DIY-Guy ago

Trump is jewing us hard. It's extremely true alone to say the least.

Q is a military psyop and/or all the "trusttheplan" shit is to me personally. Waste of time to go near it. Trying to get everybody to support donald j trump and co or israel for that matter. antichrist jews running a muck about the world and/or fucking it up to sheer insanity with donald j trump supporting LGBTQp (pedophilia within) from day one it's just making it worse and worse or supporting kim and kayne west as well.

All trying to wrap up into supporting donald j trump and/or the white house / government that keeps failing to support it's own citizens in many cases / many situations and supports israel first over America First alone to say the least as well.

Niggertown ago

Yes, we know. /v/TheZognald

Neggarplease2000 ago

the way trump was undermining obamer about his past and birthplace? and then the childish act at the corresp dinner

NotaQjackass ago

Q is for Qike.

BushChuck ago


NotaQjackass ago

Israel must be protected. Trust the plan even after you are dead keep trusting the plan chump

Zoldam ago

I'll gladly eat my own words if Trump turns out to be legit, but I am not convinced he is.

369693936 ago

That's a healthy perspective, from the other side of the fence we're all hoping for the best and keeping our powder dry.

BushChuck ago

I'll eat my boots.

Smokybubbles ago

So you run for POTUS then, asshole, if you could do any better.

RemyLeBeaux ago

The Democrats are the real racists! : Squeak squeak:

BillyBobBoJangles ago

I would love to see some evidence instead of a blabbering troll post.

BushChuck ago

Open your fucking eyes?

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Convincing argument, you have shown me the light! Halajuax!

Goys-R-Us ago

Trump is jewish.

369693936 ago

That's why he grew up with Norman Vincent Peale as his pastor in a Christian church, right?

Goys-R-Us ago

Ever heard of a crypto? His daddy donated land to have a synagogue built? He's was one of the biggest players in JYC real estate. His daughter and son produced Jewish offspring. You need to read between the lines man. His genealogy indicates he's jewish.

369693936 ago

Crypto Freemason I'd believe. Crypto Jew, not so much. But you're obviously invested in that narrative so good luck with that.

Goys-R-Us ago

Didn't realize I was discussing Trump with a 21 day old retard. Fuck off.

369693936 ago

To be fair, I didn't realize I was trying to have a civil discussion with some asshole who resorts to Marxo-fascist ridicule intended to censor free speech he doens't like like a left wing nut job.

Goys-R-Us ago


Go back to reddit you faggot.

MrShekelstein ago

A lot of mossad niggers on voat today.

Wonder what's going down soon?

369693936 ago

Isn't it all mossad niggers behind this ongoing failed coup attempt?

modsrcuntz ago

The non-retards on this site know this. It's beyond obvious.

BushChuck ago

Hence the title.

Flour ago

We’ve known since last year

mentalbear ago


ggolemg ago

We should have known, all the signs were there from the start.

LibertarianForChrist ago

To be fair, what can he do? If he ends israel aid, he gets jfk'd. If he calls them out, he has no chance of reelection. If he goes after the banks, the economy crashes. If he didn't marry in, he had no chance of winning in the first place. There is good happening, not enough of it is happening to reverse the course, but we are better off than before and way better off than we would have been.

BushChuck ago

So, you acknowledge that your government is traitorous, but that's okay because it's in the self-interest of politicians to be traitors?


LibertarianForChrist ago

Traitorous government or not, he's still doing more to solve the problem than you are.

BushChuck ago

A lolbertarian and a Christ-cuck.

Sit the fuck down, son. The adults are talking.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Ethnonationalist Libertarian. A christcuck supports israel and do nothing action. So you are wrong. Also, if we don't work together, we lose. Your ego doesn't matter.

BushChuck ago

Decent grammar.

I suppose I can entertain the idea of a non retarded Christian libertarian.

LibertarianForChrist ago

I know the score. A libertarian government is a western ideology that would get run over by non-westerners. Those in power hate white people, but they hate the idea of christianity more. It actually has improved my faith that they have access to all of the information on aliens and technology ever gathered, and they still believe in god, albeit sided woth satan.


Good point! I'm going to vote for nigger muslim lover commies now, you've convinced me

BushChuck ago

You already are.

HauntingStomper ago

Unfortunately, he's the best we got. It's not like any other candidate who is not a Jewish shill will go against him.

BushChuck ago

So, if the best you have is a traitor, you should...?


Do what?

BushChuck ago

Trust the plan, of course.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Aren't you Canadian?

BushChuck ago

Yep. Do I even need to state that my government are contemptible traitorous commie swine?

I would gladly serve time in prison for the opportunity to curb stomp the lisping cuck faggot holding highest office.

See, there's a difference between our governments. turdeau is not "president", he has no executive authority.

I feel the exact same way about the government of Canada, but quite frankly, we don't matter.

It's the USA that is leading the charge into madness, the rest of us are essentially satellite countries.

There's no point addressing my fellow Canadians. We already hate our government, and acknowledge their treason.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hard to do anything when you don't even have any guns, lol.

BushChuck ago

I have three battle rifles hanging on the wall, right next to this computer. All of them are non-restricted class.

Here is a small selection of weapons that are non-restricted.

There is also nothing stopping me from using these weapons in defense of my property.

What is with you Americans and your "we are the only country to have weapons!" attitude?

While we're on the subject. Why don't you brave Yanks go overthrow your commie satanist government so the world can get back to not fighting endless kike wars?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm ok with how things are going, just like you.

