19315634? ago

How about poor Canada? Insane Tru-dope is tightening the screws!

19312456? ago

The DS is very much alive... it’s the amoral philosophy and unethical actions of billions of people worldwide that keep it that way...


As long as responsibility is absent from people’s expressions of freedom there will be a Deep State and liberty will just be an entelechy.


19321055? ago

thank you for the new word

19310417? ago

Hundreds of thousands of people need to be locked up in law enforcement alone, their are Billions involved in this rats nest.

19310395? ago

I am afraid this is not possible. Its going to take decades to disassemble. FIrst thing to consider is the entire Global network for Child Trafficking was put together by Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair. The ICMEC AND NCMEC. This global organization including Amber alert whom convicted child trafficker and friend of Hillary Silsby , all need to be disassembled. In addition Charities and Orphanages also need to be taken down. That is the end of the story. Peter Theile supplied the worldwide software from Palantir and all law enforcement uses it and a company called CUBIC. So somebody needs to do their homework and wake the fuck up.

19305263? ago

Japan is next, Xi knows it.

19304655? ago

"Zion Williamson got hit with a $100 million lawsuit just before the draft"--Would you call that another sign?

19302694? ago

Arrests or GTFO

19302714? ago




Shill more, the wait for you must be agonizing!

19302758? ago

I'll be at the Clinton's pizza party. How about you come down and discuss this some more in person.

19302838? ago

You sound scared.

19303077? ago

You sound retarded.

19303122? ago


19301631? ago

Love the inference---Isnotreal---hahaha, from the comments. Perfect. I will use this from now on.

19300807? ago

If this is true, then the financial reset and medical technologies need to come out within weeks.

19300783? ago

Our Intel agencies are FAR from cleaned up. This goes so much deeper and nefarious than this anon could even contemplate. The global DS may have been a bit surprised but they are by no means out of resources or connections. This is not over and may not be until our Lord and savior comes back.

19301241? ago

Every director and every head of every fed intel agency is headed by Trump picks.

They flushed the bad actors out.

Fake news is all they have left.

Enemy of the People.

19300753? ago

This is laughable, delusional nonsense. Most of these events have nothing to do with Q and are a pathetic attempt to convince yourself that your gay little 8chan LARP is real. It's not.

19301254? ago

Thanks again for admitting you know Q is real.

No other reason you attack Q.

Q is a threat to you.

Make believe 'larps' should be no threat.

But it threatens you.

YOU are a fucking pathetic laughable degenerate low IQ piece of shit.

Keep proving us right you fucking loser.

19300744? ago

What are the Shriners .... Freemasonry and Washington D.C.'s Street Layout https://voat.co/v/QRV/3279796/19198287 The house of the temple is the eye in the triangle.

19300593? ago

As a British Anon I have to tell you, regardless of Brexit, Boris Johnson is a DS lackey, who is no different to May or his best friend Cameron.

19300326? ago

Freemason Trump and Qpsyop are both LARPS working for the deep state NWO cabal.

Trump Kushner & Pompeo all just held high level meetings with the Illuminati cabal.

Zero chance Trump Kushner & Pompeo meet with the NWO cabal unless they are one of them.

Not a single swamp rat has been arrested & prosecuted.

Criminal rats still free laughing and taunting Americans on national TV and social media.

Clinton's are connected to dozens of unsolved mysterious deaths still no justice served.

Clinton foundation most corrupt criminal racket in U.S. history no justice served.

Obama most corrupt seditious & treasonous POTUS in U.S. history no justice served.

Trump has appointed numerous swamp creatures to important positions.

Trump has made no effort to drain the swamp.

Firings are simply a matter of the cabal moving around their larps.

Trump continues to whine on Twitter all talk and no action for years.

Trump & Qpsyop continue to allow the censorship & elimination of conservatives online unopposed.

Trump continues to allow hordes of historic record illegal immigration into USA.

POTUS declares a national emergency on border yet refuses to actually close the border.

The wall is stalled and not even close to being completed.

Trump whines but does nothing about illegal voter fraud.

Poisonous geoengineering of chemtrail spraying on Americans continuing across USA.

Trump continues to allow America's crops to be sprayed with Monsanto weed killer.

Trump continues to allow GMO foods into America's food supply.

Medical cures still being kept hidden from Americans.

ET disclosure remains highest classification kept secret from Americans.

Health care has not been fixed.

Trump appoints yet another giant swamp creature in Wray to head the FBI.

