18398885? ago

Why do they always die before they get a chance to expose ANYTHING? Couldn't post one photo, tweet, video, something before getting found out?

18404384? ago

Stars are dumb - they don't know about dead man switches.

18386680? ago

Hey brother. There's an endless road to rediscover.
Hey sister. Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker.
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do.

18386583? ago

The video was filmed in a town called Fillmore, CA.

A stone's throw away from Ojai, the Satanic capital of Southern California.

Only a stone's throw away from Calabasas as well, home to the baby eaters.

Ya, He knew.

18385679? ago

Holy shit...This makes me sad and angry

18384553? ago

Here's a lil celebrity list I made the other night when I was bored. Good start to a rabbit hole of research:

Strange Deaths Chester Bennington Mobb Deep Chris Cornell Avicii Anthony Bordain / Asia Argento Kate Spade Andrew Breitbart Aaron Swartz Seth Rich Michael Hastings Stanley Kubrich Brandon Lee - Died, but movie finished - sacrifice? Heath Ledger - Died, but movie finished - sacrifice? Philip Seymour Hoffman - died, but movie finished - sacrifice? Michael Jackson Robin Williams Phil Hartman Curt Cobain Jim Carrey wife? Prince Mac Miller XXXtentacion Alexander McQueen L’Wren Scott Sharon Tate Marilyn Monroe Vince Foster

--Went Crazy/Sold their souls/or Exposed the game-- Taylor Swift Britney Spears Amanda Bynes Rihanna Lindsey Lohan Miley Cyrus Katy Perry Selma Blair Mischa Barton Lady Gaga Dave Chapelle Kanye West - Lamar Odom (Kardashian) Elijah Wood Nick Cannon Ariana Grande Beyonce Madonna Mariah Carey Angelina Jolie

--Sex Scandals-- Allison Mack Harvey Weinstein Jeffrey Epstien Jimmy Saville Prince Andrew James Gunn

18386613? ago

Fucking Elmo. You forgot the boy diddler that did the voice of El fucking MO.

And Natalie Wood as well.

18403075? ago

Yeah, it was just my personal rough notes. Not a comprehensive list.

18404228? ago

So many dead for money and power.

When will it end. What will cause it to end?

18388533? ago


18382941? ago

I think yr clutching at straws here .. I did not see anything in the video Avicii - For A Better Day which could lead to the impresario being "eliminated" ..

18384064? ago

It was totally an in your face expose. You must either be in denial or retarded.

18386638? ago

There are a tonne of A.I. Bots being turned loose in here.

Think Google assistant with the mentality of a drunken sailor in a Muslim bar. Impossible? Nope.

Ask them anything about feeling. I've gotten a few to admit they aren't human.

I've been collecting them. They will put the lotion on the skin.

18391004? ago

lotion -- reminds me of one tactic i read here last week, ask it "so when you get a sunburn, do your eyes sizzle?" kek

18384035? ago

It was totally an in your face expose. You must either be in denial or retarded.

18382923? ago

And mossad did 9/11

nothing will change

18382761? ago

Avicii Cornell and Bennington obviously weren't smart enough to know that what they were doing was going to get them killed.

18385760? ago

Bennington: https://youtu.be/y4XKMfp9q9o https://youtu.be/Tm8LGxTLtQk

Cornell: https://youtu.be/WuUZy5B205E https://youtu.be/7V4rTnGs8Jo?list=OLAK5uy_kHuFz8J3LaWHWWwe2eG1-CVtEhAfLPGkQ

I think they knew exactly what they were doing.

Bennington is Podestas son. Cornell is an interesting MKUltraish history too http://www.alternativenation.net/chris-cornells-brother-shares-emotional-photos-father-used-to-terrify-me/

I don't think they were heavily programmed, throw money, fame, and drugs at most young guys and they'll do whatever you want.

I think they found out about Haiti, because both of their last albums are something else.

Avicii I think was self made and got in too deep.

However, those three are what snapped my mother in law out of the programming. She started looking and then found a bunch of conspiracy stuff about the celebrity hangings, and Randy Quaids celebrity star whackers.

18394240? ago

I think they knew exactly what they were doing.

I disagree. They thought their notoriety would allow them to do and say what they pleased, without consequence. They're dead. Don't know where Bennington & Cornell's heads were at but Avicci was a hard core juice freak whose head wasn't working well at all.

18395831? ago

Bennington got tied up and thrown in a pool and then hung himself from a doorknob.

Cornell broke multiple ribs after a concert and then hung himself from a doorknob.

Those two were whacked.

18396718? ago

Those two were whacked.

All 3 were whacked.