And the reason Americans have that attitude is because it's true lol

"Non-restricted"? After you get a license to hold them? lol

BushChuck ago

The cognitive dissonance is strong with the American people.

I can walk into any gun shop, and buy any weapon I want, with no background check, no wait time.

I honestly don't mind the license. The government has no idea how many weapons (if any) I possess, unlike America where every purchase is recorded, and archived in a federal database.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I can walk into any gun shop, and buy any weapon I want, with no background check, no wait time.

Now that you have a license? I can buy one from a guy off the internet, face to face.

unlike America where every purchase is recorded, and archived in a federal database.

Do you not realize that doesn't apply to face to face transactions? In America you can buy a gun easier than you can buy a car off Craigslist.

Sounds like it's just ignorance on your part.

PoundMe2 ago

this is tantamount to a q anon post. no different whatsoever. you're an actual faggot. if you were on the streets saying this id applaud you but youre on a fringe website where most people acknowledge this or disagree and will not be swayed. go post this on reddit, it'd be more useful there. on here it just comes across as pathetic and unintelligent. you're either stupid and looking for attention or creating a shill account. either way you're an you're an unproductive lump. better yourself.

BushChuck ago

Oh, am I just like the people I am decrying?

I better stop now before I am hypocrisy!

Does this tactic ever actually work for you?

PoundMe2 ago

holy fuck did i rustle your jimmies. that's an awfully jewish response. post pics kike.

BushChuck ago

Seeing emotionalism where none exists is a sign of serious mental illness.

PoundMe2 ago

just go back to reddit, literally nobody wants you here.

Durm ago


Person that went too far believing one thing, gets triggered and goes to far believing another. Spends all day on it. Classic.

BushChuck ago

Oh no! Does nobody like me?

You don't want me here?

Sad face.

Astroqualia ago

It's funny because they'll avoid this thread like the plague, yet if this was pro Qtard, they'd all flood in. WHAT IF most of the Qtards in voat are bots/shills?

BushChuck ago


All the same thing, really.

Human cattle.

Or goyim, for you kikes out there.

Will0890 ago

So are you every time you let an internet story influence your thinking instead of actual interactions with people. Like I hate niggers and it's not because of the fucking internet or parents or some such bullshit. It's from their selfish criminal fucking behavior. Example Oh of course he has to do things a certain way, so would you if you were president just like anybody else. It's better than having another goddamn "yes we can't" obamy nigger in the WHITE house.

BushChuck ago

"It's better than having another goddamn "yes we can't" obamy nigger in the WHITE house."

Good goy.

Will0890 ago

You're Welcome!

gonight ago

Check my comment history, I've got that refuses to say 'kik' calling a 'jew shill'. Glowing so bright I need sunglasses.

FalsePseudonym ago

These subversives on this platform are as impotent as their CTR predecessors. Go ahead, animal, follow your own advice, instead of kvetching on these repetitive, low energy threads. "Do something"/"trust the plan" there is no differences.

Durm ago

Needs meme here with the super fat multicolored lady with the mohawk spazzing out. Is this guy, the OP, an ex non-boomer Q that's going through some kind of 7 steps of disillusionment?

BushChuck ago

Ooh! Black pill shill.

Where's Dial at?

FalsePseudonym ago

I'm the black pilled one? You're a silly nigger, aren't you? Maybe I misinterpreted the optimism underlying your non-specific, implied appeal for rational conservatives to 'Do someting!' as though all current non-violent efforts are completely null. I don't get your reference to a 'Dial.' I try not to get wrapped up with inconsequential personalities on the Internet. Maybe you should go do something - anything really - to get some fresh air, and I'll go back to lurking.

BushChuck ago

Yeah, good idea.

You should definitely lurk moar.

FalsePseudonym ago

I bet you think I'm going to remember your name too! You're as irrelevant as the people you talk about.

FalsePseudonym ago

Weak - boomer tier even.

T101genisys ago

Ok 18 day account.

smokratez ago

I can't kill all these new faggot jew accounts on my own. Going to need some help here guys.

theoldguy ago

I'm trying to kill faggot jew accounts, but you're still here...

BushChuck ago

Great argument.


T101genisys ago

It was an argument, it was a fact.

BushChuck ago

"It was an argument, it was a fact."

What the fuck are you cunts learning in skool?

You can't even craft a simple sentence.

T101genisys ago


BushChuck ago

Still fucking wrong!

Chiefpacman ago

You're not wrong you're just very unlikable

BushChuck ago

I don't give two tugs of a dead dog's cock what people think of me.

Behold the field where I grow my fucks, and see that it is barren.

Chiefpacman ago

Good but I am slightly more okay with you now. That post where you called the guy a child murderer for calling you a child and threatening you was pretty funny

BushChuck ago

Thanks. Getting dial to sperg out is one of my guilty pleasures in life.

Bfwilley ago


Member for: 18 days (joined on: 4/26/2019)

Submission statistics This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

5 submissions to whatever

4 submissions to politics

1 submissions to preppers

1 submissions to honkler

1 submissions to introductions

This user has so far shared a total of 7 links, started a total of 6 discussions and submitted a total of 980 comments.

Voat PSP (Public Service Post) here.

Hey everybody BushChuck is damaged and should be ignored, he, she 'IT' posts nothing of fact. IT just does drive by poser shill, troll, trog, NPC posts.

BushChuck he, she, 'IT' is a waste of your time, down vote 'IT', ignore 'IT', block 'IT', or ban 'IT' as you feel necessary.

