen.

19595163? ago

I'm assuming we've planned for something so obvious.

19593440? ago

Nothing will happen.

19593331? ago



19593304? ago


19593266? ago


19593239? ago

Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on Saturday [July 6th, 2019] and will appear in New York court on Monday to be charged with sex trafficking, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources.



19593177? ago

Is Epstein the Keystone?

19602029? ago

What you know of Guinness? Chandler friends of Paris Hilton who married a Red Shield, Anita Patience Guiness married Amschel Rothschild, Lady Caroline Blackwood, a Guiness, married to Lucian Freud https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3319976 Rachel Chandler, marriage tied to Rothschilds Freud, Hitler and her dark friend Hanna Linden You will find Anita Patience Guiness married Amschel Rothschild

Also Lady Caroline Blackwood, a Guiness, married to Lucian Freud https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3111185/17549635

Did anyone else notice that Rachel's gender is listed as MALE in the links above? WTF?

Also, I never could understand why all these elite brits lived in such dark, dank and ghostly looking castles. It all makes sense now. They are all goths and practice satanism.

Guinness family - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinness_family

Diana Guinness And Hitler

1929, socialite Diana Mitford married Arthur’s distant descendant, Bryan Guinness. They had two children, Desmond and Jonathan, who would go on to inherit the Guinness empire. Their mother’s story, however, is a pretty baffling one. In the early 1930s, she began an affair with the leader of the British Union of Fascists, Oswald Mosley. Mosley, who was also married, refused to divorce his wife for her but married Diana once she had died—after Diana left her husband.They were married in the drawing room of Joseph Goebbels, with Adolf Hitler himself in attendance. Diana and her sister Unity had a close friendship with Hitler, which Diana would defend until the day she died, once declaring: “The man I knew could not have done all that. Perhaps he went a little mad.” Along with her sons by Bryan Guinness, Diana lived in Germany throughout the 1930s, although they would eventually move back after the war broke out. Her children with Mosley were forced to rely on private tutors, since no British school would accept them as pupils.To make things even more complicated, Diana was also related to Winston Churchill—his wife was her father’s cousin.

19594437? ago

That’s what Kappy said...

19594573? ago

oh shit he did? source please ?

19599806? ago

I think this is it my friend.


19593068? ago

About fucking time shit starts to habben!

19592977? ago

Mike Cernovich is already Paytrioting this asking for moneys and claiming it was allllll him

19595048? ago

Where did you see that Erik Prince is part of that task force?

19592919? ago


19592848? ago

“Arrests or GTFO”...

19592834? ago


he provided coverup

19593089? ago

Trump’s labor secretary provided cover-up, you soft-headed twat.

And somehow, you fucking skid marks have deluded yourselves into thinking this is GOOD for Trump.


19593819? ago

You’re missing the forest for the trees. If anything it makes the investigation look bipartisan and trump is squarely clean. Start thinking before you speak.

19593901? ago

Yeah, no way Epstein plied Trump with pussy. That’s ridiculous.

19594008? ago

Trump is a germiphobe. He makes women take HIV tests before they date. No way he’s banging sloppy seconds.

19594117? ago

He raw dogged a porn star and a playboy model, dude. You need to quit huffing your own farts.

19594172? ago

You’re just I’ll-informed. Stormy Daniels is in the NXIVM cult. You can’t believe a word she says.

19593446? ago

You hella mad bruh

19593409? ago


19593855? ago


19592775? ago

Now that the NXIVM case is over, details of the case can be discussed (many movie rights are in the works). This Epstein shit is another facet to the same problem...burning the wick at both ends.

19600931? ago

Chandler pic of child shoes? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3111705/17555438 ' You can't run in those shoes. '

Q shared a pic of a child's shoes. They are odd looking, like they are two pairs of shoes put together. They have the words "addiction" on the shoes.

Any ideas on those shoes and why Q shared them?

19592762? ago

Anons, great news! A lot of happenings this 7/4 weekend! God bless America, God bless Trump!

