drstrangegov ago

If Q is real, then you are making the evil fucks very happy.

zyklon_b ago

q aint real .

think about all the failed predixtions. u aint dumb so quit followinf the devil

drstrangegov ago

But the Q people believe. And many of them are good people. And you are attacking something that they believe is good, and the truth. That makes you a bad guy in their eyes. Find out the truth, don't just shotgun bullshit at them and say "you guys are stupid".

zyklon_b ago

They are stupid and gullible tho. you think its helping em to baby em?

drstrangegov ago

Hey, man. You and I both know what's at stake. Throwing gay porn at people isn't going to make them like you. In fact, they'll hate you. And they'll hate what you represent. It doesn't matter if WE believe in Q. They do. Strongly. Question the Q narrative with informed discussion and don't just throw gay porn at them and make fun of them, if you want to save people. Srayzie said she would unban you if you stopped with the asshole posts.

srayzie ago

Thank you for helping

drstrangegov ago

If Q is bullshit, were all going to regret it. This time spent waiting and not acting could be harmful.

zyklon_b ago

when unbanned it stops. until then she and GA on the map and will NEVER recover.

drstrangegov ago

@srayzie looks like the balls in your court.

srayzie ago

I even said when I banned the alt, that I hoped he wasn’t @zyklon_b

zyklon_b ago

lol nambla

drstrangegov ago

Who's nambla? I hate those guys.

zyklon_b ago

i gave her address to em.in s. cali

drstrangegov ago

You wouldn't. You're just being a mental terrorist. That's fucked up, man. Bad guy behavior.

zyklon_b ago

yeah i would and i also name of the.school

drstrangegov ago

Fuck "white power" if we were so fucking great we wouldn't be in this mess. How about "good guy power"? Other cultures don't belong in our society, they belong in theirs. Stop RUINING OUR SOCIETY with gay and granny porn, and bullshit tricks like giving people's information to DEMONS. You're acting like a real asshole.

zyklon_b ago

i posted 1 pic as art dude

drstrangegov ago

You and I both know the "art" excuse is bullshit. You think I'm fucking new? Whatever man. Total dick move with the doxing.

zyklon_b ago

No i aint jokin ima artist read my bio

drstrangegov ago

You're doing bad guy things. And I don't trust nor like bad guys. If you're going through some shit and spiraling, that's something else. Your friends are here for you. But if you think you're in the right. You aren't. Youre negatively affecting someone who's done nothing to you. Bad guy shit. The correct way out of this is to apologize and stop being a dick. You're just digging yourself deeper. As it is, I'm out of it. Good luck.

zyklon_b ago

i aint want out komrade. is all just for laughs and shit. look at my profile bio ima artist and havin bestlaugh in a long time

drstrangegov ago

This is some bad natured shit.

drstrangegov ago

What IM trying to save is high trust, good guy civilization. @srayzie was your friend once. I imagine she's regretting that trust. You're ruining it for everyone. If we behaved like the bad guys then what's the point? Let it burn. There's still good left. Don't ruin it.

srayzie ago

So much for trying. I really thank you tho. You’re a good person,

drstrangegov ago

I sure try. But I fall short a lot.

zyklon_b ago

burn it down before serving israel

drstrangegov ago


Shizy ago

@zyklon_b is not banned from GA! He used an alt, zyklown_b to post porn. Srayzie didn't know that was really him when she banned the alt.

He can still post under his main account. He's temper tantrum is over his formely unknown alt being banned. This shouldn't even be an issue!

zyklon_b ago

is all fun and games till u DYE your hair black

Shizy ago

Well then I guess I'm good.

zyklon_b ago

;) u already know!+

Shizy ago

I have no idea. Are you trying to imply that you think you know who I am? Never dyed my hair but nice try.

zyklon_b ago

"mother its your fault those men did that to me"

Shizy ago

Where did the bad man touch you zkylon?

zyklon_b ago

on my peepee and then on my bobo. his name was zognald and the year was 1990. i was a white infant.

@thebuddha was the one that filmed the moleststion so he can gibs more details.....

TheBuddha ago

I told ya, I ain't helping with this! ;-)

zyklon_b ago

dude i just took the lulz up a notch and am still laughn

TheBuddha ago

I haven't even looked to see what you did.

I did get a ping complaining about you. I told them I'm not your mother.

zyklon_b ago

hahaha. the fact they tried to snitch on me to my best friend really makes all the larp worth it to me komrade.

it was me what done it

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure what they expected me to do.

I don't actually give a shit if you trash someone's sub, even if it's mine!

zyklon_b ago

i would never trash yours bro as we are bf

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure it'd take me days to notice. LOL I don't even know what other people post, unless I check.

Shizy ago

Details would be good so we can bring this pedo to justice! Just don't post the actual video to GA @thebuddah, that would be considered child porn.

zyklon_b ago

trump +epstein = acosta as labor secretary


srayzie ago

@Gabara was already unbanned because him and Shizy made peace and he promised to stop. @Zyklon_b is telling @Shizy that he’s going to drop her address.

He’s the one that turned on GothamGirl when they were fighting. He shared pictures and her address.

zyklon_b ago

you know i will as i dropped my own and my own pics

srayzie ago

See parent @Kevdude


Jealous much?

zyklon_b ago

Nope just getting paid to ruin qrv by GA


oh i dont doubt that. I mean to say GA is jealous.

zyklon_b ago

ima kilt em


Does it feel good to have no scruples?

zyklon_b ago

whats that


look it up

heygeorge ago

You are all in big trouble

zyklon_b ago

where we go 1 we go all

drstrangegov ago

You're on your own. I've got no problem with the Q people until it's proven it's a psyop. Then I'll go in and convince who I can. What you're doing is counter productive.

zyklon_b ago

actually you be the one on own then.

drstrangegov ago


zyklon_b ago

spam the qrv with gross shit

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Wuuuut, VGA has always been #1

zyklon_b ago

1990 too

Warmoose76 ago

Roger that

zyklon_b ago


gabara ago

Death to Q

zyklon_b ago

Did you see the post @syazie made in in /v/greatawakening ?

gabara ago


zyklon_b ago

i pinged u

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

who's actually doing the porn, anyway?

zyklon_b ago

hahah. its zyklon

gabara ago

Native ago

Да comrade, the fight will continue

zyklon_b ago

fight hard