Oh and please don't take my word for it. Please look at his, hers,'ITS' post and comment history 'IT' is pathetic.


u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Well, he's not wrong.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

I can agree, OP of thread is very much a glower.

BushChuck ago

Could you rephrase that in English, please?

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Your english to yiddish translator not working for slang? Shame.

Bac10us ago

You are a fag, is what they were trying to say

BushChuck ago

You know you're doing it right when you have a troll squad for only an afternoon's work.

Bring on the down vote brigade, you fucking pussies.

Bac10us ago

Says the pussy downvoting everything they disagree with

BushChuck ago

Yep. You're the sort of pussy I'm speaking of.

Bac10us ago

Ivy League come back there.

BushChuck ago


It took months to get my own troll squad, last account.

kammmmak ago

All the while being hated and humiliated by the same fucking (((trash)))

BushChuck ago

If the media hates trump so much, why is 80% of all airtime dedicated to talking about him?

If the media hates you, they ignore you.

What you are watching is called "political theatre".

Gorillion ago

Member "The Calm Before The Storm"?

Anybody catch "The Storm"? I think I must have been distracted by fucking Full Term Abortion becoming a thing, the child tranny surgery thing or maybe I just blinked one too many times and missed the whole thing. Hey look, we have 33 million illegals now!! Oh wait, fuck - did I miss The Storm just now? What happened!? Did they all disappear? Did irreversible genital mutilation of slightly boyish girls or slightly girly boys suddenly stop? Did they stop aborting fully developed babies? Has everything stopped being completely and utterly shitty and jewed now!?

Aufag ago

It just started. Changing the course of a large vessel takes a long time. It's already disintegrating. Get outside. The illegal problem is being solved. The wall is being built. No point in deporting people until the wall is done when they can just walk back in. Quietly steps are already being made to cut off the gibs train, which is the entire reason they're here in the first place. Citizenship, free stuff, under the table employment, free medical, general free welfare. Attack the source and the symptom will cease.

contrarianism ago

I keep hearing about the wall getting built, but have seen no documented proof it’s really happening

Aufag ago

Just do a basic web search. It's already underway. "Trump border wall".

BushChuck ago

Those are some powerful rose-coloured glasses you have there, son.

TheSeer ago

What is funny is that was just before the 'Stormy Daniels' scandal broke. It was probably an inside joke from the fuckers.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey Trump is the greatest president for israel that has ever been!! No one has helped israel and the jewish people like Trump. Us jews salute Trump. Shaloms™✡️

BushChuck ago

Shaloms, fellow White man!

gonight ago


freshouttashecks ago

hey shill

don't be so mad

take your narrative

and make it better


to say hi to david brock

then you can stop

sucking muslim cock

NosebergShekelman ago

We must support the Neo-Palestinians(jews) at all costs

BushChuck ago

A beatles fan. No surprise there.

Hey, boomer! Kill yourself.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

The Beatles are good, don't kid yourself.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

To be honest I don't doubt for a second that The Beatles were used in one way or another, iirc their producer was a jew I think.

Regardless of that they were all still talented musicians and good song writers. They wrote a lot of really good songs later in their career which is why they're one of the most popular bands of all time.

ItConcernsMe ago

What is the plan for your end game? I mean, when we come to your house, what is your plan, wally?

Corpse_washer ago

What are yall waiting for?

ItConcernsMe ago

Jerry is late as usual. He has the probes in his ship.

Corpse_washer ago

You wont do anything.

ItConcernsMe ago

With a simple swap of letters this phrase applies directly to you, Alice.

Corpse_washer ago

You sure showed me son. Meanwhile my country is not besieged with rapefugees, rebuilding what the commies destroyed, raising birthrates, less hassle for weapons and i could write for another hour whats happened in the last 9 years. My country did something, and it will prevail as it always did in the last 1100+ years. Keep doing nothing.

ItConcernsMe ago

You don't even know what you're arguing about hillbilly. And you're too lazy to look at my history.

I helped prevent the election theft AND I voted for Trump. I simply won't tolerate these JIDF cockroaches coming in here and poisonning the well by saying Trump is a Zog Puppet.

It's just more lies from a dying weasel.

Corpse_washer ago

Keep calling me names, that will make you right.

ItConcernsMe ago

When only one of us understands what the argument is about, does it really matter?

Corpse_washer ago

Keep speaking from the high horse, that will surely show everyone how right you are. Maybe you will get asylum in Trumpville, Golan Hights.

BushChuck ago

I'd bring a tank, if I were you. Mind you, you'll have a difficult time getting it in to my property after I blow the bridge.

My plan, and the plan of all the men in my neighbourhood, is to blow the bridge that connects us to the world, and carry on as usual.

ItConcernsMe ago

I knew this was a larp when you claimed there are men in your neighborhood.

BushChuck ago

Enjoy the starvation, rape gangs, and roaming soldiers, city boy.

englishwebster ago

you cant fight the people who hold the purse. for me its what trump is doing to the fed - and it looks like the next fed director is in favor of a gold backed currency

BushChuck ago

"You can't fight City Hall"

-City Hall

englishwebster ago

thats correct. especially if city hall happens to hold the purse. do you really think politics is as simple as trump standing at a podium and making declarations that suddenly solve all problems?

BushChuck ago

Why would you think that is a position I would hold?

You seem to think that the government is omniscient, when the truth is they are incompetent.

You, sir, are part of the problem.

englishwebster ago

i wouldnt say incompetent, but the more people you get doing any one thing the more corruption/problems you are going to have. this is part of the human condition when it comes to anything that large groups of humans get into.

