19311062? ago

wow some extremely tryhard shilling in this thread.

these faggots can play pretend all they want, clock ticking.

gonna be a motherfucking week to remember ladies and gents (actual people, the shills can just fuck off).

19302716? ago

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19301799? ago

Wishful thinking at its best.

19302582? ago

Thanks for proving I am over the target in your mind, panicbot!

19302607? ago

Yeah yeah whatever.

19302633? ago

LOL, confirmed!

19301754? ago

My picture looks more like Trump, Barr, and Q peacefully sitting in a small boat. Patiently fishing...

with dynamite

19300332? ago

Freemason Trump and Qpsyop are both LARPS working for the deep state NWO cabal.

Trump Kushner & Pompeo all just held high level meetings with the Illuminati cabal.

Zero chance Trump Kushner & Pompeo meet with the NWO cabal unless they are one of them.

Not a single swamp rat has been arrested & prosecuted.

Criminal rats still free laughing and taunting Americans on national TV and social media.

Clinton's are connected to dozens of unsolved mysterious deaths still no justice served.

Clinton foundation most corrupt criminal racket in U.S. history no justice served.

Obama most corrupt seditious & treasonous POTUS in U.S. history no justice served.

Trump has appointed numerous swamp creatures to important positions.

Trump has made no effort to drain the swamp.

Firings are simply a matter of the cabal moving around their larps.

Trump continues to whine on Twitter all talk and no action for years.

Trump & Qpsyop continue to allow the censorship & elimination of conservatives online unopposed.

Trump continues to allow hordes of historic record illegal immigration into USA.

POTUS declares a national emergency on border yet refuses to actually close the border.

The wall is stalled and not even close to being completed.

Trump whines but does nothing about illegal voter fraud.

Poisonous geoengineering of chemtrail spraying on Americans continuing across USA.

Trump continues to allow America's crops to be sprayed with Monsanto weed killer.

Trump continues to allow GMO foods into America's food supply.

Medical cures still being kept hidden from Americans.

ET disclosure remains highest classification kept secret from Americans.

Health care has not been fixed.

Trump appoints yet another giant swamp creature in Wray to head the FBI.

Qanon disappears again after serving up continuous nothing burgers for 20 straight months.

MOAB on the king criminal swamp rat Comey never happened.

Declas remains an ongoing fiasco.

Horowitz & Huber nothing burger reports imminent.

Yup, freemason Trump & Qpsyop are both live action role players working for the NWO cabal.

19299637? ago

Love it how if you question or show disgust at the fact that people who swore the oath to the constitution and are evil child raping ,illicit trafficking , treasonous ,murderes and rico qualified mother fuckers have not been arrested tried and hanged yet for their deeds, your a shill . I am certainly not here "shilling" for the nwo. Thats just the stupid low iq response of Q worshippers. I will be happy as a kid in a candy store and moms credit card in hand if arrestes and charges start coming out and I would scream from the bottom of my hearst YESSS IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME ! It will seriously crack me up if bill and hillary both drop dead of whatever health reasons before any charges are brought. Would I then be able to say , nice plan and lmao at the qtards? Or would that be shilly? Muh Arrests.

19299439? ago

All that may be true, but us “arrest a fucking nigger whose name we KNOW” people are not all shills. Just need a little bit of confirmation to the APPEARANCE that it’s happening.

19298067? ago

Let the shills, shill... We sit back and laugh 😂🤣

19295504? ago

Nothing happening - nada. Q is fail. A report is all we will ever get. Hillary is set for life - Comey, Brennan etc. can't wait to do next book tours and TV tours. Gitmo is a waste of money.

19295147? ago

Meanwhile, the Deep State is suiciding people to silence them and making evidence disappear.

Sources within the NYPD said Silks had expressed sadness ahead of his mandatory departure from the force. He had served the force for 39 years.

Other sources however, say the Deputy Chief was heavily involved in the sex crimes investigation of former Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner, and that the Chief PERSONALLY OVERSAW the evidence-gathering from a laptop computer seized from Weiner in that investigation.

That laptop is alleged to have contained numerous emails from Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State, and numerous files in a folder titled "Insurance Policy" which reportedly contained extraordinary details about child sex rings operated by - and for use of -- high ranking government officials nationwide.

Ultimately that laptop had to be turned over by NYPD to the FBI, which allegedly "lost it."