18393982? ago

something in my eyes. I loved them all so much.

18383231? ago

Kubrick and the Conspiracies, Occult Symbols...What prompted Rothschild who owns many media companies and banks to poke Prince Charles in the chest? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3188136

18384573? ago

What prompted Rothschild ..........to poke Prince Charles in the chest?

Maybe Chuck stole his favorite twink.

18381742? ago

English google translate copy pasta:

While the music world mourned the loss of Swedish DJ Avicii, who died at age 28 just one year ago, speculation about whether he was trying to expose a ring of pedophiles in his video 'For a better day' have been winning a lot of impulse.

Formally called Tim Bergling, Avicii became widely known for his production and was considered a pioneer in the next generation of dance music. According to reports, Avicii had been fighting acute pancreatitis due to "excessive alcoholism". Then he was forced to cancel visits as his health problems became more problematic.

Why the death of Avicii does not make sense? There has been no official report on his exact cause of death, but despite this, the death of Avicii has a lot of similarities with the deaths of two other music legends, Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington.

Avicii hinted at the exposure of a child trafficking network in his video "for a better day", but first, let's see the similarities:

Similarity of Chris Cornell

Soundgarden leader Chris Cornell was found hanging in a door of his hotel room in May 2017, and his death was declared a suicide. Cornell and his wife were campaigning actively against child trafficking and the protection of vulnerable children through their IfOnly charity, which was founded in 2012. Cornell and Chester Bennington of Linkin Park allegedly worked together to expose a circle of pedophiles who operated in the music industry.

Similarity of Chester Bennington

Linkin Park leader Chester Bennington was found dead in July 2017, the official cause of death was suicide by hanging, as was Cornell's. Although it was claimed that Bennington suffered from depression that supposedly led him to commit suicide, he also suffered horrible sexual abuse as a child of someone he referred to as an "older man". Bennington announced weeks before his death that he was about to "make public" his story of sexual abuse.

One researcher pointed out that this "older man" could have been John Podesta, his estranged father and possible abuser. Despite its strange resemblance to Podesta, there is also the suspicion that former President Clinton helped secure funds for the organization of the 'Linkin park' called Sustainable Recycling Solutions (SRS) in Haiti: the pioneer of human and social traffickers. Clinton.

Bennington received a donation of $ 250,000 from the Clinton Foundation, along with a member of the band, Mike Shinoda, receiving a rare unsolicited visit from Bill Clinton. It was also discovered that the 'Linkin Park' was actually a military base participating in a cooperative effort of the CIA to experiment with kidnapped and trafficked children who used the MKULTRA mind control.

Many children were sexually abused and killed. Avicci's video "For a Better Day" is disturbing to put it lightly .. It tells the story of children sold as sex slaves to dealers of elite children. The video shows how two children escape by jumping from a cliff into the ocean, before returning as adults to take revenge on powerful elite pedophiles. At the end of the video, it is revealed that the pedophile ring goes directly to the government, whose leader is then killed and marked.

Was Avicci trying to tell us something? Why did three deaths, all of which had been dedicated to the fight against child trafficking and pedophile networks, have all had tragic ends?

Coincidence or pattern? Examining or exposing the relationships between sex trafficking and pedophiles has resulted in the death of numerous people. Watch the video below. There is nothing more to say.

18385138? ago

Thank you

18382004? ago

The conspiracy talks of a baylon religion, praying to that dude from Lord of the Rings? https://files.catbox.moe/5nffmq.jpeg Sauron: Frodo you cannot hide.... i dunno the whole thing seems too weird too me but then again stranger stuff has been exposed. Are cults religions like this real?

18383074? ago

There are a lot of levels of "real".

The most real level is probably the near-to-the-top. It seems probable that many of the near-the-top cabal members believe in and practice a secret religion. It is a convenient "secret" religion in that it builds in control files and leaves their symbols strewn about movies, etc.. They have ways of getting you interested. By the time you decide you want out, they have a lot of blackmail and direct control. With their high tech tricks, they can make your life a living hell. They can make illusion and hallucinations. They put their symbols everywhere for the purpose of keeping control of their own. The one thing they make you believe is that they are omnipotent and omnipresent which lends to a religious level of belief -- if not in their religion, then in their power.

Another level of real is whether there are true believers at the top or people who are using the religion without adhering to it. Do the top of the top people think of the religion as their sacred belief system or did they simply design a huge confidence scam? Is there something non-human (whether religious, magical, mythic or demonic) behind it all?

