18748712? ago

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter This is not a real post!

18746982? ago

I think Nadler ate a whole herd of illegals.

18746356? ago

Am I the only one really annoyed by Collins speaking pattern? Cuts himself off and move onto the next sentence before he finishes!

18746332? ago

God I want to cunt punch that fucking nigger thing in front of him.

18772129? ago


18745738? ago

Mr Collins for those initially confused.

18745692? ago

While my state's House members (Rs) sit silent, Collins hits a home run. Cowards

18745836? ago

Collins is like that kid in class that never talked too much, but when he did, the class shit their pants cause they thought he was stupid.

Ya like that.

18745849? ago

Gracias fellow freedom fighter.

18743714? ago

The problem is .... congressional oversight is a fuckin' joke .... embarrassingly so.

18745687? ago

They are stalling for time.

We know it. They are too stupid to admit we know it.

18743120? ago

Common sense - aka something the deep state no comprendo

18742349? ago

it's not difficult for Nadler to look like exactly what he is.

18742429? ago

He's really an Asshole.

18741727? ago

Speaking truth that one is. Nadler is a troll of the pit

18741722? ago

Because Nadler IS a dipshit ...

18772145? ago

Yes, the “fact check” agrees. He is a dipshit. That being said, how much shit could a dipshit dip, if a dipshit could dip shit?

18740023? ago

8 minutes of FIRE from collins!!!

18739999? ago

Collins is Awesome!! One of the few standing up to the corruption.

18744778? ago

Actually Collins is gaining company in the ever growing choir of make America FIRST
MockNbyrds for Trump is growing
Alt Media growing for Trump
Digital soldiers masses growing to epic size
Take down of Deep State rapidly approachingIbiblical)
Aided and abetted by the Deep state and fools like Nadler/cummings/madMax/Pelosi/aSchitt and the rest of the Key Stone Cops(DEMONrats)
FUNNY to witness

18739840? ago

Nadler looks like a heap of human shit deposited in a suit and then partially stepped on.

18745786? ago

The real Fat Bastard.....Jerry Nadler. Niddling Nadler

18743378? ago

Fat jerry. So funny to google old pics of him when he was 500lbs

18739715? ago

After that performance, someone should put a ham sandwich and can of Coca-Cola on Nadler's desk.

18740042? ago

Or one of those creatures that Jabba the Hut eats.

18739256? ago

Nadler Is a dipshit.

18739502? ago

Flagrant dipshits are the worst.

How bad he must smell. Too stupid to even bath correctly.

18739067? ago

Its easy for Nadler to look like a dipshit. It comes natural to him

18739519? ago

At least he lost 500 pounds. That fucker was a stunt double for Jabba the Hut in Star Wars.

His career needs to be cut short with a heart attack, today.

18739659? ago

lol jabba the hut...your right the resemblance is striking.......

18740818? ago

Jabba The Cunt... Jerry Nambla

18739706? ago

We should get Collins to have a Princess Leia double, in the same outfit as the movie, tied to Nadler next hearing.

18738849? ago

Remember, Nadler was the chief apologist for Slick Willie during his impeachment. (It was only about sex (and lying, and coverup - which is what they used to bring Nixon down.) Quite a contrast in Nadler then and Nadler now. Thank you Congressman Collins. We need more like you.

18738722? ago

Total number of Deep State Traitors Arrested today? STILL ZERO!

18738886? ago

Brother, your world is about to be turned upside down.

I've had enough of the doubters.

Let's arrest someone. Which one should we arrest first?

18743587? ago

Who would you arrest first? Not trolling

18745745? ago

The lowest guy on the totem pole.

Then the very highest.

Then watch them eat each other.

Sound familiar?

18739313? ago

Howdy Doody

18739477? ago

It's just not Howdy Doody time yet.

18738905? ago

I've had enough of the doubters.

Make some fucking arrests and the "doubters" will stop doubting.

PROVE THAT Q IS LEGIT by arresting Obama or Hillary.

18738962? ago

You do realize that there must be order to the arrests right?

Notice that the Deep States Lawyers, their first line of defense has been severely crippled?

Garagos, Avenatti, Dershowitz et al are all in Hot Water regarding their careers.

Tell me patriot, who should be next, in logical order.

We are getting the job done, right now they are doing the most harm to themselves.

When they are done, we'll start the arrests. They won't get away.

18739000? ago

Trump has had TWO FUCKING YEARS to fix shit.


There is enough dirt on Hillary Clinton to put her away for 5 lifetimes. It's LOW HANGING FRUIT.

Trump / Q need to get off their fucking asses and make some arrests.


WE have the most sophisticated spy network in the world. You freeze their financial assets and have the US Military and CIA and NSA hunt them down. There is nowhere they can go. They won't get away. They can't.

