18678165? ago

This is MSM propaganda, its Newsweek. Don't belive anything it says, its all FUD.

18678038? ago

This post likely brought to you by porn spammer group member @FromTelAvivWithLove (pssst, he posted it on GA)

Public service announcement:

It's good to remember that elements and acquaintances from voat's legal pedo community is purposely spamming this board. This thread is informative about the subs https://voat.co/v/QRV/3217572

There's been discussions about the QRV porn spammer in the voat community, and thus far the most likely motive is from anti Q, anti Trumpers who are bent out of shape over the existence of the Q related boards on voat, at least 2 of them anyway, QRV and GA. Apparently a throw back out of the SBBH subverse, a tweaked up little monkey who threatened a mom that he would lead nambla to her child, had his normal trolling cut short on GA, had an alt banned and whined and cried ever since, gathering up his friends and alts of his friends, ready to take on GA and QRV by any means necessary. And given the scripted outcome of the latest episode of let's protect the mental patient of voat, it's more clear than ever that the best decision on Q's part was after all, to have a NSFW anon board and let the SBBH trolls circle jerk themselves as long and as hard as they want. Too many people now know they are fake and gay, and perhaps more. There's even mention of Federal interest in SBBH, that could be about just one mental patient (unlikely, seems to dumb to be on their radar so, perhaps others that aren't hard to find if you just follow the junkie monkey.) Funny, who will be fucked when that all comes to light? Regardless they can blame themselves for coddling little baby @zyklon_b who can keep on chimping on until he loses everything. His friends giving a helping spamming hand: https://voat.co/u/FromTelAvivWithLove and the all popular @C_Corax best recognized for his repeated announcements:

[–] C_Corax 2 points (+2|-0) 2.2 hours ago

That reminds me.. I haven't told them they just lost their biggest contributor yet. brb


There are others too, but there will be plenty of time to give them each the attention they crave so much, since they spend so much time here on QRV.

18674499? ago

Funny how the Newsweek article starts with "President Donald Trump asked Congress to pay the Afghanistan Taliban", but the Roll Call article from which it heavily stole didn't even mention the President. GFY Nicole.

18672092? ago

https://archive.ph/kJem3 :

None | Trump Administration Asks Congress to Reimburse The Taliban

'President Donald Trump asked Congress to pay the Afghanistan Taliban for the costs associated with attending peace conferences, according to a new report. '

'The Department of Defense asked Congress to reimburse members of the Taliban earlier this year for expenses incurred while attending a number of negotiations, according to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense Chair, Pete Visclosky. '

'The money would be used to cover transportation, lodging, food and miscellaneous supplies, Kevin Spicer, spokesman for Indiana Democrat Visclosky, told CQ Roll Call. '

'The Taliban, who once harbored Osama Bin Laden, are considered an insurgent organization and reportedly make an estimated $800 million each year from trafficking in the drug opium. '

'The group ruled over Afghanistan from the 1990s until the U.S. invaded the country in 2001. '

This has been an automated message.

18672067? ago

As a Marine Corps Vet I’ve lost friends to Taliban fighters. FUCK TRUMP. This is sickening. I used to be full on MAGA, but now I will never support that piece of trash draft dodger. I will be posting this to all my armed services groups. This will not go over well

18677178? ago

Nobody believes you liar.

18675216? ago

used to be full MAGA, but now I will never support that piece of trash draft dodger.

Uh HUH Full MAGA.. SURE you were

18672258? ago

GO eat a dick

Where is this anger against HUSSEIN which did a hell of a lot worse to endanger servicemen. Dipshit

18672311? ago

What about what about what about

18672011? ago

newsweek?........fuck em and let the Afgans kill themselves

18671967? ago

Its a small price to pay if it means getting out boys out that shit hole. I'm more concerned about the $38 Billion sent to Israel that will cause more of these situations.

18672108? ago

You’re fucking sick. These people are actively plotting to kill our young men right now.

18677173? ago

You really think anyone believes you shill?

18672323? ago

Nice try jew

You never been in the service, hahhaha my veterans groups, LOL

18672387? ago

I’m done with this board. I thought this was a pro-American movement. I’m being called a Jew because trump is paying the Taliban when they make $800 million a year?