19593912? ago

Trump is a cunt. There is no such thing as god. You are a retard and embarrassment to mankind.

19594220? ago

Y U SO MAD TH0? 69

19592744? ago

Now THIS is a happening

19599510? ago

Arrests , Next Stop the Podestas ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3222006 Pizzagate Exposed Artist Jeff Koons as a Pedophile Involved in Money Laundering - His 'Rabbit' Scupture Just Sold for a Record $91 Million to the Father of Treasury Secretary Mnuchin

19592574? ago

I hope this piece of shit rats on every last person who’s been to his island. The amount of celebrities, politicians, royalty, etc. who have been to his pedo island is staggering. This could legitimately be a big dominoe about to drop

19596363? ago

That was the point, right? The island was outfitted with cameras everywhere in order to blackmail every visitor. This is how Epstein made his billions. Now he's going down and taking them all with him. There is not enough popcorn to get through this.

19592696? ago

Trump went there one time.

19596299? ago

As a teetotaling mole, yes.

19595293? ago

U got pwned

19595890? ago

Read the long comment with evidence you tard. That bait worked perfectly.

19592907? ago

Yes, Trump did go there one time. After he saw what he saw, he immediately charted a plane and got out and then Barred Epstein from his resort.

Bradley Edwards is a Florida Attorney who represented some of Epstein's victims in their civil suit against Jeffrey Epstein.

When Bradley Edwards began the legal process to sue Epstein in 2009, he served many subpoenas and notices to witnesses, potential witnesses, and others that might have information about Epstein that would be relevant to his lawsuit. Many of these witnesses were Big Shot types, or the kind of people who may have rubbed shoulders with Epstein (the "Help" also received subpoenas, et al.)

This is what Edwards said about Trump outside the Palm Beach County Courthouse last week after the settlement was announced.

Edwards - Begin at 5:34 - “…the only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people that I was going that I wanted to talk to them he is the only person who picked up the phone and said let's just talk I'll give you as much time as you want I'll tell you what you need to know and was very helpful in the information that he gave and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever but had good information that checked out and that helped us and that we didn't have to take a deposition of him.”

The Youtube Link to the Interview with Bradley Edwards is below.


19597289? ago

You won this thread. I think we need to start another one with this and some other information at the top, if all of these dumbass shills are going to complain that Trump was Epstein's best friend and all the other fucking bullshit.

19601492? ago

so what do you think people should do? just excuse trumps friendship with the man? if you are gonna attack one person for being connected to him you cant give another guy a pass coz you like him. It makes you look a hypocrite.

19601849? ago

No. I'm going to inform people about the truth. Trump was never friends with the man. He rubbed elbows with a lot of people, but contrary to what you think, he was never deeply involved in Epstein's business. It's possible to know the "front" that a man puts out, without knowing the truth about a man. Do you remember the BTKT killer? He was a perfectly normal ordinary man on the outside, but he was also a vicious serial killer. It's possible to be fooled, that doesn't make you complacent or evil.

Watch the video Styhexenhammer666 made about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kUCAk-EM2M

He explains everything quite well.

19601920? ago

Then why is Trump pictured out on the town in many pics with Epstein together? a simple search proves this. Why did Trump give an interview to New York mag in 2002 where he praises him? And then there are the two women who filed police reports (one in 1993 that accuse trump and epstein of raping them. Both were aspiring models at Trump modelling management company. One named marisella and one who says shes too scared to give her real name. This is all documented.

19602051? ago

You're really looking and hoping for Trump to be a rapist at this point. If Trump was actually a rapist, don't you think there would court hearings and evidence of it by now? He's been accused of more crimes that he didn't commit than nearly anyone in recent memory. All of his rape accusations have fallen away because they were all disproved. Photos of them hanging out? Sure. Big deal. I bet Trump is in the background with Clinton in a few pictures, too? Does that mean he's a rapist? Do you hear yourself? I have to admit, I enjoy talking to gymnasts of the mental variety.