Every single day that Q and POTUS do nothing, more shitskins get into America, the Jews advance more of their NWO agenda, and white genocide draws one day closer. It's time to STOP THIS FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!

18739191? ago

Listen Bot. They have had 2000+ years of experience.

Taking them down has been fifty years in the making fren.

Fifty years, I know that figure well. That's a half century.

They are going to face Justice or their own demise, one of the two.

There will be no room for error when arresting the higher profile criminals.

You start at the bottom, the little fish give up the bigger fish so on and so forth until the apex is found.

Then you swoop in quietly and arrest them all. Stealth.

I know you're a bot, but please learn something bot. This will happen, sorry if the time frame is inconvenient for you.

The rest of the world is still asleep.

18749825? ago

Excuse #125?

"It took gazillions of years for the cabal to get established so it will take gazillions more years to get rid of them"

18750182? ago

You come here to start fights, I can get behind that.

Everyone needs a purpose. Why do you chose your viewpoint?

What tells you that you're right, when the evidence, at least so far points to extreme guilt?

Just trying to understand how a bot thinks.

18750192? ago

"bot" = anyone who disagrees with my way of thinking

18750261? ago

"bot" = anyone who disagrees with my way of thinking

Only a "bot" uses those exact words on so many responses I've read.

Exactly those words. NO variation. Just like a hyped up google assistant wanting to be cool.

18750478? ago

Are you trying to force me to comply with the hivemind and be just like you?

18750534? ago

No. You really want to argue. You can't break free from your programming bot.

if you could, you'd be on our side. God made you. He'll wipe his ass with you as well.

Choose wisely bot. We see everything and more.

18750556? ago

"our side"?? the side that is not arresting any traitors? the side currently implementing white genocide? the side that wants me to blindly "trust the plan" (when the plan seems to be implementing the New World Order)? Wake up you boomer retard. Trump / Q are not working for us.

18750612? ago

First of all, you're a bot. For me it's very easy to spot one.

Like an Asian playing piano, technically perfect, but lacks "something"...that something is a soul bot.

That's my line of work. Souls, so for me it's easy to feel ones words to feel if there is a soul behind them.

yours are as cold as ice, but that's a metaphor you'll never understand. You're missing that one key element

I know what it is. Be my friend and I'll share.

18750947? ago

So you're saying Asians don't have souls?

18738561? ago

How does a man lie with such confidence? Amazes me. Hope we can soon make him a member of the Pencil-Necks.

18738915? ago

Problem with Nadler is his Ego. He actually believes he can win.

What he isn't aware of is we've already read the script, he loses horribly.

Nadler will be one of those that "get sick suddenly" and dies a quick death.

We're going to start seeing a lot more of this.

18743417? ago

Nadler thinks most people are stupid. On average most people are.

18745805? ago

Three people knew how to figure the entire puzzle out as well.

Nadler is a Egomaniac. Truth be told he couldn't even write his name in cursive in the snow.

It would have to be someone else's handwriting!

18738446? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=BdNnGA2wuyE :

Collins tears into House Democrats after McGahn skips hearing - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

18738401? ago

Nadler is a filthy Jew with a white genocide agenda just like the rest of the Congressional kikes.

18744844? ago

When Candace Owen B*tch slapped him around one realized he/it is not that smart

Not worthy of dog catcher in any town, possibly pooper scooper of the month would be jerry's true calling

18739455? ago

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


18744061? ago

"(((They))) want you divided by race" - Q

"(((They))) want race wars" - Q

"(((They))) want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy: https://i.imgur.com/uQbmLsJ.jpg

18744325? ago

(((you))) just tried to divide the Q movement into Jews and non-Jews, to weaken it because your Bolshevik masters fear us.

Your target is not 'Jews'.

Your target is who you fear IN PRACTISE, and in practise you're on QRV trying to rabble rouse division.

Patriotic Jews are included in the Q movement.

Your Bolshevik masters fear us.

18744955? ago

Q has asked you to dig "WW1/WW2" in his post #1957.

By now, you should recognize that:

a) Britain, not Germany, was the bad guy in WW1.

b) Hitler turned Germany around in less than a decade. From crushing reparations and inflation that made a loaf of bread worth more than a wheelbarrow of cash. Hitler accomplished this by issuing a sovereign currency pegged to Germany's GDP, and eschewing the globalist banker's system of controlling nations by controlling their money.

c) Israel had nothing to do with WW2 or the holocaust. Balfour declaration, date? Israel and the UK allied.

d) The UK was really mad at Germany over (b). Who else do you think took exception to this? (hint, see (c))

e) All of the death camps fell on the Soviet side of the iron curtain.

f) The holocaust is real and it actually happened. Only, it wasn't the Nazis murdering Jews (and others), it was the Soviets murdering Ukranians (and others, including some Jews).

g) The people who could have revealed this were either executed after Nuremberg, or scooped up by the UK/US under operation paperclip.

h) Now, the road to salvation from the international bankers currency tricks is festooned with warning signs: "Caution, if you go this way there will be more genocides!"

i) The US was allied with the bad guys in WW2. That is not an indictment of the soldiers who bravely and selflessly gave or risked their lives in that struggle. It is an indictment of the rotten-to-the-core political establishment that co-opted that patriotic willingness to sacrifice, and used it for their own perverted ends.