I suspect you hold the position that if a president actually wanted to flip the tables in such a massive way he could. This is not a feasible position but it seems to be the demand of people out there and when they dont get instant results they assume corruption or evil intent.

Im simply pointing out that you cannot change a beast the size of government on a dime like that, and people like OP dont seem to have the patience needed or the understanding that there is a very real fight happening on the state level for control.

if trump isnt instantly doing everything he said he would during the election, then he must be ZOG is a weak, weak argument to make.

BushChuck ago

Good grief. You are meant to follow the Constitution, yes?

He could do that. Problem solved.

He won't, though. None of them will.

Excepting Ron Paul. That guy should be Emperor.

englishwebster ago

libertarianism cannot by definition last because its a power vaccuum. perhaps thats why its never been done.

I think you should consider realistic things from your politicians instead of instant gratification once he becomes president and favoring political viewpoints that dont work

BushChuck ago

I expect rule of law.

Not exactly what we have been experiencing.

englishwebster ago

the wheels of justice turn slow, even slower when the body politic has a large component of pure hatred for the prosecutor who happens to be up for re-election (trump).

Im reminded of what obama told medvedev on a hot mic just before his second election - basically that the russians should just deal with obama being a jerk until after the election because he will have more space to move afterwords.

so to recap - trump was under investigation during which time if he did anything it would only make him look bad.

now that the investigation is over the tables have turned, but because justice needs to be just that means another investigation needs to take place. THAT investigation - the one on obama, hillary et al needs to occur now.

we both know they are guilty, but they need to see their day in court. just tossing them in the clink would cause all sorts of turmoil on both the societal and governmental levels.

these things take time. so when OP says trump is a ZOG puppet one needs to realize there is more happening here than meets the eye. due process needs to occur. Having said this if we dont see arrests come out of it then heads are going to roll.

BushChuck ago

That is a very nice plot description.

You should make a screenplay.

englishwebster ago

i dont understand where your snark comes from. first Im part of the problem and now you mock me. i couldnt care less from an emotional standpoint since this is the internet, but attacking someone personally is what people do when they no longer have an argument to make.

Im sorry my views dont agree with yours. I hope you can cope.

BushChuck ago

I hope you get trampled in the coming food riots.

englishwebster ago

and with that your argument is lost. good luck to you. at least you are in the right place.

englishwebster ago

ok so that part where you said I was part of the problem it was actually you.

im sorry you feel it necessary to try to harm civilized society.

Amphiprion ago

Ok, great. So what better option are you proposing?

BushChuck ago

You really are cattle, aren't you?

Amphiprion ago

You not having a plan somehow makes me cattle because you can't make me stampede?

BushChuck ago

No, your immediate seeking of leadership, even from some random on the internet, outs you as cattle.

Goyim, if you will.

Amphiprion ago

Ah, I see. You aren't intelligent enough to understand when you are being tested.

Amphiprion ago

That's your plan?

No thanks, already going my own way.

madscientist3469 ago

This is what has always struck a chord in me about the whole "Q" phenomenon. As soon as the "trust the plan" do nothing lines started coming, I knew it was an intelligence agency psyop. And it confirmed my gut feelings that trump is controlled opposition, throwing us conservative types a bone to prevent an uprising while the overall globalist agenda still marches on.

369693936 ago

No one denies it's an intelligence agency psy op to avoid civil war.

But - why did Q tell people to check old history books compared to today? The only discernible difference is that the holohoax didn't show up until decades after it supposedly happened. Why do you think we have two freshmen Dems — who both violated laws and could easily be removed — being allowed to consistently call out the JQ and keep the focus on this issue?

The real issue are the evangelicals who gave us all the SJWs (as a backlash when their kids went to University) and believe the Gu are God's chosen people when they're really the Luciferian Saturn Death Cult's chosen people which is why they celebrate the Sabbath on Saturn's day rather than the Sun's day.

beesmeesmonies ago

... ... . "They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America." - George Washington Jew Talmud excerpts (the book that calls Christ's mother a whore & a bastard of a roman soldier): Sanhedrin 59a: "A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death." Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age." Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording." Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Do not save Goyim in danger of death." Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim." Choschen Hamm 388, 15: "If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth." Choschen Hamm 266,1: "A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. It is praiseworthy, however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely, if by so doing, Christians will praise the Jews and look upon them as honorable people." Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: "A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them." Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts." Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night." Aboda Sarah 37a: "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated." Gad. Shas. 2:2: "A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl." Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: "If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible." Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces." Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples." Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: "How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy." Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations." Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: "When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it." Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122: "A Jew is forbidden to drink from a glass of wine which a Gentile has touched, because the touch has made the wine unclean." Nedarim 23b: "He who desires that none of his vows made during the year be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, 'Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null'. His vows are then invalid." JEWS WILL TRY TO DENY THESE on their JEW website http://www.minuteswithmessiah.... * Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal." * Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed." THE JEW WILL USE 'SUBTERFUGE WORDING' but has no out on any of the above. Jews claim anti-semitism when they are proven racists themselves from their own book of cultural laws the talmud shown in part above. Try "jew guilt" us? There's plenty in that link to their talmud cultural laws and their history to be guilty of. Really nice people (not).

Kalergi ago

Q is: In-Q-Tel. same group that started Facebook.

In-Q-Tel is the strategic investor for the U.S. intelligence and defense communities that identifies and adapts cutting-edge technologies that help make our nation safer.

madscientist3469 ago

help make our nation safer

IIRC, this is the same group that provided startup investment for FedBook, that's since been spying on all of us and compiling a biometric database. Yeah, seems a lot safer...

