18748336? ago

And so the 3rd French revolution starts. France WILL be France again.

18733640? ago

Gonna visit the Audi dealer tomorrow and demand they give me a car, that's how it works nowadays?

18731910? ago

The rapefugees in France have always been this crazy. They throw riots every time the police attempt to take away one of their open air migrant camps, and then steal and rob from every citizen, tourist, and even each other. And yet somehow, they're the group of people that the Paris government wants to cater to more. Enjoy high crime, graffiti, out of control gang fights and rapes, and of course, diversity!

18730425? ago

lying down like they always do.

18729957? ago

The French are not done and I know some of their military are patriots . It is not over .

18727843? ago

France lost their country when they joined the EU just like every other country.

18726841? ago

Burn it down. Then neither can have it.

18726755? ago

I hope moslem France keeps making wine and cheese so I can have friends over.

18726061? ago

Time for Frexit.

18725716? ago

colonize black nations bringing your language and culture and down the road the blacks come and take over your country, colonize Arab states and the Arabs will learn your language and take over your country. let's stop fucking around in the middle east.

18725005? ago

Shoot to kill

18724997? ago

Shhot to kill

18724532? ago

Macron, government of France and the EU want only immigrants so they can take all theproperty and wealth from the citizens!

18724306? ago

Isn't that interesting? Massive yellow vest protests for...what, 30 weekends in a row now? Getting close to 30 if not 30, and one "black vest" and the media finally reports on it. They haven't lost their country yet, they're in the process of taking it back. Quit being so mentally helpless, the Europeans have run the Muslim hordes out once before, they can do so again.

18724205? ago

this'll wake a few more people up. thanks for the acceleration, niggers!

18722302? ago

Sarkozy flashback, circa 2008: breed with low IQ demographics or the state will force you to.


Macron and his fellow nation rapists deserve a very special, one-time kind of present.

18722160? ago

Funny how neither the yellow vest or now these black vest protests have been mentioned by MSM. Just keep pumping out garbage about the latest Royal mutt.

18722505? ago

This is how it went. “See, Harry married a nigger, it’s perfectly alright.” Next it’ll be mandatory for white’s to marry mongrels.

18722004? ago

Re OP: No, it belongs to the Jews and has done since at least 1789.

18721072? ago

Can we imagine state of world without artificial borders and mental constructs like countries ?

18722567? ago

In organizational theory that doesn't work. Competing and equally powerful organizations are the best checks against crony-ism, power monopolies and corruption in any given power group. Same logic applies to sovereign nations. The satanists want one world government and open borders, i will not support their ideals and applying this knowledge i know why they want it. No thanks

18721519? ago

Yeah, it is a horrible place run by an out of control Police State where American Ideals and Liberty are forsaken and destroyed.

18721284? ago

Ya, all the shithole people would go to all the best places and then everything would equally suck.....hmmmmm

18720801? ago

Wow, think the yellow vests need to bust out some bats on this one.

18720720? ago

And we want our Lamborginis!!!

18720567? ago

Strategy, extract them with an over whelming force, but immediately introduce them to public aid workers. Separate them into different rooms and buildings, stay away from jails.

Interview them in order to see what kind of public services they need for themselves and their family. Go with an escort to check out their living conditions. Let them know that by providing a DNA sample is the first step in getting paper that they may deserve. Process all the DNA samples of everyone in the household. For their safety, keep them under escort while their paperwork is processing. Make sure to get a detailed history of their work skills, education, and various languages that they speaks and what countries they visited and were from.

Still under safety escort process the DNA of everyone in the residence. Of course, you already got them to describe their family relationships so that proper services and papers can be arranged. Get them to introduce other family members who live separately, even in other countries in EU,

Now its hammer time. Those who were lying about family blood relationships shall be prosecuted for kidnapping. Investigate any other crimes they are suspected of via an extensive review of crime video. Charge them all with disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct. Charge them for the costs of their escorts and removal from the airport.

See if tribunals for enemy combatants can be used in France, or similar. Convict them and levy fines. Establish long jail sentences.

Start throwing some of them into jails, in far off places, away from the rest of the family. let them talk to and report what is happening to them. Encourage other prisoners to make it hard on them, get the word out that jail sucks.

Give the other ones "in process" the option to pay for their own transportation back to their home country. France can front the cost of the transportation, but it is put on "their tab" with usury (they will hate that, but their choice is to go to a tough jail) Their un-"escorted" females, if any, who have employable skills may be allowed to stay, based on a societal benefit test which almost none will pass.

Almost all will take the re-migrate option. Let them know their "tab" and that if they re-enter any EU country which joins the FRANCE French Re-migration And No Chance Entry agreement that they will be liable for their original jail sentence, which will be commuted into labor camps to juice it even more. Vive la France!

18720165? ago

Population replacement. That is the goal.

18724229? ago

Well, more specifically its destabilization, at least in the short term...then martial law, which is what makes me uneasy about the yellow vests, (((they))) can justvas easily use this situation to declare a national threat requiring EU troop occupation of Paris.

18720138? ago

Can anybody say, "George Soros"?