19295491? ago


19295816? ago

According to Quantum Physics, the outcome is dependent upon many factors. Ignore that fact to your own peril. Remain alert. The enemy has many ways to circumvent the "inevitable" outcome. What happened to Adam and Eve is a good example of that.

19295006? ago

Breitbart boasted of having damaging evidence on Obama and sat on it. Look where that got him. I don't think it does anyone any good to boast about having a Royal Flush. Bluffs can be dangerous and foolish.

19294476? ago


19296595? ago

What’s the alternative? Crazy Bernie?

19300360? ago

Can’t vote our way out

19298616? ago


19294937? ago

I'm sorry to say I'm beginning to have the same doubts. What happened to Huber? To DECLASS? To 9/11?

NYPD officers getting suicided. Deep State opponents getting suicided? Hillary's brother getting suicided? Hollywood producers getting suicided? The longer we wait, the more witnesses that will be silenced. Is the Deep State making threats against Trump's family? Is that whyTrump is now reluctant to follow through on Draining the Swamp?

19294517? ago


19294326? ago

Screaming SHILL is a CIA created term to shut down freedom of thought and speech that disagrees with a popular narrative on a social site or forum. The word Shill is derived to shut down another opinion of being considered. It is the same mechanism the CIA used by creating the terms Fake News and Conspiracy Theorist. Shill is the label that has become a disciplinary device used by Q'tist's that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events or ideologies off limits to inquiry or debate.

Down-voting is another mechanism that Q'tist's use to hide an opposing opinion or ideology that poses a threat to their narrative and reality.

Who ever uses these tactics are actually the ones who are threatened and fear that their reality is challenged and false. Thus are a part of shutting down freedom of thought and speech.

This is how dumbed down people are today. They scream against censorship but yet participate in it in the same time continuum by screaming Shill, Fake News or Conspiracy Theorist.




19294352? ago

LOL, no "conspiracy theory" is the C_A created term.

"Shill" began by the people on 4chan you dumb fuck

19294379? ago

It was the C_A on 4chan you dumb fuck. You didn't watch the videos thus you didn't learn. Naturally Sub Zero IQ.

19294398? ago




19294446? ago

Ahahahahaha The C_A created Q you dumb fuck.

19294483? ago



I think I just found the dumbest dumb fuck on VOAT everyone!

19294620? ago

^^this guy again. The Fraud Troll King copy and paste respond-er. Ignore the troglodyte that hears peoples thoughts when they are typing not talking. Buwahahahaha Sub Zero Boomer IQ. .

19294732? ago

^ This low IQ fake q anon again.


19294862? ago

Arrests or STFU

19294549? ago

Evidently you do not know your real enemy and their Tactics, Motives and Agenda. All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by the Rulers.


I think I just found the dumbest dumb fuck on VOAT everyone!

19294747? ago

And it's in this ^ moron's mirror! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

19294088? ago


19293731? ago

Q hasn't posted since May 26th, did they take off for gay pride month or something?

19293869? ago

its ok to be faggot. not all can be chad

19293752? ago

What's gay pride month? What details are you privy to about this? I've never heard of it.

Are you gay?

It's OK to be gay.

19295500? ago

It's OK to be gay.

No it's not faggot.

19293333? ago

Just sit back and relax. You have no responsibility to keep your nation. It's all taken care of for you.

Trust the anonynous internet character when he, she, or they, tell you all is well, and you need do nothing. How could that ever come back to bite you?

Sure if comforting, isn't it?

I guess the stories about eternal happiness for behaving, and eternal punishment for those who misbehave, isn't enough for people anymore.

19293347? ago

Gloria Vanderbilt deceased Monday

-Keith Reneire of NXIVM convicted on all counts

-Many threads will unravel as a result of NXIVM but notably there are already big names being outed - May in Arkansas, Shumer, etc

-The Supreme Court ruling on “Gamble v United States”. It was decided on the 17th. [Q day] It was a case about double jeopardy, deciding if for purposes of prosecuting offenses if individual State’s and the United States are separate sovereign entities and therefore each able to each prosecute a defendant for the same crime. The Supreme court ruled THEY WERE!

This has two affects

  1. After this ruling Trump immediately stated “millions of illegal aliens would be arrested next week”, meaning the states claims of sanctuary are not valid with regard to federal statutes.

