18980067? ago

18 months and you haven't stopped shilling with the same argument despite the fact the dumbest retard can see the arrests happening daily.

18956235? ago

Gtfo out of here you larp, everyone knows you don’t wish this anyways, so why larp as a patriot?

18956116? ago

What's going down on Capitol Hill this weekend?


18955641? ago


18955599? ago

Arrests or STFU indeed patriot!

18955214? ago

  1. Impeach
  2. GTFO

18955354? ago

Impeach would make our society even more divided and angry and would actually be a good thing.

18956099? ago

We can take the garbage out.

18955458? ago

If you're looking for a civil war, sure. We know Globalists are...and the traitors in our American political system have been doing insider trading to China...which was about to be anointed until President Trump and Q team arrived. We all thank GOD for them everyday.

18955328? ago

No impeach and no arrests is still a loss for us

18955160? ago

Thinking outside the box anon! Like it

18955366? ago

Thank you patriot! We always hear arrests or GTFO so figured it was time for a change

18956242? ago

Ur a larp OP. Quit larping about.