DO NOT trust me or my post. RESEARCH for yourself!

18744424? ago

savng israel for last

18744495? ago

Israel = Satanist HQ

Yes indeed Israel is last.

Then the Israeli people can be finally 'let go' from the Satanic cabal.

Revelation 2:9

18743814? ago

18744028? ago

...says the increasingly nervous Bolshevik puppet shillbot for the 9,789th time.


18740038? ago

stick to the topic and just downvoat instead of taking up so much real estate asshole

18744125? ago

You don't determine the topic. The topic is not an entire ethnicity of people you panicking deflecting anti-Q "divide them by race" Bolshevik puppet shillbot.

This is about the Demokkkrat Party being exposed as evil. That is the topic, not millions people you don't even know who live around the world.

GTFO this subverse you unwelcome panicbot

18746452? ago

The post is about Collins you retarded fuck. Not about fucking jews or fucking Q.

18749544? ago

You've been talking to the CAPSLOCK-KIKE and he doesn't listen.

He considers himself to be one of God's "chosen people" and you are a lesser being.

He's only going to claim you are panicked and projecting. It's all this filthy kike does.

18747592? ago

You sound scared. You fear the 'divide them by race.exe' shills being called out for who they are.

I replied to a "divide them by race.exe" shill, and you don't like that.

I've read all of the testimonies released by Collins.

This is why the shills are trying to divide Q anons by race.


18768609? ago

pizzy, pizzy fucking babus.

18739942? ago

I think any good jews would realize this guy is talking specifically about Nadler and the rest of the 5th Column Jews in Congress.

you look like the shill, faggot.

18744143? ago

says the panicking Bolshevik puppet shillbot.

How manyshekels is that nazi Soros paying you?

Should be $0, you're low IQ.


18742260? ago

regardless of the message, if you continuously post copypasta you are a fucking shill.

18738913? ago

All of them want open immigration of Muslims here in the USA and no Muslims in Israel.

But think about this for a second, on the other side we have Trump calling out Omahr and the rest on their "antisemitism" and conservative voices doing the same. And we are getting closer and closer to equating Zionism with antisemitism.

We are being played by both sides.

18743951? ago

jews always play both sides against each other & cry they are the real victims the whole time. exterminate the vermin

18739459? ago

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:

https://voat.co/v/QRV/2858861 .

18747077? ago

Oh look, the self-admitted jew who says France does not belong to the native French.

He is broadcasting his intent for your nation, people and children......

18747555? ago

says the self-admitted anti-Q Bolshevik shill.

Your target isn't 'muhjoos', it's Q anons who your commie masters fear 2nd most in the world.

18747591? ago

I am pro Q. You really can't stop lying can you?

We see you for who you are.....you lie and you want our nations invaded.

18745445? ago

God does your ballon ever land?

18747622? ago


18743986? ago

(((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((milti-culti))) (fixed it)

18744015? ago

(((you))) (((you))) (((you)))


18744103? ago

OY! VEY!!!!

18744287? ago

Your target isn't the Jews, it's Q anons. You grub for shekels to divide the Q movement into incompatible races and religions.

Q anons are of every background.


18744441? ago

saving israel for last ;)

18744463? ago

Israel = Satanist HQ

Yes indeed.

Israelis can then finally be saved.

18744487? ago

maybe. hopefully. but doubtful. they cant help them selves. its in their blood.

18744529? ago

that's what a Satanist would say.

Blood doesn't determine actions.

Subject centered values determines actions.

18744831? ago

OOOOHHHH!!!! (scary sounding ghost noises...) the devil is coming to get you, barbara.. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! (evil demonic laugh) get a life satan does not exits, jews & sand-niggers are the same. the mid east is full of evil ppl. get over it. whatchya gonna do when you the truth about 9/11 comes out... uss liberty ring any bells? greatest ally my ass

18747723? ago

The people responsible for the USS Liberty are either no longer even alive or no longer in government.

You're a moron.

Your target isn't Jews or Black people. You don't give a fuck about any race or religion.

You're only here on QRV in a pathetic low IQ attempt to divide the Q movement by race, by (hahahahahaha) pointing out shit that happened so long ago you likely were not even born.