  2. States that are not aligned to the US laws can be found to be “rebelling” against the US, as previously done by Lincoln during the first Civil War.

Couple this supreme court ruling with the rumblings with Iran hitting the ships with mines, shooting down a US drone last night and the US promising a response SOON – before Sunday.

Then the move to put Trumps hand-picked guy in charge of the Pentagon and the Army simultaneously. Sarah Sanders announced her departure and candidates to replace her are still not announced - Trump named a new SecDef within hours of Shanahan's withdrawal. Think this was pre-planned much?

I believe The Plan required NXIVM to be prosecuted prior to going after Hillary. AOC's comments about concentration camps related? DS is desperatly trying to start war in Iran? POTUS to be on AF1/Japan next week for G20? Seems to correlate.

Something very big is about to happen very SOON.

Might be time to ensure your prepped up on the essentials!!

19293649? ago

Anyone who doesn't insist you do all you can for you and yours is deceiving you if they claim to be your ally.

Has Q mentioned getting armed, and stocking up on food, ammo, precious metals, real estate, etc.?

Has s/he mentioned getting into shape? Learning as many trades as possible? Learning first aid? Doing yoga? Having a backup pair of boots?

Has s/he mentioned using p2p decentralized alternatives to coopted/corrupted ones? Anything about learning how to use PGP? Freenet? Usenet? I2P? Meshnet?

Anything about rain catches? Water filtration?

Anything about not sending your kids off to state schools to be ruined?

Anything about eliminating expensive, variable rate, debt, for cheap, fixed rate, long term, debt? Anything about paying off debt?

Anything about taking responsibility for being in the best community possible? For repairing/strengthing associations?

Did s/he recommend buying a single bag of rice, or doing a fucking pushup?


If not, there is only one reason why.. It's because you're being distracted/used. If not, Q represents those who wish to replace your tyrants, not eliminate the possibility of them.

Those who don't seek power would tell you to be independent, and reduce or eliminate the power which will be abused.

19299818? ago

Doing yoga?

Yoga is a satanic ritual, Aleister Crowley wrote a book on it.

Just stretch. Yikes.

19304393? ago

Dude evrr do ddp yoga? That shit aint satanic.

19306297? ago

Yes, it is, that's why they're always getting church ladies to do it.


19306438? ago

We shouod take it. Fuck satanists. Its the healthiest exercise.

19306461? ago

Weight training with a little light stretching afterward is the healthiest exercise.

19293663? ago

Keep panicking shillbot!

You're only proving Q threatens you!


19293144? ago

Looking at the qrv catalog, it's a lot of "we're in the know, we've got them on the run, they're busted, it's going to happen" A mirror of trump's going to be impeached, russian collusion hysteria.

19292788? ago

The delay is because the global economy is on the brink of collapse. POTUS trying to use the DOW/S&P500 levels, phony GDP and jobs numbers as evidence of a great economy. Nothing could be further from the truth. All real charts and numbers show global economy is on the verge of collapse. Fed more or less capitulated yesterday. Dropping interest rates and QE4 shatter the illusion. The jig is up in the next 2-12 months.

19293343? ago

Let the global economy fucking tank. They have all been suckling at the teeth of U.S. anyway. It's not our responsibility to be the care takers for 99.9% of the worlds shitholes.

19293910? ago


19294076? ago

Come suckle my teeth honey

19292600? ago

Exactly Anon! They're relegated to just guessing on how to act / react. They hate not knowing what to do or what's coming next.

19292048? ago

Another one of THESE posts. Half of this sub is stuff like this.

19293376? ago

The other half is shills panicking.

19291820? ago

Yep, more leverage is gained everyday, more ground is won and secured everyday, bad actors are monitored and tracked, while left free enough to panic and expose themselves, and dig their own graves deeper and deeper.

All the while lots of work is going on in the background i'm sure, to correct Obama's illegitamite presidency.

For my part QTeam can wait a while longer with arrests, stage is set, show is getting real good now, let 'em panic and bump in to each other like headless chickens, the hunters have become the hunted, these people are stupid!

19291641? ago

I look at all this as a slow programming. The left has their Mockingbird media, we also have talking points. Lately I've been hearing, Pain is coming. Alot more than just Hannity. And hinting that they may be able to find the lost emails deep in state department.

I believe this approach is necessary. Seriously, the normies would freak without being broken into what we take for granted. I mentioned to a friend how DeNiro is a pedo. It was like I said there's no Santa Claus. And this is an intelligent conservative.

