Lucifer is the ACTUAL way, the truth and the life. There is no way to wealth and enlightenment but through him (QRV)
submitted 5.7 years ago by 3277416?
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19174992? 5.7 years ago
You Satanic Cunts must be freaking out after I posted this:-
19175117? 5.7 years ago
>Above user thinks Satanists worship Lucifer.
>Above user doesn't realize how retarded they really are.
19176885? 5.7 years ago
All we know is that Satanists and Luciferians all have the same agenda, and it's not human sovereignty.
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19174992? ago
You Satanic Cunts must be freaking out after I posted this:-
19175117? ago
>Above user thinks Satanists worship Lucifer.
>Above user doesn't realize how retarded they really are.
19176885? ago
All we know is that Satanists and Luciferians all have the same agenda, and it's not human sovereignty.