Imagine being so stupid that you choose to go to a site full of things that unsettle your fragile bourgeoisie brain but then say "this is mine now" and throw a fit to censor people in a bid to promote free speech.

zyklon_b ago

maybe some gross porn and gore posted to ga would trigger

drstrangegov ago told me you weren't the one posting porn. why would you lie to me?

zyklon_b ago

i didnt lie. i am just takin credit for all the work @c_corax and @native have put in trying to liberate voat from the cancer that is q

drstrangegov ago

Aren't those sdbh guys?

C_Corax ago

Hey now!

zyklon_b ago

they are good komrades and you can learn a lot from them.

drstrangegov ago

But I don't like sodomites.

zyklon_b ago

They aint sodomites no more than you are.

just try and learn

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

I <3 sodomites. Are trannies sodomites?

zyklon_b ago

i hope so mein friend. wanna be a mod?

FromTelAvivWithLove ago


zyklon_b ago

incoming pm.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

My ladycock is so hard right now.

zyklon_b ago

maybe qrv and ga wanna see it....hmmm

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

I’m gonna do a lot of work in the comment sections today. Wish me luck!

zyklon_b ago

good luck member GA muss be kilt

ScrubbinOutOldBlue ago

Oh dear, this will not do at all. Daughters are precious, don't you agree? Let's play a game, you Chad, you.


I hate being centrist. It's too much to ask for moderation, so each side just gets more extreme while vilifying the middle for "not taking sides," as if that's going to do any good. I don't agree with the porn/gore methods, but they're more obnoxious than you guys are, and they don't even have a sense of humor or the free will to just not fucking look.

i_scream_trucks ago

im with you.

unless youre hard right youre the enemy, and both sides are retardedly ignorant.

anyone who thinks a politician on either side of the spectrum is on their side is part of the problem. that makes up the entire non centre voter base. every. single. fucking. one.

lol if this Q shit is real im going to laugh when the right realises far too late that theyre about to get fucked over by what theyve been worshipping for years.... because from the sounds of things a full on dictatorship is slowing being set up by a military cabal in the background... the President is not the one in charge of the United States. Those that control the policies and back offices of the president do. Lil retarded Georgie Bush showed the world that. As if that braindread moron was capable of running a nation... he was a mouthpiece for policy makers.

zyklon_b ago

yes correct


Considering Q flat out said it's fine to be fat, it should be plainly obvious to anyone with a triple digit IQ that they do not have what's best in mind for people. I'm glad to see the changes happening since Trump, but I still think this Q shit is fake and gay at best, an insidious attempt to cull normies at worst.

FromTelAvivWithLove ago

It’s very easy to tigger the fuck out of them at QRV. They all go whine to @srazey like she can do something about it

zyklon_b ago

dont talk about post about it in they subs


They are modded by women, they don't respond to reason.

zyklon_b ago

they seem to respond very well to being called out


Vajayjay mad, no stop tingle party.

zyklon_b ago

u need be modded

@heygeorge we got a cool goat on board



Not this account, I'll delete it eventually. I have to come up with something to replace my DANK G-ness.

zyklon_b ago

make a good one.

heygeorge ago

I saw @ITSOBVIOUS’s comment on Puttsy’s builder thread. I’m surprised at the number of DV’s it got despite adding value to the discussion.


This is why I was downvoated.


I'm a regular high functioning white dude that hopes Trump does what he promised. I still attest that this Q thing is meant to splinter and roundup people into a "right wing" stable, Voat was much healthier before QRV. It doesn't surprise me at all that none of the Q/GA people are nearly as concerned as I am, I'm on the genocide list, was victimized as a child in a similar manner to this PG thing, and IRL I can't go anywhere without people either adoring and looking up to me or hating my guts because of the way I look. Frankly, being a small town dude, I'm not sure I can comfortably fill the pants people want to see me try on, I just do my best if I don't see anyone else around doing what obviously needs to be done.

