19039863? ago

More shill datefagging meant to divide.

Steps as follows:


  2. People get their hopes up. Nothing happens

  3. People get discouraged and go back to sleep.

19038185? ago

Seeing if deep state has any ammo left. They haven’t any.

19037935? ago

and we have a 21:12 we are here people. If you go back to the pictures of the headstone at Arlington look at the date.

19037992? ago

The headstone was for a man that landed a glider on D-Day, I would consider a glider to be a stealth bomber.

19037361? ago

Its the anniversary of D-Day - a day of solemn remembrance. Trump has too much class to muddy the waters with anything else today. You should all know this by now get your shit together

19037325? ago

Beautiful Day Today ? BDT

19037301? ago

I love reading the liberal comments on Twitter ... liberal tears on D-Day. Excellent.

19037149? ago

..... waiting for it.... not getting my hopes up..... begging to God.....

19037068? ago

Maybe this Trump tweet isn't relevant. But Q once posted something and I did a gematria decode and compared it with timestamps of Trump's tweets and then said "think mirror" three times while jerking off to loliporn, and it was revealed to me in a vision that HRC eats children and Q is the messiah and one day the storm will go down and my family will talk to me again. IT'S HAPPENING PAYTRIOTS!!!~~~

19036494? ago

It's a protected tweet. Patriots get all the top responses.

19036466? ago

Just a reminder to all that things ARE HAPPENING and ARRESTS ARE TAKING PLACE...GEORGE NADER was arrested the other day...he was given a "get out of jail free" card so many times...but not this time! How close do you think HE WAS TO THE CABAL?!?

19036626? ago

also nypd chief "suicided", and murdered alabama senator's police records sealed by judge!

19036438? ago

Remember, declass will be in pieces and not one big MOAB.

19035962? ago

I doubt declas will happen today. More DS trolling on his part.

19037043? ago

I think this as well. If anything, we might get a statement out of Barr or nothing at all.

Trump understands optics well and using a day of remembrance for this move might be too much.

19037034? ago

Yeah, could be another ammo expenditure day for the DS. One day soon we should here the DS theme "Running on Empty" song fade-in and get louder and LOUDER AND......

19036316? ago

It might start today it might not (as you imply, dates are more for trolling the enemies than for us), however, declass will most probable be in small portions over a long time in order to desensitize the people.

19036617? ago

not merely trolling -- also, testing their capabilities

19037266? ago

Yes of course, and also for making them spend their ammo.

19035928? ago

Another day, another nothing to show we are winning.

19035895? ago

Who is this @ForeverLogical who tops the Trump tweets?

19035705? ago

He is referring to the Normandy temperance. Nothing more. Bet me. Come 10pm tonight we will all be posting useless, reaching posts trying to justify that today was the day. But it wont be...

19035951? ago

Write out 100 times: "remembrance" and "won't".

19036590? ago

Why? You knew what I was saying even with them misspelled. Good retort tho (though)

19035682? ago

a big beaitful nothing burger. thats what we are waiting on arent we boys?

19035958? ago

  • A
  • beautiful
  • that's
  • aren't

19035720? ago

There are so many "nothing is going to happen" posts in this thread, lol. are you scared?

19050122? ago

I dont think u get it. It is not that "scared". just a pissed off anon who is tired of eating greasy popcorn and watching a slow boring movie. and in that movie nothing is getting done, yes , nothing. for past few weeks, everyone was doing jumping jack and cartwheel about the D -Day. well... wtf happened? should we go ahead and put a new god damn date? so ya i ll say it again " nothing is being done". just a bunch of ppl getiing suicied and censorship in high gear, that'sall. did i leave out anything?

19044366? ago

Hello? Anything happen?

19039237? ago

So has anything happened?

19035638? ago

Yes! [D]clas Day Today! WWG1WGA!!!

19036412? ago

Why is everyone saying this? Just cause Trump thinks it’s a nice day today or another reason?

19035572? ago

ExMI sources on twitter basically confirming. Today is DECLAS

19035953? ago

We will not see anything happen today or any day in the near future.* IF* declas happens it will come out in small bits and pieces late fall.

19036658? ago


19035592? ago

Link/link screenshot it fag

19035489? ago

Nothing you want to happen is going to happen. Not even the slightest.

19036449? ago

You mean like George Nader being arrested yesterday and making national headlines? You people are bad at your jobs. That guy must work pretty fucking closely to the cabal to have been given a "get out of jail" free card as many times as he had....but not this time;)

19039246? ago

Nader drew a paycheck from Trump

19039448? ago

Oh Jew... and now the light of Truth is being shown down upon his ass. Don't you see how Trump work? He brings the crooked assholes to the light of day for all to see. That guy worked in politics for years, I never even heard about him till now.

19039468? ago

Only trump guys go to jail. That's what i think about Obama too btw, great guy just hired crooks so people would become aware of them, good logic patriot!

