19574573? ago

Dutch were some of the first to get fucked over by their own ambitions https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3317471 Immigration for thee but not for (((me)))

19496474? ago

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19480457? ago

jews subvert and muslims convert. got it why are we letting this happen again? seems like a good time for a revolt.

20313243? ago

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19486388? ago


Faggot. We c u.

19481103? ago

the crazy Mason and extreme Jew, is there a connection?

19478492? ago

Good, take that piece of shit out of there and drop him off at the dump.

19479839? ago

not sure which are the worse filth, the mohammedans or the inbred euro royals

19477390? ago

Women can’t be Masons you fucking dumbass.

You do know that Masons are made up of just ordinary White mostly Christian males, right? Most are prior military, and are very generous.

The Jew hates them. Welcome to 2019.

19501970? ago

are your bros praying with the Jahbulon, a three headed god https://www.flickr.com/photos/the_visitor/238987507

19495970? ago

ask your brother why freemasons allied with the Poos and the Pakis

19498124? ago

Why don’t you ask them? Seriously, you brain dead moronic pile of shit.

It’s easy to join, and rise in ranks. My brother, in 7 years, is the worshipful master of one of the oldest lodges in Washington State. In a few years, he could even be elected to higher office.

This is exactly where you show yourself to be completely incapable of any logic.

Why don’t you, if the organization is soooo evil, join it, and in a few years, tell us all about all the children being raped, who did it, and where. Or, whatever the fuck else your completely retarded brain thinks is going on.

Seriously, do it faggot. If you weren’t such a no balls piece of shit, you would do this, so you could let everyone know just how fucking awful they are.

But you won’t. A: because you have no balls. B; it’s easy for you to just spout illogical derp and pretend you actually give a fuck about this incredible evil going on. (According to your pozzed brain.)

Lemme guess, you also think Q (JAMES BOND HISSELF!) is real, and he needs the help of socially awkward neets like you, to expose corruption.

You dumb fucks have no ability to use the smallest amount of logic, and are full of literal shit in your head.

19574556? ago

Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic ~~~ This Woman Had 3 Abortions So She Could Keep Making Meaningless Art https://voat.co/v/QRV/3276925/19174299 I'm surprised someone would actually want to f*ck that woman

19490856? ago

? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3185313 UHHH... HOLY SHIT, LOL. "In the 1990's, as the hotel was being refurbished, engineers noticed discrepancies in the blueprints. They discovered a majestic Masonic temple hidden behind false walls."

19498358? ago

Wow. Someone remodeled.

Fuckin A. You got em now, you genius you!!

Hey, how about you, since they are so fucking evil, join, rise in the ranks, and report back. Even a POS like you can do it.

Cmon fag, put you’re inspector Clussue suit on and get busy. In real life, not be some gutless faggot reposting stupid irrelevant shit from the safety of worn out couch.

Do it, be a fucking hero dumbass.

Jeezus, you fucks have no balls, no logic, and no life.

19490846? ago

Why did Masons ally with jihadism through the branch of islamic Shriners?

19498437? ago

Join, and ask em yourself retard. But you won’t, because you have zero balls. None. It’s like your attempt at a front hole went wrong.

Sucks to be you, a faggot bug chaser.

19479706? ago

Women are freemasons you dumb fuckwit, the Queen of England is close to the top or at the Top of Masonry and wears her masonic babylon symbols to any number of ceremony. This Arab Babylon Stone Cutter secret club, it's all over Netherlands you also have groups across the world like Job's Daughters, Rainbow Girls, Order of the Eastern Star and you have the college social clubs where they join clubs and carry weird blackmail ceremony and they also carry out rituals almost exactly the same ritual as Freemasons do.

19480956? ago

You’re a fucking liar.

They can belong to something else, but they are NOT Masons.

And, go fuck yourself you POS. My brother is a Mason, and he’s ten times the man you could ever hope to fucking be. KYS.

19481072? ago

Tell me why Masonic Shriners pray to the Moongod Al-Lah why to they pray to mahommed in their Mason Bible, why do Haiti Masons conduct Satanic style voodoo rituals and why do Female Masons pray to a Pentagram?

19482095? ago

Again, kill yourself. My brother is the worshipful master of one of the oldest lodges in this State.

And, you are so full of shit about your insanity it’s unreal.

Fuck off and die already you retarded pile of shit.

19476715? ago

6 years ago this was shocking. If this were to happen now, he would receive an applause for expressing diversity. Amsterdam in particular has gone mad. Time for the broom by politics.

19491100? ago

It starts like ago in Babylon, moved across Rome, Scotland, Holland, then this cult explodes across the world. https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3307298 Dutch Netherlands Banker Exposes The Highest Levels Of The Zionist Luciferian Satanic Rituals (English Audio)

19476552? ago

That is spectacular.

19477041? ago

That rug pilot was giving his cult a bad name.

19476205? ago

She and I have our birthdays on the same date.. I always thought it was cool as a kid obviously not knowing anything. She isnt the queen anymore btw

19490876? ago

The Stone Cutters from Arabia, London and Amsterdam? https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3307296 illuminati most value paper is still in dutch hands. [The modern dutch-Anglo Empire] ?

19475223? ago


19495981? ago

Holland is even worse today, the Shriners, Commies, Jews, Globalists and Masons have turned it into a filth hole.

19475163? ago

The guy said he was a prophet of God, and he is Jesus Christ as well. We put people like this in Looney bins.

19480548? ago

And people applauded.

19480563? ago

There's one of those false prophets the Bible warned about.

19477071? ago

Hit him with a balloon full of bacon grease.

19474815? ago

This video is from years ago.

19479854? ago

the Masonic Willem-Alexander replaced the old bitch

19474700? ago

Regardless if this was recent or not, things are happening worldwide that can't be explained.

Religion has taken a very prominent role, the world is waking up to the past.

God isn't a myth.

19476697? ago

aboriginal europeans are finding their roots back. Praise the All-father!

19474710? ago

You're right, God isn't a myth.

There is one God and his name is Allah

19475032? ago

Allan, geez. 1500 years and you still get it wrong. His name was Allan, not Allah.

Make a note of it.

19475077? ago

This blasphemy will be punished. Do you know the punishment for blasphemy?

19475000? ago

Mohammed was a con artist, warlord and pedophile. He was not divinely inspired, he was a charlatan who made up a religion so he could loot, pillage and rape. Islam is the Scientology of the dark ages.

19475059? ago

How old was Joseph when he was betrothed to Mary? How old was Mary?

Jesus is a Jew and a bastard

19474648? ago

Did Nero play the fiddle while Rome burned?

19474628? ago

This is an old story and the guy was a fake jihadi conductor, this nasty old Queen bitch and her babylon kind they started the modern Mason Shriner globalism, and pushed worldwide network of terroristic oil merchant and Masonic banks. The ordinary Dutch today live in a wasted country, their Boer European brothers put into Concentration Camps during the 2nd Boer War, crime and filth everywhere on Dutch streets. The unidentified man was later forcibly committed by Amsterdam’s mayor, according to another news site that also reports he had been known for similar behavior for some time and had in fact disrupted events in a similar fashion at least four times before. No one was injured, and the concert resumed after a quick sweep of the room. Queen Beatrix formally relinquished the throne in 2013, transferring her royal powers to her son Willem-Alexander.

19488937? ago

In terms of the number of spics that are here - yes.

19474775? ago

Did Willem-Alexander follow in Beatrix's footsteps. Probably, since the country is now a wasteland.