19143282? ago

When the Clintons figure out they need to flee, I wonder where they will flee to?

19134155? ago

Show respect to the Almighty and capitalize His name.

19128958? ago

Jews made China great at our expense.

19128120? ago

I voted for Ross Perot 27 years ago because he knew that NAFTA would create a "GIANT SUCKING SOUND" of jobs going out of the USA. Those were Perot's exact words. He was the TRUMP of his day. Stupid Americans, however, believed SLICK WILLIE instead; and voted for the asshat..thus the jobs were lost due to Slick Willie and his asshat leftists and some of the Rhinos. Took 27 years for people to wake the hell up.

19127816? ago

You dummies buy their cheap shit.

You made china great.

19127441? ago

China has robbed our country blind. Politicians and many companies have sold us out for their profit. Now it’s our turn.

19129006? ago

To be fair they worked pretty hard.

19127242? ago

By China taking over the worlds steel market ... hard to win a war if you can’t buikd your tanks, planes and ships. Trump is saving us on this also.

19129773? ago

And then a steel rivet fails because it wasn't actually made to the standards expected and your plane crashes. Planes and ships are being built, but they're lower quality than if they were American made.

19126571? ago

We can’t vote our way out of this.

19125818? ago

American's paid for the Chinese wealth.

They stole billions of dollars and trillions in the intellictual property of our great men and women...

They must repay what they have stolen...The politicians responsible for selling our souls to the Chinese must pay.

This is our country.

19125884? ago

The nuke knife that China holds at our throat was sold to China by Clinton's department of commerce.

19126828? ago

Nukes aren't as scary as a weaponized populace.

They have brainwashed Billions to do their bidding.

That's is the fact of the reality we are in.

Now more than ever we need to love and respect our neighbors.

19125513? ago

QRV is spam. v/GreatAwakening is the only place worth browsing.

19127476? ago

Opinions are like --------. Everybody has one, and there are a lot of opinions held by "everybody".

19125832? ago

Wide open GA. Anyone can be doxxed.

No thanks. There are a few people on here that need to remain unknown.

19125825? ago

This is why the shills are pushing v/GreatAwakening:


v/GA is considering censorship.

We have free speech here. Plus this board is explicitly blessed by Q and so we should hold it as a fallback position. Both boards have a purpose.

19125460? ago

Aren’t the Trumps making millions in China? Didn’t Ivanka get a bunch of Chinese trademarks approved?

19127802? ago

This was only option to make money BEFORE. Trump is changing all this for good.

19127848? ago

So we should expect him to be bring jobs he sent overseas back here? Why does he get angry when GM or Harley do it when he does it too?

19129115? ago

He “send”?

19125853? ago

“Aren’t the Trumps successful billionaires with global businesses?”

Or, the question you really mean to ask: “shouldn’t everyone be unelectable because of this, that, or another reason? This would leave no one but CIA groomed spooks with their pasts carefully manicured and inconvenient documents and connections hidden or killed, to be elected.”

19127840? ago

Yeah - we need only pristine, clean but unexperienced people. May be nuns from Antarctica.

19125881? ago

Shouldnt he be leading the "made in America" movement?

19126979? ago

He is. He is changing the government's policies to make it possible to "make it in America" profitably again.

You are asking "shouldn't he tilt at a windmill instead of actually trying to solve the problem"? You glow!

19127033? ago

You dont think it's hypocritical for him to call out GM and Harley for moving jobs overseas....while keeping his jobs overseas? Is this one of those "do as i say not as I do?" thing

19127360? ago

No because everyone knows he isn’t a manufacturer but a land developer and he’s working for free doing a great job as the president while congress isn’t getting a damn thing done except voting themselves a raise.

19127861? ago

"working for free"

lol he's funneling money to his golf courses. Millions. lol working for free.

19128535? ago

A warped mind sees what it wants ... low IQ shills

19126451? ago

the made in America movement didn't work in the early 90's when we were warned in the first place.

19126483? ago

Isn't trump encouraging companies to come back to America? Why isn't he doing it too?

19132192? ago

Who ever down voted you is stupid. Trump is. National security and so much more is at risk. Patriotism is needed and sacrifice.

19125839? ago


19125891? ago

It'd be super cool if the guy telling everyone to make in America to....ya know, make his shit in America. Since he is the President. Of America.

19127496? ago

I agree, but boiling it down to it's essence, 'make his shit in America' is simply a pathetic, ignorant comment.

19127374? ago

While you ignore that Hillary and other dems sold our military secrets to the Chinese and nobody cared.

19127876? ago

OK, well you're also ignoring Nixon and Andrew Jackson too then.

19127318? ago

He is mostly a developer not a manufacturer. His policies are the most pro American i have seen in my lifetime. The fact that the Democrats have made maga into a bad word ... pathetic!