19037111? ago

Maybe it was all a bit pointless and we got larped by the chans. But Q once posted something and I did a gematria decode and compared it with timestamps of Trump's tweets and then said "think mirror" three times while jerking off to loliporn, and it was revealed to me in a vision that HRC eats children and Q is the messiah and one day the storm will go down and my family will talk to me again. IT'S HAPPENING PAYTRIOTS!!!~~~

19034760? ago

Yes huge thank you to all those doing massive work to drive the information sharing, whatever your format is: research, chan comms, Voat, YouTube, blogs etc. I've mostly been a lurker and have felt a need to get more involved, feel a bit selfish for it but i appreciate how everyone's work has brought me to a new level of thought.

19034536? ago

You're welcome Anon. WWG1WGA!

19032503? ago

I quick question for any AnalyticFags in here. I am running RStudio and creating a html doc for a research project on human trafficking in rmarkdown, but having trouble creating a new variable from my dataset. I am trying to run {r} Gender<-data$gender Gender[data$gender==-99]<-NA The variable gender has 180 obo of -99, which according to my codebook means missing data. So I would like to use the new variable "Gender" to get rid of missing data so my table will look clean. Can anyone help?

19032345? ago

Thank you Anons! β™‘

19029663? ago

Yes, this! And thank you to everyone for sticking with it through thick and thin. We will help the world to change.

19029553? ago

Congratulations on doing nothing.

19029292? ago


19028696? ago

I only drop in here occasionally now because there is so much off topic and irrelevant content. It needs mods. I can see irrelevant content other places. we have a serious movement happening globally. A forum whereby the participants are focused on that shifting paradigm is what this was suppose to be about. It isn't. Too many idiots posting stupid crap. Sad.

19027340? ago

Thank you for your post, very much appreciated! I feel the same way. I have thought about the time that will come when the Q posts will end. I'm deeply grateful that the Q team took on the task of informing us, but I'm thinking that the posts will end when Potus and Q Patriots complete the plan. The deep state and corrupt media will be defeated. It won't be imperative to use 8 Chan to alert and inform everyday Patriots of the corruption and evil that took over the levers of power. We will have digital soldiers that will not stop their watchfulness and reporting. This platform will still be needed for that critical part which should be ongoing in some form through generations.

19027057? ago

All signs indicate the storm has started

History lesson:

On October 28th, 2017, at 8:22 AM (all times in EST), POTUS tweeted:

Very little reporting about the GREAT GDP numbers announced yesterday (3.0 despite the big hurricane hits). Best consecutive Q's in years!

THEN, at 4:44 PM of the same day, Q's first officially recognized post is made, and quotes another post made at 3:33 PM.

First of all, obviously it is a huge Q proof that POTUS tweets first, making a mention of 'Q', with Q going on to make his first ever post. POTUS's tweet is not worded normally whatsoever, and is sending a cryptic message. It is also interesting and significant that Q chooses the times of 3:33 and 4:44 for his first posts.

Fitting "3", "big hurricane", and "consecutive Q's" into a tweet is not natural, and this tweet was a marker waiting to be activated. This tweet is a marker to tell us when the storm will start.

USGSA tweet on May 31st, 2019, at 11:54 AM, says:

Get ready! #Hurricane πŸŒ€ season starts tomorrow. GSA provides assistance to federal employees, vendors, and the public. Find information on facilities, travel, damaged vehicles, GSA hotlines, and more: http://go.usa.gov/xmHv9 @fema #ready

POTUS's tweet (tweet #6101) on May 31st, 2019, at 3:12 PM:

As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals....

There were 3 consecutive Q's missing. This signals to us that the big hurricane AKA STORM is coming.

Now let's compare POTUS's tweets, and count the number of characters in each tweet. We will not count punctuation or spaces, only letters/numbers:



The first tweet is exactly 112 characters, and the second tweet is exactly 224 characters, double the first. This seems to be further confirmation that the LGBT tweet links to the hurricane tweet.

