19040562? ago

Do you realize that Q75 may as well be an arbitrary number because qmap.pub is not q?

This is just another setup for failure. Q75 was not a number assigned to that post by "q"

19043284? ago

Awww...how cute. The NPC has a statement.

Allow me to answer. The number is not assigned by any site, its the post numbered in order from the first post.

Like, this is my first response to you, so its 'NPCKILLAH 1'

My next post will be 'NPCKILLAH 2'

Get it?

19054869? ago

I tried to tell everyone not to get their hopes up about declas on dday because some website decided to number that q post with 75. Qmap does not have all the q posts, and at one point q said the only official posts were on /patriotsfight, or whatever. Good luck killing npc's.

19055300? ago

Ive discovered some things:


19055480? ago


19040847? ago

Could be. Could not be.

For me personally, I don't buy into SB2's created sentences to match gematria of items but Post#s are relevant... especially in Chan lore.

19040368? ago

Did u allnotice how COLD Trump was to Macron during their joint press conference? He actually picked lint off of himself and dropped it on the floor while my crown was speaking. And the only thing nice he said was he talked about today in the Bemis 75th Anniversary. He gave no real compliments to macron or France in its current state. Trump's body language speaks VOLUMES

19039570? ago

Well, Q75 dates back to November of 2017, so I'm not putting a lot of faith in the theory that it indicates anything going on currently. BUT...June 6th IS a very important date historically, and today being the 75th anniversary makes it even more so. I think we should keep an eye on Trump's tweets today (he DID mention "A big and beautiful day today!"), and especially any big breaking news (a report or some of the "declas" being released would be good). Today COULD be our D-Day...not gonna get my hopes up, but I'll be watching more closely than usual.

Yes, I know being patient is a big part of this, but something's gotta break soon.


19038047? ago

Lets not forget, Patton was killed for speaking the truth.

19040807? ago

Can you elaborate on this? My understanding of Patton is not the best. People tell me to read Killing Patton but it's from Bill O'Reilly which is a MSM anchor ... and I don't trust MSM. Any insight is appreciated.

19042514? ago

Patton essentially said we shouldn’t have fought the Germans, and that we should have crushed the Russians instead. He basically saw and understood why the nazis did what they did after seeing it for himself after the war.

19042725? ago

So wild... he knew, then (((they))) knew.

19041569? ago


Sorry for Reddit fag link, but it'll answer your questions.

Roosevelt funded the Soviet Union during ww2 and Patton saw what devious pieces of shit the Soviet (Bolshevik's) we're. After the allies defeated the Germans, Patton wanted to continue and take out the red army. But no, he was mysteriously killed in a car accident a few months later... Hmmmm

19042663? ago

Thanks, that was very informative. Hitler-Der-Grosse was a good read too, seems spot-on and intelligent. Wish sources like this were easier to have access to.

19038038? ago

Grandpa was on Omaha beach, he would have loved to see these ceremonies.

19037937? ago

It does feel like a transition of power and closing of an old chapter and a beginning of a new era.

19037713? ago

My father was a D-Day veteran.

Never forget the sacrifices that our brave and courageous soldiers made during WW2.

And those sacrifices were made for us alive here today.

Now we patriots must carry their torch forward.

Globalism and socialism must be defeated.

Lets Go Q!!

We fight!!


19039412? ago

We should have fought for Germany if at all. The only Holocaust was done by the allies against the Germans after the war.

19055712? ago

You’re misinformed or giving intentional disinformation. My uncle was in the French resistance and was shot and killed by a Nazi firing squad in France. Nazis=Germans, overrunning Europe and would eventually reach the USA if it wasn’t for the heroic action of so many Americans like my father in Normandy and the Allies to push them back, stomp them to ground and defeat them. Maybe at the highest levels of power it was pick your poison, but the people that lived it bought us the time needed to defeat murderous Stalin and now murderous Satinists without mass bloodshed on US soil like they saw elsewhere in WW2 and the Comminist bloc.

19040773? ago

Or in the Gulags under Stalin. Or Holodomor pre-WW2.

