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18348258? ago

Downvoat and move on. The ones spamming it love the reactions they get from it or they wouldn't do it to begin with. Other than that nothing will be done about it.

18349198? ago

They also do it to prevent the forum from being effective. Several Chan threads were effectively eliminated by flooding them with anti-semitic and porn posts. The fact that they have ramped up the attacks on QRV shows how effective a weapon it has been against the deep state.

18349305? ago

Voat hates kikes since long before Q. It's why he sent you here. Wakey wakey

18349705? ago

Oh, grasshopper... what if he sent us here for both our benefits? What if we have things to teach each other?

18349825? ago

I'll be willing to learn from you if you admit the Holocaust never happened. Nobody was gassed. No lampshades from Jew skin. No soap made from Jews. Jews are knowingly attacking and destroying the west using immigration, diversity and Multiculturalism as weapons of war.

18365093? ago

I freely admit the holocaust was a hoax as portrayed. I don't believe anyone was gassed or cooked in ovens. Soap and a lampshade probably did happen because that's how sick these people are but I don't find it important past that, I'm not attached to that belief... the rest is going to fall under your 'fake jews' and false propaganda to divide us. It's these issues I'd like to talk about because I've seen evidence that this is more complicated than previously thought. I've been a believer for some 40-50 years.

Do you believe that the vatican contains the good guys? Because if you do then we will be at that point of having nothing to say to each other. Do we have a starting point?

I apologize for the delay in responding. It's spring and most days I'll be busy. If we agree to terms I may only be able to get one response a day out to you.

18365445? ago

And just to answer your subversive question no of course I don't think the Vatican are good guys. But Christian's call out the Vatican and have been going after them for years. It's ok for us to do that but mention a single Jew crime and have your life destroyed.

I talk about Jews and you more or less dismiss and try change the focus to Christians. Why am I not surprised.

Clearly a kike pretending. You idiots can't hide here. You stick out like a sore thumb

18367071? ago

Wow dude. I sure wasn't trying to offend you. You gave me a list of prerequisites, I thought I gave you those and hinted at the info I came across. I only asked you for one which I think from what you have said you have no problem with.

There were experiments carried out on jews by jews! The whole thing was jews raping other jews! I'm German. I have no attachment to the jews or the holocaust. I just want the truth. I'm not so sure you care about the truth. If jews were turning jews into lampshades why would you argue about it? I was hoping to have an actual conversation. You know, exchange ideas and info?

"You don't find it important that the stories that shaped our world and our minds are a complete fabrication shoved down your throat from birth by an invasive species to dominate and control you. You don't find it important that a tiny tribal minority control everything about your life?"

^ THIS^ was what I was willing to discuss! Instead I get insults. Open your eyes and let your brain breathe, sheesh! You act like I'm attacking your children for the simple act of being human and trying to share ideas.

18367325? ago

You complaining about anti semetic posts and attributing them to shills instead of ordinary everyday westerners (particularly whites) is attacking my ability to protect my kids from evil Jews.

I make those posts. Older goats make those posts. Your understanding is a joke. We are fighting back. It's not shills it is us. We are spreading the truth in the hopes of finally breaking free from Zionist control.

Get with it or yes you are attacking my children. If you defend the people destroying western children's minds then you are the enemy.

Like I said, traitors first.

Saying you are German only makes it worse. At what point are you going to fight back against the almost century long slander of your people?

Never I guess. You'd rather pretend it's no big deal and focus on the Vatican instead like a good goy.

If you were genuine you'd know I'm helping u using tough love. The time for being inside to you old faggots indifference is done. I make no more excuses for your generations cuckoldry. Time to grow a backbone.

18368176? ago

Now your just making stuff up! LOL

18370291? ago

They also do it to prevent the forum from being effective. Several Chan threads were effectively eliminated by flooding them with anti-semitic and porn posts

The fact you even use anti semetic the way you do. You're too far gone

18373503? ago

Are ya done pissing up the rope yet?

18379272? ago

The other guys were eight about you. A Boomer faggot. I thought you were a kike to be honest but you're actually worse.

18382788? ago

How many comments back and forth and what did I learn from you? We never even got to the topic! You just want to lob insults and make shit up. At least I'm a smart boomer faggot who thinks for herself. The questions I ask are honest ones. I don't feel the need to fit into anyone's 'group' that doesn't respect my right to have an opinion. Least of all a bunch of adult snot nosed babies full of hate and anger.

When we arrived here from reddit I was ecstatic. A real place that honors real free speech! whatever was part of the deal with the one of the groups of anons. Why did Putt do that? Why would he put us in the middle of you guys? Could it be that both groups were a pain in the ass?? Could it be that he hoped we'd either rip each other to shreds or did he have a hope we'd learn from each other? I have no idea if he's hopeful enough to think the latter could happen but I am. I'm a white woman and I'm telling you, white men as disrespectful and inconsiderate as you are a disgrace to white men every where. It's your own fault white women run from you and take up with blacks. They treat them better while you lot need mothering while you degrade and insult. You don't look at the consequences of your actions but instead blame others for your difficulties. Yea, life sucks. At my age I think I can tell you get the fuck over yourself if you hope to have a good woman in your life. That bit of truth ought to fry your punk ass but going and kicking the dog would just prove my point. Stop being a jackass for your own good. Where the hell is your mother!? You lot procreating, as you are, is a fucking sure fire way to white extinction. Even with white women trying to have a discussion with you it ends in resentment and frustration. Way to go white boy!! You don't own WHITE ya ignorant punk.

18382987? ago

Blacks treat you better?

Fuck back to Reddit you traitorous cunt.

18383668? ago

Talk like that to your mother do ya? She must be all the things you call me since that seems to be the way these things work.

I have white men in my life and beautiful white babies too. Sorry to disappoint you.

If you've spewed enough vile do you think you could go away or do you have to have the last word too? Big bad white guy threatening women.. such a catch! Lets see if you have the will power to walk away without the last word.

18383759? ago

My mother is a race realist. In fact i used to fight with her over it back before I woke the fuck up. Now I apologise to her for allowing the schools brainwash me against her beliefs.

My mother fights to protect the west. She'd hate your fucking guts.

18383732? ago

I never threatened you you dumb cunt. I also spoke to you like a man because I thought you were a man. Get it. You are demanding special treatment now by pulling the 'im a woman' card'. You being a woman doesn't suddenly make me change my opinion of you. In fact you just confirmed everything I said about brainwashed western women. Thanks.

18383695? ago

Stop pulling the woman card it's weak. You don't get special treatment so stop begging for it.

You use tactics that you might get away with down the pub but online and for thesake of discussion we are all men. Deal with it. You should be thanking me for treating you equally.

18382974? ago

@crensch check this out

18382934? ago

You've already been relegated to 'lost cause' status. Now off you go to import as many rapists as possible like a good girl.

You claiming to think for yourself if hilarious.