19193043? ago

hez here to fight the war guise, no need to sound the alarms, hes here, rofl newfag

19192097? ago

Stop responding to shills, fool.

19178447? ago

You don’t even understand what they are.

Silly boy.

19178150? ago

Autists aren’t retards man!

19183960? ago

I am a little retarded some might say too. As soon as I open my mouth, people realize I ain't "normal". lol

19184747? ago

Haha! I think autists are the most able people to figure out this whole mess . Autism has caused me to be extremely useful in helping others IMHO 😁

19177301? ago

Amen to that. I feel the same. Its either us or them and it wont be us. We have Right and Justice on our side. We know who wins, we've read the book and we know how this ends. God wins, they burn in hell. Feel the heat yet. We have no fear of death because we know where we are going and its nice, you on the other hand fear death. Your only chance is to kill us all and you can't cause God will not let it happen

19176974? ago

lol, ONLY Christians believe in Satan. You are a fighting your own religion. Satan , Jesus, BOTH christian, let that sink in. God is of no religion.

19176779? ago

Armageddon restless.

19176111? ago

I agree - there can be no forgiveness for those that harm children. They are already dead inside and, even if they repent, they will remain a risk that simply cannot be taken. They must therefore be removed from our society one way or another. The penalty must be so great that anyone else who thinks they can harm a child will think twice and then twice again, knowing their life will effectively be over if they cross the line.

19192153? ago

Alaska Supreme Court rules state sex offender registry law unconstitutional - https://www.foxnews.com/us/alaska-supreme-court-rules-state-sex-offender-registry-law-unconstitutional

19178672? ago

Sean Hannity said it best (paraphrased): I believe the Lord can save anyone, but once you take the hand of satan and cross that line, you won’t come back.

19177368? ago

Death is the only solution for them. They can not be rehabilitated, they must be elinimated from the world. Otherwise they will continue to spread their filth. Its why God flooded the earth.

19176481? ago


19176102? ago

Are you kidding? You couldn't even come for your mother. See you next Tuesday!

19176484? ago

C.U.N.T - Cash Up No tick. Idiot.

19176757? ago

are you retarded?

19176063? ago

TL: DR no one cares

19175900? ago

Well you'd better go after the Christians too because they are all Satanists as well....

19176487? ago

Projecting much?

19179932? ago

Christianity is based on Blood Sacrifice

Blood Sacrifice equals Satanism

Work it out....

19187836? ago

it's more roman catholicism than christianity tbf

19175515? ago

I actually quite agree with most of this, but I'm going to give you a little constructive criticism here because your use of IQ scores is way off.

You don't have a 180+ IQ. The highest possible score is effectively 160. 160 is 4 standard deviations above the mean, meaning it encompasses 99.9937% of the population. There is also a prevailing belief that the scale is simply not so accurate above 160 because they have practically no test data, due to this being such a small section of the world's population.

Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_classification ; https://www.quora.com/If-the-maximum-IQ-score-is-160-why-are-there-liars-who-claim-to-have-much-more-and-are-not-unmasked

19184766? ago

just to be clear, the idiot replying with "lol" and nothing else is not me (the author of the above reply in which I explained a little about how the IQ scale works), its some other idiot, I just wanna say again that I was not trying to be a dick to you.

19177464? ago

Nobel prizes are given only to butt kissing, NWO assholes. It carries as much weight as an Oscar. Even Obama got a Nobel prize for nothing. Shit they should have given him an Oscar for his acting ability of being someone he wasn't.

19184562? ago

Obama got a Nobel peace prize. A Nobel prize in physics is NOT even close to the same thing.

19191861? ago

You must really like the establishment and their good ole boys club of Pedos and homos since you need to defend them. You have paid troll written all over you. Or else you dont really know the jobs and awards, positions, all go to those who are part of the Satanic Cabal of homos and Pedos. They reun everything amd make sure they reward those who are part of their crowd

19193030? ago

I have told you several times now I disagreed with ONLY ONE statement you made. I have been here A LOT longer than you. Stop putting words in my mouth.

19176522? ago

P.s. - You have NO IDEA who I am , or what I am capable of. Thanks Patriot.


19176748? ago


19176511? ago

Mate, you have no idea.

I am here to fight the War.

I am relatively new here on this site, but a Veteran to the struggle againstEvil. I am here to DESTROY our enemies. Period.

The Deep State NWO Satanic Pedophile network are finished. I am here to destroy them. Mark this post and my words. I am here until Death takes me. I have sworn my life to Almighty God and to defending Humanity.

Promises made, promises kept.


19184599? ago

I didn't say you were anything of those things. I didn't say you weren't here to 'fight the war' - just that I don't believe you have a 180 IQ. And if you honestly believe that you do, tell us the source of your results and when/where you were tested. I didn't disagree with ANYTHING in this post of yours. Nothing. You should maybe also work on your reading comprehension.

19185486? ago

You don't know me.