19037873? ago

I love the Mel in the Patriot. This is basically every anons feels [today]:





6/7/2019 [tomorrow]

19037549? ago

Patriots Fight - no updates posted to place holders yet

19036943? ago

If q posts today it will also be the end of 10 days of darkness (today would be day 11)

19042236? ago

I haven't had internet acces for 9 days! I believe this!

19038533? ago

From the end of the Q clock?

19056060? ago

Thanks for posting. Really beautiful! WWG1WGA!

19036073? ago

He will return when he arrives back in the USA silly.

You are going to be so happy when you learn the news!

It is happening, everything in the plan is happening right now.

19036347? ago

What is the news, friend?

19037850? ago

We are the News now.

19042266? ago

I fuck my mom.

19036047? ago

Wow nice find!

19035968? ago

The way you guys ascribe q's random use of numbers to dates and events is friggin hilarious.

19036649? ago

Frigg off ricky

19036478? ago

What are you? A fucking vegan. Let is eat our fucking steak.

19036434? ago

Sing a new song. You’re obvious

19036311? ago

It's friggin hilarious that you would come here to insult the user base. Like a vegan that goes to a steak house to insult the customers. You must be a friggin genius!

19042292? ago

We're meat eaters that go to the vegan restaurant to insult the faggot soyboys. Other than that, your analogy is correct you fucking faggot vegan.

19036011? ago

The way you people continue to waste your time is even more hilarious.

At least we have a purpose beyond the Lulz, what can you say, Faggot?

19036020? ago

I can say that I'm not a gullible retard like you.

19036497? ago

attention is love, and you're spending a whole lot of your attention, here

19042307? ago

Because we love you retards. Not because we believe in Q.

19036543? ago

expanded on the above: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3262598

19036065? ago

Truth will find the criminals, be gone shill!

19036082? ago

Lol when?

19036312? ago

You would want to know, wouldnt you?

19036053? ago

I'm just glad the to see the pedos get taken down.

19035932? ago

POTUS is in Normandy now and is going back to Ireland today. I think he's in Ireland until tomorrow, Friday 7th. Where he departs for on Friday I don't know yet.

19036333? ago

Thanks for the input patriot

19036278? ago

returns to US in the AM Friday

19035907? ago

The D Day commemorations have been absolutely stunning. They seem to be really significant this time, almost symbolic of something else as well. The Pope also sent a handwritten note to the service at the cathedral in Normandy this morning. Maybe this is normal ? Personally I think that OP may have picked up on something with Q75.

19042051? ago

Never heard of pope sending a note for D Day. I stopped watching TV since discovering pizzagate, but my other family members still watch and I get to hear snippets from time to time of the news. Today, the journos sounded like they tone down their slandering towards Trump compared to when he was in the UK. When he was visiting the Brits, the journos were insisting on showing how the Brits are protesting against Trump, in other words he's a hated dangerous nazi dictator. I guess they'll go back to turn up the slander factory as soon as he's out of Normandy.

19042297? ago

Pope's note was mentioned on live tv coverage. Maybe nothing to it, but I recall that NK Kim's handwritten note was delivered to WH just before NK deal was announced. Probably of no significance, just thought I'd share it.

19043285? ago

Sorry, I wasn't clear on my phrasing. Not doubting you. I was saying I've never heard of the pope sending a note to the cathedral for such a day in the past. With this pope, I'm more inclined to think he's pulling a Comey, as in sending directives to the minions to try to take out Trump or coordinate a FF.

19036342? ago

I saw this on another twatter account, since it wasn't posted here yet, I posted it.

19035985? ago

Great, the evil,pope wrote a note.

19036585? ago


19035795? ago

Nothing will happen this week.

19037456? ago

Not while you sitting in mom's basement! Get out and do something productive ffs.

19036303? ago

I hope you'll die, you corrupt puppet.

19036638? ago

Dude wtf is wrong with u. He is simply frustrated

19036486? ago

Bloodhound Gang sang about that


19036063? ago

Lots of things have assist happened.

19042252? ago

Nothing happened.