19039495? ago

Well, I don't remember many crooks under Obama getting arrested...plenty are under Trump. He's screwing (((Their))) system for everyone. And he's still got 6 years left you fucking kike, prepare your asshole.

19039547? ago

He hires and works with a bunch of crooks, the NYC real estate billionaire. Really clean, patriotic guy he is. He's taking down all the big guys, like that one you just admitted you've never heard of. When will everyone wake up and realize the real estate billionaire whose whole staff is getting imprisoned is finally cleaning up Washington!!???

19040992? ago

Exactly, and thank you for illustrating my point. That's why Trump was ran because as the swamp despratly needs to get close to his admin in order to control it, the more low hanging fruit they loose. If things were "business as usual" We'd have an Obama 2 in there and we would have invaded Iran by now without all of the attention being brought upon Washington.

Also, quit trying so hard yid

19044391? ago

Yeah everyone knows his and Pops name, because they were crooks Trump hired.

19045459? ago

You fucking make me sick you know that? You really are a shill. Two seconds of Googling would have proved my point. It even says on Wikipedia that George worked for both Bush and Clinton....you are some real fucking trash and bad at your shitty job. They should send you across the wall to the Palestinian side you disgusting Jew

19046259? ago

And actually this is what wikipedia says about his career - In the 2000s, Nader left Washington and spent most of his time in the Middle East, especially in Iraq after the 2003 Iraq invasion.[9] Since then, Nader has volunteered with U.S. politicians to act as a "shadow diplomat" connecting them to Middle Eastern officials.[8] Erik Prince, founder of security firm Blackwater, hired Nader to help with contracts with the Iraqi government; in a 2010 deposition, Prince identified Nader as a "business development consultant".[10]

In August 2016, Nader met with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower offering assistance to his father's presidential campaign.[11] Nader served as an envoy representing Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and de facto ruler Mohammad bin Salman and Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The meeting included Blackwater founder Erik Prince again and Joel Zamel, an Israeli specialist in social media manipulation[12][11] and owner of intelligence gathering firms including Wikistrat and the Psy-Group, who bragged to have received $2 million from Nader as part of the presidential campaign.

Seems he was much closer to the Trump campaign than the other ones. Care to elaborate?

19056251? ago

Maybe you're still missing my point...Trump can engage scum like Nader, and pretend to do business with him, but in reality he's flushing people like that into the light of day. Get what I'm saying? Every mob rat that has done business with previous admins and got away with it without drawing national headlines, they DON'T get away with it with Trump....FROM DARK TO LIGHT...FLUSHING THE CABAL OUT OF THE DARK, AND INTO THE LIGHT OF THE PUBLIC EYE!

19056206? ago

From Wikipedia:

"During the George H. W. Bush administration (1989–1993) he helped to free American hostages in Lebanon after the Iran–Contra affair.[8] During the Clinton Administration (1993–2001), Nader tried unsuccessfully to broker an Israeli–Syrian peace agreement, working with Estée Lauder heir Ronald Lauder.[8]"

Ya, thanks for proving my point as well...he was a FUCKING SHADOW DIPLOMAT!??! WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? He's just part of the international mob. And now, the whole world knows.

Thanks for helping me prove my point...I guess not all kikes are bad, not if they're like you anyway...fren

19046199? ago

Israel and Jews love Trump, you're a very confused individual.

19056153? ago

Well, if Trump is draining their swap too, then yes, I guess they would. Looks like the giga zionist bibi is stepping down soon, caught up in corruption scandals, you think that this would have happened under that cunt of a whore Hillary?

I'm glad that the Israeli swamp is being drained too, but if those kikes think we're going to go to War with Iran on their behalf, they've got another thing coming. Trump won't involve us in their petty squabbles with the Arabs, he'll pay them lip service to appease his Republicuck base, but he won't actually take our military into Iran...I'd bet you just about anything on that. So those dumb yids (really, just Arabs with bigger noses) better start practicing diplomacy with their neighbors, because we aren't bailing them out any longer.

19044657? ago

Wow, it's like talking to a brick wall with you hebs....Other admins hired him as well, why do you think it was under Trump that the guy made national headlines?

19036557? ago

These People Are Stupid! Q.

19035718? ago

first shill rule: demoralize the user base.

19044374? ago

So did anything happen?

19036601? ago

The shills love us! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3262598

19035356? ago

Prepare to be dissapointed when you falsely interpret Trumps every sentence with your own projections.

19035908? ago

-1 credibility point for misspelling "disappointed" and -1 for omitting the apostrophe from "Trump's" and another for failing to call him "President".

19036287? ago

And the trump worship cult of qrv lives on

19036671? ago

Having bad grammar means your a Jew.

19037083? ago

you're... hello, jew.

19037126? ago

hi Jew

19037381? ago


19035712? ago

first shill rule: demoralize the user base

19034964? ago

I hope its definitely [D]eclas Day!

