18968259? ago

I think most people alive now aren't aware of what PRAVDA was. Our MSM is the new PRAVDA and people can't seem to recognize propaganda when it is spoon-fed to them.

18946549? ago

nice disinfo here

you use all tha inf0rmation to pub blast on kennedy


18946512? ago

You clearly know fuckall about Russia, how it’s run and just how people are able to afford groceries that cost what they cost here while having pensions and salaries hat are 1/10 of US employees.

It’s really easy to slap a happy sticker on Putin bc he’s talking about the dirt. Yet you’re forgetting he’s been acting like a tzar, silencing people who don’t agree with him and basically does nothing for infrastructure for his people.

Stop thinking he’s some kind of silver bullet. Never underestimate KGB.

18946212? ago

Absolutely agree on all points.

18943232? ago

2019 Capitalist Russia Vs 1991 Communist USSR

For those not familiar with the communist Soviet Union/USSR, since its collapsed in 1991, Russia is a capitalist country. Sources:


______• https://archive.fo/rrR4X

Some people missed this 1991 news, and or are trying to lie you into believing that Russia is presently a Communism country. It is NOT. Russia is presently a Capitalist country. Sources:


______• https://archive.fo/fYAXk


______• https://archive.fo/8neN7

Capitalist definition: "Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit."

• Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism

______• https://archive.fo/LTGR4

18942621? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Delacourt.

Posted automatically (#44519) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18941404? ago

I believe this to be true, but I ran into this a few weeks ago. It gave me a little cognitive dissonance (dismissal- haven’t gone much further into it) and would be interested in others feedback.


18940244? ago

I was in Russia 2005. Sure, some of the old guard are still around, Young Russians though have freedoms their grandparents didn't have. I felt more free in Russia than I did in USA. The Russians never searched my luggage and didn't ask me foolish questions when I arrived. For the most part, I was left alone by authorities. I went where I wanted and basically enjoyed myself. I was welcomed by almost everyone and while visiting a local school was impressed by the kids who flocked around to have an Americanski sign their yearbook. Yes, Russia today is not the old Soviet Union. It's not the old Russia under the Czar either. My thinking is that we should embrace the new Russia and work with them to foster better trade relations and harmony between our two nations and two peoples. We have more in common with the average Russian that we ever will with Chinese.

18946523? ago

Yes. Let’s pretend russia is a really happy place to live. You fucking goys. Talk to fucking Russians.

18950025? ago

I stayed in Russia. I spoke to Russians on a daily basis. I visited their schools. I didn't meet anyone who complained about their government. Just from what you say right here it's obvious you haven't been in Russia.

18951301? ago

They’re sheep, you moron. They’ve been kept down for so many generations they’ll be happy with scraps. Would you live there? Like give up your citizenship and live there? Would you go get a job and work for their wages and hardly afford food? Didn’t fucking think so.

18953369? ago

The sheep invited me to their homes, fed me, and entertained me. A tailor made me a silk shirt to go to the theater and refused to take my money. The lady who did my laundry included a hand woven pair of winter socks, I spoke with an English teacher at the local high school, I was invited to speak to a class room full of chemistry students to give an inspirational speech and on and on. The welcome never stopped and not one person bitched about their government. Cops I met were a bit grumpy but mostly were just happy to take care of my registration problems.

Sure, Russia has issues with corruption. I encountered that when visiting government offices where it's expected to give a gift of a box of chocolate to get things done. Paperwork was minimal. The happiest Russians were the farmers. It's not like they can't afford food, they fucking make the food. If you can grow a garden you can sell your produce in the local market. Try that here in USA where corporations won't allow it. Every town and city had a local people's market. You get a booth, you sell food. Food was cheap.

The biggest problem I encountered was not the government, but local mafia who got a kick back from every construction site. But stuff still gets built so apparently it works. I did inquire about a what it would take for me to be a welder in their country. Turns out a man I was associated with ran a shop. Going wage was $5.00 an hour USD. Not bad considering their living expenses.

They do need to cut down on government bureaucracy to make it easier to set up a business there, so there's that but we have it worse here in Southern California.

For transportation I relied mostly on private taxicab which was extremely low priced. One way trip to city center was one dollar. I basically went downtown every day because it was so cheap and like to shop the flea market which was thriving. On a side note, they have very nice refrigerators there with glass fronts. Most people have smaller refrigerators than here in USA because they like to do food shopping almost every day since they rely mostly on fresh food from the people's market rather than grocery stores run by corporations as we do in USA.