Listen, you keep on believing Trump is guilty with no evidence. I'll keep on believing he's innocent because of the lack of evidence. Out of the two of those views, which one lines up with the requirements of the justice system?

19604806? ago

The point is if clinton is guilty by association then so is Trump. Trump dont get no free pass coz you lick his arse

19605303? ago

You're the one licking his butt by attempting to make him guilty by association. I don't think you understand the situation at all. But you're not even trying, so it's not like I'm going to waste any more time with this.

19610670? ago

bullshit. im saying if clinton is guilty byb association then so is trump. In fact i can show you women who say trump and epstein raped them and have even filed police reports but unlike you i dont use it as evidence. Point., if clinton is guilty so is trump, get your tongue out his arse you fucking lickspittle

19610747? ago

Cool. Provide the evidence. Give me the sauce. There isn't any. The testimony that you are talking about has already been proven untrue. These women are unstable and will claim anything for a few minutes of fame.

But I believe you. Go ahead and provide the evidence and I will reinforce your position.

19613645? ago

well a 13 yr old girl called marisella filed a police report in 93 claiming she was taken from a pizza parlour and raped by two men. She claims they were epstein and trump. That police report is real. I cant be bothered doing your work for you but chise kotari on facebook has the police report. go talk tom her.

19614798? ago


19632912? ago

sorry pal. Heres the police report from 1993.gotten from a FOIA.https://twitter.com/soychicka/status/1147665265825632256?s=21

19601960? ago

And why has Trump flown on his jet? why has Trump been to his pedo island? Why did Trump hire Acosta, the man who gave Epstein his sweetheart deal? there is a reason why Trump has never used Clintons connection to Epstein as ammo. Its coz it would expose himself to the same thing. They are all dirty bastards.

19595920? ago

I can only up vote you once, dam it.

19595888? ago

holy run-on sentence, batman!

19595371? ago

There is no record of Trump being on the Lolita Express or on Pedo Island

19595910? ago

Actually he has admitted to it. He has also 86'd Epstein from ALL his businesses due to getting caught with underaged sex slaves who had expensive lawyers and purchased police fighting Trump's will and ability to get Justice.

Money talks but blackmail and extortion makes evidence disappear to the point of making whistle blowers into a scapegoat.

19616065? ago

You guys are such fucking idiots. Trump has never been there or been on the Lolita express. I've been researching this shit for 3 fucking years.

19627777? ago

He admitted he was on the the famous plane once. From Florida to NYC bumming a ride. This is also the ONLY time he met Epstein in person. According to a deposition just released.

19631720? ago

No he did not, Mark Epstein did. He also said it wasn't the Lolita Express but rather a smaller aircraft.

Page 74 https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1508967-deposition-excerpts.html

How about you do some research yourself so you don't look like a complete fucking idiot.

19594607? ago

After he saw what he saw, he immediately charted a plane

Evidence he 'immediately charted a plane' out of there? And if he saw, he should have went straight to the authorities and the news and made it public. He was a celeb back then too, and he could have gotten a spotlight on it. So why didn't he? That's what you're supposed to do when you see shit.

And Alex Acosta is the one who gave Epstein the sweetheart plea deal. Do tell me this- Why in the fuck did Trump appoint him as labor secretary? Yeah...good luck answering that one.

19598459? ago

Trump was in a position to know that EVERYONE at the top was corrupt, the police and FBI. There is also this:


19597327? ago

Alex Acosta is already referenced in some online articles about the Jeffrey Epstein arrest. Trump nominating him for a job doesn't mean anything, if he's connected to Epstein, he's soon going to want to either talk to Trump directly about some things, or face a long slow decline as he's pulled into court to explain himself. Either way, Alex Acosta is not Trump's friend. One thing you must remember, no matter how much someone thinks they may be, you are never truly friends with your boss.

