18958005? ago

The third secret is that Jesus comes back to Salt Lake City.

18946728? ago


18946174? ago

Lots of bagelry in the comments

18945818? ago

Jesus didn't exist retards. The red sun the "elites" worship is a flaming ball of red Iron Oxide. Iron. Our blood is iron. That's why. my god use your heads for once.

18950023? ago

You sound crazy. Is this flaming ball in the room with you now? Does it follow you?

18944966? ago

Well, it actually turns into Jesus blood and flesh. It’s not pretending. It’s what Jesus said at the last supper to the apostles. It’s not satanic.

18944874? ago

Yes' sir! Drink the "blood" and eat the "flesh" is satanic garbage.

18946496? ago

John 6:53 Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you".

So Jesus was satanic.


18944819? ago

Fatima secrets won't stop us from dying.

If you seek spiritual guidance then ask Jesus Christ himself.

We don't need baptisms or transubstantiation or indulgences or pedophiles who wear silly hats and sit on golden thrones.

We only need faith and a relationship with Jesus Christ.

18946486? ago

Why did Q say Amen to a prayer to St Michael?

18946723? ago

Because Q was acknowledging Daniel 12:1

And if you only KNEW who Michael really was...

18956719? ago

Seemingly Michael of the Old Testament is the same as Michael of the New Testament. Known as being of the greatest or highest class of angels: archangel = great messenger. Saint Michael = Holy One, Who Is Like God? Archistrategos = Highest Heavenly Commander. Biblically the protector of Israel and leader of heaven's armies against the corrupt angels, thusly the images of Michael slaying dragons or serpents. Aquinas concluded that each angel was a species unto itself and thusly not human. Angels are commonly thought to have no physical bodies which gives them advantages and disadvantages in comparison to humans. This would make the various representations of Michael in painting and sculpture nothing but imagery that symbolizes aspects of Michael's spiritual being. There are less established or widespread traditions about who Michael is and what he does. Some significant Protestants viewed Michael as identified with the Logos, a pre-incarnate Christ who will be the one that battles Satan in the end times.

Otherwise there is not a lot known about who archangels are and where they (or angels of any sort) fit in the scheme of creation. I don't think that God would allow centuries of Christians across the Earth to be misled about who the angels are. Much may be hidden but what little is revealed is not generally misleading. Any one claiming to have special knowledge about the Archangels, implying that they have sources superior to the Word of God, is 'like unto' the Gnostics of old. One of the many esoteric teachings about some long hidden truth behind Christianity could turn out to be real, but since the time the Temple curtain was split open, the Way, Truth and Life has stood at our door knocking, lighting lampstands, calling us out. Many have answered without any special knowledge.

18948062? ago

Who is Michael?

18949127? ago

Yet to be revealed publicly

18946492? ago


18946511? ago

If you are here you should know what Q has done and said on the boards.

Check out Q109.

18946537? ago

Wrong, I'm under no obligation to memorize every Q post.

18948054? ago

I didn't say memorize. But now you know about Q109, eh?

18948288? ago

Yes, it is a Catholic prayer.

Did you have a point? If so then make it.

18949939? ago

One point is for people (maybe or not including you) to think about why Q would post what he did. There may be several legit answers to such a question. I can think of at least 3.

In reference to the point made somewhere above, about going straight to Jesus, we have in the Q source a suggestion that the intercession of angels is another known way to attend to issues.

18949987? ago

Perhaps, but another, simpler and more likely answer is Q supports and promotes Christianity, of which Catholicism is included.

18955694? ago

That's a good answer. That's what part of what I mean - that intercession and assistance involving third parties is not uncommon in Christianity and Q seems to agree.

18944709? ago

You pretend to drink the blood of Jesus when you go to church. That's a cult Dr. Mensa. That's not normal. Have you ever pretended to do that anywhere else? No because it's weird as shit. They only switched to wine after people started leaving the cult.

18944999? ago

Well, it actually turns into Jesus blood and flesh. It’s not pretending. It’s what Jesus said at the last supper to the apostles. It’s not satanic.

18950003? ago

That's a massive misinterpretation of what Jesus said. Catholicism is false religion.

18944941? ago

Jesus was a Jew. Jews back then ate human flesh and drank human blood ritualistically. Jesus told the new Jews, the Christians, to drink wine instead of blood and eat bread instead of human flesh in a ritualistic ceremony on the Sabbath.

He ended that evil practice.

18946718? ago

'Put an end to sacrifice and oblation' The verse commonly attributed to some fake as singular antichrist...was actually about JESUS.