18468208? ago

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18121045? ago

Related discussion at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3167996/

18123113? ago

Q said to watch out for news about Rachael Chandler, maybe she will be the link that introduces all this to the public..

18113804? ago

Found this posted elsewhere.... History http://www.dailyrepublican.com/chinesegot.html

18112952? ago

Good dig!!

Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important? Q

Would love to know the answer.

18123977? ago

Nukes in Mexico.

18112023? ago

Because it's Summertime in the LBC

18110484? ago

I found this looking at TOCK https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1627616/000162761614000001/xslFormDX01/primary_doc.xml now look at the 3rd name Brian Fitzpatrick https://fitzpatrick.house.gov/ former FBI? Republican? standing next to Pelosi?

18110516? ago

This is interesting... acording to this... http://www.tockllc.com/about.php The name "Tock" comes from the name of a character in Norton Juster's 1961 book, "The Phantom Tollbooth". Tock is a watchdog.

18110561? ago

For Milo, everything’s a bore. When a tollbooth mysteriously appears in his room, he drives through only because he’s got nothing better to do. But on the other side, things seem different. Milo visits the Island of Conclusions (you get there by jumping), learns about time from a ticking watchdog named Tock, and even embarks on a quest to rescue Rhyme and Reason! Somewhere along the way, Milo realizes something astonishing. Life is far from dull. In fact, it’s exciting beyond his wildest dreams.

18110374? ago

As i recall slick willie closed longbeach nas and when it went up for bid he stepped in and leveraged longbeach to give it to cosco or he'd take away the federal tax dollars. Fbi was like wtf is slick willie up to. Turned out cosci had a project calked sealaunch where they were to use a oil platform rig with stabilization propulsion units to launch satellites into an equatorial orbit. A barge would pull up and they could stand a chinese zenith rocket ( warhead capable) up on the rig and fire it iff clise to U.S. borders. The rig was maneuverable and could get lost in matrix of functional oil rigs. Fbi set up a sting op. First cosco cargo ship to arrive at lbnas has 2,000 full auto ak's and hand gernades bound for chinese gang bangers in L.A. second cargo ship from cosco was planned on arriving with chicom parakeet surface to air missiles but before it's arrival a news article in the wapoi went out alerting all involved and they scattered like roaches under a heat lamp. Only a few low level chinks were rounded up.

18110083? ago

Here is my guess: trafficking is the currency of the rich. Most trafficking happens through the border. If the wall gets built, they need a different means to ship bodies. Ports are their last option.

18110060? ago

Don’t know how credible, but rumor is that Bezos is looking to buy ports in LB.

18121400? ago

Amazon & Port of Long Beach Connection

The containers, under the name Amazon Logistics or its wholly owned subsidiary Beijing Century Joyo Courier Service Co., are sent from ports in China to either the Port of Long Beach in California or the Port of Seattle in Washington state and from there to Amazon distribution centers.



18109908? ago

That's Long Beach in the foreground, sure, but what's behind?


Lookin' at you Hollywood and all you deepstate fuckers.

18109630? ago

Thanks for posting this. Seeing the picture in today's drop made me wonder about Long Beach. I was getting ready to search it on Qmap but then I saw this. If Q wants to blast the bad Dems, this has got to move beyond the political into the criminal arena. If AS or HRC can be implicated in human trafficking, it completely disarms all political measures the Dems have planned to employ. They will be defenseless and it will turn the public on them. The headlines will be so sensational (because sex sells) that even CNN/MSNBC/WaPo won't be able to avoid reporting it. God willing, that's where Q is going next with all this.

18109296? ago

While everyone is...rightly focusing on the human trafficking aspect, there is another issue of even more grave import. Cargo nukes. Russia has developed caro container missiles capable of nuclear warheads and as I understand things, has given this tech to China. A container ship in the port of L.A. would be able to delever a barrage of missiles into the US and defeating that from within your own borders...well, Im sure I dont have to paint the whole picture for you.

While we're at it, lets llok at some recent indicators of things going on which give us clues to the tempreture of things.

The Golan: the Presidents recent announcement of recognizing the Golan as belonging to Israel. Putin and Bibi bad talks where Putin was informed (beofre Trumps announcement) of the Israeli stance of the area. Iran has been mounting a hurried weapons buildup. Putin seems trapped and he isnt liking it. The reason for the push by Russia, Turkey, Iran is because there be oil in them hills! Come to take a spoil?