Unfortunately, the previous programming has to be chipped away. As much as I want to see big arrests, I don't want a bunch of bullshit either because of the public freaking out. Some of it may be inevitable, but minimizing as much as possible is worth the wait. Imo

19296783? ago

Disagree except in the event that moving faster actually jeopardizes success.

Taking the slow road may prevent a lot of leftist rage and leftists' deaths. It is costing the lives of the victims of the cabal.

Taking the fast road may cause a lot of leftist rage and leftists' deaths. It would save the lives of victims of the cabal.

I'm okay with leftists getting themselves killed.

19298187? ago

Interesting point. While I believe that there are conservatives that aren't on board yet, I do believe that they can assimilate the info easier. Liberals brains are not wired to understand logic and reason. So ya, I get your point.

19295703? ago

Lately I've been hearing, Pain is coming. Alot more than just Hannity.

I mean that has been the case since the day Comey cleared her back in 2016. Yet here we are. No. my friend, I'm beginning to think these people like Hannity know what we want to hear in order to tune in and by a MyPillow but I don't trust anything MSM and yes, he's a paid and controlled puppet.

19298260? ago

Yep, both sides have their 'programming. '

19292591? ago

A sassy older woman at my Mom’s retirement community said Obama was a Muslim. I laughed when my Mom told me because I knew she’d be horrified! The normies just don’t see it!

19291960? ago

minimizing as much as possible is worth the wait. Imo

I second this. I desperately want the medical technologies and other advanced tech out asap though. My family could really use them. I also want to start relearning what it is that I need to relearn considering we are slaves and have been brainwashed with lies since birth. While we are aware of much more than the average person, we're defiantly gonna need some re-education ourselves when the time comes to be welcomed back to the cosmos.

19294923? ago

History is a good place to start... those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it. I suggest the book The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. also deep dive into the Bolshevik revolution (who was really behind it). Mein Kampf is also a good read although be advised you will want to skip the forward and footnotes and let the author speak for himself without the evident bias.

19294208? ago

Yes. The relearning for ourselves as well. Good point!

19293303? ago

Porn link

19293320? ago

^^^Phama shill trying to hide the truth

19291920? ago

It was like I said there's no Santa Claus.

Sources on this? The red pills just keep getting worse!

19291508? ago

We are Q

We own you.

We infiltrated you.

We are watching all of you.

We have all of you under the target.

1733 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20009

1733 Q St NW Washington, DC 20009


Maximus Decimus Meridius

You were created to be ruled.

This is your natural state It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.

19293409? ago

You sound scared.

You have no power over anyone here.

You fear us, we don't fear you.

Panic some more on QRV you sad, weak, anemic sorry excuse for a shill, hahahaha


19293989? ago

^^ this guy. Copy and pastes his responses all over the place. What a weak fake ass cunt

19293999? ago

You sound triggered.

19294036? ago

You sound? Sub Zero IQ. You hearing voices now? Amazing this guy can hear people typing. What a fucktard sub zero troglodyte.

19294111? ago


19294158? ago

Cave walls echoing back at ya now? Wow .. better get help quick.

19293522? ago

Meanwhile you slave for us.

19293611? ago

Nobody is your slave you basement dwelling dweeb.

LOL, "us", hahaha haha

You are OUR slave, because you're here on QRV having a panic attack.

You fear us, we don't fear you.

That's why you're here with us, and why we're not on /v/VirginNeckbeards with you and the rest of you know IQ imbeciles.

19293724? ago

You will work to pay your debts and taxes, so that we can benefit from all your hard labor until death do you part.

All those High End Cabal Coup Globalist still walk free. Because we Rule.

And we're laughing their asses off at ya. https://www.cabal.coop/sites/www.cabal.coop/files/styles/bloques_home/public/promociones_tv_0.jpg?itok=BtQU7QWs

19293782? ago

LOL, you're a virgin neckbeard living in your mother's basement shitposting on QRV because you couldn't get a real job due to being born with fetal alcohol syndrome.

19293830? ago

My mother is dead and I live at 1733 Q St NW Washington, DC 20009. Come by sometime.

19293906? ago

good riddance. hope it was painful. i kekked

19293877? ago

I'm right outside that building now incidentally.

Do you see a red dot on your wall?