Kalergi ago

help make our nation safer.

Clarification: our nation, being Israel.

madscientist3469 ago

Ah, yup yup. Crystal clear.

We're on the same page after all.

Hadn't made the connection between Q and In-Q-Tel, but that would make perfect sense.

Aufag ago

I knew it was an intelligence agency psyop

Yeah, that's the point. It is an intelligence agency psy op to keep US citizens from murdering the government and kicking off WW3. Q basically admits as much. Q is military intel. The point of having a backchannel communication pathway is to inform people as to the proceedings that are currently occurring against the global cabal of satanic pedophiles and prevent people from revolting and storming the town hall, immediately kicking off WW3.

Q is real, Q is mil-intel, and the plan is currently happening. If you pay attention you will see this is obvious.

And it confirmed my gut feelings that trump is controlled opposition, throwing us conservative types a bone to prevent an uprising while the overall globalist agenda still marches on.

Or maybe he's just not broadcasting his intentions and telegraphing his punches. Let's talk about game theory:

Scenario 1: Trump is a globalist puppet working for ZOG If this is / was true, then the outcome was going to be the same either way and it's a moot point. All of you calling for civil unrest and DOTR--if Q is fake, then you will get what you want anyway, right? Total chaos and civil war as the world's foremost military power descends into complete self destruction. That's what you want, right? I guess we will know pretty soon one way or the other won't we? If they aren't legitimately helping the interest of the USA, then you will get the same outcome regardless, right?

Scenario 2: Trump and Q team are actually taking down the bad guys What, did you think the smartest move was to purposely start a civil conflict? Do you really believe that's the best idea? Start a civil war? Or do you think a long, slow, steady, measured approach is a better tactic? It's always better to defeat your enemy without fighting. Do you even give one second of thought to what would happen if the USA fell into a civil war? Do you think the world and the USA exists in a vacuum? Do you think that ZOG wants a civil war in the USA? Do you think that the global communist world leaders want a global religious war of Christianity vs Islam? Do you seriously think that Russia and/or China would not take advantage of a shattered USA? Do you think that Russia and/or China would not immediately mobilize toward US soil if a civil conflict erupted? Do you think that China / Russia / others would not immediately finance both sides to exacerbate a conflict as long as possible in order to capitalize on the most golden opportunity ever to exist strategically?

You people are supposed to be smarter than this. If Trump's objective was to destroy the USA, then he's doing a very poor job. The economy is doing fantastic and every day the USA becomes more self-reliant on energy and manufacturing. The military is getting overhauled. No matter how many Chinese spammers tell you that the F35 is trash, they will always be wrong, the US military is the best and is currently outpacing all other countries in capacity for force projection and technological dominance. We are stacking conservative judges all over the country. Second amendment victories are quietly rolling in and will continue to roll in.

YES, Q is a purposeful psy op conducted by the US military. ON PURPOSE. That's the point. To maintain peace in the USA while the bad actors are removed. The global satanic power structure won't be dismantled in a day. The staging and execution of the take down will be slow and steady and methodical. It will continue for years. It will not be quick and easy. It is already happening. If you don't believe me, it doesn't matter. This is bigger than you. Go ahead faggots, downvote away. It won't change anything.

369693936 ago

You people are supposed to be smarter than this.

Big difference between educated and smart.

A_Brave_New_World ago

I'm very concerned abt trump's Jewish ties and loyalty to Israel. Seems to me he would defend Israel at all costs. Including a war with Iran. How is that good for the country.

369693936 ago

Just watch how it all unfolds.

DSTheUndertaker ago

True eloquence punctuated by unabashed candor. Thank you.

Aufag ago

Thank you for the kind words.

Aufag ago

With pleasure.

NotHereForPizza ago

most here don't know because they don't want to know, anon. they will confront the truth soon enough.

otherwise, good on you for keeping it going.


Shizy ago

What I want to know is how a male could be so fucked in the head that he thinks he's a woman and wants to be pregnant!

You need a therapist sicko!

BushChuck ago

Opus liberabit vos!

NotHereForPizza ago

Indeed it will.

Aufag ago

Couldn't be comfier anon. I should get that phrase engraved on my rifle.

NotHereForPizza ago

it only gets comfier from here, fren

justregtoasku ago

Who are the good goys in your statement?

Aufag ago


justregtoasku ago

Is it the us millitary? Taking down the bad guys?

Aufag ago


justregtoasku ago

And Trump is also a good guy? Along with good guys in the us millitary? Taking out the bad guys?

Aufag ago


justregtoasku ago

And then everything will return to normal? Once Trump and the good goys in the us millitary have taken out the the bad goys?

threesevens ago

Civil war in inevitable. There has never been a mass migration of people into a populated area without war. And in the United States we have the largest immigration of people in the history of the world. There will be war.

Aufag ago

The illegals will leave once the benefits dry up. The mojave desert is a poor place to search for water.

VoatsHeadDipshit ago

It's not just the people coming here that a problem It's also those that have been here for plenty of time.

We can complain about illegals forever but in reality American blacks in the South/Midwest are far more dangerous than illegals yet niggers aren't going anywhere even if/when the gibs run out since the likes of KFC, Waffle Houses and McDonalds will still be going out of their way to hire niggers due to affirmative action and diversity qoatas.