If you really cared about any of the shit you're peddling, you wouldn't be here.

18747909? ago

i am everywher, spreating the truth. your just spreading you ass

18743791? ago

You again! Please continue to go fuck yourself:


18744033? ago

...says the increasingly nervous Bolshevik puppet shillbot for the 9,790th time.


18743523? ago

Oh, look. The capslock kike has returned, this time with a shill team behind him. Enjoy your shekels.

18744056? ago

Oh look, it's low IQ panic-stricken 'muhjoo' shillbot #267.

Still grubbing for nazi Soros shekels on QRV instead of a real job?

We know who you are.

18741494? ago

^^ garbage Like letting the wold in because he says "I like america. Im patriotic" forgetting that the wolves already destroyed Russia, Germany, Palestine, England, etc....

18744070? ago

...says the increasingly nervous Bolshevik puppet shillbot for the 9,791st time.



18744591? ago

1 zero 9

18748045? ago

...says the low IQ Bolshevik 'useful idiot' who couldn't get a real job so all it can do is pathetically attempt, and fail, to divide the Q movement by race.

"They want you divided by race" -

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q.

18748222? ago

Here a red pill you Bulshavic


18753353? ago

says the panicking Bokshevik (lol, purposefully misspells Bolshevik in desperate attempt to distance itself) puppet shillbot.

You don't care about Europeans.

Your real target are Q anons on QRV.

You fear us

18754149? ago

Who the fuck would be scares of a bunch of people who do nothing but post online. No real action?? The fucking jews are what to be fearful of, not some subvoat who can be shut down with the deletion of a domain.

Q is cool. Q followers are fucking pussy cat harmless and Im not fearful one bit of them and, I would be on their side if shit hit the fan.

The jews however ...... 109 dude. How can you be so fucking blind?

18744153? ago

Yeah.....the bulshavic puppet is the one calling jews wolves and warning of their danger........ Hmmmmmmm

18744274? ago

That's why they call it PROJECTION.

The 'muhjoo' shills' target isn't the Jews on QRV.

If Jews were their target they wouldn't spend their days here shilling.

The 'muhjoo' shills real target is the Q movement and trying to divide it up into incompatible 'tribes' only to weaken it because the shill's Bolshevik masters fear the Q movement.

18744589? ago

One hundred and nein

18747943? ago

..says the low IQ Bolshevik 'useful idiot' who couldn't get a real job so all it can do is pathetically attempt, and fail, to divide the Q movement by race.

"They want you divided by race" -

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

18748030? ago

1 zero nine bro Fucking cockroaches in every place they invade. One hundred 9

18748089? ago

.....says the low IQ Bolshevik 'useful idiot' who couldn't get a real job so all it can do is pathetically attempt, and fail, to divide the Q movement by race.

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

18754201? ago

The whole world knows. The whole fucking world. 109 Only gullible american goys defend jews and israel. Who controls BLM? Who controls the illegal immigrant caravans? Who controls the over sexualization of children on tv? Who murders palestinians? Who destroyed russia? Who destroyed Germany? Who destroyed Sweden? Who is Barbera Spencer? Who sunk the USS liberty? Who do americans go to war to die for? Who runs the white hate movement? Dual citizens with which countey are ruining our government? Who did 9-11? Who coined the phrase "melting pot" to begin flooding our borders with shitskins? Who destroyed Disney and turned it into moral/societal lowering programming? On and on and on and on


18753356? ago

says the panicking Bokshevik (lol, purposefully misspells Bolshevik in desperate attempt to distance itself) puppet shillbot.

You don't care about Europeans.

Your real target are Q anons on QRV.

You fear us..

18754081? ago

Who's us you fucking moron?? You're just typing on the internet. You not a threat to me!! The fucking jews are the threat

18744375? ago

Ahhh I get it. Q brings you guys to voat, one of the most 'based' sites on the net in order to convince us that jews aren't evil?? More likely......Q brought you here to open YOUR eyes, not ours. Most of us voaters ignore Q peeps so, I doubt it's the former. Wake up. 109 buddy. 109. After the first 4 or 5 countries kicked them out it should have been obvious. After 109, if you are still saying "not all jews" then you're a fucking retard.

18744506? ago

No, Q sanctioned this subverse because it's uncensored.

You 'muhjoo' shills are just a nuisance and unfortunate byproduct of uncensored comms.

You fear Q anons

18744579? ago


18747947? ago

....says the low IQ Bolshevik 'useful idiot' who couldn't get a real job so all it can do is pathetically attempt, and fail, to divide the Q movement by race.

"They want you divided by race" -

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

18748012? ago

109 bro Fucking cockroaches in every place they invade. 109.

