18595402? ago

Let them try I think there is a plan to place for the removal of the Fed they are only going hasten their own end. Now please pass the popcorn.

18594722? ago

Speculation from day traders that Trump maybe trying to crash the stock market in order to force the Fed to lower interests rates.


18593614? ago

fed has to keep printing money

18589141? ago

Ive been predicting three things that could happen..

  1. They kill trump

  2. They detonate a nuke in a major city. If nukes are real for fuck sake been going down that rabbit hole

  3. They destroy the economy so trump doesnt get re elected

I think number 3 is most likely number 1 and 2 could ignite the silent majority and cause (((them))) some real problems.

18591171? ago

You forgot # 4: When economy crashes Trump goes to Gold Standard with new currency. After a short period, fiat money will be exchanged for real money. Fed is dead.

18593094? ago

Will crypto go up in value as well. If this was even close to true there would already be a run on gold silver and plat

18588574? ago

The people of China should of stood up to their shitty "leaders" a long time ago, before it got this bad. Americans should have stood up to our leaders a long time ago before things got this bad. Here we are, having to be bailed out by Trump & his team of anon Supermen/women.

18588029? ago

You're right. The FED cannot allow Trump to prove his strategy. This is why he is slowly building up the economy at home in order to be self sufficient. As tarrifs rise, our products sell better. The FED's economic strategy is fast paced growth and then find a good reason to blame the inevitable crash on. Killery was all set to come to their aid with wars upon wars. Now the FED is stuck and in a PANIC. As stated, their strategy has an inevitable crash due to unsustainable growth. When it does (Trump is currently holding it back) all eyes will be on the FED. Most here already know how bad they are. Normies have no idea what it is. They think it's actually Federal. As people realize who was responsible, they will be dismantled (restructured) but by then, Trump will have had enough time to get us on solid ground economically. He's been playing them as he has the Dems. Trust the Plan Patriots.

18588027? ago

Great Depression was also precipitated by stock purchases on margin of you’re looking for further reading.

18587189? ago

Before the Federal Bank, tariffs were a main source of income for the Government. It's time to End the Fed.

18586898? ago

By now the Fed is probably in a catch-22 where no matter what they do they're going to crash because the entire system itself is an elaborate ponzi scheme. It's designed to break and economists explain it away as the "business cycle".

18586891? ago

The Fed is illegal. Always has been. Why is this not being addressed? I know why but goddamn. They literally ARE the problem.

18586655? ago

The problem for the Fed today is public debt. If they hike interest rates, the government won't be able to pay the interest. Then the economy will crash. No, as much as the (((bankers))) may want to do what you say, they have no ability to do so. It is possible they could decide to destroy the economy, but there is no upside to that. All they need to do is cause a derivative unwind. Their crony friends would lose too much money.

My guess is they will continue to force more invaders into the US so they can vote him out.

18586613? ago

To stop the globalists, we need to stop international trade, international banking, international investment, international agreement, stock market, future market, etc.. We have been doing fine over thousands of years without all this shit. These are tools for global control. Each country should take back its sovereignty.

18586608? ago

The globalist cabal Fed is in a bad place - they want to crash the economy and blame Trump so they can get back to globalist ponzi, but if they try to do that Trump will end the Federal Reserve system, and they all know it. Trump has openly said the words "gold standard," and sent his people down to count the gold. He knows exactly what is available.

The Fed has no choice but do Trump's bidding, and wait for the day they can get someone more cooperative in office. Trump knows that too.

The other global central banks are also trapped by Trump's policies. They can still print, but then their currencies lose value and America gets even stronger. Devaluing currency risks Trump's tariff retaliation wrath, and everyone fully believes he will do it. Hell, he even tariffed Canada, his best trading partner, and the one nation with actual balanced trade with the US. Trump's economics, (which are really Reaganomics,) forces nations to act as nations again. They have no other choice. It's do that or go bankrupt.

Nation state economics - you concentrate on your internal economy, and if other nations want access, they have to pay for the privilege. This gives domestic business the trade advantage on the home front, and it is the secret to restoring wealth to the citizens of any nation.

The Swedish economic miracle - an example that the left loves to point to about the proven benefits of the welfare state - included free health care, free day care, guaranteed employment in quality jobs, free education, one of the highest living standards in human history, 75% unionization rate, almost no crime to speak of - almost the highest longevity ever achieved, etc etc.... including very profitable corporations, and a high tech national army, armed with domestically produced high quality weapons - and they did it like this for many decades - but they also did all of this behind a wall of some of the highest tariffs in the world. Sweden got in bed with the globalists, and now Sweden is a shithole country.

