18776094? ago

it's boomers who don't understand how the chans or the deep parts of the internet work. they think it's like facebook. it's all so tiresome

18775913? ago

Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution Problem>Reaction>Solution


Do what we think is best or you'll lose your home!!

Anyone who doesn't know what the above means, you need to go do some learning on fear based mind control and the Problem>Reaction>Solution paradigm. Do it for your own sake...

18774586? ago

SBBH cunts attack QRV with porn/gore/sliding/drama ... then attacked the original Mods for trying to moderate because "muh freedom of speech" ... then complain about lack of moderation regarding their porn/gore/sliding/drama .... then request ownership of the board to prevent attacks on the board by themselves. They are scum, pure and simple.

18775147? ago

How do people know it was them?

18784458? ago

There was a screen shot of a conversation about the implementation of the plan to post worthy posts and then go back and edit them turning them into shitposts with lots of votes. Then the plan to petition to take the sub for lack of caring enough about the sub. The convo happened about 2 weeks ago. Add the self important famefag gang and you have the perfect recipe for take down.

18774421? ago

funny how reddit mods who routinely ban anyone for citing facts, come here to post porn and then cry when they are threatened with being banned.

18773498? ago


18772834? ago

They also want to get rid of the anon system in QRV.

Don't worry, we're on to them.

18771992? ago

Shills and disinfo agents creating a problem (porn), and giving their solution, which is not a solution at all.

I can see through their tricks. Ain't falling for it.

Just downvoat the porn, easy solve. If you can't handle the porn, don't click on the link.

If you're scared of porn, imagine all the pedos out there and what they're doing to the kids. SICK!

Good vs evil. Time to keep fighting and doing good in this world.

18769810? ago

Report Spam Porn Comment How-to At https://voat.co/v/QRV/3191597/

18768551? ago

The "concernfagging" charge comes from one who is hoping the forum/site is shut down by Google or admin citing voat as promoting "child porn".

Talk about a "hostile takeover".

18767532? ago

OK here's the deal.

Signal to noise ratio. It's all about that. This is one of the only dedicated places to do Q research on the internet other than the Chans.

If you disrupt the signal to noise ratio, people get frustrated. Some of them will leave. This is a well known tactic. There is a whole long list of well known tactics that are being used, among them, forum sliding, calling names, etc.

The moderators should have the right to remove anything disruptive to the cause of researching Q material. Start with jpgs. If there is a link to a jpg and it's not Q related, it's automatically removed and the poster is IP banned. If you start removing disruptive people and they show back up again and again, it's a pretty clear sign that they are being paid to do so.

18775021? ago

it's a pretty clear sign that they are being paid to do so.

Explain how it's clear? It's a hundred times more likely to be a standard internet troll with the ability to focus.

18766511? ago

Yeah it does. Same pattern as how Reddit's Q went down. This is how it started. The in-fighting. It is ridiculous.

18765730? ago

QRV getting kike porn and concernfag brigaded for hostile takeover.

jew tactics 101

Know your enemies!

18766521? ago


The new mods haven't contributed even once, in any sub, before this very shitshow. That's makes it obvious enough.

18784222? ago

that's utter rubbish

18785822? ago

No it is not. You'll need a better argument than that.

18773102? ago

Who are they and where do they come from? and how did they become mods?

18773146? ago

No idea. One day the other mod disappeared and these 3 popped up.

18766520? ago


18765338? ago

We just need algorithms to be able to block anons posting cp, loli and tranny porn since porn is intended to hijack the western mind to the point that it can't even get off on its own sexual fantasies. Not to mention that most of the "stars" are trafficked.

The first amendment covers freedom of association, most of us don't choose to associate with porn addicts, crazy people and pedophiles.

18766536? ago

So stop clicking on the damned links. Learn to recognize them. If you don't see them, they can't affect you. I haven't had any problems with seeing "accidental-click" porn.

18766571? ago

Then you weren't here during the week when they were desperately changing the thumb nails, posting "automatic messages" etc.

Stop being so butt hurt that people want freedom of association, it's part of the first amendment after all. Most of us would never hang out with you assholes nor give you the time of day in real life. It's a desperation move to hijack the western mind and we have every right to do what's necessary to stop it without being forced to give up anon status.