19496470? ago

Mohamedan Shriner Conductor Tries to force Europe listeners to accept islam, Masonic Queen of Holland Netherlands says nothing, cowardly Sophisto Euro elite pray to mephisto...but Orchestra walks out https://voat.co/v/QRV/3307378

18726854? ago

How is Soros allowed to do this? We have black ops do we not? He is a enemy combatant and his ass should be drowned.

18731451? ago

Droned and droned again until there aren't even ashes left.

18719883? ago

"One tweet even suggests “Prime Minister Édouard Philippe caved into their demands and gave them all permanent legal status, though that hasn’t been confirmed.”

If that's true it's gonna start happening all over the place. Stinks of DS fuckery.

18722544? ago

Listen Closely:

Appeasement will not Satisfy a Ravenous Adversary

18719644? ago

Is this [p] payback? Wrath from God on THE family?

18719498? ago

Sorry but when i see shit like this at the airport the first thing that comes to mind is a 50 cal machine gun or if i'm in a good mood send them back by jet with no landing and no parachutes!

18719295? ago

The DS is still clearly hard at work. Their ammo must be running out tho?

18719366? ago

When using African niggers as ammo, you will never be low on ammo

18718807? ago

France belongs to the heritage France.

Anything else is genocide.

18722816? ago

(((EU)))-tier faggots: "whites don't exist ergo it's not genocide". Same argument Israel uses against the Palestinians.

18725817? ago

yep… this is exactly what is behind all the tv commercials with Blacks, a marginal consumer base.

18722511? ago

You don't get to keep what you give away. The parable of Esau communicates the essence of Jewish strategy: leverage and will trumps fairness and ownership.


18726976? ago

You do realize this post was not at ALL about Jews or Israel, don't you? Try and keep up.

18727036? ago

Not very perceptive, are you?



The plan to destroy European nationalities via immigration was hatched a century ago.

18723854? ago

And you do not get to give away that which is not yours.

No group of French people get to commit their entire race and culture to genocide.

18718973? ago

France belongs to the heritage France

France belongs to the CHRISTIAN heritage of France - Notre Dame.

18721953? ago

Notre Dame was built over the ruins of Roman temple of the first century—that is probably significant, but I an not exactly sure how...

The Catholic church would often build churches over the religious sites of pagan countries that they conquered. I think (needs research to verify) that they did it primarily to proclaim superiority. But blood-guilt and curses are real, and they may have neglected to purge the land first. I know that last sentence sounds weird to Western logic, but ancient demons care little for Western logic, and Yahweh has a lot to say about clean ground.

18722322? ago

Roman Paganism was; what was before Christ.

sunday - moonday - Thor'sday: Paganism was interwoven in the establishing CHRISTIAN church in all the lands that the Romans went before them.

Paganism was the culture of the 'dark ages' (0 records) and nothing was preserved.

Then Christianity arrived and spread.

Records began to be kept (in-keeping with the Judeo - Christian values in preservation) and museums/reics/artifacts were cherished - surviving to this day.

18747575? ago

Not correct. Christianity spread by destroying records and teachings of pre-Christian traditions and declared them all as demonic. The Roman Empire used Christianity as a tool of cultural appropriation and political control. Hence the need to rebuild on top of sacred sites, to co-opt pagan practices, and to brutally kill teachers of esoteric knowledge as "witches". Islam followed the same pattern of conquest and practices, just as brutally. Except that meanwhile the Church had become more humane while Islam remains as violent is it was.

18754303? ago

Not correct.



The Council of Nicea by Council Fathers - 325 A.D to the already established Catholic church.

Prepare to read about combating barbarians, pagans, Eunuchs and FAKE christians and the church answers/actions.

18719078? ago


To me they are the one and the same.

18718666? ago

"All of these undocumented immigrants are from African decent"

No, they aren't "decent" (but I think he meant "descent").

18718630? ago

Why do they think they have a right to be in France? Isn't that a bit astonishing? I am trying to think how I could come to feel that way. I guess if my home was destroyed and I had washed up onshore, I could feel that way. I could feel that "I get to exist. You destroyed my home. Your governments, your spy organizations, your technology, your benefit, your agenda so fuck you. I have a right to be here on this planet, to be alive. Here is where I am now because you destroyed my ability to stay home. Deal with it."

Also, I cannot help but think there is an evil mary poppins flying out of the fray satisfied that she is fomenting an enemy.

18722401? ago

France and China, Brits too really did fuck up Africa didn't they, and for generations they did so. I am against mass migration and open borders but the chickens really did come home to roost here. If things were perfect, the people would oust their government, apologize for the historical wrongs but be clear this new citizen takeover group did not do those things and are not responsible for it, they are only responsible to not let their current government do these things (hence the coup), ship the migrants home and help them fix their homeland. This would be a perfect wrap up in my opinion and could only take place if the people involved had honest values, meaning not likely because there are too many evil players in power.

18722197? ago

Because the globalist told them "if you migrate, you'll get free gibs".

18720816? ago

When you've done nothing to better the world, you have no right to anything. Their shithole is a shithole because they've done nothing to better it. They were there long before we ever had a desire to go there. Fuck them and fuck your excuse making. Fuck that whole we are all one people bullshit.

18719175? ago

Except we didn't destroy anything.

18718319? ago

It hadn't been vests, they always look like this.

18718269? ago

According to Caplock kike, we should welcome these shitstains with open arms.

