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RightSideUp17and6 ago

I noticed what appears to be consistent "aging" in the use of the shoes. However they were employed it appears they were made that way BEFORE any use. Also, just my imagination, the smaller shoe size for a smaller child but placed in a larger size shoe would leave "prints" that would mislead as to age of the wearer. Also the toe of the sole being cut off would obviously change its "track". It is not a straightforward thing, rather it is bizarre, and thus likely some bizarre purpose??? As for the stains, the inference of blood is possible, or other.... Bizarre fits the profile of that whole host of images. Pretty freaking disturbing stuff, even more disturbing is the stories behind the images, no doubt. First impression, overall gestalt.

Alphaqwrong ago

You can't run in those shoes.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Absolutely correct. I think you hit the nail on the head. That "clicks". Astute observation.

Dotus ago

That was what I thought too.