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Unreasonable ago

What would you have us do?

Progress is being made.

BushChuck ago

Yeah, buddy. Same progress since 1913.

Unreasonable ago

Lets hear your plan then.

Womb_Raider ago

His plan is only demoralization and deceit. He is working against America.

Corpse_washer ago

I am curious whats this "progress" thats being made. The legalization of illegals? The money for Israel? Asking out of curioisity.

Womb_Raider ago

America is taking its place as leader of the world back from China. You don't want to give the President any credit for his role in weakening globalism?

His stance on illegals is refreshing, sure, but that's not even close to all he's accomplishing. He's rebuilding our military, strengthening our economic place in the world, cracking down on pedophilia and cults like NXIVM. He's uncovering rampant corruption in our DOJ, our FBI, our CIA, and our Department of National Security (under Clapper).

He's giving traction where before there was only mud. Do you not see any of these happenings? That's just a portion of what's been done so far despite immense adversity in the media and those same US Gov institutions I've listed. A literal coup was attempted and yet still progress has been made during and after.

You may not be impressed, but after years of Clinton, then Bush, then Obama... well, I'm really pleased to see some change.

Corpse_washer ago

America is taking its place as leader of the world back from China

You sure do. Keep believing. You dont even understand the VAT you are paying for the "trade war".

Womb_Raider ago

I appreciate the taxes being placed on the Chinese. I see it as us taking economic prowess back. If you disagree based on value added tax, please outline your point for me so that I may adequately debate it.

Corpse_washer ago

taxes being placed on the chinese

Audible kek

BushChuck ago

I bet he has an economics degree.

Corpse_washer ago

Because not everyone can survive the shattering of his world by accepting that there is no superman Q who is silently cleaning up the mess. We being friends and other grasping at straws is a small price to pay to defend that world.

BushChuck ago

I wonder if deep down they know that they're going to die horribly when the power is shut off?