18719587? ago

“Capslock kike” is not a thing. (You) have been here pushing that fantasy unilaterally for way too long to be anything but a shill.

18720478? ago

Oh go burry your head back in the sand

18719810? ago

Capslock kike has attacked me everytime I said that France belongs to the native French.

Clearly had sides with the cabal invaders. How prophetic that these idiots come chanting exactly what I argued against.....because it is clear as day this is the intent of the cabal. Genocide.

18719622? ago

You are literally retarded.

18717971? ago

Niggers ruin everything.

18718263? ago

How about we say, unfettered migration ruins everything? Doesn't matter the race or ethnicity, if you shoehorn populace's together without integration, one side, generally the more violent and less civilized will take over.

18722783? ago

Unfettered migration of asians presents an unpleasant, but distinctly different outcome than unfettered migration of a demographic that never got around to inventing the wheel.

18721659? ago

unfettered migration ruins everything?

Yes, but NOT directly because the more violent and less civilized will take over. That is a down-the-road result that often, but not always happens.
To arrive at an accurate conclusion, look at the motivation for migration. Why weren't they loyal to their homeland? This group brings their problems and their demons with them. That was not the case with the pilgrims of colonial America who were fleeing those things.

18719428? ago

It absolutely does matter. When whites "migrated" to australia, they turned it from a collection of random stone age tribes to a thriving modern country. If they hadn't arrived, australia would still be stone age. Equally, had africa not been colonised, they would still be stuck banging rocks together to make sharper rocks. What exactly do you think those retards will bring to a modern society? They're barely more evolved than chimps.

18726822? ago

True but they were more violent and held thier ground that they took , so white can do it too.

18720364? ago

I'm sorry but this argument holds no weight. You have literally no fucking idea what Historical Fact is, you only know what you've been told has happened.

We've been finding entire fucking civilizations within the fucking Amazons that we Never knew existed. Take your racism and fuck right on off out of here. Until such time as we have a proper record of human history you and your Nigger BullShit can suck a fucking lemon you sanctimonious little cuckold.

18724170? ago

"Entire f-g civilizations" either founded by seafaring subgroups of R1b/Yamnaya-derived whites, or essentially stone age social agglomerations like zimbabwe culture. The difference is obvious.

18723361? ago

We've been finding entire fucking civilizations within the fucking Amazons that we Never knew existed

How does this disprove my point? We never knew they existed till now because they're primitive fucks, whose highest technological achivement consists of "blowgun variant #49". I'm sorry if it hurts your tragic little psyche, but there are distinct consistent and genetically based variations between human races, kind of obvious if you're aware of what a race actually is and how it develops.

Until such time as we have a proper record of human history you and your Nigger BullShit can suck a fucking lemon you sanctimonious little cuckold.

fascinating theory - I have a counterargument. Until we have evidence from human history (expecting a complete version is fucking retarded) that niggers can actually even vaguely match the standards of whites, we should work from what we do conclusively know, which is that they're dumb, violent, and have never built a civilisation worth a damn. The entire history of the black race has less merit for humanity than that of any single western european country. Until such a point as there's evidence found to disprove that theory, we should operate on the basis of available data, and treat them as the subhumans they are.

You sound butthurt. I wonder why. An overdose of melanin perhaps?

18724733? ago

Anyone throwing around the word racism and melanin is a fucking cuck sjw. Get bent niggerfaggot.

18725504? ago

anyone who accuses a nigger of getting uppity via vague references to their skin is a sjw cuck . anyone who says blacks are subhumans is a sjw cuck

brool story.co

Were you dropped on your head at birth, or is it just foetal alcohol syndrome?

18725624? ago

Why you responding to me? Not my quote. Do you have "foetal" alcohol syndrome? As you say........

18726375? ago

Then why were you responding to me? I wasn't talking to you either. It's an anon board, not like I can see, you useless faggot



Learn to read faggot

18727365? ago

So no real substantive answer I see.




I can read American English. You a fucking britbong who gave up his guns and knives and all you have now is harsh words and attitude?

18727514? ago

no real substantive answer

It's a literal word you useless faggot. Just because your primitive education doesn't recognise it as such doesn't mean it isn't perfectly valid.

Is it something in the water, or are americans really just that stupid that you can't even recognise the original language your weird little dialect stems from?

18729547? ago

I get that it's a fucking word moron. I just used the american version cause Im not a cuck on a vulgar internet sight using fluffy faggot spellings like colour and foetal. I see you do come from a pussy country that let women, jews and bankers take all your guns and fun away and is probably currently flooding your homeland with savages from africa.....cuck. Good luck with your harsh words and attitude while your women get fucked by people who have really had "something in their water," as they say in places with no free speech, which is anywhere but america. :) Will you be in the fetal position when arabs are raping your family?

18730539? ago

And I used the british spellling because, wait for it, I'm british, you retarded cunt. If you were aware that it was a word, why bother with "quotes" around it.

I see you do come from a pussy country that let women, jews

holy shit youre serious. Let me laugh even harder. America is literally subservient to the jews to a hitherto unknown degree in world history, and is by far the dominant source of modern bullshit feminist ideology. Pot calling the kettle nigger

You gonna keep being cuck faggot men while your homeland keeps getting bulshaviced?