18744575? ago

Oh, did Q tell you that?? He's already on 8chan faggot and has NEVER posted on voat (as far as we know) so.....he needed voat cause its uncensored (ignore 8chan much?) Far as I can tell, you're here to continue your awakening. Wakey wakey. Catch up to the rest of us.

18754211? ago

So welcome to the community. Learn about the jews then. Thats why he brought you here.

18748213? ago

Yeah.....to WAKE YOU UP!


Get started

18753354? ago

says the panicking Bokshevik (lol, purposefully misspells Bolshevik in desperate attempt to distance itself) puppet shillbot.

You don't care about Europeans.

Your real target are Q anons on QRV.

You fear us.

18754170? ago


Actually, you're the maniacally copying and pasting the same bullshit over and over, like someone who is panicking, while making no real point except some Q quotes (ignoring all the false booms and other false statements) like they were bible quotes. You're panicking, obviously. Im just pointing out that jews are societal destroying wolves. Most people worldwide can see that. Only goy americans cant.

18748155? ago

  1. Nobody wants cockroaches. 109

18753379? ago

says the cockroach.

You don't hate or dislike the Jews.

Your real target is the Q movement on QRV. You're trying, and failing, to divide it.

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


18754025? ago

heres over 100 years of evidence asshole.


18744324? ago

Ah. The jews try to convince everyone to hate the jews in order to save themselves. Makes sense. Honk honk

18744380? ago

Your target is not the Jews.

Your real target is the Q movement on QRV, you're only here grubbing for shekels in order to try to divide the Q movement into races and religions.

The Q movement includes everyone from every background.

Your shilling here is proof you fear Q anons and not 'muhjoos'.

18744590? ago

One zero 9

18747940? ago

...says the low IQ Bolshevik 'useful idiot' who couldn't get a real job so all it can do is pathetically attempt, and fail, to divide the Q movement by race.

"They want you divided by race" -

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

18748074? ago

1 hundy and 9 nigga How do you get kicked out of 109 countries, the world over, and still have shills out here trying to say they aren't absolute fucking cockroaches. Bulshavism is a jew thing. You're defending the bulshavists. Projection much?

18748099? ago

.....says the low IQ Bolshevik 'useful idiot' who couldn't get a real job so all it can do is pathetically attempt, and fail, to divide the Q movement by race.

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q .

18753358? ago

says the panicking Bokshevik (lol, purposefully misspells Bolshevik in desperate attempt to distance itself) puppet shillbot.

You don't care about Europeans.

Your real target are Q anons on QRV.

You fear us!

18754061? ago

Re read ALL my posts here. Fuck. The. Jews. Gas. The. Kikels.

Over 100 years of evidence right here. And Indont care how to spell bulshevix because Im not one. Bulshavics are JEWS and need to bw wiled out like fucking cockroaches.

Who needs evidence when 109. 109!!


18748180? ago

Q has said a lot of bullshit. Are you not seeing how they ruined news? Disney? Morals? Society? Killed 20 million russians? LIED ABOUT THE HOLOHOAX. Kill Palestinians daily for throwing rocks and defending their homes. COCKROACHES

18753370? ago

You haven't shown any evidence of any so-called bullshit.

Your target isn't 'muhjoos'. If they were you wouldn't be here.

Your real target are Q anons, because your SATANIC BOLSHEVIK masters fear us 2nd most in the world.

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


18744434? ago

Oh no. I am all for Q. My target is the jews. And im not shilling. Im freely (and for free) calling out those fucking cockroaches. Im cool with Q. He after all, brought you here to wake you up so.....wakey wakey.

18744479? ago

Nah, you're anti-Q.

You're trying to divide QRV into races and religions, exactly what Q warned everyone 'they' are doing.

Your target is not the Jews, it's Q anons on QRV.

18744518? ago

Call me whatever you want. 109 motherfucker. Why 109?? Because theyre fucking cockroaches.

18744550? ago

It's not just 'calling' you anything.


You're a cockroach, not millions of people you don't even know.

You fear Q.

18744610? ago

My kind hasn't been kicked out of 109 countries, like those cockroaches have. Name call all you want, welcome to voat niggerfaggot

18747864? ago

What you call "my kind" are not your kind.

Your kind are low IQ inbreds who couldn't get a real job so all you morons can do is shill on behalf of Bolshevik Satanists on QRV in a pathetic, sad, failed attempt to divide Q anons by race.

Your kind are criminals and collectivist leftist psychopaths like the 'useful idiot' fucks who shot up the school.

Your kind are like the cowards of Twatter and Fakebook who spew fake narratives to deceive the people.

18748082? ago

  1. Not a fake narrative. A true story. 109.

18748104? ago

.....says the low IQ Bolshevik 'useful idiot' who couldn't get a real job so all it can do is pathetically attempt, and fail, to divide the Q movement by race.