Venuzela: both China and Russia are propping up Mad-duro and against the IS and even the surrounding countries. Why?

Oil! Lots of Oil. The recent ruling by a leftest judge to shut down oil drilling in the Anwar in Alaska shows their hand. Now who is colluding with muh Russia?

NoKo Chairman Kim has informed that it can no longer work with Pompeo, "to immature." translation, he is to tough.

We can see through just theae few instances the panic of our enemies world wide. Putin, Xi and Kim could be allies, but greed prevents. The ports accross the nation need to be on alert. A cornered animal is dangerous.

18123965? ago

L5 security clearance. Nuclear transfers.

18109635? ago

Nukes burried under ground can be detected from space. Small nukes can be accuratly detected from ground based radar. Underground sonar base microwave can detect "moderately" safe radiation (at a few hundred feet) all the way to tactical (a few thousand feet straight down).

No, my fear is BIO/Chemical. Like measles, small pox, Fentanyl and tampered Vaccines.

You know, the stuff happening in real time.

18109202? ago

Maybe a clue about Q1203 and Q3313 Long Beach Port. Shipping containers. Don't know for sure but this would be a connection that would be worth looking into.Commissioner Cordero Leaving FMC ( Federal Maritime Commission) (Obama appointee) to Serve as Executive Director of Port of Long Beach https://www.fmc.gov/NR_17_08/

18108456? ago

Container explodes outside port of Long Beach on April 15 . Interesting date . What are they hiding ? https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/container-explodes-outside-port-of-los-angeles

18116037? ago

I wonder if the Evergreen container business is related to the woman known as "Evergreen."

18110005? ago

I guess you did not read the article. The container was being exported and states it was fuel/flammables. They assumed it was from the 4 cars, one of which was fully fueled and got hot in the late afternoon Cali sun.

18135006? ago

I read it. Do you think DNA evidence only exists eastbound?

18150270? ago

You think body part are hard to hide on a busy California freeway next to North America's largest sea port? Are you really this ignorant or just a troll going through the motions?

18108114? ago

They can ship anything to anywhere in the world, label it art, and customs cannot inspect it.

They are smuggling humans, drugs, you name it.

But its art yall!

18113624? ago

Why isn't customs allowed to inspect art? That needs to be changed ASAP. Customs should have the authority to inspect anything it deems as necessary. Wouldn't it be interesting if a surprise, emergency inspection of everything coming through the port had to be performed, if only for a couple of hours? I wonder how we could make that happen?

18121675? ago

Fine art is exempt duty-free

Maybe this?

If you had also bought a $500 painting on that trip, you could bring all $1,300 worth of merchandise home without having to pay duty, because fine art is duty-free.



18106952? ago

Child/human/drug trafficking in shipping containers. Ambassadors can ship anything with immunity.

18111067? ago

It's called "live art." That's how they find immunity.

18107388? ago

Yes and bypass inspection.

18109209? ago


18109520? ago

"Live" art.

18110956? ago

Warped on purpose. Disgusting. Sick. Sick. Sick.

18106873? ago

Watch the water

18106627? ago

There is very little anyone in the USA can buy nowadays that doesn’t come from China and that doesn’t have to go through that port or the port of LA. Thanks to the Bushes, Clinton, Obama UniParty. That port is so busy the educated guess is a lot of terrible crimes are hidden in all the containers getting off-loaded there from China.

18109506? ago

I also know that containers can also by-pass Customs at the Long Beach port, be placed on a flat bed car and shipped to other hubs like Chicago and be “cleared” at that secondary location.

18107686? ago

I think they are using the cargo containers to smuggle humans. Sex slaves, organ donors, you name it.

18106731? ago

Perhaps something about that port is about to see the light of day..

18108474? ago

Well the Chinks are not gonna give up Long Beach without a fight.

18106211? ago

Man I live here! WTH is gonna happen in Cali ?

18108838? ago


18108509? ago

Pretty sure it's going to be liberated. Use your imagination. "Watch the water". The coast is not a good place to be imo.

18108540? ago

You mean obliterated ?

18110979? ago

Learn to swim. See you down in Arizona Bay.