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my 87% white country. What was it you said? And given you've got almost 50% odds of being a non-white, why should I even give a shit? I don't care what latin american countries think tbh

18734386? ago

America is subservient to jews, BUT WE STILL HAVE FREE SPEECH NIGGER. The only country in the world that does. THE ONLY ONE NIGGERFAGGOT.

87 percent white country?? Not for long. :) You know its true. Get used to the "foetal" position faggot. Here come the arabs

18735290? ago

And say whatever you want about latin people. They are 1,000,000 X's more civilized than the garbage you are letting into your country.

18739849? ago

I'd actually agree, in part. Sihks > Upper caste hindus > Mexicans > Lower caste hindus > niggers > literal walking sacks of disease >>>>pakis.

Mexicans + similar are pretty shitty vs the higher rating non whites like some indians, but they're miles above muslims, especially pakis

18735231? ago

At least my homeland isn't muslim and full of rape gangs and native men who let it happen like cucks.....

18739935? ago

At least my homeland isn't muslim and full of rape gangs and native men who let it happen like cucks.

You mean your homeland full of niggers who rape literally tens of thousands of women every year?

The ones who frequently have rape gangs?

The country in which the natives not only make it happen, but actively support the niggers? Hell, trump loves to tout his black unemployment numbers, and cuckservatives looooove candace ownes. But yeah no you're right, here are no similarities at all

It's literally all you have left since your grandchildren (and most all of the future generations of your homeland) will be praying 5 times a day here soon.....

Just for references sake, the UK is 5% muslim. America is 13.5% nigger, and over 25% spic. Hell, it's more than 5% asian. And its about 2% muslim.

So you're more or less 2.5 times less muslim than us, but roughly 6 times more nigger, and a couple of thousand times more spic. Hope you're looking forward to living a latin american country. They're all such a nice pleasant shade of socialism

18740212? ago

"Hope you're looking forward to living in a latin american country." Well it would make since since it is a brown continent, in general. What's Londonistan's excuse?

18740670? ago

What's Londonistan's excuse besides pussy men who let invaders in?

Same as frances : we had an empire, and as such there was movement of people within the empire, particuarly during the partitioning of india. Remind me again why america is importing, for example, rohingya muslim refugees? What exactly do south east asian refugees have to do with a meso american continent? What do the nignogs you import from africa have to do with a mesoamerican continent?

We turned a brown continent white. We're rather good at it actually, we're literally the only colonial power to create modern first world nations, and we created fucking 4 of them, 6 if you count rhodesia and old south africa. Why exactly did you cucks ignore the words of your founding fathers, and start importing the third world?

18741109? ago

You should ask yourselves that question. Asalam alakim mutherfucker.

18744475? ago

But i explained already brainlet

18744540? ago

I asked for a TLDR. Again, I have better things to do with my freedom of speech then deal with pansy-men from a cucked country. Asalam alakim my british brother

18745649? ago

Adios Pedro

18740052? ago

Nignogs are mostly christian and as you have seen, can easily be dominated. They're less than 14 percent of the population and have been for 60 years. They're not increasing their numbers here..... Arabs in your country on the other hand....... asalam alakim mother fucker.

18740620? ago

nignogs are mostly christian

And that has exactly what to do with them being murderous raping savages? You're also forgetting about the nation of islam movement. Niggers + islam = oh shit son.

Most of them actually get aborted or killed by another nig. They're not increasing their numbers here..

This is actually true. It would be a shame is some group, say, just to pick a random example, a right wing political party focused on restoring the republic banned abortion rates, wouldn't it? Something tells me that might increase their numbers.

Arabs on the other hand, the originators of the salve trade and dominating nignogs, are massively and violently increasing their numbers in your country

they're 5%. They've been here for over 5 decades. Their numbers are indeed increasing. But honestly, not as fast as mexicans in the US are.

and can't be easily dominated like nigs can

?? Both of them are equally easy to "dominate", which is to say they both chimp out like retards but could be put down within 2 days of actual resistance.

Get ready for your grandchildren to face mecca to pray to a big black cube.

I hope you're learning spanish so you can understand your grandkids

18741187? ago

I speak fluent spanish pendejo.

18745254? ago

I speak fluent spanish

And you accused us of cucking out, lmfao. Nice to see you'll understand what Juan and Pedro shout at you from the street as you fade into a demographic minority.

and the most spoken, worldwide. Asalam alakim

You appear to have it confused with Mandarin

18745533? ago

Yeah because being educated and tri-lingual makes you a cuck. And no.......spanish is the most spoken EUROPEAN language worldwide. Go back and get some reading comprehension skills. I am speaking english you know.

18745670? ago

Meh. Personally I think if you're talking euro languages, english wins. Near par levels of L1 speakers, vastly more L2 speakers. Spanish is only spoken in latin american countries and spain

18746279? ago

largest empire in human history

"some empire"

I mean yeah, it kind of was.

As for your point, are you seriously that stupid?


English is spoken at a L2 level in at least 100 countries across the world. It is literally the single most common L2 in the world by so far it's not even funny

It's the global lingua franca.

Are you clinically retarded?

18741115? ago

Got a TLDR?