Aufag ago

I'm sure you'd like that, but civil war is canceled.

threesevens ago

Sorry, there are actually patriots within the military and intelligence who are sick of the corruption and trying to do something about it. If you can't understand the Q proofs by now you are being voluntarily ignorant. Whether Q and his teamcan actually get anything done is the real question. Now why not root for us patriots to be right about Q and not being a fucking naysayer like any deep state operative would pay you for. Are you a shill or a useful idiot? Because you are only killing the morale of patriots.

justregtoasku ago

Do you think rising up in the intelligence community gets you anywhere? Other than deadedmaybe

Chiefpacman ago

That's a lot of leaps to make based on some larper on Twitter.

moirai11 ago

Boomers disapproves this Thread. Just wan Grill Leave meh Alone. Deep State Thrumpz save all . No jew . Just wann Girll. Not mongoloid. Just wann grill.

Corpse_washer ago

How could anyone with a triple digit iq believe newyork magnate is independent and not part of the "elite"? Q was not the first psyop...

369693936 ago

How could anyone with a triple digit IQ not recognize the fact that DJT has been working with law enforcement to take down the mob at least since his "fiascos" in Atlantic City. In many cases, with the same exact people (including Rosenstein) he's currently working with to take out the mob running our government.

No one in their right mind believes he got there and has stayed alive in spite of all the assassination attempts on his own, for now it's just a matter of which side of the blade you choose to align with.

MAGA_WAGA_Boomer ago

We boomers need to stick together, Patriot.

369693936 ago

In blocking and muting Marxo-fascists

MAGA_WAGA_Boomer ago


BushChuck ago

SO you are in the "trust the plan" camp.

You have colouring books over there?

Corpse_washer ago

Triggered much, i see.

smokratez ago

... is the way reddit faggots talk.

TheSeer ago

No, but it was one of the first major 'positive propaganda' psyops since the Apollo Program, in the late 60s, early 70s.

Turkeypotato ago

The question is when will people accept reality.

TheSeer ago

Well, Voat coming around the Apollo Program would be a good FIRST STEP. Instead it gets used in "they took this from you" memes. Our culture has ENOUGH to be proud of, that we don't need to be proud of the most impressive, thorough, convincing, visually stunning (but fake) psyop (directed by Kubrick) of all time.

Oh_Well_ian ago


You fake-triots ain't doing shit just like you didn't do shit under Obama or W

lol what a bunch of cunts

threesevens ago

And you are a true patriot right?

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm not brigading Q hating nonsense from a 12 day account, like you fucking faggots... that's for sure.

MrBlueChip ago

Thank you MrBoomer I see just like real life your account age means wisdom and that’s why you sat while they ruined America and now sit while we have the most Israel connected and friendly president in American history. Your grandchildren or your great grandchildren are going to be brown because of your choices of sitting and saying you’re doing something while being controlled

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up Hillary

BushChuck ago

Spot on. If bill's wife had won, there would have been immediate hot civil war. Not this slow march to totalitarian communism (most of it is already in place. You think free men need to beg permission to renovate their house?) that they prefer.

Delacourt ago

If bill's wife had won, there would have been immediate hot civil war.

Absolute bullshit. Citation needed.

TheSeer ago

This is exactly what guys like Jordan Peterson stress. Not that the globalist NWO is WRONG, merely that it is moving too quickly, and getting a strong counter-reaction because of it. JP's plan is simply to tell leftists to slow down and be more patient, once more!

Aufag ago

There's no putting the frog back in the pot. They already lost.

Doglegwarrior ago

Jesus christ i flip houses the amount of bullshit i have to do to fix something i own to raise the tax base for the fucking assholes who are trying to stop me at every step is fucking pure insanity. That being said i live in a mexican populated town the amount of bullshit they build incorrectly is unfucking believble so i guess we do need some rules.

watitdew ago

Yeah I'm just starting to run into this shit with my own REI stuff.

Dig a <2ft hole in your back yard to look at a drain pipe


And if you don't want to rent to Shaniqua and her four kids and have your place rekt, bend over you evil nazi.

Doglegwarrior ago

I was not allowed to dig under my house to fix a leak in the foundation. Plumbetd charge 700 dollars for intiial hole then about 300 dollars a linear foot. Fuck that i hired mexicans and did the shit my self after 5 pm and on weekends

watitdew ago

I hired a guy for a plumbing job that was a little too extensive for me to try to take on because I'm a noob. The contractor company gave me a 3500 estimate and I was like nope. CL dude comes over charges 100/hr but he's done in like 3 hours and I got to hang out with him and take notes. Also he was based and redpilled.

I'm hoping to have hundreds of units in the next few years so I can stop wagecucking entirely.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ya the hole ended up costing me about 900 dollars i had to do two holes one on each side of the property.. fix two leaks from foundation repair job. The plumbing was literaly plumbing 101 glue and reattach where the pipe disconnected. U fucking believble what they wanted to charge me. But normie idiots pay what ever the EXPERTS tell them

watitdew ago

I considered paying this guy my tuition.

BushChuck ago

Fuck that. Get the mexicunts out of your country, eh?

The idea that we all need rules because idiots exist is the thought process of a slave.

The current rule s aren't preventing shit. They never do.

The only ones who follow them are the White men.

Doglegwarrior ago

Dude ive broken the nonsense rules and had city insp3ctors shut me down then i had to pay fines.. i have to get a fucking permit to build a god damn fence in my city. The amount of bullshit is off the charts.

BushChuck ago

Want some real fun? Open a restaurant as a White guy.

Cities are terrible, man. Get out.

fuzzysaucer ago

No....there wouldn't have been an immediate civil war. Everyone is too comfortable to risk it. Nobody is starving and wont be for a while. Plus, the other side wouldn't be stupid enough to actually start one because, you know, of all the guns and ex-military on the conservative side.