Yes, I would live in Russia and do well because I could bring American know how to manufacture things. It's an option right now. Do you know doors are handmade where I was? They have old style skeleton keys of brass to fit welded steel security doors people prefer in poorer neighborhoods. There's alot of old style buildings, heating concepts, and technology that people are very comfortable with. Such as Soviet era housing with 16 inch thick walls and double windows. The double windows are popular with housewives for growing plants inside between the two windows. You can grow plants inside these spaces all winter if they face the south. Compared to where I live in Southern California even their cheap homes are better built if much smaller. A mansion where I was had a going price of $40,000.00. A two story brick home on a large lot.

18960783? ago

  • where was this? Specifically.
  • when was this?

If the story you tell is indicative of the vastness of Russia, great. Many of my friends tried living there until very recently (2 years back) and ran back to the US specifically bc of the corruption, the lawlessness paid with endless beurocracy. They are Russians with American passports.

Heroin is rampant again and has been for a while. Many youths can’t get work even with a college degree. I’m in the music business and all the amazing acts that have come to the US always want to stay.

You have eyes of an American, and it sounds like you were in a small town or village. Russians are a proud people and have had their heads shampooed between the ears with anti American rhetoric and Putin rhetoric. They live off nothing. Save nothing and die as they lived. With nothing. It’s a state of mind you can’t understand but love because in some ways they are free.

And we are shit cursed in some ways in this wealthy fucked up country.

18977663? ago

2005 was when I got off the plane in Moscow. I would never stay in Moscow. It just looks grim unless you are rich. Obninsk was a bit better but still too crowded. At least the market was fine. Then I went south on the train to Shakhty. I have to say, I liked Shakhty and the people there. The pace is a bit slower, the food is nice and the people were very nice and friendly to me. The people's market was very nice with great bread and cheese and anything else I wanted for a decent price. When I rode the mini buses that are for public they were ok and extremely cheap. Just a few rubles for a ride with short wait times. However, I really liked the personal taxi service. They come right to your door to pick you up within minutes.

The way you describe Russians is just not accurate. Yes, money was always tight for everyone and that was plain to see but if a person had a garden they were always able to store food by canning, same as my own Grandmother did here.

In many ways Russians really are much more free than we are, that much was plain from even before Aeroflot lifted off in San Francisco. They didn't look at my luggage then and when I landed in Moscow they didn't inspect my luggage or ask questions other than where are you going as my passport was checked. Then a nod and motion to move along. When I came back to USA, holy hell! I was treated horribly by a Chinese man who demanded to know where I had been staying in Russia. I said, "Shakhty". His reply, "What's that?". Me: "A city in Russia". He claimed I was being abusive. Tried to start an argument with me and sent me to secondary where I was interrogated for an hour with customs going over every damn thing in my luggage. They bitched at me about a small bit of cheese I had because I didn't see the place to check it off on the form. "Ok, so I missed that one, sorry, I didn't see it". More bitching and whining about the cheese. It wasn't even half a pound. I asked them, "Is this a national security risk to you, a bit of cheese?". So they tossed it back in my luggage. Then it was a small jar of Russian wild flower honey. The smell and taste of which reminded me of my time in Russia every time I used it. So the discussion was the honey now. Is it allowed, or isn't it allowed. Back and forth they went until I sighed and rolled my eyes at them with a look of "seriously?". They turned a bit red and tossed it back. Then, realizing they were being jerks they finally let me carry on. WTF America? No one ever bothered me this much in Russia. BTW, Shakhty is not small town. More like a smaller city. It's just far away from Moscow which is fine with me. It's about an hour north of Rostov which is horrible if you ask me. The food in Rostov is expensive and sucks and I'll tell you one thing, they can't make pizza if their life depended on it. They actually put catsup on my pizza. No tomato sauce. It was the worst excuse for pizza imaginable. Just a crust with bits of cheese and catsup. The Zoo in Rostov needs to be shut down for animal abuse. Even the son of my fiance noticed what a farce the place was when we arrived and there was a sad looking donkey in the front yard. He called it a one donkey zoo.

18998105? ago

The big cities are facing the same issues we face here but with a more post apocalyptic flavor. The countryside is always freer no matter where you go.

In any case, you couldn’t actually live there. I say this as someone who’s from there. I’d never go back.