18745267? ago

tl;dr niggers are 50 times worse than any other group, and the nation of islam is a growing american group of muslim niggers, the rare and fabled double nigger, halal friendly. You're cucked, and your nation is a decaying corpse

18745503? ago

Niggers are worse than any other group? Lol They are the most easily controlled group on the planet. The history of Africa proves that. Try again. Have fun spreading butter with a spoon! Are there african rape gangs by the hundreds here???? Nope. How are those rape gangs working our for your women over there? Country full of cucks. But again, I realize the only thing English men have left are words so.... an engliahman who gave up his guns and knives and has hundreds of rape gangs ( for over 30 years now!!) is saying we're cucked. Looooooooooooooooooooooooooool

18745818? ago

They are the most easily controlled group on the planet

I'm confused. Do you think "easiest to wipe out" makes them the most easily controlled group? Hell, even by your own weird logic I'd say aboriginal australians are a much more easily controlled group.

You seem to miss a key fact : niggers kill, and rape, and rob, and assault, with wild abandon. They do it so frequently in fact, that 50%, of violent crime comes from a mere ~4-5% of the population, that of adult black males. 50%. Your "easily controlled" niggers rape and kill whites with abandon. Clearly they're either not easy to control, or you don't even bother trying

Are there african rape gangs by the hundreds here???? Nope

Literally yes, niggers rape at ridiculous levels. Any african gang is a "rape gang", they just also do robbings, and shootings, and drug dealing as well. What an improvement!

and has hundreds of rape gangs freely roaming the country

Literally the same as you. Except yours have been there for hundreds of years, and now you're letting in spanish rape gangs to add a little more tasty diversity to the mix. Don't forget all the somalians you've been importing - black muslims, double fun!

18746354? ago

Hey, rapes here, yes. Actual organized rape gangs like you guys let freely roam your country? Nope. But seriously, how about you spend your time and energy FIXING YOUR COUNTRY instead of arguing stupid shit with americans online. This is why England will Englandistan is a few years. All of her men are busy dicking around with stupid shit online instead of fighting for their country. Guns, gone. Knives, gone. Free speech, gone. National sovereignty, gone. Whelp, time to argue online! Dumb ass. If you are typical of the men profuced by England now-a-days, it's no wonder how the country has fallen so far.....

18746410? ago

Actual organized rape gangs like you guys let freely roam your country? Nope.

As I said : yours merely don't specialise. But even by your criteria, yes. Or are you saying all those child rape gangs potus is locking up don't exist?

This is why England will Englandistan is a few years

We're literally decades behind you. Don't get me wrong, we're fucked and near death. America, on the other hand, is literally already dead. You're just the corpse of a once great nation. If they were around today, the founding fathers would nuke you all without a second thought

18746469? ago

Yeah ok Mr. "spanish more spoken than english and most of americas forefathers were british." You obviously know what your talking about.........go on....

18746517? ago


English is objectively more widely spoken

The founding fathers were objectively british.

Honestly, how are you even denying that second one? Do you not understand the concept that born in america =/= magically creating an "american race"??? They were british.


Ben franklin didn't even consider non anglos white. They were all ethnically and culturally british, you utterly retarded cunt

18746572? ago


400 million Spanish speakers. 360 million English speakers. Learn math.

18746675? ago








18747141? ago

TOTAL SPEAKERS SPANISH -= 400 million. TOTAL SPEAKERS ENGLISH = 360 million. You empire was over a while ago

18748485? ago

18748640? ago

You know.....since the only thing you guys have is words and typing cause you cucked out as a nation and let your gov take all your weapons while importing absolute savages who want nothing more than to chop your heads off and rape your women, leaving you literally defenseless, I'll give ya this one. I'm feeling nice.

18761457? ago


You do realise we have access to plenty of weapons right mutt?

18761522? ago

Yeah me too. Problem is, you are not using them. Only men in New Zealand are so.....unused weapons locked in safes or tucked under car seats are fucking worthless.

18761584? ago

Problem is, you are not using them

An american telling a brit the problem is they have guns but they aren't using them



And the best part is, you're fucking serious


Your entire fucking country has been demographically genocided mutt. But hey, at least you're "using" your guns, somehow, in theory.

18761637? ago

You your a brit? Sorry I didnt get that from you ID code. Ill correct my statement. You gave all your guns away cause you're all a bunch of cucked faggots. Im not even going to waste my time with men too pussy to stand up for the sovereignty of their country. Asalam alakim

18761794? ago

you gave your guns away

What does it feel like to be this stupid?

  • "you gave your guns away"

  • I point out we didn't

  • "yeah but you're not using them"

  • I point out you don't either

  • "Yeah but you gave your guns away"

Honestly, even an AI chatbot could do a better impression of having sentience

18761866? ago

"Im English" "I have access to guns" Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool You gave your knives away too faggot. Your police and government have cucked you out. Have fun with your internet words.

18762163? ago

I own multiple knives you retarded faggot. The only reason I don't own a gun is that I just got out of uni and I'm currently moving about, and since we don't have your flock of niggers I really have no need for one right now.

I realise facts hurt you, but shockingly enough the british can own both knives and guns.

18762342? ago


Consider me unimpressed by your access to guns. Arabs and criminals, which you seem to know about, can get them easy while any upstanding brit, cant.