I do like what I'm seeing under Trump for the most part, but I'm always going to be skeptical of everything living under the government that I live under currently.

I was DANKGHIDORAH. I jumped out of the pool because I felt the water heating up, I'm currently reticent and very hesitant to even keep an account anymore. Upon finding Voat, I found the only group of individuals freely telling me exactly what they thought and felt no reason to hold back, which has helped shape me into a much more productive individual than I would have been otherwise as I had no male role models growing up. I hate this Q shit.

heygeorge ago

I’ve enjoyed your input and commentary on this site for a long time. That dietcokehead submission about you is fucked up. I realize that good people do get caught up in dragnets, but for the most part I think their ideals are in the right place, if not their actions.


I thought the hitpiece was pretty funny actually, she got so jealous over it she threw a whole tantrum, with extra fiction thrown in for increased sympathy yields. Honestly I just imagine all those Q mods as princesses fantasizing that they're totally the first woman POTUS, they're practically sitting in the same room as him after all, they practically run the world! I always find someone's responses to criticism very revealing of their character, I did enjoy the fact that she made the whole post out of a habit of investigating accounts. Voat still has its immune system, I just wonder if that matters still.

zyklon_b ago

@itsobvious has a lot of potential and if they man up and get a ban from GA then lets invite to the "inner circle" i was trying to bring @drstrangegov up to the top with us but is looking as if re-education before promotion may be prudent.....

drstrangegov ago

i don't require re-education. just information to make an informed decision. i'm gathering that information, but all i'm seeing is that trump actually seems to be doing his job, despite heavy opposition. yes the Israel ties bother me a lot. i think we should just walk away.

zyklon_b ago

quit thinkn and listen to @heygeorge or is gonna be a rough transition

drstrangegov ago

what has @heygeorge said?

zyklon_b ago


C_Corax ago

QRV is trying to divide us!!

zyklon_b ago

Halp admins and mods get your ban buttons ready.

C_Corax ago

That reminds me.. I haven't told them they just lost their biggest contributor yet. brb

zyklon_b ago


@trigglypuff owned em too

C_Corax ago

I saw. Though I'm more at odds wit QRV than GA. I fully intent to make the first a hell hole.

zyklon_b ago

I hope you do as i will NEVER let em rest in peace

CerealBrain ago


GishKnots ago

What in the hell is going on here exactly

zyklon_b ago

is a call to enlighten the qtards

GishKnots ago

I fuck my mom

zyklon_b ago

i fucked her too

GishKnots ago

Live or dead?

zyklon_b ago


CerealBrain ago


SoldDownRiver ago

My CPU is a neural net processor, a learning machine

drstrangegov ago

I've always suspected this.

SoldDownRiver ago

I am actually at Advanced artificial intelligence about being tested on thousands of the platforms across the internet

drstrangegov ago

But if you are, you aren't a very well engineered one. Too many grammatical errors.

SoldDownRiver ago

Everything about all of my posts is intentional

drstrangegov ago

Water flow?

drstrangegov ago

You keep saying that.

zyklon_b ago

learn it real good

0322044 ago

Make it so captain

zyklon_b ago

attack with no mercy

0322044 ago

Red bucket?

zyklon_b ago


0322044 ago

Rat tat tat tat.

zyklon_b ago

late at nite wit muh gat

0322044 ago

I fuck my mom

zyklon_b ago

me too

99887766 ago


GhostSkin ago

Sword of metal

drstrangegov ago

water flow

zyklon_b ago

nice. see how i shit up Qtards?

CerealBrain ago

Thanks jewboy.

Niggerfaggotkiller ago


zyklon_b ago


P33psh04h ago

Everyone knows you run faster with a knife.

zyklon_b ago

i still will kill

DHmountainbiking ago


zyklon_b ago

cannondale is my fave bike

TheAmerican ago

I like pedaling

zyklon_b ago

hey bro.

kill GA with hilarity