19595943? ago

Tell who exactly? The same FBI who is protecting the Clinton Body count from accountability? Tell the same FBI who called him a Star witness in SEC fraud? While he made money out of thin air?

19595045? ago

And tell who you dumb motherfucker? Who could he have told that he could have known wasn't corrupt? Knowing all the powerful people who went there, and what happened to everyone else who tried doing that? If he had, we wouldn't be having this conversation, he'd probably be dead and we'd be screwed.

19594278? ago

Be ready with that when the lying press brings it up, and they will.

19595653? ago

People already are over on Twatter.

19594178? ago

First couple sentences are lies, but ok. Why did Trump hire Acosta (The man who covered this all up) for a cabinet position? Is Trump also involved the coverup?

19598477? ago

We don't know everything. However, Trump is a stable genius who knows what he is doing. He is positioning everyone in the perfect place. There are several reasons he put him there.

Acosta may not have had control over it because people were dirty all the way to the top.

People who don't follow the rules get dead. He may not have had a choice.

Since he did what he did, it may have made him look guilty and he wanted that.

Here, watch this:


19596880? ago

My belief is that Trump has hired certain shady af people to expose them. Sunlight is the best disinfectant

19593958? ago

Fuck yeah upvote this shift mah niggas

19593927? ago

Lol you fucking idiot. Trump's a fucking rapist pig.

19594570? ago


19593984? ago

Yo mama

19593783? ago

Ditto the others. Thanks for this information.

19593686? ago

thank you for this information. it could stand as a post on its own

19593377? ago

Fuck yeah

19592877? ago

celebrity witness

19592824? ago

He's blackmailed, that's why he is doing everything the Jews want

19593970? ago

While I prefer to disagree, it is still a possibility.

When we see Podesta go down, a big name politician, suicide weekend or military tribunals or martial law .. Then is when I will say this is all real

19594187? ago

Military tribunals aren’t a thing. That was a rumor endorsed by people here.

19593885? ago

It was the Jew DEW sat. It's gone now though. Check out the Chan thread on it. Fucking interesting to say the least.

19592527? ago

I've long wondered if there was a single figure who could trigger suicide weekend.

19601002? ago

Rachel Chandler and Walter Pearce are partners for Midland Casting and Model Management Agency - Here are many images of their victims... https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3111031/17546288 There is something weird and wrong with ALL of them. And their eyes...are they all drugged?

19593940? ago

If there was, it would be this guy. You need a fucking Venn diagram to understand all the prominent people this guy is intertwined with.

19597729? ago

an actual fucking venn diagram

19594142? ago

Trump and His Labor Secretary tried to cover it up

19595572? ago

Then they did an unbelievably terrible job of it, right? Because he just got arrested.

19595873? ago

They couldn’t hide him anymore. The pressure got too high.

19592336? ago

hopefully the first of many 'dominoes' to fall...

19593240? ago

He's like the 10th domino to fall

19593382? ago

But not really

19595119? ago

Anthony Weiner wasn't a domino?

Harvey Weinstein wasn't a domino?

Everyone in NXVIM weren't dominoes?

The founder of Backpage, Mike Lacey, and CEO, Carl Ferrer, weren't dominoes?

Not to mention the big names that have died suspiciously in the last 2 years - John McCain, Lady Rothschild, David Rockefeller, George Bush Sr, Barbara Bush, founder of Trilateral commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Gloria Vanderbilt, and dozens of others mentioned here...


Get woke or get fucked

19595497? ago


19598460? ago

Anthony Weiner is out though, isn't he? https://www.rollcall.com/news/congress/anthony-weiner-is-a-free-man (i'm not the one you were replying to btw, just stating what i've heard)

19599457? ago

He was a domino. His computer pushed the next domino.

19592372? ago

JEB! is worried

19599338? ago

panic stricken is more accurate

19594674? ago

No, Trump and Dershowitz are worried.


19595569? ago

No. YOU are worried.

19595360? ago


19592617? ago

i still can't believe what Jeb tweeted publicly on the 4th about Trump.