Now, if your a convict, then fuck off go be a responsible citizen. If you're not.......you access to guns is a joke. Unimpressed.

18775341? ago


and consider me unbothered by whether or not some random mutt is impressed

18778782? ago

awww cute a deluge of poorly cited articles.

I like how you're so "unbothered" you spam about 50 retarded links. Love your grasp of history too. Those damn brits being born in serbia and shooting franz ferdinand, how could they! Those evil bastards clearly are responsible for ww1

18780916? ago

Actually, some of those poorly cited articles were your actual fucking law, Mr. "I can have a .22 cal AK so Im important now"

18783418? ago

And as I pointed out : you were so buttblasted you felt the need to post roughly 20 times

Obsessed much?

18785769? ago

Move on nuggerfaggot

18790364? ago

says the buttblasted mexican for the 15th time

18793410? ago

Just. Like. A. Women. You. British. Tranny. Men. What's gonna be the last word now lady?

18799320? ago

You seem obsessed with trannies. Typical mutt

18776478? ago

'Consider me unbrothered" Looooooooooooooool. Sure thing skippy.


18776456? ago

Ut at least he had a .22 caliber AK locked up useless in his closet!!


18776403? ago

Heres your fellow countryman brother.


18776298? ago

Oh look you can have long barreled AK'a......but what you didn't say is it had to be chambered in .22!!!! Hahahahahhahabaha Squirrel rounds!! Bwaaaahahhahahahahahhaha

 Prohibited Weapons

There are a number of firearms that are prohibited in Britain. It is an offense to possess, purchase, acquire, manufacture, sell, or transfer these prohibited weapons without the written authority of the Defence Council or Scottish Ministers.[40] The Defence Council or Scottish Ministers can attach any conditions that they believe are necessary to any authority permitting ownership to ensure that a prohibited weapon or ammunition is secured and will not endanger public safety or the peace.[41]

Prohibited weapons include military style weapons, firearms disguised as other objects, and

a) any firearm which is so designed or adapted that two or more missiles can be successively discharged without repeated pressure on the trigger;

(ab) any self-loading or pump-action rifled gun other than one which is chambered for .22 rim-fire cartridges;

(aba) any firearm which either has a barrel less than 30 centimetres in length or is less than 60 centimetres in length overall, other than an air weapon, . . . a muzzle-loading gun or a firearm designed as signalling apparatus;

(ac) any self-loading or pump-action smooth-bore gun which is not an air weapon or chambered for .22 rim-fire cartridges and either has a barrel less than 24 inches in length or . . . is less than 40 inches in length overall;

(ad) any smooth-bore revolver gun other than one which is chambered for 9mm. rim-fire cartridges or a muzzle-loading gun;

(ae) any rocket launcher, or any mortar, for projecting a stabilised missile, other than a launcher or mortar designed for line-throwing or pyrotechnic purposes or as signalling apparatus;

(af) any air rifle, air gun or air pistol which uses, or is designed or adapted for use with, a self-contained gas cartridge system;

(b) any weapon of whatever description designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or other thing; and

(c) any cartridge with a bullet designed to explode on or immediately before impact, any ammunition containing or designed or adapted to contain any such noxious thing as is mentioned in paragraph (b) above and, if capable of being used with a firearm of any description, any grenade, bomb (or other like missile), or rocket or shell designed to explode as aforesaid.[42]

18776253? ago

"Look we can have long guns"

How the fuck does that help you in the street when your getting jumped by Arabs you cuck??? You carry conceal an AK??

Fucking dumbass

18776238? ago

Memes are bullshit. Yours anyway.

Introduction Great Britain has the reputation of having some of the tightest gun control laws in the world.[1] Only police officers, members of the armed forces, or individuals with written permission from the Home Secretary may lawfully own a handgun.[2] This stringent legislation may, in part, account for Britain’s relatively low statistics for the use of firearms in crime—in 2008–2009 firearms were used in only 0.3% of all recorded crimes and were responsible for the deaths of thirty-nine people.[3] This report covers the law relating to the lawful ownership of firearms and offenses for unlawful possession.

18776217? ago

The only handguns still allowed following the ban were:

Antique and muzzle-loading black-powder guns Guns of historic interest whose ammunition is no longer available ("Section 7.1" weapons) Guns of historic interest with current calibres ("Section 7.3" weapons)[note 1] Air pistols[note 2] Guns which fall outside the Home Office definition of "handguns".[note 3] Pistols used by hunters for humane dispatch Pistols for use as personal protection weapons, mainly in Northern Ireland by retired police or prison officers, but also prominent figures who were considered at risk

Fuck your fake meme

18776185? ago


"We have knives....I have multiple". Hahahahahhahabahahahahahhaha. Not for long faggot.

18776146? ago

Knife crime prevention orders!!! Fucking PUSSIES


18776134? ago


Stop and search. Loooooooooool We have freedom and guns here in England!! Hahahahahhahaba

18776105? ago

I see your bullshit meme. Anyone can make a meme. Go get one of those guns with a standard capacity mag, keep in in your car for easy access, unlocked. Try that.

However, the news posting all those confiscated guns and knives from regular people are not fake.

Nobody believes England has good access to guns. Shove you stupid meme up your ass.