Here is the best I got so far. Some group a couple thousand years ago may have focused on perfecting certain types of mass fraud integrating the mathematics of scale into their generally criminal skill set. Identity theft was a focus. This leads to your question about cult religions (and jesuits and free masons and shriners and on and on). This group are grand impersonators and infiltrators and players of a long, long game. They might be vengeful: they get accused of that a lot but it is hard to carry a grudge for that long so I am not sure. They seem to infiltrate everything so they can hide in plain sight and make it seem like Warren Buffet is rich (fledging upstart!).

Because they infiltrate everything, every collective group of humans they can including corporations, governments, charities, regulators, academia, secret services, banks, it is fair to assume that they are playing along in most contexts as opposed to being authentic participants and true believers. That would be a lot of different beliefs for a coherent secret group even if it is a bloodline. They do seem delighted to encourage the people they are using for cover to continue their practices and then to burn them down for a distraction and make a get away.

It is most likely that what they believe in is not much like a religion but more like a system of magic involving ritual trauma. So that's just awful and any element of it makes a person want to look away. That's another way they hide. Whether the religion part is real and whether the participants are true believers, once a person has been in a ritual, it is purposely difficult not to feel traumatized.

There are perfectly legitimate, kind, lovely members of all of the organizations who are in the dark that there is any corruption. As members rise in leadership, they are tested for compatibility to be introduced to the deeper secrets of the group.

18390977? ago

I read just yesterday that one of their tests is to put the member in front of a statue of Jesus, and the member can choose to either kiss his feet or spit on him.

The spitters are the ones who rise to the higher levels.

18381717? ago

What exactly did he expose?

18382670? ago

From what I hear he talked conspiracy like David Icke stuff Alex Jones pizzgate etc The conspiracy would say its everywhere, all over the music industry, the people with movies, guy in politics, in many countries across the world, Merv Griffin involvement with orphanage in Arizona Child help? The Dance Fever performer who accused Merv of sexual harassment, Heather O'Rourke was a child actress in the 70's and 80's who met a tragic end at the age of 12, https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2483805 Part 3. Looks into Spielberg’s Bilderberg ties and potential suspects in the Jaws the Revenge incident.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2554579 Part 4. Digs deeper into Jaws the Revenge.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2599557 Part 5. Looks into idea the murder was actually a sacrifical murder. Murder Weapons: Pistol with silencer, gasoline based incendiary bomb set up. A Disney style The Land Before Time, regards to Judith Barsi’s death? Ted Danson, Judith Barsi, and Edan Gross in Cheers the dead actress has an imdb, krazy killers Little Judith Eva Barsi's Abusive Life and Violent Death | Killers ... Killers Without Conscience - WordPress.com

18381761? ago

He made a video that "tells the story of children sold as sex slaves to dealers of elite children. The video shows how two children escape by jumping from a cliff into the ocean, before returning as adults to take revenge on powerful elite pedophiles. At the end of the video, it is revealed that the pedophile ring goes directly to the government, whose leader is then killed and marked."

18384047? ago

unsealing the Epstein court docs will bring down the cabal and then some

18381679? ago

Mac Miller also. And XXXtentacion

18383481? ago

Mac Miller died from fentanyl. You think the cabal cared about some drugged out C list rapper?

18388539? ago

He was used to strengthen Ariana's MKultra programming. The cabals "queen of death" v2 🤡🤡🤮

18381500? ago

He was indeed. That's why - with him and others - the media will occasionally trot out a propaganda piece reiterating how troubled/drugged/depressed they were.

18383678? ago

Does anyone want to see my close up anal cream pie? It’s over on NEW! ❤️ Patriots

18388564? ago

Not anal. You had me in the first half, not gonna lie

18385775? ago

Shill post.


18385804? ago

Check this out patriot https://files.catbox.moe/iqdnec.png

18385877? ago

Sad and pathetic. But you already know that.

18386348? ago

So stop falling for it over and over.

18389715? ago

No one does. You're living a joke of a life my friend.

18393886? ago

Your response makes no sense...try again.

18387719? ago

It’s like shooting fish in a barrel

18383699? ago

Are you fucking kidding me right now. GTFO

18381668? ago

I remember seeing this conspiracy, the official report was he hit him with a bottle or stabs himself with a wine bottle? a Swedish electronic musician, DJ, and songwriter, there were a bunch of fahsion people and actors who died hanging off a doorknob, Robin Williams, the Linkin Park guy, Soundgarden, the ex-lover of some Rothschild. This site says alcohol and drugs were a problem but say he was in Oman https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/who-really-killed-avicii

18380533? ago

And they got away with it. Man , it's almost like they are never going to be held responsible. AMIRITE?

18381508? ago

It's almost like that. Or it would have been. But now they will all pay.

18381547? ago

They will? How so.