19593685? ago

I know wasn't that so bizarre? The radio silence on it too, also bizarre.

19592769? ago

what is it, link?

19592798? ago

sure, here it is

mind you he tweeted that ON the 4th of July.

19593664? ago

Oh wow. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooow.

19595218? ago

pretty based response from Joe M:

Joe M ‏ @StormIsUponUs Jul 4 Replying to @JebBush

Unfortunately for [you], this time we anticipated every move and put together a security plan for Trump you will never figure out or comprehend. Your father's tricks won't help you now, so STOP THREATENING THE PRESIDENT and have another read of what you got in your envelope. 434 replies 2,788 retweets 7,182 likes

19594015? ago

Those replies! The whole world knows

But what was in that envelope?

There was a gif below jebs tweet, I played it again and the look on GWB’s face looked like the note said

“We have your dad in gitmo”

19593712? ago

Right? Everything is so surreal. It's almost too crazy to me. Biden saying he and Zero wouldn't have allowed Russian interference on their watch? Jeb's crazy tweet? It's just too crazy to be true.

19594020? ago

It’s a movie. I’m m telling you it’s done. This movie is just for optics. It has to be. What’s even crazier is people are so lost and dumbed down that they actually had to make the plot match it’s core audience.. as we woke up the movie got boring it takes an action scene to wake up.. it has to be.

19595261? ago

So what you are saying is, you are ok with government propaganda if its for a "good cause"?

Personally I am sick of all the lies. Even the "white" lies

Just give us the motherfucking ugly truth for once, all of it!

thats where I stand

19599440? ago

Winning the hearts and minds of normies takes a long time. Anons are ready, normies are not. Trump admin cares about normies.

19595079? ago

I've been saying this since Hillary's behavior from wiping her server.

It's all too over the top, too crazy, too dramatic, too unbelievable. All of it.

Nothing that we see is real. "All the world is a stage" from Shakespeare feels like a long ago warning from a major pawn trying to let us all know.

It all

19594238? ago

I agree. Idiocracy is real.

19592315? ago

Here comes the storm.

This will hit both sides, right/left about to have major players exposed.

Let the shit hit the fan.

19599244? ago

The prosecutor is in the southern district of New York, and is Comey's daughter. Daddy's little girl will sweep this under the rug.

19599428? ago

Can't sweep a giant elephant under the rug.

"Nobody walks away from this."

Q 3168/3176.

19599229? ago

Bye-bye Pence

19598156? ago

He got off light last time due to his wealth. Seems like someone with more money dropped the ball.

19597315? ago

This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may - whether on Republicans or Democrats. #WeSaidEnough #MeToo --Nancy Pelosi's daughter https://twitter.com/sfpelosi/status/1147657745253855233

19596262? ago

God I hope so. Haven't the children suffered enough?

19594411? ago

A high level, high profile jew gets thrown in cuffs. I will be saying many prayers of gratitude tonight. Thank GOD.

19594115? ago

Every single person involved in this is a leftist. That is their ideology.

Of course some of them identify as republicans, but that doesn't make them not leftist any more than a male weightlifter competing as a woman is a woman.

19599608? ago

Like Trump?

19598673? ago

This not true and if you believe this, then I feel bad for you because you will be shocked when this all goes down. This is NOT a partisan operation and if it is then we need to question that. People from both sides are guilty as hell.

19597258? ago

You seem to understand that mentality determines a person's actions more than their outward appearance. Kudos.

19596831? ago

Look into the role Acosta, a member of Trump's cabinet, played in getting Epstein his sweet sweet please deal.

Acosta has to go. Drain the swamp!!!

19594018? ago

Trump's buddy. with whom he raped children, is arrested for trafficking. Can't wait to see him roll over on your paedo prez.

You're going to feel pretty dumb when it becomes even more obvious that the you're the ones supporting the pedophiles, you dumb fucks.