18776028? ago

Holy shit you're still on this shit. Never considered you my brother. You're obviously a loser who can't move on....

18778837? ago

  • American farmers declare independence

  • They're supported by most of the british public, because parliament was a dick

  • France, another superpower actively fights for you

  • We're busy not only with france, but with various other fights inside the empire

  • We ignore you

  • 250 years later "Lol faggot we kicked your ass clearly you're a loser who can't move on"

Pretty rich coming from some random mutt stuck larping out a fantasy version of 1776

18780893? ago

Still wasting time while your country turns to shit.

I wonder why England turned to shit..........

18783435? ago

I wonder why England turned to shit..........

Degenerate american influence

Same reason we're turned to shit, and you're now a fully fledged shithole

18785801? ago

"Fully fledged shithole" where we can actually defend ourselves with actual calibers that kill more than rabbits. Good luck with your .22's pussy!

18790405? ago

where we can actually defend ourselves

and where you actually need to because you're more or less 50% non-white.

How does it feel to be the first ever white country to become non-white?

18793400? ago

Asalam alikim

18799398? ago

Inshallah Mohammed

18785748? ago

Gotta have the last word huh. British men ARE just like women it seems..... Asalam alakim cuck

18790383? ago

says the person who's been trying to have the last word for the past 3 or so comments

18793402? ago

Asalam alakim

18799350? ago

Hola Pedro

18745956? ago

TLDR please. And yes easily controllable. Easy to incite to violence. Easy to keep down (dems here have been doing it since they invented the KKK). So easiest to control. I didn't read past that because, you're a brit cuck who's opinions are as close to worthless dog shit as your thoughts, opinions and actions have gotten you in the EU and can't even control your own borders without permission from EU. Cucks. No white british man today has any fucking value even in his own country. Even less so in mine.

18746355? ago

And yes easily controllable. Easy to incite to violence.

tl;dr : define controllable. They're responsible for half your rapes, and murders. As only a mere fraction of your population. If that's what you consider controlled, you're honestly braindead

No white british man today has any fucking value even in his own country. Even less so in mine.

Funny, your founding fathers were all british, and mostly englsh. And proud of it. I mean, I agree, america today is a fucking disgrace the founding fathers would happily nuke into the dust, and shitskins like were never really americans, you just moved there. But that's just mutt life I guess

18746421? ago

Naw, George Washington was born in Virginia. Ben Franklin in Boston. Paul Revere also in Boston etc etc etc. All American. British forefathers??? English more spoken than spanish??? You're sounding dumb and dumber and it seems we may be getting to the limit of your intelligence which means I will prioritize you less. Make your comments short. Im giving more important things my time.

18746487? ago

Naw, George Washington was born in Virginia. Ben Franklin in Boston. Paul Revere also in Boston etc etc etc. All American. British forefathers???


He literally referred to himself as an englishman, and his ancestors all came from england. If I move to china with an english woman, and have a kid, does that make the kid chinese? Fucking retard.

English more spoken than spanish??? You're sounding dumber and dumber the more you type






18746551? ago

Lol. Your link says most studied. NOT THE MOST SPOKEN. Dont change the goalposts you fucking british cuck.

18746683? ago


Don't try to pretend words don't have meanings mutt

18747126? ago

Keep reaching, trying to cling on to that last bit of empire. Too bad SPANISH is more spoken than english in the world.

18748529? ago



keep trying to cling to that last bit of empire

Keep trying to cover for the fact you don't understand what the term "speakers of a language" means

18748568? ago

There is no way to gauge the number of people who speak either english or spanish as a second language, and the fact that you keep trying to shoehorn that in shows me that you're reaching for straws. Keep reaching....

18761323? ago

there is no way to gauge the number who speak either as a second language

except their absolutely is, and I linked you it.

lets try this mind game though : in terms of native speakers, spanish has roughly 110 million more native speakers than english, agree?

Now, do you think, worldwide, there might just be 110 million more people who speak english than speak spanish, as a second language?

Hell, I reckon of the ~0.45 billion spanish speakers, some 100 million speak english, vs the ~20 million, maybe, english speakers who speak spanish. So you between spanish and english speakers, the gap is almost completely closed. How many indians do you think speak spanish? How many africans? How many people in the middle east? How many europeans (hint : I know from personal experience on the last point that easily 1/3rd of europe speaks english, whereas barely any speak spanish)

18761368? ago

Holy shit you're back on this! What a fucking loser!! Move on shithead.

18761560? ago

You're not even considering the millions of americans that learned at least rudimentary spanish to be able to speak to their neighbors, or order authentic tacos

No, i totally was. But since you can't do the basic mathematics of estimating numbers, whats the point?

Does it really so boggle your tiny little mutt brain that you can make reasonable estimations about things? I'll give you a friendly hint : you might think its a weird kind of headache, but if you try you can do this thing called "thinking"

It's very helpful

18761582? ago

Good luck with that. Im over it. Grow up loser.

18761591? ago

"Good luck with thinking. I'm over it"

Oh I know Pedro. The real question is whether you ever even started

18761606? ago

Sure. Good luck with that. Insults from men who gave away all their sovereignty is a joke. Not. Even. Men.

18761764? ago

Pretty rich coming from the vassal state of Israel.