18766636? ago

Yes, I was. Got caught by surprise once and began to recognize the setup after that. Ain't that damned hard. We have freedom of association here and want to keep it that way. That is why we do not want to start the "weed-pullin" slide. Get it? How exactly do you personally define "freedom of association"? No one is forcing you to stay here if you don't like the way it runs. GTFO.

18766722? ago

Someone has to stand up for all the good Christians who are leaving (the point is to get us all to leave or make it non-anon, when there are algorithms that could easily allow us to block anon posts so we don't see any further posts from that profile) because they're not savvy enough.

Not to mention THIS IS A FUCKING Q SUB and we're not into cp, loli, tranny or other porn because of the shit we learned through reseaching the drops, asshole.

We're not going anywhere, you can fuck off back to your bot farm.

18775342? ago

You’re not a little girl. (And if you are gtfo, it’s 18 and over)

Being Christian shouldn’t make hem retards. Porn happens in this world. If they happen to see it, it won’t mar them for heaven. If they go and jerk off to a dude banging a dude that’s on them. It ain’t no one’s job to doyour thinking for you.

Being a pussy isn’t a helpful trait in this life.

Unless you’re a lefty concernfag. Then you’re making a career out of it.

Stop pretending this is about the president. Or some other fucking thing. Or hat it needs to be classy in here.

Report the spam. Keep walking.

18776308? ago

Porn happens in this world. If they happen to see it, it won’t mar them for heaven.

Fuck off porn addict.

Porn is a tool of the joo to hijack the Western mind to the point that people can't even get off on their own sexual fantasies or reproduce with actual women. Not to mention that it's used to normalize sex to trafficked children who get rented out to multiple people per day. There is nothing empowering about porn, it's destroying reproduction in the West.

People should be free to choose whether OR NOT to expose their Western minds to porn or not.

You don't seem to understand that the 1A works both ways motherfucker. We're not going to stop pushing back and we don't want QRV to go non-anon either.

18766836? ago

Fuck you, Nigger! I've been in the Q trench since day one. Who the hell you think you're talking to? I'm not into it either, but the point that I think most are trying to make is that if you start a censorship slide of any sort, the whole damned thing goes into the can. You dig? That means the next time someone bitches about something else, it will be gone and so on and so forth. Is that what you want? Haven't we seen enough of that in our society as a whole? When does it end? The best way is to never let it start. I also do not wish to lose the anon status. I am agreeing with you, Jackass. I totally get what you are saying. As far as being Christian...good for you, but it does not supersede our desire to remain a censorship free environment. Learn to recognize the setup of those sick links and don't click on them.

18766975? ago

It's not censorship to create algorithms that allow us to block anons who post that shit, it's freedom of association which is covered by the 1A. It will allow people to CHOOSE and eliminate the need to take the sub non-anon.

18775365? ago

More greasy reasons to make bots to block things. Use your own fucking head. Don’t like it in here? Gtfo to your safespace, GreatAwakening.

18784693? ago

The attacks from this group never stop. Like a pack of rabid dogs they will not let up until they are called off. You can't reason with them. They are human bots of GA and have been for over a year.

18776273? ago

Doesn't work that way, Mother Fucker. Sounds like YOU are demanding a safe space where no one pushes back against bullshit. Not going to happen here.

18765211? ago

I thought people could down VOAT things they don't like?

18769190? ago

Some people learn to stay out of new (or tread carefully) later than others.

18770160? ago

Yeah I don't notice it, must get down-voted decently well then since I lurk here regularly. I like having both options (QRV and GA), am aware of the downsides for both formats but just navigate around it, i know what shilling to expect on both sides etc. Pretty telling how there's always a concerted push to change this sub or attack it.

18770500? ago

I cant go to non-anon places, I been hanging out with you lot for too long and um... I talk... differently.

Yea, cant get that genie back in the bottle.

18764958? ago

so·ci·o·path /ˈsōsēōˌpaTH/ noun a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

anyone that finds acceptance, tolerance, or by some sick mentality defending the recent behavior on QRV are sociopaths by definition.

did you anons forget that this is a spiritual war as well, a war between good and evil, light and dark.

Stand up anons. Q and Q+ arent the only ones that have a fight to wage.

18768586? ago

Thank you.

