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18598988? ago

Do me a favor and read this recent thread:

It was a thread calling out Zyklon_b as he was caught urging others to post gore and porn. That thread got over 90 comments with utter garbage trolls responding to one another. It's pathetic what they did to that thread.

The ones making a pass for porn posting seem to not realize that a thread was made to call out porn & gore post recruiting and was quickly overrun by trolls.

Voaters who are sitting here defending porn posting did not see that that thread was alerting to a Voat shitposter in an effort to protect the QRV community. I, personally, don't care if there are links to porn - I ignore the links.

But it's a whole other matter to catch active recruiting by a well known Voat shitposter named Zyklon_b who gets banned from other subs and makes it known how much he hates QRV.