The fatal flaw of the globalist plan is a simple one - ponzi economics does not work. It is a Wizard of Oz illusion of economics, and it collapses every time. It's the Potemkin economy - where the news is always good, and people are poorer every year, and ever further in debt. It's fake economics.

18597285? ago

I don't think the President can just dissolve the Fed. Wouldn't it need action from Congress?

18597382? ago

With a stroke of his pen he can dissolve the Fed.

He can use the Marine Corps if there are any questions.

18587422? ago

Max Keiser always says, you cannot taper a ponzi scheme. The great derivative unwind will be spectacular. I keep one eye on Deutsche bank because I think the great unwind will start there.

18586259? ago

The frustrating thing is it's the people's economy. The Fed and central banks are pure evil and they've caused so much suffering. I wish enough people would get wise to the scheme for something to be done about it. At the same time, it's fascinating to watch them get away with what they do in plain sight. It's sickening but impressive in a demented sort of way.

18586055? ago

I don't expect pussy ass jews to do anything economically.

Their friends might take more damage than we do so they may not actually try and bring down the economy.

18585826? ago

Oh I'm sure they plan to pull the rug out in late 2019 or early 2020.

I also am sure that POTUS and Q are all over that.

18585745? ago

They would love to crash his economy. BUT he has them in a corner. He has alteady shown the American people there is a direct connection between raising interest rates and hurting the economy.

18588003? ago

But how Many people really got that lesson? I think we all see it, but not so sure about those still sleeping

18585662? ago

Fed was held in check in December when a strategic call with banks was made before the Fed Reserve meeting. I think he’s got them under control, not fixed. Otherwise we would have had higher rates the last couple meeting s to screw Trump for 2020.

18585237? ago

I not only support POTUS' tariff, I think it is not high enough. I think international trade is a scam by the globalists for the control of the global economy. Each country should produce and consume their own goods. Only things that the country cannot produce need to be traded with other countries. That way, each country is self sufficient and resilient and stable and less susceptible to external shocks. That way countries can maintain their sovereignty and not manipulated by Soros, Rothchild and the like. Another benefit is that we can save natural resources in moving goods around the globe, lessening damage to our environment. Thus I propose to raise tariffs high enough around the globe so as to stop most of the trade. The only losers in the long run will be the cabal. BTW, I got my Ph.D. of economics in international trade theory from one of those liberal schools. It's a total waste of 7 years in my life.

18588707? ago

Only things that the country cannot produce need to be traded with other countries.

Which is exactly why they systematically destroyed our ability to produce our own goods over 25yrs. They made us rely on China. We built China.

18588673? ago

Your comment got me to thinking. Has there been any studies to see just how much energy is used moving goods around the globe? How much pollution it produces?

18592226? ago

Shhh! You'll spoil the globalization party!

18587090? ago

This is true. If we produce for ourselves, we also redone pollution and energy associated with transporting it across the world. You'd think that the left would be all over that idea

18588543? ago

The left don't really care about the environment. They only use that tactic for the power they gain from it.

18587031? ago

By the same argument used by the globalists, Earth cannot have a viable economy as we Earthlings are "isolationist" and not trading with space aliens

18586857? ago

I agree. The end of the broken window fallacy. We can become isolationists. No more foreign aid. We really don't need trade. We can produce for our own needs just fine. First we need to get off fiat currency and on an asset back currency of some kind. The government needs to issue a debt free currency. Then we're free to cut all international trade. The biggest problem we had was Israel and Saudi Arabia. Once we become isolationists, they aren't a concern anymore. Of course the globalists will cry and stomp their feet... boo hoo! Remove all our military bases from foreign countries, there is no need. We can defend ourselves just fine from our own country.

The multinational corporations can continue to do whatever they want, just not here. Take away legal personhood of abstract entities.

I could go on and on...

18598765? ago

You know Trump is definitely pro-corporate personhood, right?

18585192? ago

The gold standard is back on the table. What powers does the president have? Forgiveness of debts, public and private is one of them.

18585782? ago

Also to call for an audit.

18587451? ago

People have died for less than that.

18587513? ago

Your point?

18587589? ago

The (((federal reserve))) has killed presidents and others for attempting to audit or terminate the Fed's charter.

18588341? ago

Again, what's your point? War is war.

18585996? ago

Can you imagine? I think we're in for a very interesting 6 more years

18585145? ago

What is the Fed doing now? Interest rate KIKES??? Fixed it for you

18585049? ago

@Corpse_washer anything witty to say?

