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19392538? ago

thanks for the candle reminder

19393309? ago

You are more than welcome.

I can't say what is going to happen.

What I can say for a fact is it will be biblical.

I wasn't woken up for nothing. You aren't here by accident.

Thanks for being here with me.

19393632? ago

I wasn't woken up for nothing. You aren't here by accident.

This retard has pulled this before here. He thinks that he can convince the "stupid Qtards" that he is the savior.

^^ Check out what OP has to say in those posts.

OP the Troll here thinks he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

In his own mind maybe, in real life he is just another Troll from SBBH

19399039? ago

You did it again. Good job! Again! Thank You! You have a excellent eye for detail.

19399571? ago

I have been exposing this fraud for quite awhile now, maybe he is a bot because he is just dumber than a box of rocks, I shut him down every time.

Now he is making good posts and then putting all his crap in the comments, so I just sit back and wait for him to mess up and then I expose him.

He sure got triggered about it this time. Hahaha

He tried two more times today after this one, one he deleted already and this one:

19399809? ago

I think he has a Jesus complex. He comes across as being very full of himself and above us normal people. Yet when you got under his skin he did not act like Jesus!

19399994? ago

I think he has a Jesus complex. He comes across as being very full of himself and above us 
normal people. 

He is very full of himself and he is one of the biggest braggarts I have ever seen, I have lurked over on sbbh and seen him bragging about how easy it is for him to make "the Qtards" believe whatever he wants.

Yet when you got under his skin he did not act like Jesus!

Hahaha ...Not at all, he is getting pretty mad at me for shutting him down all the time.

19409645? ago

Your boy has another post

19475392? ago Look who I found on this post.

19612443? ago

Are you out there?

19615514? ago

Still here

19617326? ago

Our boy had another article out last nite. Cant find it this morning. He was getting hit pretty hard. Claiming to be Jesus' replacement and more.

19634262? ago Did you see this? I missed this one, he really got his butt kicked. I wonder why he deleted it...Hahahaha....Looks like he went full retard.

Here's his latest spaz fest

Poor little Sybil all personality(s) and no brain....Hahaha

19634346? ago

That is the one I saw! Yes he got his ass kicked! I even made a comment on there. The one below where he says he is Jesus' replacement. This guy has a serious mental issue. I thought that was you on there letting him have it. One guy on there just layed into his ass good. When I went to message you I went back to get the link to it and the post was gone. I could not locate it.

19619640? ago

Thanks for the heads up anon, I found it I was watching him for awhile and then had to go. He just can't help going full retard can he? He actually posts a few times everyday on various things and manages to keep his sanity in check, he must have a Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde personality split ---- I used to call him Sybil Haha--- Mrs. multiple personalities Hahahaha

Actually we know he is just a Trollfag thinking he can convince some 'Qtards' he's the savior. Can you even imagine what type of retard actually thinks this stuff up? Lets keep exposing this qrv "Sybil" I know that makes him very angry and I like upsetting the little retard.

19485806? ago

LMAO! "Troll Fag Loser"!!!!! I LOVE IT! Looks like you were busy while I was away.

19409823? ago

Thank you for the heads up. I will check it out.

19410292? ago

I have been watching this guy, posts like his just recently started showing up at the same time every night, I have not quite figured out what his angle is because he doesn't respond to the comments. I do have my suspicions though, I beat up on someone who had some really twisted religious views a few days ago and I think it could be him. Good job spotting him and thanks for the help keeping an eye out for these clowns.