19001255? ago

Look, you guys get away with murder there. You drive on the sidewalk and have daily traffic fights. Literally get out of your car and punch the crap out of each other and you say there is no freedom? Cops won't come out until there's a body. And even then it's just to take notes.

19010482? ago

Yeah it’s all fun and games till you have no electricity. Or food. Or water. Or need the actual law to do its ducking job without a bribe.

This isnt a college campus. Imagine that’s your. Whole. Life.

Plus rampant, sick, overwhelming alcoholism.

Welcome to Russia.

19016509? ago

You've never been there have you? Sure, people can afford alcohol but not food and water? I saw very little drinking going on.

19068580? ago

If THATS true, I’m AMAZED. During the Soviet era many spent their wages on n a bottle. Alcoholics could NOT legally be in public while intoxicated. This is not America. It was and may still be illegal to do so. People drank inside. They probably still do.

19072481? ago

I thought we were talking about Russia. The Soviet Union is gone. Yes, Russia is not totally free in every way but it's a hell of a lot more free than USA. Cops were cordial to me when they weren't sitting around in their office being all grumpy. But for the most part, they are very aware or at least the ones I contacted were easy to work with. I didn't have to bribe the police to do their job. But, getting documents filled out, yes, I had to stop off at the chocolate store to pick up a bribe. That's not a problem as Russia has world class chocolate stores and chocolate is accepted when working with government officials to get things done. The actual price for official documents such as divorce, birth and death certificates was quite low. The documents are brief and small since it seems Russia likes to streamline it's paperwork. I believe this comes from the Soviet era when the government had to carry the burden. Getting official translations into English cost quite a bit more as it's not per se a government function but rather a courtesy. Cash works better there, or so I found.

As for drinking, I believe it's possible hard liquor has been discouraged and kind of vilified by the government but beer somehow has been promoted as an acceptable drink. Apparently they think no more of beer than having a soda. I didn't see any public drinking at all though. As for drinking inside, I guess that might be a thing but so is eating. Russians are not so accustomed to public eating. It's almost like they feel a bit awkward doing it and I kind of tested this social norm with my fiance and her cousins and they didn't like the idea. It was always, "Let's wait until we get home". You could starve all day and they resist eating. Her son though, that was a different matter. Rostov had a Mcdonalds which he was eager to try, LOL. He loved it. My fiance had already been with me to the one in Moscow and she was disapproving. A hamburger in a Russian Mcdonald's actually tasted better there then here in USA. Maybe it was just me but I think it's better there. However, one of the staff in Moscow tried to make me pay for ketchup packets. I warned him I would report him to corporate and he quickly handed them over. LOL. Thing is, Russians get nervous when you start talking like that. They fear losing their job in an American franchise very much. I'm American and he just couldn't be sure if I knew what I was talking about or not so I had my petty power over a bit of ketchup. Cops also are careful because you are not under their jurisdiction. You are under the jurisdiction of the federal police as a foreigner. Show your passport and they quickly lose interest. I got mistaken once for a Jihadi but once the cop figured out I was American he was happy enough to wander off.

On the train ride from Moscow to Shakhty I couldn't sleep so I walked the length of the train a few times and during one circuit I cut my hand on a sharp section of a door. It was razor sharp. I went to the caboose where there's food and an officer and asked for a bandage and wanted to show the cop. He seemed so helpful and interested to see how it had happened and I gladly took him to show the sharp metal on the door. I was so sure he would write a report for a repair job and the incident. Nope. He checked the door and told me to get some rest and walked off smiling. I'm thinking, "WTF was that?". I still didn't get a bandage but by then the bleeding had stopped. My fiance had a laugh and I'm wondering what's so funny. "He just was checking to make sure you weren't lying. He didn't care about your injury or the door problem, he just wanted to make sure it wasn't a fight or some suspicious activity". Damn. Some Russian cops are way too clever. He had me totally believing he cared. By the way, another thing about drinking in public, Here in USA in many places it IS illegal to drink beer in public. In Philadelphia the house I stayed in was owned by a cop. The officer told me to not have beer visible from the sidewalk because it was illegal. To fix that we drank sort of hiding the beer and would set our bottles down behind the cooler. Cop was ok with that because we at least were trying.

19083644? ago

Listen, nobody is saying Russians arent incredible. We’re INCREDIBLE people. We give you everything. Feed you. Love you. We even sell our beautiful women to American men as you yourself know.