Anyone who voted for Trump actually helped them rape kids. Hope you feel great about that! After all, where you go one, you go all, right? That makes you all child molesters. Heck, the people who make the most noise about something being wrong are usually just covering their own vices. I bet half of you are whacking off to kiddy porn right now, you sick cunts.

19594274? ago

Billionaires are “friends” with lots of other billionaires. Trump banned Epstein from mar a largo.

Literally kill your self

19595222? ago

Not only am I not going to kill myself, I'm going to outlive you. After all, you wouldn't be throwing around the idea of suicide if you didn't already know that's where you're headed.

I bet you think about it every day. See, people with lives, with loved ones, friends, jobs, people whose lives have meaning, they don't kill themselves. Heck, we don't even think about it. Losers like you, who have nothing, do.

Lemme guess; you're single, your 'friends' barely tolerate you, you're not that welcome at family events, you have a dead-end job that you're barely bright enough to hold onto, and you already bought the rope that'll take you out of here. I doubt anyone will even attend your funeral.

You're pathetic. You're meaningless. No one will miss you. So go for it :)

19597267? ago

I upvoted the guy who told you to go kill yourself because I think you should do it. I didn't bother reading anything you said either.

19596438? ago

You do realize how obvious you are? Right?

19592752? ago

“Nothing is happening” and “Arrests or GTFO”...

Said no shill in this thread.

19598642? ago

nice to see an arrest. Not looking forward to the dems making up lies / trying to tie Trump to Epstein.

19598746? ago

They already are.

"Trump longtime friend arrested"

19598821? ago

lol, dude banned him from the hotels.


19596012? ago

“Nothing is happening” and “Arrests or GTFO”

Came here for this!!!!!!


19597246? ago

Ah, the South Park movie. I feel old now, I remember when that movie was brand new. The episode that followed up on this in the second to last season of South Park was beyond hilarious.

19594822? ago

Fuck off, this is an actual arrest. So FINALLY!

19596039? ago

What do you think has been happening to get to this point? Nothing? Took a lot to make this arrest happen and to ensure a guilty verdict for all those involved.

19594096? ago

I'm one of those "shills" and damn it's nice to finally see an arrest of a high level child abuser.

But don't forget that this isn't the first time he got arrested.

In June 2008, after Epstein pleaded guilty to a single state charge of soliciting prostitution from girls as young as 14,[24] he was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Instead of being sent to state prison like the majority of sex offenders convicted in Florida, Epstein was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County stockade. He was able to hire his own security detail and was allowed "work release" to his downtown office for up to 12 hours a day six days a week.[25] He served 13 months before being released for a year of probation

19600457? ago

This time it's a Federal Arrest, not a NY state level arrest. That means all his ass are belong to Barr.

19596525? ago

Look into the role Acosta, a member of Trump's cabinet, played in getting Epstein his sweet sweet please deal.

Acosta has to go. Drain the swamp!

19597449? ago

Imo, acosta was chosen as red meat bait for the liberals to predictably try to go after Trump and connect him to this shit. The brilliance is that it got a new look and finally some journalists exposing it so some real justice could prevail. It also neatly ties up Mueller, Clinton's and others in. Ingress. Dominoes inc ok ming.

19598896? ago

Dominoes on cheese or pasta?

19598716? ago

Can't wait to see Acosta go! Drain the swamp!

19596175? ago

Looking for the negative in every situation, huh?

19596061? ago

Same. Nothing wrong for pushing for arrests. Some trust the plan Anons do not see that kids are being killed as we wait.

19594425? ago

2008 was Renegade, we can forget.

19600452? ago

2008 was Renegade.

You mean Bush dumbass.

19600465? ago

encouraged by the previous administrations

with an s.


Renegade was elected Nov 2008. Obama and Bush were both 'in' this cult.

19600528? ago

I love how you posted:

2008 was Renegade.

...which it wasn't. It was 100% bush the whole time. Then edit it to:

2008 was Bush and then Renegade.