  • Slightly after 12:00 AM of June 2nd, an anon posts that Paul Combetta has been arrested.
  • June 3rd, George Nader arrested for child pornography.
  • June 4th, Scot Peterson arrested for inaction during Parkland shooting.
  • June 5th, JoaquΓ­n GarcΓ­a arrested for child rape and human trafficking.

19030300? ago


19026651? ago

If Q is such a wild cult, wouldn’t it be the final kill shot for the MSM to get POTUS to support Q anon?

It’s such a simple angle, surely I’m not the only one who has thought about this?

  2. GTFO

Two options, pick one.

19029475? ago

yeah WHY won't (((they))) ask the question?? That's the biggest proof yet, and the SHILLS are too dumb to see the connection!

19029537? ago


19027056? ago



Two options, pick one.

19027191? ago

Sorry busy waiting on the MSM to hit trump w the Q question. It could be the final nail in his presidency! Trump endorses crazy Q anon cult!

19028516? ago

What was the first nail? Meuller, moron?

19029263? ago

No it’s called sarcasm. As in if Q is so crazy and out of control why hasn’t anyone tried to ask Trump about it and try and twist it against him?

Is it because they’re too afraid of the truth?

19029456? ago

You have a lot of patience talking to shills.

But I couldn't help to answer your question!

Because they can't handle the truth!!! Their whole purpose is to brainwash people, and if they tell the truth, it's like the straw that broke the camel's back. BOOM!

19027367? ago

That is not an option.



Only two options, pick one.

19026141? ago

if Q fades away

Finally beginning to admit it? You're in a cult, and your "leader" is an anon poster on a chan site. This is your major clue that you're a person who is easily tricked. But you'd prefer "he" just fades away so everyone can pretend they're not morons. I know there's not much point in pointing out to stupid people how stupid they are. They're generally too stupid to care if they're stupid. But at least you weren't tricked into becoming a Breatharian, right? Right?

19029421? ago

You obviously have NO clue for mocking something that is actually our natural spiritual state, and WHO is more FOOLISH? US for following Q, or YOU for STALKING us?? What a flippin RETARD!!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

19030533? ago

WHO is more FOOLISH? US for following Q, or YOU for STALKING us??

It's obviously you, for:

Following an anonymous riddle-poster on a chan site.
Failing to think critically about the veracity of the mysterious figure.
Thinking that anyone remaining on the site you invaded is stalking you if they comment on your lol-cow behavior.
This list could likely continue on indefinitely.

19036779? ago

You sure are spending a lot of attention here! Love you back!


19032259? ago

wow, you're definitely not the brightest bulb😳 and you just proved my point, if WE are so clueless, what does it say about YOU for taking time away from your life to come here and argue with US?? LOGIC is YOUR FRIEND!

19050376? ago

what does it say about YOU for taking time away from your life to come here

It says that one of my interests is odd or bizarre subcultures, and the individuals entangled in them.

19026615? ago

Except Trump confirmed it, and will eventually publicly come out and confirm. Then what?

19030379? ago

Trump works for the jews. Trump gave the jews his whole family. Trump is "the greatest friend Israel ever had..." So if there's any connection between Q and Trump, and there almost certainly is, Q is a jewish op approved by Trump.

I do wish my fellow elderly conservatives weren't so naive, but this is why we've been losing the culture war since the 60s.

19026062? ago



19025987? ago

Thank you Patriot.

19025877? ago

No. Thank you for being here with me.

This movement would literally mean nothing without your participation.

There is a lot of Love to be discovered. God bless you.

19036756? ago

Exactly -- attention is love.


19031736? ago

"You have more power than you realize."

19031748? ago

The red-blooded, good-hearted core of America and traditional American values are the (((envy))) of the world.