But don’t for one second confuse your life and perspective with their life and perspective.

You will always be treated differently - better - bc you’re American.

Most of he youth there have no prospects. They know it. They do their best but many would happily trade places with you in a heartbeat. Your entire litany of examples is just one stupid American observation after another.

You can’t help yourself. You weren’t born there and don’t really understand them. You never will. No matter what your fiancé may tell you at night. You’re not like us.

And FYI, beer in Russia is upwards from 6% alcohol. The fact that they don’t even sneeze at drinking it and giving it to the youth - which was common always and everywhere - should tell you something about the state of the brain.

Food for thought.

I won’t be replying anymore.

19087329? ago

My fiance turned out to be a bitch, I don't blame Russia, I blame her mom.

18938688? ago

This is a seriously deluded and dumb post. My God.

18939147? ago

yes, your post is seriously deluded and dumb

18938166? ago

Russia got in the way of the take over of Syria. The cabal responded by trying to ignite a civil war and coup against Russia in the Ukraine. They don't trust us for good reason. Our policies have long been controlled by the cabal, and every four years we have the potential to have another cabal puppet running the show for them.

The cabal also hates Putin because he ran the Jew oligarchs out of Russia that had infested it under Gorbechav. Putin was awake to their game.

18939323? ago

Yep, they needed Syria to have a Islamic caliphate that they could fully control and be powerful with oil and Mindless drones that would do their bidding in the name of Allah

18937235? ago

While much anti-Russian hysteria is idiotic, one should also recognize that Russia's been practicing war via subversion for a long time. Don't underestimate them. Don't discount the possibility that the core strategies of Soviet subversion may still be in play by Russia. Dugin's geopolitical strategy involves promoting anti-Americanism and involves alliance with Islam. In Greece Dugin has supported both leftists like Syriza and rightists like Golden Dawn.

18942678? ago

CIA tools, MI6 tools, MOSSAD tools, cabal's tools. What you have to get in your mind is that Russia like the USA is packed full of the cult minions. Sure, today you have Trump in power, but you have around all the never trumpers, all the crazy dems, all the sold out businessmen and artists and all whatever who globally, make the USA appear like they hate Trump and promote the lib agenda. From outside, people don't know there's a conservative resistance, they just see that the USA is a rich den of depravity. And from outside, these never trumpers, crazy dems, artists and whatever is the USA.


18944547? ago

This is true. And when I think of Duginism it reminds me of the CIA's foreign subversion strategies but given I'm a Westerner I'm conditioned to not really be conscious of the CIA's fuckery. The CIA promotes liberalism when it suited its aims but has also supported Islamists (as proxy forces against Russia) and Nazis (in the Ukraine, as muscle to fight Russian influence).

18938068? ago

Dugin is the one to really pay attention to, right?

18940485? ago

I could be wrong, but he seems like it, at least in terms of Russia's subversion aims. Surkov seems like another potentially interesting figure, but I don't know much about his ideas.

18936696? ago

Putin and Lavrov are two of the most sensible, clear-minded, intelligent politicians on the planet. I listen to all their interviews and they always come off reasonable.

No room for that kind of talk in the land of western Pravda!

18936645? ago

That is what I keep trying to tell people when they talk about NATO. It was established, (so they say), to protect from eastern expansion of the "USSR", (which included among many others, East Germany). "Russia", the country, is not that large, or threatening.

18942562? ago

Korean conflict. Behind the scene, NATO was run by the commies and the British sure conspired with the US government to slaughter US soldiers.

18937196? ago

NATO is EVIL. The USA should allow with the Warsaw Pact Nationa

18938142? ago

You are mostly correct.

18936619? ago

I've played DotA with loads of russians: I like them a lot. Fuck the MSM and all luciferians.

18936688? ago

Anecdotally I've also gotten along well with the Russians I've met.

18936178? ago

I think Putin is the antithesis of the Soviet Union and had carefully worked his way up to a place of distroying the Russian oligarchs who killed so many country men. He has stated over and over about the evil that was in control of the world . We have a common enemy and maybe more alike than we know. Evil wants us to hate , let go of that box and with wisdom and discernment let's see humanity through new eyes.

18939302? ago

I like putin, he loves his country and has pulled it positive further than many russian leaders ever did.