Qanon disappears again after serving up continuous nothing burgers for 20 straight months.

MOAB on the king criminal swamp rat Comey never happened.

Declas remains an ongoing fiasco.

Horowitz & Huber nothing - burger reports imminent.

Yup, freemason Trump & Qpsyop are both live action role players working for the NWO cabal.

19300730? ago

I have never seen a shill so scared, ps this is copy pasted everywhere here

19300475? ago

Thanks for admitting you believe Q is real (your panic is proof)..

19300197? ago

The Deep State is far from gone, the process of removing them has only just begun. It will take many many years, if not at least a couple of decades. Exactly none of the meaningful players have been more than scratched thus far. For them, Trump is like a passing rain shower on the golf course, an inconvenience and little more. The main players are not the politicians, they are just the puppet whores we see on TV, and they are entirely expendable, and deliberately so. They have no real power.

The schools are still SJW, the faggots dance naked in the streets, school shootings are so frequent people no longer even pay attention to them, drugs and crime and war and terror continues unabated, and the people behind it still control all of their assets. The entire media is still full of shit. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. A few pedos have been arrested, a bit of wall has been built, Trump is finally getting control of some of the government. This is not a sea change like the end of the Soviet Union.

This is not some easy fight which will be won in a year or two. We are going to have to claw and scratch and bite and chew through every fucking mile on the road to victory. Anything less and we will fail, and we will die.

Has much been accomplished, certainly, but we have not even reached the end of the beginning yet. We'll be lucky if we reach the end of the beginning while Trump is still in office. We will be really lucky if Trump ever sees a friendly congress so some real laws can be passed.

It's too early to be counting chickens that have not yet hatched.

19299331? ago

IMO the GCC will be the major player in any op in/against Iran. WWG1WGA

19299249? ago

And this > Hello Legacy Media Welcome to Q research. We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies. Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit. It's the end of an epoch. Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed. Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming. Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice. We know, and will prove, legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children for decade and much more. Not one will escape justice.

Not 1.>

19299179? ago

Wonder if that's Q...

19298970? ago

Not over till its over.

Israel is last for a reason, the villain always gets revealed in the end.

Once israel has nothing left, only then does it fall.

19298821? ago

Everyone's heard the adage Knowledge is power. Well, having control over the media and having shills to push and prevent info for you is still plenty of power because people are stupid and believe most of what they're told. They create a "knowledge" of their own. The media is the coup de grâce; get the media, get total control.

19298534? ago

Johnson will not bring Brexit. The DS is alive and thriving in the UK as it is in the US.

19300084? ago

Brexit already happened on March 29th. The Queen signed it into law in January 2018. It can not legally be delayed. It is done.

19297853? ago

Holy shit, thank you.

19297769? ago

And the FBI is STILL corrupt and obstructing.

Besides, if we never see the whoring MSM being executed in prison in their thousands then people should take it upon themselves to deliver. Besides the really big players NOTHING is as disgusting and deserving of painful death as this fake MSM machine and their pedowood brainwashers.

19300130? ago

^^^ Shillfag, trying to disrupt and distract^^^

19300786? ago

Why? Im simply stating the obvious while hoping both msm and the fbi will be thrown in jail.

Did you ran out of arguments and started to scream "shill" because your synapses fired the wrong way again?

19297705? ago

Merkel did her job. In one generation she has made Germany a caliphate. Her leaving office does nothing. She changed the future of that country forever and it is practically irreversible

19320278? ago

"practically irreversible?"

watch what happens next week in the US, illegals already self-deporting as the raids start tomorrow morning!

19320361? ago

There is somewhere between 11-40 million illegals in this country. They are having kids here and those kids become citizens because of our retarded law. Call me when they are exporting more than are coming in on a daily basis. They are always growing in number

19321091? ago

don't have your number

19297693? ago

CIA is not mentioned, therefore, it's a lonnnnnng way from being done. Bad apples come from a bad tree.

19297666? ago

If US invades Iran, what does it mean if (((they))) set up another rothschild international bank there?

19297175? ago

Private central banking - still in full force = should be reset after mass arrests

MSM (including twitter, goog, FB) - still in full force = shoulder be reset after mass arrests

19297106? ago

How do you have such supposed insight and yet no spell check?