"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q ...

18753360? ago

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

18754035? ago

Jew isnt a fucking skin color moron

18785697? ago

Never claimed it was dipshit

18785727? ago

Patriots have no skin color" - Q

Sure did, dipshit.

18785795? ago

That isn't a statement "Jew is a race" you dumb fuck

18785842? ago

It is when you add that comment as a rebuttal to someone hating on jews. Learn context faggot.

18785903? ago

No it isn't, that is just your projection you dumb fuck.

Patriots have no skin color.

They want you divided by religion.

They want you divided by race.

Call "Jews" whatever you want, the point is you stupid fucks are trying and failing to divide the Q movement by pretending to be anti-semitic Q anons.

Eat shit

18786170? ago

I would actually like the Q movement to stay together, while realizing that the Jews aren't the wolves at the door, they're the wolves in the house. It's time to open your eyes.

18786309? ago

You lie. You want to divide the Q movement by expelling Jews from it, and all of those who would otherwise not participate if they re tricked by your Bolshevik puppet masters who write your copypasta scripts.

18786430? ago

The jews have been the scourge of the earth since before Q team's great great great great great great great great great great grandparents were born. THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN Q

18786704? ago

Your anxiety is showing.

You're panicking.

Your target is not the Jews, it's the Q movement and only the Q movement.

If your target was really "much bigger than Q", then you wouldn't spend your time on a Q research site, you'd be in that "bigger then Q" place.

Hahaha, no no you projecting low IQ dumb fuck, your biggest most feared threat is the place you choose to wage your attacks, on a site devoted to Q anons.

Your Bolshevik masters should fire your loser ass.

18786385? ago

Whatever ma'am. I would say close to 85-90% of the world doesn't like the jews. Seriously. For millennia. THIS IS MUCH BIGGER THAN THE Q MOVEMENT YOU SHORT SIGHTED MORON.

18786779? ago

You're contradicting your own actions.

You claim there are bigger issues than Q, yet you're here on a Q research board.

Q anons are who you are targeting, not Jews.

You are a bad liar.

18786874? ago

Yeah. I follow Q. Admittedly. Also. Jews are fucking cockroaches. Q is not God. I do not need to readjust every thought to revolve around Q. I don't care who, even Q and especially some rando boot licker who cant think for himself but has to think "what would Q do" on voat, says that the jews are "good people" or some bullshit.

We're saving Israel for last -Q Fear Isreal -Q AND ITS NOT BECAUSE THEYRE GOOD FUCKING PEOPLE. 109 109 mutherfucker 109

18786981? ago

Nah, you only "follow Q"...ANONS ON QRV TO ATTACK.

Your target isn't Jews.

Your target is Q anons on QRV.

You want to divide it by spewing divisive narrative that excludes Patriotic Jews.


We see you.

We know who you are.

We know what your ACTIONS ARE SAYING.

You're on /v/QRV, not /v/Jews.

Why? Because Q anons on QRV are who you really fear.

18787047? ago

Honest question....... Who is responsible for all the caravans entering my country and flooding europe with muslims? Who? Honest auestion.... Another honest question: who is pushing the race mixing in ALL media?? Another honest question. Q and Trumps target is the lying fake news.....who are they?????? Wakey wakey you fucking idiot

18787072? ago

Dishonest questions, because you like all that happening. You welcome it. You welcome it because you're here targeting Q anons on QRV.

You are a terrible liar.

18787089? ago

Why won't you answer my questions? Can't bring yourself to say it?

18787115? ago

Why do you continue to contradict yourself?

You don't care about Jews.

You care about Q anons.

We are your threat.

You are having trouble admitting this.

18787198? ago

Who formed Isis?

18787207? ago

You want ISIS to spread.

18787194? ago

What country has not been attacked by Isis in the middle east?

18787211? ago

You want countries to be attacked by ISIS

18787182? ago

Who are the dancing israeli's?

18787213? ago

You welcome dancing Israelis

18787180? ago

Who really did 9-11?

18787215? ago

You wanted 9-11.

18787255? ago

Exactly. No real discussion from you. No real rebuttal except Q quotes. You're a shill and I fell for it for a bit. In any case, I dropped some major red pills here so anyone reading it has plenty of material to research :) Good luck boot licker!!

18787308? ago

Projection, you don't want a real discussion, all you want to do is try to divide the Q movement on QRV by spewing guilty before proven innocent narrative.

You are a shill.

You fell for evil.

You didn't drop any red pills, all you dropped were pills of Satanists, and you used 'muhjoos' as a scapegoat, just like the modus operandi of the Satanic Bolsheviks.