18585699? ago

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18585499? ago

Trump's economy


no source

Yeah, lets believe the Federal Reserve needs anything it doesnt have already. Trust the plan. I mean someone on the internet says the fed needs to destroy Trump's economy, why wont you believe me goyim!

18584923? ago

We already know tariffs work. That's why (((they))) got us away from them. To enable the enslavement of our populace. I hope that Trump is able to do all the things he intends on doing. It is a great time to be alive and in Christ!

18584844? ago

But they like Trump

18587185? ago

Bibi probably likes President Trump.

18584800? ago

The dems are for tariffs. It’s going to be fun to watch. I don’t need any new plastic trinkets that last 3 days before they break.

Anyone know if amazon is purely China garbage? I suspect it is

18587795? ago

It's been flooded with a lot of Chinese garbage. I always read the reviews to see what people are saying. By and large, you can expect that the cheaper the product, the more likely it will break because it was made in China.

The artificially low prices from Made in China goods that America has enjoyed the last couple decades has been so bad for us culturally, as well as environmentally.

18586099? ago

Brother got him and me a couple of decent takedown bows with a dozen carbon arrows each. Not as cheap as PVC pipe and Paracord but each kit shaves about $60 off a Mossberg with no 4473s to hassle with

18585351? ago

China knows how to make crap, however China also knows how to make top notch stuff also. You want something made that costs the importer $0.10 per piece, China will do it. Depends on what price point you want.


18588781? ago

China only knows how to make crap because they stole our intellectual property, jobs, and money to do it. By themselves they’re fucking useless.

18594495? ago

China could not do any of those things without traitors within the US and the West. Where did China steal 5G from?

18585015? ago

I'd say 90% is Chinese crap.

18587169? ago

True, but it's because that's what the importer wants.

18584894? ago

It's a mixed bag. If you have to buy from Amazon do your research on the product first.

18585766? ago

No one has to buy from Amazon.

18584706? ago

We need to destroy the fed. Buy precious metals Patriots. Plan to hold physical gold, platinum, and silver long.

18584650? ago

First intelligent China Tariffs comment I seen today on Voat.

18585344? ago


18588730? ago

Yet inflation is next to nothing, after all these tariffs. Figure that one out

18585642? ago

Higher prices are always offset by the higher wages earned after tariffs. Sucks to be china right now.

18587217? ago

Except right now illegal immigration is causing wage arbitrage and lowering wages. We need to stop the H1B program and immigration.

18592234? ago


18585806? ago

Wait. Tariffs lead to higher wages?

18589386? ago

All else equal, increased tariffs mean greater demand for local goods, which results in higher prices, which results in more production needed, which results in more hiring and lowered unemployment, which means wages have to rise as businesses compete for workers.

18589436? ago

How many economic classes did you take. That’s not how any of this works.

18589558? ago

Then explain it, all-wise one.

18589583? ago

Check out me and my girlfriend touching cocks on new.

18586294? ago

Fiat currency leads to slow, never ending inflation. Tariffs lead to short term inflation. The market eventually adjusts, including wages. With Fiat currency, wages always trail. They then use illegals and fraudulent visas to further suppress such that wages never catch up to inflation.

Many in the tech industry, for example, after inflation adjustments, haven't had a raise in two decades. This is because of many factors, but criminals, tech giants, and Fiat currency, illegals/fraud, are all major factors.

18584623? ago


Not the fed, the people.

We must end the fed.

18585658? ago


18586687? ago

It was just “structure,” actually

18587198? ago

The criminals definitely have a (((structure))) though

18584591? ago

He's doing it

18584876? ago

He's maneuvered them into high interest rates. They can't raise the interest rates even higher without massive blowback. Their primary lever of economic controll has already been exhausted.

18587067? ago

If they raise interest rates much, Banks become insolvent due to all of their derivatives. They have already said they will do more quantitative easing/money printing instead. It doesn't make any sense to print more money with a strong economy.

18587286? ago

Correct. The great derivative unwind will be spectacular! It will happen one day. You can only kick the can so far.

18592273? ago

"Spectacular" when seen from the moon. Here on earth it will be like the Black Death.

US$250 trillion in debt today. For people around the world, that is their savings and their assets.

What is the result of people realizing that debt is worthless because it cannot be repaid?

As I said, this will best be observed from the moon.

18596381? ago

True, but there is no debt as such, since there are no assets loaned. Fiat has no value, so if you have a loan for $1 million dollars, it's only a ledger entry, you actually haven't borrowed anything.

The people who lose are the ones that sold real goods or labor with fiat after the great unwind.