19060982? ago

the Occultist Jew, the Mason, the Shriner is there a connection?

19059262? ago

So you are bitching that someone complained about someone but not the someones you wanted that someone to complain about.

Then you post your shit here.

You are fucking retarded.

19060876? ago

both of them hate the West? https://www.voat.co/v/whateverAnon/2938654 The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry Anonymous | Anons

19059154? ago

Any post with the word "kike" in title isn't worth reading.

19060966? ago

So the essence behind “The Truth will set you free” ?? UN and the occult agenda... here's your friendly, benign, media, your secret cults? ... Free Mason Lodge of the Republic of Liberia https://voat.co/v/QRV/3158824/18026786 'Cool.'

19058469? ago

O hours. https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/2738356/14007042 10 hrs? How much Jew-French-Arab Mi6 Hollyweird Flix 'MEDIA' do you or did you consume each week...i'm not talking about Ben-Hur or Titanic...but general NFL, X-factor, comedy, Nigerflix, John Oliver

19058577? ago

It's all their stupid commentaries in talk shows that brainwashed people most.

19058449? ago

Even if he did name Mason or Jew. What's YOUR responsibility in all this? If you're White, never forget... no one put a gun to your head to allow Jews to immigrate to your country in the first place. No one put a gun to your head to buy slaves that you asked for. And no one put a gun to your head to enter WW2. You did that all on your own. So, accept YOUR role in all this. You want to genocide a group of people, in an age where you can individually identify and punish criminals. If that's Whites, you are not Supreme.

19066404? ago

you allowed Jews in your country

No, Jews showed up first in the 1650s, when it was a free for all, get a boat and you could show up. They did the usual "hello fellow goyim" BS and began to infiltrate society as the country formed.

you asked the Jews for slaves

No, that was mostly Jews that were already here. They were very disproportionately involved in not just selling, but also buying slaves

you chose to fight in WW2

Wrong. The Rothschild controlled commie fuck known as FDR dragged us into it by purposely aggravating Japan. When France and Britian declared war, only 7% of Americans wanted to get involved. After France fell, only 23% wanted to get involved. When Britian started losing, 62% said we should support them with resources, but not go to war. Then after Pearl Harbor it suddenly skyrocketed to 91% support for war. Many Americans also supported Germany before the war, and thought we should side with them.

you want genocide

No, and neither did Hitler, the Holocaust is the largest hoax in human history. Like Hitler, I think they belong on an uninhabited island and can then Jew each other to death.

muh individualism

If you leave any glowing embers, the fire will only re ignite. They all have to go.

Whites aren't supreme

We objectively are, and you are a blind idiot if you say differently.

19084877? ago

We objectively are, and you are a blind idiot if you say differently.

Then why do you need to live in a system that is money drive? Why don't you just get together and start a war with everyone else?

19058512? ago

yo hommie dey sayz Sadiq Khan boss nigga mayor n sheeeit @angryspin @Alhambra was gud boi @yiddlerontheroof @gazillions @2fast4u92 He dindoo nuffinz

19058532? ago

oh, did you call your homies for a downvoat brigade?

19058438? ago

Like a Story from a Video Game Fantasy? pooled of acid... a room where the floor has knives coming out of it... how/why do people believe this?! hilarious tales? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/2741557/14041347 Acid....? Nice...

19058391? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2650500 Cryptomuslims on Voat are advocating for Sharia-lite

19058341? ago

Stop reposting the same story over and over you simple boomer fucktards

19058450? ago

Muh enemy's enemy is my friend! https://voat.co/v/whatever/3084380/17242627 For all the purported animosity between Jews and Muslims, it is important to remember that they are merely two branches of the same degenerate ideology.

19058371? ago

Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; The Shriners in White House & Oval Office https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3206344/19058331 crazy masonics

19058313? ago

All of islam is controlled through masonic brotherhoods, all masonic brotherhoods are controlled by the Jesuits and thus the Vatican.

19058404? ago

Britbongistan? New Negro Mayor of Bristol Orders The Removal of "Dull and Dated" Classic Artwork Hanging in City Hall and Orders Them Replaced With This African Garbage. https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/2895545/15497012 Bristol is a 'lefty-wefty' city. They're even renaming many buildings and streets connected to its pioneering city founders in order to appease the great banks of snowflakes.

19058380? ago

people now posting here . ! .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net ?? https://8ch.net/pol , ? ? https://gab.ai/topics https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , https://phuks.co/ , steemit.com , medium.com, https://bitchute.com . https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/