stormymonday ago

shoes were cut off and the toes shoved back inside them and they look a little bloody

Hoonsuit ago

The left smaller inner shoe, if you zoom in on the top of the toe area, it has two punctures that look symetric. The punctures are not there by design. What could make that type of puncture, and why. The same area on the right inner shoe is dented down inward as well.

Speculating: If that is infact dried blood on them, the person wearing those shoes could have been, "nailed to a cross", or something along those lines. Have no idea why double shoes would be necessary. Maybe a child threatened, told to do something or they'll be walking in xxxxxx's shoes. When they didn't comply, it was part of their punishment. Creating fear in the shoe wearer.

BillMunny ago

How can you miss the blood on the shoes? Someone freaking chopped off the toes of whoever was wearing the first set of shoes and slid in a smaller version of the shoes to fill in for what is missing. These people are SICK!

BumbleTummy ago

I like when people post, referring to a message, or an image, or a news item, but make no attempt to post a link to what the Fuck they're talking about.

Murphman64 ago

I noticed with the ones with the toes cut off that there are childrens shoes inside each. They are not cut. I found the type shoe thats on the outside. Brooks Women's Addiction Walker Walking Shoes

Murphman64 ago

Out of all the pics that were posted those shoes disturbed me the most. Looks like dried blood all over them

azdali ago

The child is taken in early life and get to walk into the same situation through the age. A depiction of being owned by the pedophile group. The shoes may represent the skin of the child being abused.

Thomath ago

I concur. A message from the perpetrators to the "child." "From childhood and upwards, we will always know where you walk. You will not walk away from us."

And it is a lie. They hold no such power. God delivers.

TurquoiseLover ago

'Goody Two-Shoes' is the name given to a poor orphan - Margery Meanwell.* She is so poor as to possess only one shoe and is so delighted when given a pair of shoes by a rich gentleman that she keeps repeating that she has 'two shoes.

RainDrops ago

She has locked her instagram but she had a pic of red shoes on there too!

KueAnaan ago

I was trying to think of symbology and the first thing that came to mind was they "put a small child inside a larger child" ie., Fed the younger child to the older child.

Bee4Q ago

Of fuck that's horribly making sense. These people are sick and to hunt hunters you have to think like them.

sentient-citizen ago

Symbolic photograph? Ever seen the FBI Pedo symbols chart? Notice the symbols involve a shape within a shape. Triangle inside a triangle. Shoe inside a shoe?

Truther65 ago

Addiction to Adrenochrome?

RightSideUp17and6 ago

I noticed what appears to be consistent "aging" in the use of the shoes. However they were employed it appears they were made that way BEFORE any use. Also, just my imagination, the smaller shoe size for a smaller child but placed in a larger size shoe would leave "prints" that would mislead as to age of the wearer. Also the toe of the sole being cut off would obviously change its "track". It is not a straightforward thing, rather it is bizarre, and thus likely some bizarre purpose??? As for the stains, the inference of blood is possible, or other.... Bizarre fits the profile of that whole host of images. Pretty freaking disturbing stuff, even more disturbing is the stories behind the images, no doubt. First impression, overall gestalt.

CanPatriot ago

Today, didn’t Potus have the mentally Challenged at the WH? Those shoes look modified to help a child’s legs be same length to aid with walking. Do the EVILS abuse the mentally challenged? Is that what those shoes meant?

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Late response, but I always try to reply. That is a thought, but these do not look like your standard prosthetic device or whatever specific name is for it. Those are usually more specialized and "sleek", that is, well manufactured. This looks like some jerry rigged jobby. Also, do not appear to be of any different height, they appear to match for that. But I could be off the mark. Have never seen the like, but then we don't travel in those circles, do we? It is good for us to look at all the possibilities, that is what we are here for! ThanQ, Patriot!

DawnPendraig ago

I think they seek out such victims especially. Didn't Jimmy Saville?

Alphaqwrong ago

You can't run in those shoes.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Absolutely correct. I think you hit the nail on the head. That "clicks". Astute observation.

Dotus ago

That was what I thought too.

DawnPendraig ago

Remember too Tom Hanks had whole social media accounts featuring lone children's shoes left in random places.

Maybe it's code? What's for sale or what someone wants? Or boasting what they've done? And then the red shoes and TP Red Shoe party?

the_art_collector ago

Comet Ping Pong carpenter posted shoes as well.

DawnPendraig ago

Wow. Even their blue collar workers are into this evil

Oracle64 ago

and Tom's movie "The Man with one red shoe"

KueAnaan ago

Remember when Hollywood christened Tom Hanks as the man with one red shoe?

RightSideUp17and6 ago

you read my mind. The "shoe thing" that he has, stirred in my brain. Good you brought it up. It all connects. The Freak Express. Guess when yer soul-less you will settle for any ol' sole. funny not funny.

DawnPendraig ago

More I think the more I wonder if they are trophies.

Like serial killers collect.

Gosnell the serial killer and abortionist collected severed infant feet.

There is something symbolic here.

I was also thinking how I kept my son's baby clothes and many moms kept infant shoes as momentos.

What if it is a sick twisting of that?

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Entirely plausible. That would suit the mindset.... Unsettling, isn't it? Look forward to when this is "settled" once and for all, anon.

DawnPendraig ago

The Satanists love twisting and spending everything good. The Left Hand path.

It makes sense when we remember that.

RightSideUp17and6 ago

All the more we must keep to the high road. It is difficult, we grow weary at times, but we can take heart for it will lead to victory. God wins.

suomy_the_nona ago

I think you meant these shoes from Drop 3151?

Yes, they look very odd.

qanon1776 ago

My imagination said the stains looked like they had been walking in blood and washing attempted. I hate all this.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Damn, I was trying to think what they been walking in to make them that color, I think you nailed it.

KueAnaan ago

That was my first thought, my stomach churned

POTM333 ago

They’re two pairs. One pair with the toes cut off and another pair inside....

suomy_the_nona ago

Is it possible to walk with these (double) shoes without stumbling?

More_Cowbell ago

Your toes are very important for balance. More than we usually realize. These shoes-in-shoes would be very difficult to walk or stand in, as you would tend to fall forward easily as there's no way to exert pressure using the toes.

The larger shoes are cleanly severed at the toes, not worn out. Symbolic of something?

Very creepy with no apparent purpose.

suomy_the_nona ago

It looks a bit like homemade platform shoes. At first I thought of something like catwalk training but I found nothing on the web. Or some kind of torture tool?

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I doubt it.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Do the shoes have a leathery reddish tint?

Lauraingalls ago

I think the shoes were the beat up whitish ones in Post 3151 with "ADDITION" on them. Those shoes creeped me out. They are so small.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Thanks to suomy_the_nona. They are a womens walking shoe made by Brooks. It definitely looks like they are stained with blood . I'm wondering why the childs shoes are stuffed inside. Is Q hinting at a young girl being raped?

KueAnaan ago

They look like the Skechers bounce shoes. Those things hurt my back, like walking on jello.

Lauraingalls ago

I don't know. My 1st thought were the child's feet were cut up or toes cut off. Who knows what sick torture those animals do to little children. The blood comes from somewhere.

CarpenterforChrist ago

They sacrifice infants, so I'm sure nothing is off the table.

Lauraingalls ago

Pure Evil.

POTM333 ago

Says addiction not addition...

MariaGoretti0706 ago

“Addiction” and looks like dried blood stains.

Lauraingalls ago

My mistake. I will correct it. Thanks.