19187758? ago

then why not just answer the question about the origin of your "180+ IQ" claim? You're right, I don't know you, but people who have THAT high of an IQ tend to understand how the scale actually works, which is why I don't believe you have such an IQ. Instead of doing anything to counteract my challenge of your supposed score, you just continue to state that I "don't know you" without saying or doing anything that is even relevant to your claim. You're right, I don't know, but I still don't believe you, and neither does anyone else here with half a brain, which is why my original reply about this is getting upvoted.

19176747? ago


19176777? ago

Is that it? LOL? Really? Lol indeed dickhead.

19176488? ago

Mate, you are a proper bull shit artists. You have NO IDEA what I am capable of. Good luck.

19174997? ago

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19174969? ago

You know that your satanists might be people abused from birth and living in pathological families

Have some empathy too

19177570? ago

Many of us came from abusive or alcoholic families. But we all have the power of choice which road we travel.

19174975? ago

Tough Shit. Justice MUST be served. Repent.

19174906? ago

CAPSLOCK-KIKE, is that you?

Are you trying to blame Satanists instead of blaming the Bolsheviks for Jew crimes?

19177598? ago

The Bolsheviks were Satanists. They are the Cabal.

19174990? ago

OP actually sounds like GodsAngell or LauraIngless(or whoever the fuck that is).

Some fuckin' nutter who screams "shill" and "satanist" at everything that isn't Christian.

19176425? ago

@OP here. You are scared SHITLESS mother fucker. Bring it on. I directly challenge you Cunts to a full blown cyber War. Kinetic just around the corner, so watch out.

19174922? ago

No, some one "else" actually... And please Fuck Off (lol) with your "Muh Joo" Shillary.

19174945? ago

You sound exactly like the CAPSLOCK-KIKE.

19174957? ago

Nah. Different Fuckwit.

19174971? ago

At least you know you're a fuckwit.

19174841? ago

their crapola

Kek. Enjoy your religious psychosis.

In the mean time, more intelligent folks, of many religions and atheists/Satanists alike, will keep working towards deciphering and outing corruption, while you flap your gums from the audience.

19174908? ago

Yeah whatevs Sunshine. You keep telling yourself that, as the HAMMER drops on you... Don't say we didn't warn you.

19174932? ago

Goddamn you're retarded.

Really, truly held back.


Who ya speakin' for? A bunch of other dropkicks who can't see past their bias? Let me know when you wake up and are able to look at the big picture.

19174951? ago

Triggered Nigga Faggot? Bwahahahahahahaha! Lulz.

19174964? ago

No, you're just retarded. In every imaginable sense.

Even if you suddenly claim "i just trollin' bruh! all ez satire!", you're still retarded, perhaps even more so.

19174982? ago

Yeah. Retarded like a Fox.

19174968? ago

Fuck me. You Shills really HATE this post. Excellent.

19174976? ago

No, intelligent folk just find people like you to be retarded. Quite simple really.

19174803? ago

Amen to this! Love wins!

19174773? ago

19174796? ago

Found the Satanist.

19174725? ago

You can just call 'em Jews.

Voat is a free speech platform ~ no need for the scapegoating.

19174801? ago

If they are masquerading as Jews, Christians (buy me a plane...!), Muzzies, The "Royal Family Family", or just plain straight out Satanists like The Clintons et al (seen Horse face Chelsea with her upside cross pendant - Charming to say the least. Vomit), then death to them all.

Real Jews and Christians know what's up, and any "Muh Joo" fagging on here just won't fly with me old son.

The Satanists are real enemy, along with The Catholic Church, The Royal Family, and The Rothchilds. Simples.


19174830? ago

So how do you tell the difference between a Satanist and a Jew, given both worship money and power and both claim Jesus is a heretic and his teachings are blasphemous?

19174873? ago

They are part of the SAME club. If you are following closely as I have been for 30+ years, you would certainly know who your TRUE enemies are.

I don't give a fuck if my enemies are black, white, brown, Chinese, Fairy Niggers, Blasian retards, pedos or fashion designers. I WILL destroy them.

BTW, all of the above are involved likely too... LOL.

19174918? ago

So how do you tell the difference between the Jew and the Satanist?

It's a simple question.

19174935? ago

You see, if they worship Satan they are by definition "Satanists". If they don't, no matter who they are, they ain't. Cheers.

19174973? ago

So how do you know if a Jew worships their fucked-up anti-Christ Moloch demon or if he worships Satan?

How do you tell the difference?

It's a really simple question...

19175113? ago

OP is a retard, that question is far to complicated for his delicate mind, he made a typo in his post his IQ isn't 180 it is `18.

19176810? ago



19178595? ago

he never claimed a 180 iq, comparison invalid

19187917? ago

he actually claimed a "180+ IQ" lol

19188704? ago

poster did, yes, that's who i was responding to

i was saying he was correcting someone elses's spelling, who never made an IQ claim

19176476? ago

We'll see gorgeous...