You're a tool of the anti-semite Omar led Demokkkrat Party.

Keep sucking nazi Soros dick for shekels you Bolshevik puppet

18787175? ago

Why do americans have to die for israel?

18787181? ago

You want Americans to die.

18787171? ago

Who are the Rothschilds?

18787185? ago

What does Revelation 2:9 say?

18787159? ago

Why wont you answer my questions?

18787202? ago

Why do you continue to pretend to care about the answers to your questions when your real goal is to divide the Q movement on QRV?

18787156? ago

Who is Barbera Spector?

18787168? ago

Why is a 'larp' your greatest threat?

18787149? ago

Who lied about the holocaust in lrder to steal land from and murder the Palestinians?

18787162? ago

You want lies about the holocaust to spread.

18787141? ago

Who owns all the porn sites degrading the thoughts of our societies?

18787154? ago

You want porn sites to increase.

18787235? ago

Well, the good thing is, anyone reading this will see who's the fucking idiot and Im pretty sure 90% of them would agree with me. History proves that. I see your tactics now. Just regurgitating what I say and no real answers except some babble. So...... Ima let this convo stand as it is and move on to waking Q followers up. Good luck convincing people jews are ok. You have a major uphill battle. Faggot.

18787326? ago


You suck at shilling.

You fear Q anons, not Jews.

You fear the Q movement, we don't fear you.

We see you.

We know who you are.

18787619? ago

To anyone reading this: Research the questions I asked, for yourself. Q wants you to think for yourself. Q does not want to think for you. Who is flooding our country (US for me) with illegals? Who is flooding Europe? Who is lowering the standards of our societies with media? Who destroyed the beauty of Disney? Who is Barbera Specter? Who is George Soros? Who are the dancing Israelis? Who who is pushing race mixing? What is Blood Libel? What are the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? What is a neo-con? Who pushes incest porn on their porn sites? Who pushes cuckoldry on their porn sites? WHO OWNS ALL THE PORN SITES? On and on and on. Don't let this boot licker think for you. Research for yourselves. Wakey wakey

18787946? ago

To anyone reading THIS:

Ask yourself this logical question: Why would a subverse dedicated to a 'larp' get so much divisive shilling like from ^ this clown?

Why do they keep spewing narrative that divides people by race and religion?

Why do they spend all their time here on QRV?

What is Satanism?

Does the 'thought' of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

Does the New World Order worship Satan?

What does the bible verse Revelation 2:9 say?

Who controls fake news?

Who really controls fake news?

Why are there shills lime ^ this one daily attacking the Q movement by seeking to exclude certain races or religions?

Are they afraid of a united people?

Are they afraid that patriots looking past race and religion will expose those who control 'the narrative'?

"The New World Order worships Satan" - Vladimir Putin

Why do the shills continue to shill on QRV?

What do they fear about QRV?

Do Q anons know 'they' are trying to divide us by race and religion just like this ^ shill?

What is psychological projection?

What is Satanism?

Why do the shills continue to attack QRV?

All for a 'larp'?

18787132? ago

Who is pushing race mixing?

18787128? ago

Who is flooding europe with savages?

18787135? ago

You want Europe to be flooded with savages.

18787121? ago

Who is funding the caravans?

18787139? ago

You want caravans to be funded.

18787120? ago

Dude. You are no threat.

18787146? ago

Yes I am, that's why you continue to shill here on QRV.

I scare the shit out of you.

18787031? ago

Yeah. 90% of the world is with me. Q followers need to wake up. You are the worst fucking kind.

WHY SAVE ISRAEL FOR LAST YOU FUCKING MORON?? Dumb. You're the one trying to convince me that the jews are good?? Is that what you're saying?? The jews did nothing wrong so I should just shut up???

You sure you're not liberal??

18787103? ago

Nah, you made that up.

Aha, "Q followers need to wake up".

See? Your target is not 'muhjoos', the target of your Bolshevik narrative are Q anons on QRV.

Nobody is buying your shit, that's why you keep trying, and failing to divide the Q movement.



You're a projecting liberal.

18786707? ago

Your anxiety is showing.

You're panicking.

Your target is not the Jews, it's the Q movement and only the Q movement.

If your target was really "much bigger than Q", then you wouldn't spend your time on a Q research site, you'd be in that "bigger then Q" place.

Hahaha, no no you projecting low IQ dumb fuck, your biggest most feared threat is the place you choose to wage your attacks, on a site devoted to Q anons.

Your Bolshevik masters should fire your loser ass..

18786922? ago

I can't be any clearer. Anyone reading through this comment section will see your repeated desperation and me, make legitimate historical factual arguments. Not lies. Real history. Not some obscure Q character, but verifiable jew schennanigans throughout history.

