19538696? ago


19537220? ago

Bradley Edwards is a Florida Attorney who represented some of Epstein's victims in their civil suit against Jeffrey Epstein. Edwards was also forced to sue Epstein for defamation and other civil offenses. As has been somewhat reported, Epstein and Edwards agreed to a settlement last week and their will be no civil trial.

We can say Edwards won because Epstein was required to publish the following statement.

“While Mr. Edwards was representing clients against me, I filed a lawsuit against him in which I made allegations about him that the evidence conclusively proves were absolutely false.’’

“The lawsuit I filed was my unreasonable attempt to damage his business reputation and cause Mr. Edwards to stop pursuing cases against me.’’

There was also a monetary settlement, which was undisclosed, according to The Miami Herald.

When Bradley Edwards began the legal process to sue Epstein in 2009, he served many subpoenas and notices to witnesses, potential witnesses, and others that might have information about Epstein that would be relevant to his lawsuit. Many of these witnesses were Big Shot types, or the kind of people who may have rubbed shoulders with Epstein (the "Help" also received subpoenas, et al.)

This is what Edwards said about Trump outside the Palm Beach County Courthouse last week after the settlement was announced.

Edwards - Begin at 5:34 - “…the only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people that I was going that I wanted to talk to them he is the only person who picked up the phone and said let's just talk I'll give you as much time as you want I'll tell you what you need to know and was very helpful in the information that he gave and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever but had good information that checked out and that helped us and that we didn't have to take a deposition of him.”

The Youtube Link to the Interview with Bradley Edwards is below.


19547315? ago

Grand Orient D'haiti De 1824 https://voat.co/v/QRV/3142005/17880019 what voodoo crap do these people worship?

19537104? ago

Justice is at hand for those poor girls.

19536753? ago

Trump is the leash around THIS MOSSAD KIKE PEDOPHILE'S NECK.


19538383? ago

I see JIDF is in here. Hi jews.

19539530? ago

All the fools trying to tie Trump to Epstein Island. Fucking clowns. Trump knew him, quite well, but until it is shown he messed with kids, I'm not buying Trump is one of them. He's not on the flight logs, that's a big sign right there

19535572? ago

Its all just talk until they are released. Besides, he is an elite jew and nothing will come of any of it. Jews are not bound by goy laws.

19547458? ago

maybe justice will catch up with the Weinstien, Kevin Spacey, Woody Allen types?

19549943? ago

Justice cannot even catch up with Jussie

19535460? ago

Where is Batman when we need him?

A midnight vigilante that is picking off rich, connected pedophiles would be celebrated by the people, yet targeted by law enforcement.

He would be the hero we need, but don't deserve.

19547335? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140795 Was he a Jester, KnightsMalta? did he pray with Shriners to Lucifer? They have a Funeral Mass seems normal, 'Satan' they believe a fallen Angel....Broadmoor Ripper Who is the guy Mike Tyson boxed?

19545742? ago

Batman or... Dexter?

19535230? ago

Be a damn shame if someone messed up an important redaction. Aww shucks, genuine mistake man.

19534282? ago

The file took longer to release than Epstein himself ! wwg1wgnoware.

19534102? ago

Last minute desperation by the cabal before they get Q'd?

19547351? ago

Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; The Shriners in White House & Oval Office https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3206344/19058331 crazy masonics

19535957? ago

american s have a habit to call everyone a friend after meeting just one time. 'most of the rest of the world needs a lot more time and insight into the other person before they call them 'a friend'. the concept of friendship in the us seems to me a form of politeness making others feel comfotable. wereas in the rest of the world you really have to deserve the title of 'friend' through proven integrity and a shared common ground, which can only reveil itself over time. Sometimes years...i do not believe Trump meant what he said, at all.

19536185? ago

Figure of speech

19535215? ago

KJU is also Trump’s friend. Trump also invited to Hillary’s family events.

19533748? ago

Gut feeling that this guy is the leash around Trump's necks.

19534900? ago

There was a rumor last year that Trump has been a sort of CI since the 80s in regards to all the nefarious activities these elites are engaged in. He is Mossad so he will go down when the rest do.

19535161? ago

Between him and Melania both working in these media industries, I bet they know where most of the skeletons are buried and I bet they’ve seen a lot of disgusting things.

19536560? ago

This is the new shill tactic? Pretend Trump is one of the baby fuckers?

We have been blessed with stupid and ineffectual enemies.

19549000? ago

"Low Energy" shills. Pathetic.

19542449? ago

You read that wrong. We are talking in context of Epstein committing the crimes. Trump is very open about having rubbed shoulders with these people and knew what they were up to. He said stopping them was one of the reasons he ran for POTUS.

19544010? ago

Sorry anon, friendly fire.

19534581? ago

OR NOT. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS spent, the ENTIRE globalist Deep State Cabal, Congress, the ENTIRE media industry, WORLD LEADERS, Social Media..........ALL OF IT used as leverage to try to find SOMETHING on Trump. They found ZERO. NADA. ZIP. He is the MOST vetted man in the world!!!! All they could find was that he said "pussy" one time. Wow.......

19535346? ago

yeah, people talk about the whole blackmail network that all these people operate in and how it keeps them accountable. well what better time to utilize it than when a guy like trump goes against the grain? either the pedo blackmail network doesn't exist or they don't have anything on trump.

19536575? ago

They obviously have nothing on Trump or it would have come out long ago. Trump's clean!

19537742? ago

Same with Hillary!