19300757? ago

UHHH... HOLY SHIT, LOL. "In the 1990's, as the hotel was being refurbished, engineers noticed discrepancies in the blueprints. They discovered a majestic Masonic temple hidden behind false walls." https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3185313/18667945

Masons/Jesuits/Shriners and so on are gates of charity to send Isreal money. Masons Infiltrated Churches, Police, and all forms of businesses.

Noachide was the first name of Masons.

Freemasons, all gentiles, call themselves Noachide, sons of Noah.

Freemasonry = Noahide Laws = Judiasm for Gentiles

“If you are not an American you will understand why your country is on its present course, as it too is controlled by the Jesuit General through his select Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and the Illuminati’s Masonic, Cabalistic, Labor Zionist, Sabbatian Frankist (named after the Black Pope’s baptized Jacob Frank), Jewish House of Rothschild. For the Order controlled the infamous House of Rothschild since no later than the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, after which Jesuit-led Crusade the Rothschild family was surnamed the “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.” Eric Jon Phelps, “Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p.90

19297217? ago

Finally got my first time in a couple of days.

19296938? ago

I will see it when I believe it.

Arrest, or GTFO.

19300732? ago

? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3217676 It's not freemasonry, not Arabic Jew Pagan Shriner rituals?? or Order of Eastern Star... all just cover ... truth? media banned permanently worldwide: its Babylon Satanic LUCIFERIANISM.

19296747? ago

now that they are backed into a corner, the attacks will get vicious.. be prepared

19300767? ago

She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598/17750897 She looks happy except where she slipped in one picture and showed the demon. But I bet she is a nice old lady. Someone that I bet loves to be around kids and gives them candy and lives in a gingerbread house.

19296534? ago

Until the ruling elite are destroyed then 99% of us will never be safe, this is a fact.

19300135? ago

^^^ Shillfag, trying to discourage (but failing)^^^

19296315? ago

as frustrating as not much public disclosure to confirm, you cannot argue with the OP's post that there is a lot that is happened more behind the scenes.

19296081? ago

If Isreal isnt in Christian hands, the battle isn't won.

19299862? ago

isreal or Isnotreal?

19320256? ago


19301640? ago

-Isnotreal---hahaha, from the comments. Perfect. I will use this from now on.

19296023? ago

How contradictory. DS is gone and now we can finally start another war for the DS against Iran.

Dumb as fuck.

Some kike were this. The Steinlight Plan

19297656? ago

Thinking isn't one of your strengths...am I right. Maybe cooking freedom fries and burgers would be more useful. Or sandwiches? Your choice!

19297833? ago

Fuck of kike. I'm not supporting Israel over the country that defeated ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Western Deep State in Syria. Retard.

Iran, Russia, Syria, Hezbollah, Houtis -vs- Israel, Saudi Arabia, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Bako Haram, US Deep State.

I picked my side 10 years ago. Sovereign nation's > globalist kikes

19297194? ago

Lol we are all paying more attention than you.

Do you actually think a war in Iran is coming?

Ha ha ha! Imagine being that gullible ha ha ga

19295860? ago

They are far from destroyed. See all those rainbow flags dominating everywhere you go? See all those illuminate references in shows and movies? How many can you count in just the Ashley O episode of the new Black Mirror? Far from defeated.

19297780? ago

Who the hell is 'Ashley O' and WTF is 'Black Mirror'?? Seriously?? That's like saying CNN has an impact!😆 wake the fuck up you FOOL!😱

19297290? ago

You know there still are going to be gay people after the Cabal is defeated don't you?

19298687? ago

When we get rid of all the poisons and soy in our food many of these problems can be resolved. If we sub hemp, a very healthy food as filler instead of soy, chemical imbalances causing all sorts of problems including hormone imbalances can be resolved. There always will be homosexuals there always have been, but usually not accepted.

19297181? ago

No one said we were done. They said we are winning. Imagine telling someone from 2015 that 2019 would be this glorious.

19299662? ago

Where is the glory? State enforced homosexuality, America is browner than ever, and zero traitorous politicians have been brought to justice. You’re delusional

19295989? ago

In America all but completely obliterated.

No, I don't see rainbow flags "dominating" anywhere.

Fake news and Fakewood mean nothing

19298601? ago

The only rainbow flags I have seen are in the media.

19299070? ago

If I got some printed up, how many QRVers would buy rainbow TP?

19320243? ago

no thanks, the less ink the better

19296106? ago

So their entire propaganda machine being fully operational means nothing?

