18779561? ago

How are we supposed to know that you are not from sbbh and are posting all this just to deflect the blame from yourself?

18780059? ago

You don’t. I don’t need to prove it.

Go find another sucker who will fall for your tactics.

18780139? ago

Yeah that's what I thought.

You are just another sbbh hosebag trying to create trouble.

18780202? ago

You are still wrong.

Feeble attempts. lol

18780272? ago

Nice try with your sock puppet OP

You are a nigger faggot.

Try harder nigger faggot hosebag.

18783095? ago

Tsk tsk tsk

A break down already? I thought you were tougher @crensch

18783194? ago

Reminds me of an interview with uncle Ted Nugent

Violence at a Ted Nugent concert?....Tsk..Tsk..

18779929? ago

This entire op and all thousand of his duplicate spam posts on QRV are exactly what you suspect, Look how many smear attack on crensch all at once. whoever is doing it is either triggered as fuck and unstable or a hired subversive piece of shit shill. either way, OP is ultimate nigger faggot

18781815? ago

This is Smokey Bear


Only you can prevent forest fires.

18779304? ago

No one is buying the divide and conquer kek. Hilarious attempt though

18780090? ago

No one is buying your attempt to deflect.

18780119? ago

that mirroring tactic tho.. back to textbook. entry level shill. awww just a baby! keep learning lil guy

18780182? ago

More deflection.

Such a leftist. Haha!

18780207? ago

good! keep the ridicule up. this is sure to work. follow those rules. they wil werk dis tyme

18783129? ago

I’m not about to take advice from you.

18779199? ago

The Satanists are driving a wedge between QRV and Greatawakening. Users use both subs, and it is not a problem.

18780098? ago

Satanist have nothing to do with this. Well, except in your personal fantasy.

18780217? ago

They do! You are a practicing Satanist, but you do not know it.

18784625? ago

Jesus is a Jew.

So you are a practicing Jew!

18785771? ago


18779911? ago

yep Im a huge fan of both QRV and GA. Mods have diff styles of content curation and there is nothing wrong with either. users are downvoting better on QRV so thats the end result of the shill tactic. Thanks for teaching new goats how to better btfo your faggot posts, shills!

18778889? ago

@crensch is just doing dirty work for @srayzie to try to control the Q movement

18780102? ago

That he is!

18779006? ago

Are they Mossad or something? This is confusing.

18779202? ago

They're being paid to take over large subverses so they can:

  • control information
  • ban people who question them
  • write false hit pieces
  • cyberstalk users
  • downvoat brigade any intelligent discussion

They pretend to care about Voat, but they do not. They're getting exposed for employing really nasty tactics and stirring up drama so that Putt the owner will step in.

18780813? ago

Prove they're paid? Prove they're corrupt? Prove they have bad motives?

All you do is talk out your ass and provide no proof for anything you say.

18781709? ago

hey Srayzie.

18781808? ago


Still waiting for that proof.

18787649? ago

Coincidentally, we're still waiting for that proof that @Zyklon_b posted loli porn, too!

Please ask Srayzie and Crensch for it.

And as soon as they supply it, we'll release the proof that Srayzie & Crensch is being paid for ya!

Sound like a fair deal?!

18787661? ago

ask @heygeorge he will let you u fuck him in the ass for a few shekels

18779249? ago

Ya think they really got time for all that?

18780166? ago

How long does this take to write?


That’s at least 2-3 days of work!

Yes, they have plenty of time to do that!

18780185? ago

@zyklon_b is a Jew faggot.

18780220? ago

Nope, but @crensch @srayzie @shizy are

18779420? ago

They arent any of that. This is just standard divide and conquer. A few shills jump in and try to create conflict. They are failing pretty hard. They are posting the same exact subversive accusations about the mods here. The two Q subs are different in their approach but are in no way in opposition. crensch is being targeted because he wrote an excellent hit on one of the actual shill sockpuppets. The Zyklon attack on him here has been steady and done by someone who clearly does have a lot of time to be here causing trouble. It isnt working at all though so just ignore the entire made up conflict. its entirely bullshit.

  1. porn shills post crap on qrv

  2. Same shills try to blame mods of both subs qrv and ga

  3. same shills ask site admin to take over qrv

  4. shill gets btfo by veteran goat

  5. shills feeling hurt and now posts laughable hit pieces on various site members. <--- You are here

18780174? ago

The QrV mods fucked themselves by moving to Poal.

Nice try

18780278? ago

kek wut

18783159? ago

Refer to sticky

18780192? ago

oh wow this argument changes everything. thank you anon I see the light now. praise jeebus

18780210? ago

Low level effort.

18780246? ago

please now that I am saved what should I do next? none of my previous beliefs make sense anymore. I need your guidance, 18780210! halp

18783147? ago

Q drop 06671 will solve all your problems.

18779752? ago

crensch is being targeted because he wrote an excellent hit on one of the actual shill sockpuppets.

Crensch's hit piece was a proven smear. He failed to provide any evidence and it was character assassination. Goats see this and are pissed at how creepy it was and how there was no evidence in his hit piece.

Crensch has a well known history of being a power mod to take over subs so he can ban users and smear them.

Crensch has a well known history of trying to up CCP to limit the ability if newcomers to be active on Voat or submit new content. Why does he do this?? ––––> So he can retain power and control and use his CCP to downvoat brigade any dissent.

He OWNS a sub called v/shitlist where he posts names of users who disagree with him.

Does that look like someone who you should trust?? Someone who tries to intimidate others into disagreeing with him? Someone who creeps and cyberstalks and smears users?

As for Srayzie, she started this whole mess. Crensch whiteknighted her. This is how he also pissed off people for his hypocrisy. Both Srayzie and Crensch run Pizzagate and they are trying to take over large subs.

You cannot trust either one of them. I saw through the bs. I'm not even part of SBBH. But I see what's going on.

So keep trying Crensch. Keep trying Srayzie. You're both exposing yourselves.

18799501? ago

Hes usually on multiple times a day but hasn't commented in 2 days. I find that interesting.

18800445? ago

I'll bet he's on and probably lurking to read what people are writing and making mental notes and making screen grabs that he can use later on.

18779867? ago

Self defeating argument. Nice link to shitlist though as many users can read for themselves and see shill faggots and mentally handicapped exposed clearly. I read the arguments and saw the evidence for myself. This is elaborate manic dumping of passionate painful thoughts. This is true butt hurt or hired mid tier shill attack. Nothing is working though. Your posts get knocked out of Hot easily. What a waste of life when even bigger forum takeover tactics have literally zero effect.QRV and GA still trucking along. GA for the strict conservative with better moderation and QRV for the more rougeish and fearless.

We see you. it doesnt work. the ones who an be led astray with this low iq subversion dont belong in the movement and get their drops downstream from twitter.

And to think.. all this was caused by a per post captcha on infinity chan. learn to captcha shill faggots.

18781547? ago


^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Did you read that? Not a word from Crensch with real evidence. Just smears and character assassination.

Imagine being so angry that you would write 2 long-ass posts about an INTERNET CHARACTER.

Who has time for that? Who believes everything that's written on an anonymous forum?

He's a drama fag trying to be a powermodding whiteknight.

18779639? ago

Yeah, that's what it looks like to me as well.

18779300? ago

They're on Voat all day.