18765853? ago

I'm a born-again Christian woman and I value the 1st Amendment enough to scroll past the porn and other offensive material. Our fight isn't with the trolls and porn posters.... they are a small aspect of the evil we're fighting. You are allowing them to sow anger and confusion on this sub. Keep your eye on the prize - and ignore everything else.

18768602? ago

You are no born-again Christian woman. You are a turd.

18766396? ago

although i can completely understand what your saying, i really do. I mostly lurk. Haven't heard much from me over the months.

sometimes something needs to be said, however uncomfortable the words may be.

18766642? ago

I also mostly lurk (and learn). There are certain situations where I feel compelled to respond because I am an older woman and I think "that voice" needs to be heard too. I also respond when I think someone is being sincere in their opinions... and not just trolling. Sometimes I may get tricked but I'll always reply sincerely.

Good luck with your target practice. ;)

18773093? ago

I appreciate your voice here. Thank you for speaking up.

18767703? ago

we shall see, we shall see.

18765103? ago

Hear, hear.

18764849? ago

It seems to be a takeover attempt by the other Q subs.

18765368? ago

No, it's an attempt to make all of our posts non-anon by leftists, not the other subs.

18784480? ago

It's both

18764633? ago

(((who))) would want to moderate this place?

18764474? ago

concern fag here, there postings are masked and you dont know what your connecting to, you have no CHOICE. posting of porn and gore is not freedom of speech, their motives are criminal,

so by your reasoning its OK for perverted shit-tards running around in public flashing people and shit. People are adults right they can ignore it right.

if you thinks flashing innocent people is wrong but think posting grotesque pics and porn is OK, well your a sociopathic hypocrite.

18770207? ago

According to your own professed objectives, there is no reason for you to be here in QRV. Go to GreatAwakening where the mods remove porn and also harass you across all of Voat if you criticize anything about them, @'ing you and shaming your profile into not posting anything anymore.

18768638? ago

Think I'll go down to the corner store and flash the cashier after I pay for my stuff. I hope everyone simply goes about their business as I exercise my 1st Amendment right.

18766517? ago

Stop clicking that shit, genius. It's not our fault you can't figure out that an image post downvoated to hell is some shit YOU SHOULD NOT CLICK. God help you if you go to 8chan.

18768662? ago

Go back to your witches circle.

18770771? ago

Go back to your clown masters

18767637? ago

i dont troll the comments that much tell ya the truth,

sometimes shit just needs to be said man,.

this isnt 8chan.

an anonomous board indirectly endorsed by the president.

pardon tthe fuck outta me if i expect a better, disappointed in the shit behavior thats tolerated.


psychopathic sociopaths - so wrapped up in some idealistic pursuit with no regard whatsoever of the social implications. theyre no better than the liberal demons you claim to hate soooo much. any truth exercised without wisdom is a pathway to chaos.

18775291? ago




18766708? ago

THANK YOU!!! They’re fucking retards.

18765607? ago

Shut the fuck up.

18766443? ago

wouldn't that be nice.

18764804? ago

Eat a dick tattle fag.

18765002? ago


18764873? ago

is that your best comeback.

waaaaaaaaaa.. you lose

18764534? ago

gore is not freedom of speech, their motives are criminal,

Nigga how you gonna argue it's a criminal action that you clicked a link? Hover over that shit you fucking mongol. It tells you where it might lead. Don't click image links or shortened URLS.

so by your reasoning its OK for perverted shit-tards running around in public flashing people and shit.

I'm waiting for you to explain to me how it is that you, clicking on a link, in a subverse, on voat, is the same as the public road we all traffic in. Given how, again, you have to click on the link and I've already shown you you're a lazy shit in the first place.

if you thinks flashing innocent people is wrong but think posting grotesque pics and porn is OK, well your a sociopathic hypocrite.

You're literally fucking retarded, but I'm glad we can agree to disagree.

18765507? ago

I remember when I was as new as these newfag QRV guys.

Don't worry newfags, eventually even you will learn how to internert.

18766001? ago

Man I sure fucking hope they learn how to internet soon beacuse got dayum I'm sick of their bullshit.

18766074? ago

Noobs. But we were the same at some point in the past.

I still love to own them.

18775268? ago

Yes. I think back and am amazed I was ever who I used to be.