18111353? ago

Huh? Please elaborate . I’m 3k ft above sea level 😳

18106503? ago

I may have to move back to Long Beach soon. I will definitely be bringing my full-freedom fuck-CA firearms. I won't be caught with my pants down.

18108851? ago

Waaay to crowded/congested these days.

18123942? ago

True, but bad circumstances may force me to return in a short time.

18125497? ago

Bummer...sending "safe" thoughts your way.

18106735? ago

I just think of all the rain we had after the fires and all the regrowth that is soon turning to brush that will be easy to destroy so cal rural areas if there’s another electric company related fire ..there’s one highway leading to a town that’s 30 miles away . It would be like paradise ca all over and that makes me want to move now.

18108550? ago

I gather from sources that the fire attack won't happen again. I think there is a plan in place.

18108594? ago

That’s a little comforting.

18106194? ago

One year delta.

18106335? ago

Yes, good point.. Also the day I'm flying to NY so I hope the nutters leave the planes alone..!

18106618? ago

Safe travels, Patriot.

18106697? ago

Thank you.. Looking forward to a break..!

18105669? ago

The stage is set. The democrat coup officially failed today. Time to go after those treasonous sob's.

18105551? ago

From 8chan






Feinstein’s financial ties to the communist Chinese and COSCO include her husband, Richard Blum.

Blum is reported to be heavily tied to the PRC through his Far East investment firm, Newbridge Capitol Corp. Blum’s partner at Newbridge, Peter Kwok, also served as a consultant to COSCO, and COSCO Hong Kong Holdings, a company owned by Chinese billionaire Li Ka-Shing. In 1989, Kwok helped CITIC and Li Ka-Shing raise $120 million to buy a Hughes-built communications satellite for a company also part owned by Chinese generals.

Senator Feinstein is far closer to Red China than just a few business ties to her husband would suggest. The Los Angeles Times reported in 1997 that Blum and Feinstein have visited with communist Chinese officials three times. Blum reportedly accompanied the senator at his own expense and met with President Jiang Zemin and other top communist party officials. In January 1996, Feinstein and Blum were honored as the first foreigners to stay at Mao Tse-tung’s former residence.


18123837? ago

I remember this one.

18123855? ago

Check the Far East English language newspapers, 1999, for more info.

18113074? ago

Yes, Clinton gave away lots of technology to the Chinese. For instance, missile technology that ended up in Pakastan, Iran and NK:



On March 18, Bill Gertz of The Washington Times reported that the Administration would offer China access to missile technology barred under human right sanctions.

The sales, made and planned, permit China to lengthen the range of its missiles and sharpen their accuracy. The Gertz article says the U.S. will ask China not to sell the technology to countries like Iran and Pakistan that are developing nuclear weapons. U.S. intelligence says Beijing has made that promise before and broken it.

And then there was Chinagate:



Johnny Chung testified before Congress that in the summer of 1996, Ji Shengde told Chung, “We really like your president. We hope he will get reelected.… I will give you 300,000 U.S. dollars. You can give it to… your president and Democrat Party.”

Chung used most of that money to pay for his business expenses and sent the remaining $35,000 to the Democratic National Committee. Shortly after Chung’s testimony, Ji Shengde was reassigned from the head of Chinese military intelligence to the Academy of Military Science. In the United States, that would be the equivalent of the head of the NSA being reassigned to teach political science at a university.

Beyond the $35,000 from the Chinese government, the DNC was forced to return all of the money that Chung had donated to them ($366,000).

Now that's real collusion, yet the MSM never called Clinton or the DNC out for their crimes. (No surprise in that. Things are still that way.)

18108805? ago

Q says a lot of things. You can’t trust what Q says. Q says so himself.

18107371? ago

Also Tock LLC is a company that has an app where you can reserve a table at fine restaurants. Here is the kicker. Someone on 8chan figured out that with a special password you could put in a reservation for prostitutes or underage kids.Connection with human trafficking and Long Beach Port?

18113119? ago

Apparently this has been discussed in more detail here:


18113191? ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis3.

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18105508? ago

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 21 Apr 2018 - 1:30:58 AM

Mack is naming names.

Big names in H-Wood / Gov’t (local/federal).


The ‘Standard’ Hotel.

Helicopter crash.

All related.

Future will prove past.


Feeling ok today?

Why is the MX border / Long Beach Port so important?

Tick TOCK (LLC).