18943148? ago


If anyone wants some common russian phrases, I got these. But from reddit though. https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/28ynyu/some_important_russian_phrases/

Davai !

18941911? ago

Tranny porn spam

18939183? ago

Our founding fathers were white supremacists. It was the main thing they got right.

18935649? ago

Gonna be spamming some loli tonight! Who’s interested?

18938235? ago

Why don't you go back to sucking globalist dick? You were better at that than trolling. I bet they even paid you better.

18938286? ago

Shocking boomers is more fun

18937981? ago

Quit larping about. Japanese animation is shit and a mega waste of time. Living vicariously through garbage cartoons.

18935690? ago

Newbie here. What’s loli? Is that a Q thing?

18937292? ago

NO it’s Japanese underage cartoon RAPE.

18935576? ago

It’s almost Tranny Time in QRV! Are you Patriots ready?

18938146? ago

18938275? ago

He can’t help you here kike. Get the eye-bleach ready

18937151? ago

Heck yes


18935066? ago

soviet UNION = european UNION ....Not hard to figure out

18937420? ago

The Soviet Union may have faked it own death, however. And the EU has characteristics that align with Russia's official geopolitical strategy which involved promotion of anti-Americanism and alliance with Islam.

18940300? ago

"Russia's official geopolitical strategy which involved promotion of anti-Americanism and alliance with Islam"

The average citizen in Russia is not fond of Islam and has an admiration of Americans bordering on silliness. Go to any town in Russia and stay for a month. You'll see.

18940529? ago

I think I was wrong about the alliance with Islam. I think that's restricted to regional alliance (Iran mainly). That's certainly a good sign that Russians are cool with America. If Russia and America could work together, instead of fucking with eachother, it would be a powerful alliance.

18936667? ago

I'm not sure where to stand on Russia. On one hand, it seems the cabal plan was to ignite a simultaneous war with Russia, and civil war within the US.

On the other hand, they always project. Always. And the very first accusation against Trump was working w/ Russia.

Obviously, countries' governments don't act as a cohesive group either - would love some more insight.

18946483? ago

Russia has been the oldest ally of USA since 1776. you need to look up how catherine the great from russia helped USA during 1776. and Czar helping Licoln during civil war. Wana go even fruther back? Start with "tartary" and come all the way up to modern days. Russia is our fren.

18934951? ago

Doesnt Russia have a massive Muslim population and Islam is one of the official religions. GTFO sharia lover

18935492? ago

Most of Russian Muslims are moderate and cause no trouble. If they do the Government uses the rule of law, the way it is supposed to work. Chechnya was the only significant problem but that was a regional conflict where an area wanted to break away. There were some terrorist acts for awhile from those folks but that has been taken care of. I would feel much safer there around Muslims than I would in London. The Official Church of Russia is Russian Orthodox.

18937940? ago

Most of Russian Muslims are moderate and cause no trouble.

Moderate Muslims don't have a great track record in terms of keeping non-moderates in check or calling them out.

18938474? ago

Who needs the moderates to control them when you have the Russian government?

18935874? ago

Russia is our Allie .Alliance worthy.

18935533? ago

Don’t they actually execute gays in Chechnya?

18935620? ago

Gays get executed in a lot of places. What is your point?

18935636? ago

By pakis in London or by chechans? You feel more comfortable with muzzles that execute gays than around those that don’t?

18935808? ago

The Chechens tried causing trouble in Moscow and paid for it. The Russians would never let Moscow become the city of cucks that London has become.

18936650? ago

Good for them. Ottawa Canada has become infested.

18935517? ago

You would feel more comfortable around Chechnyan muzzie separatists than some pakis in London? Huh?

18935660? ago

Chechnya is not the place I would go but that does not make the rest of that gigantic county bad. How would you like to visit the South Side of Chicago on a Saturday Night?

18935205? ago

Russia is mainly orthodox Christianity. You have been falling for the mainstream propaganda

18935800? ago

Putin is a huge Jesus fan.

Not kidding either.

Russia is our ally in this fight.

Putin knows things.

18937677? ago

I agree with you. I am saying this based on his actions and speeches.

18935501? ago

What % of the Russian population is Islam? Why is Islam an official state religion?

18937779? ago

Ive even seen some reports of upwards in the 70% range... Christians

18937665? ago

Where are you getting that Islam is the state religion? this is false. Muslims make up 6.5%. Christians make up 42.5%