19059419? ago

This has been created by those who intend to make this site look stupid.

19057260? ago


19057173? ago

I am a Nazi and Jew hater

is why I have tats and appropriate negro culture

and Jew degenerate muzac videos

and do drugs



19057171? ago

Fuck off back to a verse that gives a fuck.

19057146? ago

Zyklon is pedo Jew just sayin

He and his gay buddies post porn and loli

19057135? ago




Gotham babe be chub and I can dig that.

PM me babe.

19057106? ago

Who gives a solitary shit about these two worthless, obscure faggots?

19057198? ago

two worthless, obscure faggots?

I can dig this just sayin

19056825? ago

QRV doesn’t give a shit about zyk and Gotham. Take that back to TGA.

19056852? ago

You don't see the scandal here? They got to her!

19058296? ago

You could of had me but you sent nudze to eryrbody but me. Even e-thugs hurt sumyimes.

19056809? ago

Zyklon_B isn't a Nazi lol

Why would you think that?

19056839? ago

19056928? ago

You believe GothamGirl?

GothamGirl is an idiot. Anything she says is of little value. If she is with a methhead, she has no good judgement. She's probably high right now. Why would you believe her about anything?

Zyklon_B is a race traitor degenerate. The idea that he has tattoos is even more evidence if degeneracy. The Nazis would gas him, not welcome him. He's a perfect example of the Jewish-led Weimar degeneracy that the Nazis fought so hard to remove from their county.

I can tell this is a u/Srayzie post because you're so clueless.

19062024? ago

Nice gaslighting GothamGirl. You're so fucking nuts.

19062768? ago

GothamGirl would be gassed, too.

Are you saying doing drugs is something promoted by the Nazis?

Are you saying race mixing was promoted by the Nazis?

Are you saying anything? No. You just use a buzzword as an attempt to dismiss criticism without addressing anything.

19056757? ago

Its habbening

19056657? ago

How could you @GothamGirl?