BushChuck ago

She would have grabbed guns. That's all it would take.

trump is grabbing guns, too. He's just doing it on the down low, while y'all "MAGA!".

Aufag ago

trump is grabbing guns, too.

Oh no no no

Corpse_washer ago

Why grab ths guns? Everyone had guns when they forced the niggers on the population, yet nothing happened. From Europe it looks like the US is just larping about their 2A, while getting fucked in the ass by jews and niggers and mexicans.

justregtoasku ago

Once they have the guns they will announce their plans. This will likely be obvious to many by then Theyve grabbed a lot of guns in many countries in recent years

Usa next. Trump zio puppet will deliver

Corpse_washer ago

So why didnt they fear the guns when they forced niggers on to the US?

justregtoasku ago

What are you referring to?

justregtoasku ago

Could it be this?

In response, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11111, which federalized the Alabama National Guard

Corpse_washer ago

Does that mean suddenly everyone lost their guns or what? Whats the difference? Didnt the people with capital t and p jave guns then?

justregtoasku ago

No i dont believe it means everyone lost thier guns. Do you?

Do you have any idea whats coming?

Corpse_washer ago

Then why did the people just roll over and what makes you think they wont roll over this time?

justregtoasku ago

What are you talking about?

Corpse_washer ago

I am talking about nobody defending their kids with ther 2A guns from being forced to learn with blacks, in a time where the great majority was racist. They simply rolled over. The same when they had to give all their gold to the government. What makes you think they fear your guns? Why do you believe this time it will be different? Why do you think the gungrab fearmongering is something more than keeping the cattle together and, well, fearmongering? They dont need to take the guns away. They dont fear them.

justregtoasku ago

Why do you think so many countries have been dissarmed in recent years?

Why do you think there is a constant appeal to disarm us citizens?

Why do you think police have been militarized in all the countries that have been disarmed?

They certainly do fear an armed population especially if the stakes are much higher

Corpse_washer ago

You are not answering. The American dream, you know..dreaming is only possible while you sleep. That dreams cornerstone is the 2A, because you believe, you are taught from childhood that that is what keeps you free. If you can force niggers on their children, if you can force them to give all their gold to you without them shooting you full of holes, why on earth would you want to grab their guns and thereby shattering the big dream and waking everyone up? There is no sense in it. But threatening to grab them so you vote one way? Why the hell not? That makes very much sense.

justregtoasku ago

I dont believe in the a!merican dream but thats irrelevant.

They will take your guns one way or another. It doesnt matter which way people are swayyed to vote, they will still take the guns.

If repub president takes a little longer than a dem president. It makes no odds

Corpse_washer ago

Answer me why? Whats worse then taking all your gold, than forcing niggers on your kids and on you? You are only repeating that if you vote one finger of the same hand not the other, it will take longer.

justregtoasku ago

If they take your guns its game over

Corpse_washer ago

No, its not. Many kings ended up dead while the peasants had no weapons. Weapons are not hard to make.

justregtoasku ago

Not against military grade police not the same as the kings men

I hope youre right though

Corpse_washer ago

not against military grade police

So, you think charging a plate armored shieldwall supported by archers with scythes and hoes is different than charging kevlar clothed machineguns with homemade guns and explosives? It is not. There will always be few of them and many of us, and they will always have better equipment, initially. As they die, so grows your equipment. And they will die. They all know this well. It is the reason they built an invisible slavery, because when men jave enough, nothing can save them.

justregtoasku ago

Well as i say i hope you are correct

Corpse_washer ago

History and logic says i am.

BushChuck ago

I'll agree, it's all fucked up.

That's why I live where, and how, I live.

Unreasonable ago

What would you have us do?

Progress is being made.

BushChuck ago

Yeah, buddy. Same progress since 1913.

Unreasonable ago

Lets hear your plan then.

BushChuck ago

Stop paying taxes, revoke consent.

It doesn't really matter what is done at this point. The demographics dictate that the only way out is through rivers of blood.

I mean, theoretically, you could elect a party that will dissolve 90% of the government, institute real currency, abolish corporations and usury, end universal suffrage, and deport illegals.

I think it's much more likely that monkey will fly out of my ass with baskets of fresh croisants.

So, I suggest you drop out as much as possible. Are you wasting your life chasing shekels? Stop it. Shekels have no value.

Buy land, grow food, learn how to shoot. Because we've got maybe five more years of this shit until it all comes crashing down.

zxcvzxcv ago

What is your rifle going to do against lasers from space?

randomfuckingidiot ago

Enemy cannot push a button if he cannot use his hand

zxcvzxcv ago

And how precisely will you make it so he can't use his hand? I assume you plan on using your advanced hacking skills to get the geo-coordinates of his secret underground bunker, then sneak into said bunker by using your thermal ponchos and your sniper skills to avoid his robot turrets that are armed with miniguns that cannot miss, then cut your way through the 13 foot thick steel door with your blow torch while your buddy uses his rpg-6 launcher to hold off the incoming tank reinforcements.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Bet his family isnt in a bunker.

BushChuck ago

Would you like to know more?

Unreasonable ago

Yes obviously it comes crashing down.

But do you want it to come crashing down before or after all our guns are confiscated.

Hillary would have us in "adult re-education camps" by now.

Trump is creating a scenario which if the DS does pull the trigger, the fall out favors the white man with guns.

Obviously in that scenario the DS does not pull the trigger.