Stay cucked mutt

  • Be american

  • Be born

  • Leave a tip

18746534? ago

More people speak English than Spanish. Fact. Look it up dumb ass. More people speak it. More countries have it as a national language. Etc....

18746697? ago

I'm confused. You're agreeing with me? Yes, english is objecively a more spoken language than spanish. Fewer countries I believe have it as a national language unless you count tiny tiny island nations, but in terms of absolute speakers yes more people speak english

18747100? ago

No. More people speak SPANISH. 400 million spanish speakers in the world. 360 million English. I have provided 2 links to back this up. You are fucking dense.

18748501? ago



You don't even understand what words mean

18746506? ago

Born. In. Virginia. I can say Im an englishman too. Doesn't make it true. Dumb ass.

18746701? ago

if I move to china and have a kid with an english women, the kid will be chinese

Holy fuck please kill yourself mutt

18747089? ago

I didn't say that. Not my quote. Try again.

18748513? ago

he was born in virginia, so he wasn't an englishman

that is, more or less your quote.

If you can't see why mine was an ANALOGY, and not a direct quote, you are beyond saving mutt

18748609? ago

"Mutt" blonde hair and blue eyes here buddy ;) lol but her you go again, reaching..... Born. In. Virginia. Also.....look up the definition of "analogy" 'cause you're using the word wrong. You literally said our forefathers were british, which is a fucking insult cause nobody wants to speak arabic. Asalam alakim

18761524? ago

Analogy : a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. "an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies"

So, let me spell it out simply.



Do you understand the correspondence now? By your own logic, a persons race is determined purely by where they were born.

You literally said our forefathers were british, which is a fucking insult cause nobody wants to speak arabic. Asalam alakim

Honest to god, I hope your country gets nuked. I would take so, so much pleasure in it. You're the purest form of race traitors I've ever known. I guess I do at least take some satisfaction from the fact that most, if not all of your founding fathers would call you a stupid cunt for the retardation you're spouting. Such a shame those great british men got replaced by the present day degenerated mutts

blonde hair and blue eyes here buddy ;)

Oh I'm sure. Hey look I found a picture of you


18761590? ago

TLDR. Actually forget it. Im bored with you and you same old arguments. I wont read any more. Its a new day. Move on faggot.

18761595? ago

I won't read anymore

You were reading before? Well shit could have fooled me

18761649? ago

Yeah. You responded like a 2 year old for days whining and pleading about how english is "yay number one" You must have been down on my level faggot

18761777? ago

You're still bitter about the fact english has more total speakers than spanish?

Get over it pedro. I'm aware you mexican diaspora love your language but its decidedly less widespread than english

18761882? ago

I really dont care either way. I speak both. Im not offended by speaking spanish. Im amazed at how strongly you're trying to hold on to some memory of the empire.....but I guess memories of the 'good ol days' is all you faggots have now.

18762226? ago

you're still trying to hold onto some memory of the empire

Are you retarded? I've never once mentioned it. You, in fact, seem to be the one obsessed with holding onto the memory of it. I'm talking about L1+L2 speakers of english, a factor which is tangentially related to the empire, but honestly you're the only one who's obsessed with it.

but to briefly touch on it, it must suck knowing the "silly cuck british" had the largest empire in human history I guess. I can understand how a spanish rape baby like you would feel upset about that

18762349? ago

English is #1 waaaaaaah waaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaah

Does your pussy hurt?

18775333? ago

"Waaaa i'm so butthurt that I don't understand languages"

Poor Pedro

18776054? ago

Move on faggot. Get to fixing your country, not making yourself feel big online. You country is being destroyed and you're busy trying to feel good about the lost empire and it's remnants.... Fucking. Loser.

18778817? ago

"Move on faggot" says man who just spammed nearly 20 retarded links, and got so butthurt about the fact brits can have both guns and knives he felt the need to point out all the various ways those rights are slightly infringed. Good thing american gun rights are in no way infringed, eh?

Oh wait lol, your "god emperor" trump himself has fucked over the 2A already, let alone the previous few administrations

18780896? ago

Move on faggot

18783428? ago

"move on faggot" says the faggot who posted 20 fucking times because he's that mad

18785759? ago

Move on pussy

18790375? ago

says the devastated dominican for the 15th time

18793407? ago

Asalam alakim mother fucker

18799326? ago

Shalom Moshe

18762269? ago


18775290? ago


t.no argument

18776429? ago

18776035? ago

About as much of an argument as you deserve cuck

18723290? ago

South America isn't Africa, retard. Africa never invented the wheel.

18718676? ago

It's probably a bot. Keep up the commenting, 'though, for the sake of the lurkers.

18718541? ago

No, he’s right. Niggers ruin everything. Whether that’s nigger niggers, or sand niggers. They truly ruin everything.

18718715? ago

"They try to divide you, by race..."


18718791? ago

Invasion divides by race.

Defending our heritage lands is not "dividing".

We are not the one's invading.....

18724764? ago

Id prefer a mass invasion of Icelanders or Japanese over niggers. Race matters. Mass migration of niggers, all niggers including sand niggers and taco niggers, ruin everything.

18718430? ago

Niggers are always less civilized. They are animals. They don't belong in civilized society.