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18759594? ago

You post an archive or screenshot and don't offer a direct link so people can look at the source for themselves.

Bullshit, you disingenuous prick.

What do you call this?

I'd like to talk to these anons outside of their safe zone

Oh, I bet you would...

Funny how now it's "anons", instead of "QTards".

Why the fuck would anyone want someone who has nothing but contempt for QAnons, who deliberately shits up the subverse, to become a moderator/owner here?

18759670? ago

I'm not @C_Corax but you are welcome to come tell him what you think in the thread he posted. In fact I encourage you guys to do so. The only way these problems in QRV are gonna get solved is if people talk about them. And that isn't possible in anon sub because noone can tell if people are just replying to themselves or not aside from the OP.

18759718? ago

He got a notification via the search crosslink bot.

The only way these problems in QRV are gonna get solved

They manufactured the problem, it will stop when they do. The question is, will they stop or will they just keep going until they successfully plant one of their own on the mod team?

18759813? ago

I'm absolutely opposed to that for obvious reasons and I have stated so in the thread he posted. It's not a troll or a trick or anything. It's simply an opportunity to have some open dialogue on the issue. Whether or not any of you guys want to speak your mind is entirely up to you.

18760006? ago

I'm absolutely opposed to that for obvious reasons and I have stated so in the thread he posted.

I know. I'm not throwing any anger in your direction, though what you said about this being sad is off base considering that @C_Corax's claim that no link to his submission is presented, is disingenuous at best.

It's simply an opportunity to have some open dialogue on the issue.

Do you really think, with all of the anti-Q rhetoric and contempt of QAnons, that they want genuine dialogue? Really?

Whether or not any of you guys want to speak your mind is entirely up to you.

People here have spoken their mind and continue to do so. Can you really not see that the attempt at baiting people into engaging outside of here, is a ploy to facilitate further harassment?

18760395? ago

Do you really think, with all of the anti-Q rhetoric and contempt of QAnons, that they want genuine dialogue? Really?

Do you really think the entirety of Voat hates you? Really? I think most of us agree with you in principle although there is a lot of differing opinion as to whether Q is a larp or Mossad or some other conspiracy. Being locked in an anon sub makes it extremely easy for a few people to consensus crack a narrative.

People here have spoken their mind and continue to do so. Can you really not see that the attempt at baiting people into engaging outside of here, is a ploy to facilitate further harassment?

You really don't understand Voat at all. I mean if you are perfectly fine with the way the mods set this place up and don't mind the constant shitposting and porn spam then by all means continue on with what you are doing. I just figured some of you might want to have say regarding how your sub is being managed and potentially figure out a solution to the problems you are experiencing. I only got involved because this shit was spilling out into the normal subs and I figured I may as well toss out an olive branch while I was here. Do what you want. I really don't care either way.

18760672? ago

Do you really think the entirety of Voat hates you? Really?

Did I say "the entirety of Voat"? No.

I think most of us agree with you in principle although there is a lot of differing opinion as to whether Q is a larp or Mossad or some other conspiracy.

People are of course free to their own conclusions, to voice them, etc. That's not the problem here. Using beliefs as an excuse to harass and slide is.

Do you see people shitting up anti-Q communities with Q worship? No. They keep to themselves for the most part.

Being locked in an anon sub makes it extremely easy for a few people to consensus crack a narrative.

I am well aware of that, moreso than just about anyone on this site. Yes, I can say that with confidence.

You really don't understand Voat at all.

Bullshit. I may not be the oldest goat around here, but I've gotten around and have been filled in on a lot through others and my own spelunking through some of the oldest archived shitstorms. I'm not the one running around manufacturing crises in order to have subverses I don't like shut down, I'm not the one facilitating pseudo-censorship by sliding under the guise of "trolling" and "free speech".

I'm not the one disregarding others' rights to be on Voat and have their say, those who are constantly trying to make v/QRV untenable are the ones doing that, acting like it's 'their site' and that anyone who doesn't fit their mold must leave.

I mean if you are perfectly fine with the way the mods set this place up and don't mind the constant shitposting and porn spam then by all means continue on with what you are doing.

The configuration is not a problem any moreso than the behavior of those seeking to exploit it. Shifting the blame onto the mods is crap and just serves as a justification for the concerted effort to attack this subverse.

I just figured some of you might want to have say regarding how your sub is being managed and potentially figure out a solution to the problems you are experiencing

And like I said, people are having their say.

I only got involved because this shit was spilling out into the normal subs and I figured I may as well toss out an olive branch while I was here. Do what you want. I really don't care either way.

That's fine.