19538062? ago

Perhaps you should hold off on that one until the investigations into Hillary are completed.

19538281? ago

Same with Trump. Let's see some tax returns.

19540014? ago

Lol as if the tax returns wouldn't have leaked if they contained anything that harm Trump.

And when Trump gives up his tax returns, you'll want his birth certificate. When he gives that, you'll want a DNA sample to prove he's unrelated to Hitler. It will continue with this "he's guilty until proven innocent" nonsense forever, and ever, and ever.

It's not "same with Trump." Multiple thorough investigations have been completed on Trump and all have come up empty. The same cannot be said of Hillary.

19534444? ago

Trump is as clean as a whistle. This article is horribly misguided or malicious. You are an obvious shill.

19538019? ago

I agree Trump is clean. Maybe he wanted to see the extent of the evil in person to verify it isn't just rumors or a story. I imagine that he has worked behind the scenes on bringing this evil down. Yes his name is there. Maybe he set the stage using himself as bait. By the time this is over, they will know it was Trump that got them brought down. We just need to live through the Fake News as they make up stuff to make him look horribly guilty. Just remember, Trump is a Grand Master and a good one. He is one of a kind. Stay faithful MAGA followers and do not let this fake contagion sway you. Times is challenging. What a man our POTUS is. Wow!

Dems and shills really just look silly, whiny and stupid with their future, basically lightweight comments.

19535586? ago

Because you would know

19535525? ago

You never even met Trump, go watch your moon landing tapes Boomer.

19536587? ago

"Maybe the truth about Trump will come out after yet another investigation" -The shills

19537455? ago

The truth was never supposed to come out about Trump this is all a movie, and at the end it doesn't turn out good for you. Trump is a member of a secret society if you knew anything about the Masonic grip you would be able to tell when you watch him shake hands with certain people. Trump is part of the Scottish Rite and probably a few other off-shoots of the Masonic Lodge. Like the Lions Club. His oath isn't to the American people it's to his secret society and you're not in it.

19538050? ago

Hilarious. All of this started just this morning. Did you shills get a new memo or something?

19538114? ago

Don't worry you'll find out the hard way. Can't say I didn't try to warn you. It's probably too late anyway. God bless and good luck!

19533651? ago

Hmm, a bunch of deep state democrat judges are releasing buckets of files from the Epstein trial. The same trial where Acosta sealed the testimony of Katie Johnson. Dems are doing this, so I'm guessing Trump's name is ALL OVER those documents. He was mentioned several hundred times in the case according to Acosta's own words at the time.

19538164? ago

A White judge is releasing tons of incriminating evidence and 3 Jews are the ones who tried to stop it. Hmm...

19535363? ago

why didn't they just release this from the beginning then?

19535718? ago

Because Acosta blocked it.

19536289? ago


19536449? ago

Because Dershowitz (the defense) had a secret deal with Acosta (prosecutor) to give him a sweetheart deal. Theres something big here that's going to shock everyone. Trump will be named.

Think about the three big players here. Dershowitz (Trump friend), Acosta (Trump Administration), Epstein (Trump friend / got victims from Mar-a-Lago). Sorry I dont buy the "he went undercover" or "he was keeping enemies closer". Trump was involved w Pedo Isle.

19549024? ago

Bull shit.

19549034? ago

Which part? All of that happened.

19537718? ago

Trump knew Epstein kept records, hence why he took his ownplane after the first time.

19534180? ago

Trump's name is ALL OVER those documents.

So? If he's involved in any way we need to know.

19538660? ago


19535752? ago

It could be faked to set him up.

19535928? ago

Same thing Podesta would say.

19535192? ago

I thought he had been to the island, once.

That does not mean he participated in anything, but it may mean he knows enough and that is why the big push by him and his folks to expose and clean everything up.

19535430? ago

preciseIy. i recall even the dalai lama was there once. remember how wicked these people are. it can be a tactic to invite powerful persons , seduce them and make material to blackmail them when necessary to their agenda. income security.

19536607? ago

What do you mean "even the Dalai Lama"? As though that CIA asset were some kind of paragon of virtue?

19533649? ago

Filthy Jew - all they do is rape: rape our government, rape our minds with their fake news, rape our economy with their usury central banks, rape our history with their revisionist lies and rape our culture using their humanitarian foundations to flood western civilization with subhumans.

19539232? ago

You can’t prove you’re not a Jew.

It’s OK to be a Jew.

19538126? ago

Wow, you must have taken it up the ass countless times to be that pissed off.

Hope you get your day in court.

19540496? ago

Suck my cock niggerfaggot

19548336? ago

Watch the language; there ought to be a comma after "cock".

19548917? ago


19534199? ago

rape our government, rape our minds

Govern=Gubernare; To Control. Ment=Mentalis;Mentes; The Mind.

Rape your Government and Rape Your mind are the same thing my nigga.

19546045? ago

Stop using ebonic language in casual conversation. It's part of the pattern of programming they use against you. Your inner voice shouldn't be that. Lift yourself to higher levels of expression.

19535295? ago

I take it you didn't study Latin in school, or you failed it badly.

19547452? ago

Do Epstein's wealth and elite connections make him impossible to bring to justice? Investigative journalist Ben Swann joins Scottie Nell Hughes to discuss. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3309443/19503763 Q says no one gets a pass.

19537051? ago

3 year old news from 2016 the accusers were never able to prove the 13 yr old girl was an actual person and not just a made up name.

19537797? ago

Actually it was all sealed by Acosta