19293892? ago

You see that Red Dot on your forehead?

19293913? ago

One cannot see one's own forehead.

Do you see a red dot on your heart?

19293966? ago

You're all mouth and no go cunt.

19293985? ago


19293958? ago

Don't run now faggot. Do it bad ass. Not!

19293968? ago

Do what?

19293945? ago

What happened you chicken out twat slave?

19293975? ago


19293938? ago

I'm still alive.

19293947? ago

So far.

19293928? ago

Shoot. C'mon do it. What a fraud.

19293955? ago

He'll have his hour.

19291885? ago


19291958? ago


19292064? ago

Fake power.

19292086? ago

You're still a Slave

19292720? ago

We are always pawn slaves moron

19292795? ago

You are yes. I am not. I am Maximus Decimus Meridius 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason. 1733 Q St NW Washington, DC 20009

Come pay me a visit. Take the oath and be set free.

19292844? ago

Oh great- a mason

19292876? ago

Do you want to be free, have money, power and prestige or do you want to remain a slave? The choice is yours.

19292904? ago

I'm so close to you- be careful what you wish for. Point is that some boomers are ok. But any boomer who voted Democrat would never change their position after the Bush's. 40 years of corruption dumbass

19293107? ago

I don't vote. I am anti-government, anti-religion and anti-NWO. I am not affiliated with any Political group. They all LIE. They are not out to help you, they are out to own and enslave you. To enrich themselves off the labor of you backs. They rape and steal your taxes to live their astute privileged lifestyles.They play these games like Q, to give you false hope and to keep you subjugated in their slavery.

They play the game of Political Theater and Controlled Opposition to make you believe in something that is not.

You think I am your enemy. I am not. I am just speaking truth. People hate the truth, they will fight you for speaking truth and evn some will kill you for speaking truth.

Many people in this reality are still under the spell of what I call the False Reality. What's so ironic is, a falsehood only needs one juncture and a lot more shielding falsehoods to make people believe it. Conditioning is what makes us believe that which you believe is totally palpable.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by the Rulers.

Ther is only one way to defeat them.


19293893? ago

fake gay TLDR

go fuck off faggot. masons suck dick

19293918? ago

^^this guy copy and pastes his responses all over the place. Total dickhead on steroids. Just ignore the twat.

19294006? ago

true story.

19292397? ago

I'm heading out to pick some cotton right now.

19292505? ago

No but you will work to pay your debts and taxes, so that we can benefit from all your hard labor.

19294918? ago

At least I get to eat the vegetables I'm growing, you can't have those.

19291503? ago

Or people are pushing the envelope about arrests because it's been 3 years and not a single known corrupt politician has been arrested besides Weiner.

19293042? ago

2 suicides of former senators is a solid start in my world.

19293199? ago

Seriously, no bullshit here.

Honestly, what is a reasonable length of time until actual corrupt politicians need to be publicly tried for their crimes? We are what a year away from Trump's first term?

Will they be shills at 4 years, at 6 years, etc. I mean if the guy serves two terms and none of this actually comes to fruition when will this community accept that this was just a huge psyop to get support for Trump?

It's not like I don't personally want what Q has stated and Trump has obviously corroborated (at least some parts of it) to come true and for those corrupt, evil people to serve justice, my issue at the moment with the movement is there seems to be some delusion as to a timeline here.

This movement is literally at a point where any reasonable discussion about arrests happening is immediately labelled as being a shill.

If this is going to be a 40 year operation then honestly i'd rather just start organizing militias and take care of business.

19293294? ago

Couldn't agree more. I truly hope Q and team will destroy the DS but I'm doubting how "in control" the Patriots truly are. And for all the people that say it will take some time before they can take down the DS, I call bs. Destroying something takes a fraction of the time that it takes to create something.

If the DS isn't completely destroyed then Trumps entire run will be just a short delay in the death of America.

19293554? ago

Don't go away mad.....

19293942? ago

I'm not leaving but it is incredibly frustrating to basically witness treason that was perpetrated by top members in our gov and no one is being punished for it. Either get the party started or let the people get their pitchforks.

19294149? ago

You should contact POTUS and MI and let them know that you'll take care of things for them. Tell them how you know so much more about what's going on in the World than they do and that their slow pace is pissing you off. Don't take no for an answer either. You could have this all cleaned up and the World back to normal by month's end. Your Mom, your Dad and all your friends will be amazed at your ability for quick action, your genius and efficiency. I'll be watching the headlines.