No dumbass. It was still BUSH. Wow you are really ignorant. Obama took office in 2009 dumbfuck. Try again.

19602714? ago

I wasn't entirely convinced of the truthiness of your post until the "dumbfuck" comment.

THAT was really impressive, totally convinced me that you know exactly what you're talking about...

19603129? ago

LOL u mad 😡

Triggered over a word and being wrong. I love it.

19601891? ago

I love how you're stalking me, moishe.

You sound triggered.

I said previous administrations with an s because I was including Bush.

19603158? ago

Why are you stalking me?

19594306? ago

Well, it's still good. My sister, who just last year asked my what antifa was, just sent me a link about this asking, "is this the stuff you've been taking about for years?"

I've Been planting seeds for a while. Fruits are sprouting

19595980? ago

Is she hot?

19601033? ago

Only if you like hairy armpits, pink wash hair, black rimmed glasses and a buzz cut....

19601536? ago

Got a pic?

19596067? ago

Hmmm... Now I’m curious.

19593916? ago

Hey to be fair it was that way more or less, and still is.

I started at 0-10% believing Q to be real back beginning of 2018... beginning of 2019 I was around 50%... now with nxivm I went to maybe 53%... Epstein though, I'm well over the halfway mark and saying 60%+ chance.....if we see podesta be arrested or a big name politician I will be damn near 100%... but so far, still could easily be chance/coincidence...

19599334? ago

I knew Q was real when he dropped the Lisa Page surveillance photos of her in London, before knowledge of that trip was in the public domain (her testimony where she admits to that trip was public MONTHS later).

19600719? ago

There is a difference between Q being real in the sense it is someone in trumps circle vs it being a years/decades long milintel OP to take out DS

19595018? ago

There has been little doubt in regards to whether or not he/they is/are real for a very long time.

It has been more about what their true agenda is. That has yet to be determined and will not be known until long after the influence of Q is gone.

Even a mouth breather should be able to discern that.

19601579? ago

This^^ Q's real, but what's the true goal?

19598656? ago


We already know the information is "correct" but we are still missing the end game so to speak. It's the thing that keeps me questioning everything. I know there is bad on both sides and they all need to hang or prison no matter "who" they are but sometimes the partisan posts make me question the intention of this entire shift.

19594223? ago

I think we are past the point of coincidence. I was starting to loose hope on this Q stuff. Maybe I convinced myself out f desperation, that there were still good guys in powerful places, and I believed this crap.

But now, it’s starting to finally pay off.

19592840? ago

I'll say it just to stir the pot.. lol. Wml.

19592304? ago

That puts and end to Killary’s thoughts of a last minute sneak nomination run.

19592381? ago

that was never going to happen anyway

19592704? ago

I’m not convinced she wouldn’t try. Biden & Bernie are not going to make it. Biden is his own worst enemy. Bernie is hated by the DNC which is why there are so many Commie Bernie clones running that are much younger and more diverse.

Killary will look at this later this Fall and see an opportunity to sneak in, and steal the nomination when everyone falls flat on their faces. More importantly, Killary will do it just to loot the DNC fundraising bank before her and Slick Willie high tail it out of the country to their New Zealand survival hideout.

At this point she doesn’t give a shit if she loses again. She knows there are major Dem donors out there with their wallets stuck in their pockets. She knows they will throw all the money in the world at her to run again because they know none of the Dems currently running have a hope in hell of winning. So she will gladly take the big donors money, lose horribly, and blame in on the Roosians again.

19593987? ago

Yeah they're gonna be more careful this time but regardless they will bury Bernie as far as his chances go.

19594372? ago

When, not if, the DNC buries Bernie again the same thing will happen. His supporters will not vote for the Dem nominee. Or they will vote Green. Or they will vote Trump like in 2016. It will be worst this time around because this will be the second election in a row the DNC shafted Biden. His supporters know Bernie is too old to run again. Trump will win in a landslide, again.

19592172? ago