19036647? ago

Internet outages everywhere. If you're online, you're the exception.

19036972? ago

I'm here!

19034753? ago

Today would make for a very dramatic public exposure of declassified materials. The public buzz would fill workplaces all day Friday, with aftershocks rumbling throughout the weekend.

19034628? ago

I suspect POTUS is just fucking with the Jew's heads because President Trump MUST maintain as much distance from any DoJ action against the Deep State.

This is critical because the Jew fake news will try to claim POTUS is taking political prisoners when arrests happen.

The Jew will try to use this as an excuse to spark a civil war.

POTUS will need to act surprised about AG Barr's declassified documents.

19034992? ago

It takes two sides for a civil war. I no longer hear the distant beat of war drums. Farakhan's and the Muslim Brotherhood's jihadis have been declawed. MS-13 jihadis have been tagged and identified. MK-Ultra jihadis/assassins are busy with loose ends and squealers. SJWs, BLM, and antifa have been defunded. Not saying there won't be skirmishes, false flags, and bombings, but there will be no civil war.

19036995? ago

For a moment there I thought you said the MK-Ultra jihadis/assassins are busy with NOOSE ends...(heh heh).

19035137? ago

Are you kidding me??!!

Half the country's minds have been poisoned by the Jew so much they think Obama's administration was scandal free and the other half are so starved for justice that we've gone crazy.

The Jew would LOVE nothing more than to hire Antifa mercenaries to light fires and smash windows in our cities while the Jew-fake-news claims the protests are 1000 x their size.

Useful idiots will be encouraged to take to the streets to kill Trump and Republicans to "save" America from the Nazis.

You underestimate the stranglehold the Jew still has on our nation.

19036988? ago

Useful idiots will be encouraged to take to the streets to kill Trump and Republicans to "save" America from the Nazis.

The only flaw with your plan is that antifa mercenary strongholds are in disarmed blue states & cities.

Will enjoy seeming them ubering/mass-transiting out to red areas and the ensuing hilarity which follows.

19035450? ago

You overestimate the bloodlust of white Americans. I don't know if you were around during the Weather Underground bombings - thousands of them throughout the nation. Lots of 20 and 30 year olds joined the fun setting off explosions. However, once people started getting killed in the explosions, membership in the Weather Underground fizzled out. Most people don't have the stomach for it. I believe that is why the communists/deep state worked so hard bringing in "refugees and migrants". They needed foot soldiers who were taught to hate the people they were going to be killing.

19036818? ago

Yes, I remember draft card and roc burning. We were fighting the "establishment " then. Today same enemy, different name.

19035544? ago

Catholics are not Christians. You’re a dizzy mf. You honestly have very little understanding on much anything. You wreak of muh jooo shillery.

19036004? ago

Catholics were the first Christians.

Obvious Jewing is obvious.

19036561? ago

That’s is just lunacy. Study the history of that “church” it wasn’t formed by Satan until the 4th century after the death of Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic Church is the Roman remnants of the great and powerful dynasty repackaged as a religious organization. It has nothing to do with Christianity. It’s pagan idol worship. The first Christians were the ones who followed Jesus Christ and believed on what he did for them on the cross. Catholics teach that you must do works because what Jesus did was not enough.

19036611? ago

I'm not gonna read a full sentence of your baseless bullshit until you can back it up with a source.

19037171? ago

Why the schism of Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox Church?

You're a fool

19037452? ago

If you're claiming Catholics are incapable of having a relationship with Jesus, then you are no better than a retarded Somali.

Don't be a nigger.

19037678? ago

I didn't even come close to saying that, guy.

Stop projecting your spiritual fears

19037163? ago

Likewise, faggot. Christianity was in Britain right after Christ's death

19036919? ago

Do your own research moron. There is no excuse for being a dumb shit.

19036958? ago

You have nothing and know nothing - confirmed.

19037056? ago

You’re lazy - confirmed

This isn’t a college course I don’t have to cite references, if you love truth search it out, otherwise just keep worshipping idols and statues of ISIS

19035982? ago

You wreak of

Ah, jeez, the dumbing down of Americans. It's spelt "reek", you fuckwit.

19036524? ago

It never ceases to amaze me how prosaic, pedestrian, unimaginative people can persistently pontificate about classical grammatical structure as though it's fucking rocket science. You must be the same type of person who hates Picasso, because he couldn't keep the paint inside the lines and the colors never matched the numbers.

19036573? ago

color by numbers
it's as easy to learn
as your abcs

19035663? ago

Wow - no need to become mega-triggered.

19034941? ago

Another scenario could be JFK knocks on Jeff Zucker door and says the fun is over, continue and you and your family will be retiring in Afghanistan. Oh, and by the way, the US is pulling out.

19037026? ago

JFK Jr. is well digested fish food, he won't be making an appearance anytime soon.

19034598? ago

https://tweetsave.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1136512359055462400 :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "A big and beautiful day today!"

This has been an automated message.