19291129? ago

The "shills" are disgruntled Q followers, dumbass.

19301873? ago

Q is the ultimate divider not a unify-er.

It promised much but delivers little. it gives vague information open for interpretation, making the fanatic fight the disgruntled, the wishful thinkers fight the pessimistic thinkers.

Not to mention that the Q community is successfully isolated by the rest of Trump supporters. It's just divide and conquer all over.

19303050? ago

Well said!

19292911? ago

fake faggot narrative but nice try. muh arrests

19293257? ago

How many times are you gonna recruit for Mason bullshit?

19293274? ago

  1. cut

  2. yourself

19298107? ago

  1. Get
  2. A life

19293300? ago

  1. Drink
  2. Sperm

19293641? ago

  1. your mom

  2. already did

19294202? ago

  1. Hopefully my dad's
  2. She is gross and old
  3. Still wouldn't fuck you

19294220? ago

  1. admits to being a boomer
  2. I kek

19291442? ago

yeah in their fantasy

19291640? ago

I do have a fantasy that anyone in the cabal would get any kind of punishment. It's still a fantasy because it still hasn't come true.

19291654? ago

fucking kill yourself.you are useless. you sit around dreaming and faggoting while others are out there fucking their shit up. you are literally worth nothingnd contribute nothing.

kill yourself

19293342? ago

10/10 meltdown fren

19293458? ago


19292694? ago


19292913? ago

read good?

19292931? ago

A little to black pilled... but I am a drunk as well

19292940? ago

hahaha great read actually

19292958? ago

Keep pissing them off

19292987? ago

definitely. they kvetch and moan like little girly cunts. they deserve nothing but failire

19293031? ago

Oh and my parents are libtards

19293024? ago

I have said something to you in the past that I enjoy your posts on a regular sub. Guaranteed you dont remember. I'm lurking everyday reading these assholes post like they know everything. Its disappointing. And my brother is a Qtard

19292922? ago

I like you

19292042? ago

you sit around dreaming and faggoting

How is that any different from what q followers do?

19292060? ago

well see.. 1. you are a faggot, 2. you are a cunt

so theres a good bit of difference there for you

19292842? ago


No wonder Q has been so effective. Just look at his followers!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA qtards! the most worthless people in the world

19292893? ago

look at you faggot shills who cant get a competing narrative going to save your cunt lives. Trump is president and you sit at a computer kvetching.

19293180? ago

How does it feel to be so angered at words on the internet?

What is it like to be so worthless, to have wasted your own life in such a profound way, that you have to latch on to some tryhard-cryptic anonymous internet false prophet and its attendant cult?

How does it feel to be so selfish and self-centered (as boomers are) that you have no friends and your children hate you and refuse to speak to you?

How does it feel to be so pathetically alone that you can only find some sense of community and belonging in the aforementioned false-prophet-internet-cult?

How does it feel to be such a failure in life that your participation in this cult of bullshit is somehow the most meaningful thing you've done with your life?

You are angry not because someone on the internet insulted your little internet cult, but because deep down you know they're right; you know "Q" is 100% grade-A bullshit but to admit as much would also mean admitting that, again, you are entirely worthless, profoundly alone, an utter failure.

19293213? ago

haha triggered wall o text. wasted your time! lulzzzzzzz!

19293222? ago

Go hang yourself now

19293246? ago

Bwahahahah dont be mad I made u kvetch and fucked you right good

19293296? ago

Yes, hide your feelings. Maintain the facade as long as you can. You cannot hide from the gnawing despair for long.

The rope beckons. Answer it

19293474? ago

backpedaling like a faggot. wheres muh wall o text cunt?

