18817977? ago

We have more pressing issues now. Dont worry about Scotus, obummers picks will be removed.

18812848? ago

I've learned one thing from Obummer's presidency. If no one prosecutes a committed crime then it is like it never happened.

18807022? ago

Would Gorsuch and Kavanaugh be 'in on it'? I find that hard to believe.

18804442? ago

She died January 7 2019

18815188? ago

was that the date the "errant banner" appeared on msm announcing her death?

18800633? ago

Put her entire staff in jail.

18800273? ago

Mark Taylor did say that 3 justices would be caught up in a scandal.

18805530? ago

My money is on the Catholics.

18800099? ago

Justice Roberts could very well be compromised and an accomplice to any cover-up. Wasn't it revealed that he was wiretapped/spied on via "The Hammer"? Is it possible that he is being blackmailed and "forced" to go along with the cover-up of RBG's death/illness?

18816045? ago

Justice Roberts has been compromised since he flipped on the Obamacare vote. It is said he adopted his two children illegally. His kids were adopted out of So. America, but they are of Irish decent. Ireland does not allow outside adoptions of their children, and certainly doesn't allow trafficking of their children to other countries to be adopted out. I believe this is what the O'tard/admin. held over his head.

18808883? ago

Correct there patriot. Dave Janda reported that OPERATON HAMER (the correct spelling has only 1 M ) was conducted on MILLIONS of American citizens, including SCJ Roberts and thousands of politicians...including Millions of regular citizens who are not politicians. This was as far back as 2012...and possibly from the very beginning of Ovomit's presidency beginning in 2009. YIKES! Wait until that news gets out in full view!

18799804? ago

" (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact"

Conceals... Not commenting on a very important fact of public government, e.g. the death of a Supreme Court Justice, would satisfy this requirement

18799133? ago

Good points. But the deepstate is low on ammo. We will probably see Ruth in the news soon as the declass unravels. In #3113 Q mentions what happened at the last countdown. What FF occurred? GHWB funeral. So we might finally hear about RGB.

18798696? ago

Are you idiots still beating that dead horse?

18798660? ago

RBG being dead is one thing. But her being in some sort of condition of not participating (but a staffer is) in these cases is essentially the same thing. Both are fraudulent behavior.

18798378? ago

So it's safe to assume,

Either everyone is in on it. (Unlikely)


She's technically alive and mumbling responses to her assistants. In at least some minimal semblance of consciousness.

18798228? ago

Add Sandy Hook to that list. And 911and and and and and....

18798190? ago

If they can get away with concealing a dead RBG and no one in SC dare talk about it, then the Deep State is really powerful. That's the kind of enemy we are fight against. We need more fortitude and patience.

18797610? ago

From what I see, the Dems only have laws for us sheeple, not for them. They are above the law. It is time for them to have to pay for what they have done to our country.

18796954? ago

That pretty much convicts the entire US government right there.

18804624? ago

18796538? ago

This goes for all the crap that the Obuma administration did also to the American people and to Trump.

18796479? ago

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18796029? ago

A whole bunch of people in Government that know the truth, including Supreme Court Justices, could go to jail.

18805283? ago

I just don't understand why (some) other justices would go along with that.

18801700? ago

Hijacking top comment to remind real anons of the following.



It's all political theater...

18796649? ago

Only if they make a statement about it. Have any justices commented on the condition of RBG? Have any of them said that she is physically present? Have any of them stated that they hear her voice on the phone? I suspect that RBG is participating electronically only, and it could be that her staff is doing everything.

18805353? ago

No but the person responding to the email request for information did

18798043? ago

I don't know if they need to say anything at all. "Willfully ... concealing ... a material fact."

18797080? ago

Q proved to us that the corruption of the SC goes far beyond the simulation of RBG's voice on a conference call. Q pointed us to an official recording of a SC proceeding on which RBG was participating remotely. The recording contains audio editing errors in which an exact copy of a portion of a sentence spoken by another SC Justice's voice is present before and after RBG "speaks" during the call. This means they are not just faking RBG's participation. It means they are doctoring the official record of potentially ALL SC proceedings.

I personally believe the reveal of SC *uckery is being saved for last as it will require some form of martial law and transfer of judicial power to the US Military (tribunals).

18796797? ago

Good point. There is a lack of any statement from anybody about her condition (dead or alive). They have not commented on her on the SC website since December 21st. I also noted that CNN has not updated her timeline since December 21st also.

18797537? ago

This is true, but wouldn't the existing supreme Court justices be complicit if they don't speak up about her vote being counted if she isn't present? I am not wondering if she is "working remotely" as another person suggested so the others can hear "her" speaking

18799182? ago

It is the duty of Justice Roberts, because he is the head justice! He has a responsibility to oversee the court and other Justices.

18795989? ago

Lets just do a full prison camp for the DNC

18796062? ago

Send them to a FEMA camp?

18796844? ago

No.. better yet remember water world?
We take an old Aircraft carrier ( the movie used SS Valdez) Make them row it from the tip of main ALL THE WAY around the tip of South america And up to the northernmost point of alaska Turn the ship around Make them row back

18799939? ago

That was the Exon Valdez

18798620? ago

LOL we'd deserve cctv. I'm imagining it already.

18809522? ago

Would clean out the prisons

18796804? ago

A floating FEMA camp that runs out of fuel and supplies about 100 miles off the coast of Somalia.

18813148? ago

And leaks

18815729? ago

This came in with so many other comments, can't tell you what a chuckle to check the context and have it be related to this and not spygate directly!

18800932? ago

With cameras on it.

18804245? ago

Pay per view could pay off the national debt within a day.

18795983? ago

Apparently Democrats dont care about laws until enough of them go to jail or die