19297798? ago

Of course it means nothing you FOOL!!! WE are TOO FUCKING BUSY WORKING AND RAISING OUR FAMILIES TO CARE WHAT THE CABAL BRAINWASHING SAYS!! wake the fuck up and at least learn who WE ARE!🙄

19297823? ago

So fuck the rest of our people who have fallen under it's spell, and fuck the effects it has on our culture? I live in a 99.9% white town, and I never have to see it, but I still care. I want the best for all of my people, regardless of how foolish they have been.

19298385? ago

So the wheat that got choked out by the tares is to blame for the enemy seeding it?

19302248? ago

Wow you're an idiot🤤 learn how to READ and get back to us...

19318175? ago

Learn how to comprehend what you read and then get back to me. Clearly, the wheat is white people, the enemy is the Jew, and the tares are the 3rd world immigrants.

19297612? ago

Their propaganda machine can play on autopilot...what would you expect? That's all they know. And for the last 3 year's, that's all they've done... Attack Trump and anything they feel is supporting the destruction of the DS...their cash machine.

19297839? ago

If they were destroyed, the machine would be too. And we would have wholesome ideals on air. Until that happens, and normies and lefties are forced to accept that their reality was wrong, nothing has been won.

19302475? ago

True. Hopefully that comes soon.

19295787? ago

Others have said whatever underground bases existed are largely destroyed as well.

19320228? ago

i remember feeling that "earthquake" that originated in virgina few years ago, i was just outside of boston

19295739? ago

Lololol such delusions

19295834? ago

Found the shill. Notice how they're always here and always first to comment!

19297626? ago

Yep...just like the Krapenstien butt boys.

19295865? ago

Found the delusional goy

19296788? ago

found the JIDF glowfaggot

19297209? ago

This anon is large and in charge. Glad you can spot them as easily as I can, anon.

19297244? ago

shit.. i can smell em through the monitor..... smells like cocaine, kiddie diddlin' & corruption... with a hint of tiny hats & big noses

19297417? ago

We are winning

19296822? ago

Found the really cool dude who I hope has a great evening?....


19296841? ago

jim beam & grilling burgers., thak you. hope your doing something relaxing w your loved ones as well

19296881? ago

Bout to bang my pregnant wife...then pass out

19296921? ago

keep makin white babies.. rock out w/ yer cock out

19295664? ago

Not a single mention of Israel?

19301821? ago

Israel will be last!

19296610? ago

God bless this goat.

19299638? ago

Wanting to get rid of corrupt Jewish officials is fine.

Anyone who hates all the regular Jews living in their country is just as bad as the people they claim to hate.

19304506? ago

Agreed! We are anti-Satanic, not anti-Semitic! BTW, not all religious Jews are Satanic. A lot of them are very pious people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmqetOw4138

19319727? ago

Yup. Thanks for the video link.

19302179? ago

living in their country

You do realize that before WWII that "Isreal" didn't exist. It was created with land stolen from the Palestinians.

19319737? ago

lmao so you want Palestine instead of Israel?

Well....that's just... not gonna happen. You know that right?

19300632? ago



Hitler was a bitch that played right into the enemies hands. Either willingly or stupidly.

19296121? ago


19297280? ago

saving them for last... (GLASSED)

19299651? ago

You want to nuke Israel?

Wow I guess all of the normal people left since it’s been a month since Q said anything.

They’ll be back but until then this place is a joke.

19295849? ago

As much as I like to see good news, I sometimes wonder if threads like this are meant to make people complacent.

19298805? ago

Of course they are. As an outsider looking in it is extremely obvious

19297170? ago

We are winning. Trust, but continue to verify that this is true.

19296953? ago

I always see this. To keep patriots calm..I think it could be viewed the other way around. Look at all the patriots united ready to go if needed.

19299657? ago

Have you been regularly meeting with your local militia because of q?

19301316? ago


19297538? ago

I don't even necessarily believe what I said... I merely think its healthy to regularly play devil's advocate in uncharted waters like this.

19296016? ago

Not complacent if you're praying and discussing. Learn and be ready for the suddenly-lost-mobs when they finally see truth.

19296752? ago

BE READY with love and compassion. Forgiveness and guidance into the light. THIS is the GREATEST time to be alive. Pay attention. Trump said ENJOY the RIDE for a reason.... YOU ARE SAFE... YOU ARE in for some GOOD FUN. Count your Blessings. The Storm of BLESSINGS is also descending on Lady Gaia.

19295657? ago

POTUS will NEVER send troops into Iran.

19296775? ago

misspelled nuke