19294115? ago

Backpedaling? Lol sure

Give me some more extra-meaningless anon board downvoats too

Lol at your worthless self

19294235? ago

also u use "lol". what a nigger faggot

19294382? ago


19294579? ago

how bout another wall o text with your unique brand of faggotry? tell us more about some concern

19294663? ago

Concern CONCERN concering concerned concerns Concern CONCERN concering concerned concerns Concern CONCERN concering concerned concerns Concern CONCERN concering concerned concerns Concern CONCERN concering concerned concerns Concern CONCERN concering concerned concerns Concern CONCERN concering concerned concerns Concern CONCERN concering concerned concerns

19294705? ago

thats a wall o concern

19294719? ago

I am very concerned

19294725? ago

your concern is now concerning me

19294742? ago

Don b scared bby

19294749? ago

halp muh

19294881? ago

[halping intensifies]

19294938? ago

[pig latin stops]

19296110? ago

y tho

19429913? ago

bruh I know u arent cia and we are on two separate sides of the Q but bruh.. @ me. I wanna check out your style. @killerkap. delete after you ref me but I respect u muh gtfo shill bruh

19429944? ago

Done did it

19429948? ago

k delete for keks

19296158? ago

that was good fun. i lost it with the pig latin. u got the gift. even if u are dirty arrest or gtfo faggit and write wall o texts

19296770? ago

Lol was entertaining. Thanks for playing along. Now...


Bahahahaha Lol

19294396? ago


19294124? ago

cry moar!!! write moar!!!! muh little lulz cow just can't quit me!

19294165? ago

Stahp before u suk mah dik

19294186? ago

keep trying! one day you will find a way to stop your faggotry

19294389? ago

L o l

19294411? ago

n i g g e r f a g g o t

19294675? ago

f a g g o t n i g g e r

19294709? ago

f i g g e r n a g g o t

19294723? ago

t a g g o n r e g g i f

19294813? ago

f e g g i t n a g g o r

19294885? ago

i g g e r n a y a g g o t f a y

19294929? ago

k e k e k e k e k e k e k

19296104? ago

e k a y

19291949? ago

You are contributing nothing either.

You're arguing with "useless" people on the Internet. What does that say about you?

19292041? ago

it says you are a faggot cunt loser and need a good suicide

19292080? ago

I'm not going anywhere. Instead of doing "research" like Q told you do to... you can stay here and argue with me.

19292108? ago

dont go!!!! im having a fucking blast fucking you faggots over like a bitch

19292167? ago

Tell us... how exactly are you "fucking over the faggots like a bitch"? Do you do that by posting words on the Internet? How does that "fuck over" the faggots? Does it cause them physical pain? Does it cost them money? Does it limit their freedom? How does it "fuck them over"?

19292170? ago

see that wall of faggot text? fucked over good right

19292205? ago

How does that "fuck me over"? I'm doing fine. I have no pain. I have lost no money. I feel great. All I've done is type words to some anon stranger on the Internet. You seem to think this somehow "fucks me over"? But, it does not.

19292441? ago

hahahahahahahaha you fucking ran away like a coward little kike would.

19292313? ago

still waiting for you to prove your faggot claim.

  1. proof

  2. gtfo

19292237? ago

i fucked u over so good and still am! prove that i didnt.

19292096? ago

there is no argument happening. you are

  1. a cunt

  2. a smelly faggot with loose ass lips

19292116? ago

I'm glad to see that you are spending your time engaging with me. It is the exact OPPOSITE of what Q told you to do. That makes me happy to see you finally ignoring Q and doing what you want.

19292124? ago

I do what I want including fucking up little useless idiot faggots like you.

19291860? ago

And you're helping by being on voat and believing Q is real? If Q is real then none of you faggots matter anyway.

19291898? ago

dont make this about me. we are talking about how much of a useless piece of shit cunt you are. so fucking kill yourself

19290963? ago

Trump has saved Israel for last...Just like we all know all the intricate parts of this plan, now BeBe and Israel have to decide if they'll be the aggressors with Iran. The veil is being lifted...One issue at a time! See what is happening! Its YUGE!!!

19291148? ago

Is that before or after America goes to another war for Israel?

19292077? ago

As things stand right now it doesn't look good for Israel getting us to do their dirty work.

19295289? ago

Exactly...Israel is being put in position to do its own dirty work...

19291020? ago

Godbless Trump and his family

19291154? ago

God bless him right in his ass!

19291456? ago

heres a fuck tard

19291540? ago

People say mean things about Orange Man... make me mad...... you no like me when me get mad.....

19291554? ago

triggered af

19290937? ago

I would expect nothing else :D

19290659? ago

Bet they are all shaking like a Merkel in terror right now!


19293808? ago

kek for that image

19293054? ago

Merkel doing the berlin shake.

She knows its her own military killing her politician friends.

19291136? ago

Boomer fantasy 187: "Bad things will happen to people who say mean things about Q on the Internet!"

