18607801? ago

naughty SBBH toddlers, sigh.

18607814? ago


18602948? ago

No. They are mad because I posted this.


18603139? ago

the anime child/infant rape fappers are quite sensitive, as are those fappers without borders supporters. They weren't prepared to handle the cognitive dissonance about free speech that involved the absence of Q hating porn troll child/infant rape anime, on a Q related sub. If people don't want v/loli, then v/loli has be shoved in front of their face until they submit after seeing the hundred image of anime gang rape of kids and child trafficking.

18619918? ago

What the fuck is the point you are trying to make?

18620379? ago

child rape anime doesn't belong on a Q related voat sub

18620468? ago

Oh sorry I thought u were one of the fags posting that sick shit. You are absolutely right.

18620658? ago

no problem

18602982? ago

Did you post that after he posted this? Busted

18603383? ago

She posted it 2.1 hours ago and the porn pushers posted the false accusation 1.8 hours ago with raging rivers of tears of outrage. Group fap call to order was probably the order of the day, oh nuh, someone challenged us! WAH

18603382? ago

I posted before them

18602651? ago

No they're not.

18602685? ago

@gabara will confirm

18601357? ago

Welp this is what the cucked idea of freedom of speech gets you. Mods can easily stop it but they won't. Allowing people that don't like you and who you don't like the freedom to post it is why you this problem. But keep telling yourself freeze peach is a good thing.

18607546? ago

We come to here for free speech not free porn.

18603580? ago

Voat subs function on the ability of the users to block users, to use down votes, to report spam, and to be on subs with guidelines as to the purpose of the sub. QRV essentially has none of these options: can't block users, downvotes are worthless, loli child/infant rape anime is legal so anti Q trolls and porn fappers can spam all day long because there are no guidelines for this sub, which wouldn't be necessary at all if it wasn't a NSFW sub. People are free to leave, but apparently suffer from learned helplessness, 'dis is where we have to stay and just put up with it, because we're fighting against child rape and child sexual slavery'.

18601371? ago

GA mods are responsible

18619897? ago

You shills won't succeed. Q anon does not associate with rape, child sacrifice pedo style shit. Q exposes it.

18619925? ago

Epstein Trump Acosta

"a terrific guy"

18620382? ago

Idiot. Trump does everything for a reason. They expose themselves. Trump knows.

18620445? ago

Trump + Epstein = Acosta

18602870? ago

GA mods would have removed the loli child/infant/child trafficking/bestiality rape porn spam. If a Q sub is run by people who are too feckless to do anything about that then what's the point, the battle is lost, good luck speaking out about having the schools show your kids where to touch themselves for optimal masturbation.

18607525? ago

GA mods are Patriots

18602883? ago

@Srayzie molested her own children on the back of the bus.

18619935? ago

Your a pedophile

FBI open up!

18619944? ago

you raped a nigger and white baby with a firearm

BATF open up!

18666595? ago


18609532? ago

Fuckin bullshit. She asked you to be adult and respect the rules of GA. You reacted like a 6 yr old told he can’t have ice cream.

18602954? ago

A @Srayzie hater.. well that's new isn't it? Butthurt that she wanted the childrape anime to stop being flooding on QRV and OMG she used free speech to say it?! Are you angry? are you crying cause she hurt your delicate fee fees? Did she ruin your anime child rape fapping fest?

18602971? ago

dumbass she paid us to flood qrv with porn

18666576? ago

You got paid??? I want my fucking cut!

18619879? ago

Say bro get the fuck out here fucking shill bitch.

18619891? ago

anal 1990

18606569? ago

"dumbass she paid us to flood qrv with porn"

Ahahahaahhaahahahhaaaaaa.....so dumb.

18603161? ago

put your hands on the table and stop touching yourself when you talk to people who think your full of shit you freak.

18603176? ago

kill yourself and your kids

18603248? ago

Even that would be porn to you fucking snowflake violent tranny loving faggot.