BushChuck ago

Molon Labe

Oh_Well_ian ago

he's only been here 18 days...

give him time

BushChuck ago

I've always been here.

I will always be here.

I am inevitable.

I am The BushChuck!

Womb_Raider ago

His plan is only demoralization and deceit. He is working against America.

Corpse_washer ago

I am curious whats this "progress" thats being made. The legalization of illegals? The money for Israel? Asking out of curioisity.

Womb_Raider ago

America is taking its place as leader of the world back from China. You don't want to give the President any credit for his role in weakening globalism?

His stance on illegals is refreshing, sure, but that's not even close to all he's accomplishing. He's rebuilding our military, strengthening our economic place in the world, cracking down on pedophilia and cults like NXIVM. He's uncovering rampant corruption in our DOJ, our FBI, our CIA, and our Department of National Security (under Clapper).

He's giving traction where before there was only mud. Do you not see any of these happenings? That's just a portion of what's been done so far despite immense adversity in the media and those same US Gov institutions I've listed. A literal coup was attempted and yet still progress has been made during and after.

You may not be impressed, but after years of Clinton, then Bush, then Obama... well, I'm really pleased to see some change.

Corpse_washer ago

America is taking its place as leader of the world back from China

You sure do. Keep believing. You dont even understand the VAT you are paying for the "trade war".

Womb_Raider ago

I appreciate the taxes being placed on the Chinese. I see it as us taking economic prowess back. If you disagree based on value added tax, please outline your point for me so that I may adequately debate it.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Are you even white?

How is making our men go die in foreoghn wars that have nothing to do with America helping us? You're just another faggot traitor neocon.

Womb_Raider ago

That's not relevant to what we're discussing, we're talking economy. Can I help you?

BushChuck ago

jew confirmed.

Corpse_washer ago

taxes being placed on the chinese

Audible kek

BushChuck ago

I bet he has an economics degree.

Corpse_washer ago

Because not everyone can survive the shattering of his world by accepting that there is no superman Q who is silently cleaning up the mess. We being friends and other grasping at straws is a small price to pay to defend that world.

BushChuck ago

I wonder if deep down they know that they're going to die horribly when the power is shut off?

Womb_Raider ago

Sigh. I understand we pay the fucking tax. You're obviously being insincere, you seem to be friends with OP.

I want the Chinese economy weakened, and tariffs on Chinese goods is how you accomplish that. Anyone who dislikes Globalism would appreciate this, and again, you failed to flesh out your point so that I may debate you.

If all you have to offer is coy laughter, we can allow the thread to end here.

Corpse_washer ago

i love paying extra taxes to fuck over someone else!

Yup, thats your ways.

Womb_Raider ago

I have no intention of paying the tax. The end goal is less of what we buy will come from China. Companies in China will move to other countries, seeking to avoid the tariff and enter the US market more cheaply. It will not be instantaneous, but over time it will erode the strength of the Chinese market and strengthen the economy here in the US.

I live in the US, so having a strong economy here at home means a lot to me. It affords my children better jobs, cheaper education, and so on. If those things sound bad to you, either you aren't a parent or you have no stake in this country. In either case, it makes your opinions irrelevant to my own.

BushChuck ago


BushChuck ago

Those of us with an IQ above room temperature are pretty fucking sick of your shit, eh?

Absolutely we are taking power, better get used to the idea.

You're cattle anyhow, you'll go along with whomever is leading you.

Womb_Raider ago

Your account is 18 days old, are you admitting to being an alt whore devoid of morality and ethics looking to manipulate people? :)

That would be a shame. You should be ashamed.

Trousersnake1488 ago

He's right though, you're kind would just follow whoever anyway, so what's the point of slconsidering your opinion? Capitulating (((trust the plan))) types are irrelevant

BushChuck ago

What the fuck are you smoking?

Who's alt am I?

My last account was half as old as yours, with twice the internet points.

You have anything to say that is based on the content of my post, rather than my assumed tenure at Voat?

Womb_Raider ago

You're only confirming my point, SBBH.

BushChuck ago

That's a "no", then?

Womb_Raider ago

What content did your post even have? I saw only doubt, you didn't make any points beyond demoralization and deceit. That and vague promises of taking power away from the current administration. You anti-Trump people are deranged.

BushChuck ago

Time-wasting retard. I'm reasonably certain I had you blocked last account.

Not missing anything by doing now, either.

Womb_Raider ago

Oh, you aren't going to respond to the content of my comment now? You're so cute!

n_word ago

He's getting dp'd by Israel and Russia, and he's waiting for Korea to fill the third hole.

zyklon_b ago

Post tranny porn in (((qrv)))

369693936 ago

Report all users posting tranny porn, check their posts and report the non-anon porn subs, esp. loli — FBI can sort out their computers. It was the trolls who gave us the idea, a few of us got together on the phone and now have a connection to report them all. Even if nothing comes of it, these assholes get on their radar and Voat gets focused on for cp until QRV gets some moderation.

zyklon_b ago

1990 is real


we fly high above you and can see your degenerate soul in all it's workings, and we look down upon you with contempt, as you feign apathy and humor, we can see you for what you are. you're not hiding from anybody. you are naked and exposed. nothing you could do could ever threaten us. your antics only serve to steel our resolve.

BushChuck ago

First thing I do with a new account is block all the retard subs.

zyklon_b ago

gotta post porn in em bro

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BushChuck ago

Sorry. I can't bring myself to do such things, and porn is blocked at the router.

zyklon_b ago

post gore then

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BushChuck ago