18765144? ago

Pornfag disguises and deceives by posting a seemingly relevant comment to the discussion with a link or pic. That's deception. Newbies can't be sent here, this destroying the whole point of QRV and awakening the sheeple.

Motives are evil. Explanation good enough for you?

18765398? ago

Not only that, but their master isn't getting enough blood lately and needs more people to become addicted to masturbating to porn so it can feed off the orgone. The intention is pure evil, we just need algorithms to block anons who post that shit.

After all, the fist amendment also covers freedom of association and we don't choose to associate with nut jobs, porn addicts, sociopaths or pedophiles and pedovores.

18764696? ago

yea, everyones computer is the same, hey fuck sack, my comp dont hover.

its criminal mentality what these shit-posters are doing, society has set established boundaries, whether you fucking like it or not, just because the setting changes doesnt change the social perspectives on issues.

so·ci·o·path /ˈsōsēōˌpaTH/ noun a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

by defending this behavior you have PROVEN yourself to be a fucking sociopath.

Thank You, FUCK OFF AGAIN !!!

18766585? ago

Then maybe you need to upgrade to newer technology. Can't run with the big dogs stay on the fucking porch. Don't leave the fucking porch if you can't figure out how to dodge the shit piles, mate.

18767688? ago

hey i understand shit happens. what has transpired isnt your random pile of shit.

its a collection of depraved mental dysfunctionals together with a criminal mentality decide that they are going to disrupt a community.

motive you dumb fucks.

18775068? ago

You present yourself as insane.

18782995? ago

thank you thank you, i now know my efforts arent in vain. buhahhaha


18766540? ago


18767491? ago


18764309? ago

100% concernfagging. And our white knight savior @srayzie has a solution, remove anonymous and nsfw so her network of collaborators can doxx and downvote undesirables.

18775229? ago

How weird. Just like reddit. “But we’re not reddit muuuuuh!” - GW

18775255? ago

I think we found our clowns.

18775376? ago

Isn’t it funny? And if they aren’t they’re reallllly “committed” niggers with too much time on their hands.

18775435? ago

I’d be willing to buy that second argument if it weren’t for how well the talking points are coordinated and how persistent their sudden onslaught is.

18775559? ago

And there you’re right.

Every shill is suddenly really well spoken and talks about our rights and the decency. Oh my. First sign they’re full of shit. Oh the decency!!!

18775661? ago

Also cross reference the conversations in GA with the shills here. We’re adept at recognizing people by how they talk and what they talk about and how they argue. They are accustomed to names. You’d be surprised how many people’s voices you recognize over there saying the same crap they say here.

18775599? ago

Such high moral standards they have oh my

18768563? ago

Well, if that happens I'm gone.

18765570? ago

I don't know what everyone is talking about. I don't see any of this porn spam. Off course I don't click heavily downvoated images posted with no context and shortened or anonymized url's either.

18773417? ago

Right? Just avoid posts that have too many downvotes and maybe posts that are really new. Personally I think this uproar over porn and whatever is manufactured drama. I started avoiding downvoted posts a couple of weeks ago and haven’t seen porn since. Easy.

18765967? ago

It's almost like you've used the Internet and aren't a normie faggot.

18765445? ago

Found the glow in the dark nigger.

18765155? ago


18764555? ago

Ding ding. Can't create waves if they know your name. They can't create bots to snipe your posts in the womb if you're always Anonymous.

I've had far too many "good posts" reach the front page of QRV but get Zero traction or even conversation over on GA... Can't imagine why that might be. Not like the moderation staffing issue might have migrated from Reddit or anything since it's Incredibly effective at silencing things they don't want you knowing.

18765269? ago

I've had far too many "good posts" reach the front page of QRV but get Zero traction or even conversation over on GA... Can't imagine why that might be.

Because QRV is full of retards who upvoat anything. GA, while also full of retards, occasionally shows some restraint.

18768212? ago

Your high

18768627? ago


18770594? ago


18770635? ago

nanny nanny boo boo

18770837? ago

duck duck goose

18770960? ago

I'm rubber your glue


18770997? ago


18771066? ago

Chuckle sensibly

18765990? ago

Did it hurt thinking that one up? Good waste of your energy I guess.

18766014? ago

Look! Another one!

18765680? ago

That was beautiful.

18765856? ago

Why, thank you.

18764156? ago

Yes sir!