Why do you think the demonically driven cabal / Hollywood / Deep State / CIA / MOSSAD / Pope is attacking it with all their power, might and wealth. There is an increasingly hot and increasingly undeniable out-in-the-open battle being fought for American (and all of Western civilization's) hearts and minds.

By being here and being aware to large extent of the reality of our situation and what is happening, you have more power than you realize.

You are on the front lines.

Think and act accordingly.

19026549? ago

Where we go one...

19028629? ago

We Go All.

~Scott Free

19027556? ago

Oh, No!! We're not all that stupid.

19026985? ago

we go all!

19029198? ago

We Go One!!!! Yessss! ❀️ our Anons sooooo much!!

19025425? ago

Lol at that one shill in here who downvoated your post. ARMY OF ONEEEEE GAREEEEEEEEEW

19034792? ago

The one shill downvoting all the posts...-1 on the most trivial shit like "Where we go one..."

19031357? ago

forever alone..

19025193? ago

No problem, I'm glad you enjoyed the tranny BBWs

19025328? ago

Stfu fail nye. +2!

19036743? ago

wouldn't "shill nye" rhyme better?

19037556? ago

I go back and fourth. Interesting fact, shill nye the tranny guy actually started this whole brigade. About a month ago, right after our old mod left, shill nye came in by himself and started posting tranny porn.

A month later here we are, him and his 1-3 team of shills are still at it. Makes you wonder.

19045591? ago


19025554? ago

Hey Fail nye guy. That actually wasn’t me. How are you today friend?

19026421? ago

Lol it all applies the same!

19024781? ago

Do you enjoy the circle jerks? I certainly do. When someone posts a really good Bible verse, or some great patriotic picture of President Trump, I just whip my dick out and get into the circle with everyone else. I grab the dick to my right and start stroking furiously! The Patriot and God porn here is incredible. After we blow our wad, we wait a few minutes and then post more patriot porn!

19029491? ago

What a sad pathetic life you must have😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😳😳😳😳😳

19024996? ago

No. You’re not allowed to join in with us. You are clearly not part of this. πŸ‘‹πŸ» πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

19026160? ago

Also didn't become a Sannyasin or a Breatharian. Cults are for the mentally weak.

19026630? ago

A cult where the POTUS is the leader? What happens when Trump publicly confirms Q?

We already know he has confirmed many times, simply because msm won’t ask, while simultaneously writing hundreds of stories, about high profile cases.

Why doesn’t MSM try and link Trump PERSONALLY to said cult, instead of running away from it?

19030313? ago

A cult where the POTUS is the leader?

Very possibly. Q is almost certainly working with, working for, or actually Trump. This is (or should be) the main concern for Q followers, since Trump is so jewed he's practically a jew himself. Hence, Q is almost certainly a jewish op.

When the enemy is so easily able to neutralize a big chunk of our side with such a ridiculous story as an anon poster on a chan site being the savior of mankind with his riddles and mysterious plan, the future begins to look bleak.

19033281? ago

Wrong. Nice try though. What has Trump done that put Israel ahead of America? When has he not put our country first?

Zionism = Israel First

Trump = America First Q = Israel Last

They’ve been telling us from the start. You’re clearly low IQ and don’t notice how brilliant Trump has painted his enemies as antisemitic.

Jewish Americans will be protected just like all other law abiding citizens. You speak like someone who doesn’t know what makes our country great.

19024728? ago

You're welcome anon, likewise.

19024185? ago

Research? on QRV? seriously?

19029354? ago

then WHY are YOU HERE?πŸ€”

19024965? ago

Think for yourself. It’s a pit for people to dump info. Go to the Chan’s if you want the research.

Both places get garbage posted in large amounts though. It’s up to each patriot to do their own research using available info. QRV allows us to share our findings. Nothing more. It’s for the nubs.

19024794? ago

It's all patriot porn to spank your monkey to.

19028548? ago

Ya, but he's been a bad monkey and deserves a good spanking!

19023877? ago
