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18965468? ago

Great post.

Let me help you.

Q is here to clean up and eliminate those leaders that are corrupt.

Qteam is preparing for God's return. Paving the way and letting countries know the truth.

The King of Kings is arriving soon. Hope that helps fill in the gaps.

I'd be happy to answer other questions if I can.

18965679? ago

Exactly... and let me addendum that..

Research the ancient Hebrew wedding ceremony...

It's a roadmap to the return, and Q/anons are Michael, and Michael is the best man who announces the bridegrooms soon arrival.


If that didn't give you chills...

18966348? ago

You have no idea.

Really you don't.

just remember DNR.

Promise you'll remember those three letters.

That is your new king.

You'll gonna crap your pants when you learn his middle name.

It's hilariously seriously funny. God really does have a sense of humor.

He loves without abandon as well.

18968548? ago

Btw, im going to follow Qs recommendation of documenting offline. Ill print this post and your comment, in case future proofs are needed.

18970592? ago

I'll autograph it someday.

18970626? ago

I'll hold you to it lol... I'm sure you'll find me if you're legit.

18970649? ago

You'll be the one holding the pen and paper.

Shouldn't be too hard.

Oh, I'm very legit.

This is happening.

18971664? ago

I agree. I've posted multiple posts that put this together, this wasn't the only one.

How about thoughts on these?

I have a lot more than that....

18972514? ago


The return of the king isn't JFK Jr

Research this. Branch of David, Root of Jesse. That's your new King.

As promised by God. I'll respond to other responses.

So far so good. Now if they would just INFORM the King.


18987010? ago

Are you referencing SCOTUS's 'nice list'?

18973638? ago

Jesus / Yeshua aka the LIGHT

Inform the king???

18977766? ago

Inside joke.

Yes, that guy. Hidden amoung you for fifty years.

He just became aware of who he was.

The Scott Free post was for me.

Trust me when I say, it's happening.

Biggest event of our human history.

18980536? ago


Ironic DNR is also Do Not Resuscitate ..

Rev 19:12

That alone tells us that this coming King isnt named Jesus, but more likely comes from the bloodlines of Jesus, is a clone of Jesus or is reincarnated Jesus (or something else altogether different)

18982568? ago

One more reply.

You're the only Patriot to get it btw.

Congratulations on being really smart!

You really are so darn close to the truth!

Scottish you got right. Poland comes into play too.

Did you know in Poland, Jesus is their King?

18984262? ago

Interesting, thank you!

Ironically, I feel like an idiot most of the time. I might be right some times. Wrong others. But I always put out info with good intentions. Trying not to mislead the community.

I didn't know about Poland. I will dig later, thanks for the nugget! ;)

Peace and love patriot!

18982521? ago

Clone is a very good word.

Painful one too.

18987049? ago

Painful to discover who you were?