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19026141? ago

if Q fades away

Finally beginning to admit it? You're in a cult, and your "leader" is an anon poster on a chan site. This is your major clue that you're a person who is easily tricked. But you'd prefer "he" just fades away so everyone can pretend they're not morons. I know there's not much point in pointing out to stupid people how stupid they are. They're generally too stupid to care if they're stupid. But at least you weren't tricked into becoming a Breatharian, right? Right?

19029421? ago

You obviously have NO clue for mocking something that is actually our natural spiritual state, and WHO is more FOOLISH? US for following Q, or YOU for STALKING us?? What a flippin RETARD!!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

19030533? ago

WHO is more FOOLISH? US for following Q, or YOU for STALKING us??

It's obviously you, for:

Following an anonymous riddle-poster on a chan site.
Failing to think critically about the veracity of the mysterious figure.
Thinking that anyone remaining on the site you invaded is stalking you if they comment on your lol-cow behavior.
This list could likely continue on indefinitely.

19036779? ago

You sure are spending a lot of attention here! Love you back!