19292518? ago

Why are you getting downvoted? Lol. You just made fun of boomers?

19292740? ago

Because the boomer shit makes you sound like a cringy retard. It’s some faggot nigger shit, that’s why.

19292781? ago

Boomers are the problem in this country Moron. 40 years of corruption. They even learned how to use the internet and still can't figure shit out. Wake up

19293837? ago

there are no boomers here you fucking retard. you sound like a kike kvetching and cunting

19294180? ago

Skill-you are a boomer

19294214? ago

Not TSkill. I smack that piece of shit around just for fun

19292814? ago

They let the Bush family in, Clinton's, and then that guy from Kenya or Hawaii. Fuck you

19291434? ago

foun the faggot democrat

19292533? ago

You must be a faggot, Democrat, boomer, nigger lover

19293164? ago

Wow. That's quite a lot of hate

19292601? ago

muh projection. muh dat makes sense.

low IQ nigger

19292660? ago

So are you a Q tard?

19292903? ago

so you are shillbo baggins?

19291539? ago

faggot Democrat


19290609? ago

More than that.

Let's just say Q has a huge advantage.

The Creator. Ain't no one going to fuck with the Creator.

That's what they're waiting for.

Holding pattern. They're about to make landfall.

That's the truth.

19292951? ago

"The Creator"

Could you be any more vague?

Who is "The Creator"? Who do you mean?

Is it a "god" like Amaterasu? Is it aliens (if so, hi Corey)?

Or did you mean the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - that is, the only true God?

19291168? ago

Some random spiritual mumbo jumbo.... blah blah blah.

19291444? ago

some rando faggot cuntlips

19291934? ago

"I call people names when they say things that I don't like to hear!"

19291942? ago

at least you are honest

19290451? ago

Royal flush while the cabal has time to keep picking up new cards

19291450? ago

oh no muh concern muh concern

19291174? ago

They have 6 more decks available and Trump is the dealer.... letting them cheat.

19290372? ago

[citation needed]

19295056? ago

Wait, are you saying that it's impossible that literally not one person of the "100's of millions" who follow Q, let alone many of them might be actually wanting arrests 2 years down the line, and they're not in fact literal shills?

Sir I am SHOCKED, and my lawyers will be pursuing a libel case within the month.

19295159? ago

If arrests happen, the faggot Commi judges will let them go. Let's just execute every one of them in their beds. Then when Commi sympathizers riot, execute them as well. Trust this plan.

19298241? ago

  • Arrests happen

  • Judges let them go regardless

  • Evidence is publicly released

  • Judges tragically commit suicide via gunshots to the back of the head

  • New judges appointed

I fail to see the problem here. To be honest your plan works too though

19290342? ago

Tard Hour begins early today.

19291658? ago

get a load of this projecting cunterrific faggot

19291674? ago

tell me about it. seems disabled

19291517? ago

sounds like something a faggot cunt would say

19291668? ago

Right? this guy projects and kvetches like a kike

19291637? ago

Don’t wet your Adult Depends, tard.

19291460? ago

yep here you are

19291505? ago

Do a little dance for us, tard. Kick off your platforms and show us a jig.

19292138? ago

@TheBudda at it again.

19291018? ago

Yep the retards from sbbh are early today. Must be getting their shilling out of the way so that they can get to their soy drinking gay boy orgy.

19292976? ago


"Muh sbbh"

Stupid boomer faggots

At least sbbh knows what is real

19293141? ago

Yep, they really love getting fucked by real black cock every fucking day.

Seriously, sbbh is full of 'has beens', 'never beens' and scum bags. They are the worthless fuckbags that can't fit in anywhere else and they all need to be shoved in the fucking oven with the Jews.

Fuck off you little retarded faggot.

19293217? ago

thinks Q is real

calls other people retarded

Calm down, crunsch

19293268? ago

Who said I think Q is real?

19293316? ago

"Durr i don't believe q is real, I'm just here defending it because I'm retarded hurrrr"

Eat shit nigger

19293426? ago

Fuck off cunt. I come to voat every day for news, pretty obvious by your presence here that you don't need to be a Qtard to be on QRV.

You sbbh fuck heads are a wart on the ass of humanity and I will fuck with you ignorant faggots whenever I come across one of you.

19294148? ago

voat for news

says this on a qtard board

Top fucking kek

AND you choose qtards over sbbh? Fucking pathetic