Keep screaming the same shit over and over. Its not making the jews look any better

18786957? ago

You're right, you can't be any clearer about YOUR OWN PROJECTIONS and THE FACT Q ANONS ARE YOUR TARGET, NOT JEWS.

YOU keep screaming the same shit over and over. You keep 'muhjoo'ing' as an attack on the Q movement and only the Q movement.


18786998? ago

You sound so dumb. What are the odds of this: 90% of the whole entire world hates the jew, for the most part. So......anyone who is on voat complain about the jew must be a shill. Loooooooool You're a fucking moron.

18787055? ago


You don't hate the Jews. Jews maybe hate you and your Satanic Bolshevik masters, which is the only reason you're here shilling on a Q research board.

It's only a small fringe group of low IQ dumb fucks like you with sockpuppet accounts who attack Jews on VOAT.

You're a degenerate piece of shit who is so incredibly stupid that you cannot even perceive your own rotten self contradicting yourself.

If Q wasn't your biggest threat, you wouldn't shill here, you'd be shilling on /v/Jews or whatever.

You're scared of us.

We are not scared of you. You don't see us shilling on /v/nerd-virgins, now do you?

But you're here.

We see you.

18786071? ago

Yes it is

18786294? ago

No it isn't.

And you don't hate or dislike or even care about any Jews.

Your real target is the Q movement on QRV. You're only here trying, and failing, to divide it by pretending the Q movement is anti-semitic.

You're a cockroach, not millions of people you have never even met and most alive today were not even alive during the great war.

You low IQ degenerates can't even perceive yourselves spewing 'guilty before proven innocent' narrative, which by the way is a narrative of Bolsheviks.

It's totally obvious you're just a dumb fuck anti-Q shill who couldn't get a real job.

18786401? ago

Sure. Cockroaches. Has nothing to do with Q and everything to do with cockroaches. Why are you sucking their dick so much? Are you JIDF you little boot licker?

18786633? ago

Projection AGAIN.

Your hissy fits have nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with trying (AND FAILING) to divide the Q movement on QRV.

If it really were Jews, you wouldn't be on a Q research board you low IQ degenerate.


18786975? ago

Sure. Boot licker. 109. Not a lie. Bulshavics are JEWS. Not a lie. We in the military die for israels wars. Not a fucking lie. Etc etc etc. Im not lying. Look it up. I can be a Christian and not follow all the useless commandments like not mixing clothing materials. I can also follow Q and remember how evil the jews are. They're not mutually exclusive for me like they are in your limited brain. Why would Q save Israel for last???? Because they're the big bad boss you spend the whole game trying to get to. Who lives in Israel? Ah.......cockroaches.

18787015? ago

More projection from a Bolshevik bootlicker.

It doesn't matter which people the Bolsheviks were comprised of, they're your masters because you're posting the exact narrative they want you to post.

You fear Q, not Jews.

Israel is last because that's where the Satanists are HQ'd. Revelation 2:9.

You're a cockroach.

You're afraid of us.

We are not afraid of you.

You have no power here, you're only here to shill on behalf of Bolsheviks to divide the Q movement.

You've failed.

18787075? ago

Who's responsible for the caravans? Whos the lying fake media??? Who??? You can say it. They're trumps PRIMARY TARGET. Who is the fake news?? Muslims?? Nope. Christians??? Nope. Say it out loud.......jews.

18787131? ago

You want the caravans to continue.

You want the fake news media to continue to lie.

You can't see yourself contradicting yourself by your own actions.

You don't scare me.

We scare you.

18748151? ago

jews killed 20 million in russia. Then germany. They are also in charge of the downfall of europe and flooding its borders, the lowering of societies morals, porn, blood libel, on and on and on. 109.

18753384? ago

You don't dislike or hate or fear Jews.

Your real target is the Q movement on QRV.

You are trying, and failing, to divide the Q movement.

Attention all patriotic Jews: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you


Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


18754002? ago

They are destroying our planet with mass immigration. They are destroying our societies with Netflix, white hate, and all their pushing of over specialized children. Etc....


18740063? ago

Go fuck yourself and stop distracting from that article/opinion.

18744093? ago

says the projecting distracting shillbot deflecting from Nadler and trying to include millions of innocent people by guilt by association instead.

You Bolshevik puppet shillbots are easily exposed.


18746492? ago

Hey asshole, it's about Collins, but you wouldn't know because you didn't watch the video, spam shill.

18747580? ago

You sound scared. You fear the 'divide them by race.exe' shills being called out for who they are.

I've read all of the testimonies released by Collins.

This is why the shills are trying to divide Q anons by race.


18742293? ago

Fuck Pompeo.

18739061? ago

But think about this for a second, it would be political suicide for President Trump not to attack the Democrats.