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letsdothis3 ago


Airbnb and POLARIS (creator of the National Human Trafficking Hotline) have teamed up to fight against traffickers before they turn rentals into "pop-up brothels". Uh Oh.....

Airbnb exclusively told the Thomson Reuters Foundation that it has teamed up with anti-trafficking charity Polaris to train its employees, develop new systems and work with the police to spot signs of slavery and prevent people from being trafficked.

Well what have we already surmised about POLARIS ?

  • has Palantir and CIA connections

  • operates the National Human Trafficking hotline which is NOT a government agency

  • uses Salesforce to analyze their data (Salesforce = CIA)

In early 2013, Polaris Project and Thorn: Digital Defenders of Children worked with leaders in the cloud computing industry to develop an SMS-based hotline for victims and survivors of human trafficking and at-risk populations. Communications developer Twilio provided the BeFree texting short code and technology to deliver the text messages, which are integrated into Polaris’s national hotline database, powered by

Polaris started its text hotline in March, through a philanthropic partnership with San Francisco-based cloud company Twilio, which powers text and voice customer service communications for clients such as Uber, Hulu, eHarmony and CocaCola. pairs potential lovebirds without revealing phone numbers, Airbnb sends rental notifications and the American Red Cross deploys volunteers, all through Twilio. ING, the European banking giant, recently announced it was yanking out 17 hardware and software systems across its global call centers and replacing all of it with Twilio. Its largest customer, WhatsApp, uses Twilio to verify customer accounts and logins.

Clinton ties

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kingzos ago

Chip Conley who developed the Phoenix Hotel is a Vice President of AirBnB. He is on the Board of Trustees of the Esalen Institute, a CIA/Tavistock front in Big Sur, California. Charles Manson was at Esalen 2 days before the Tate/LaBianca murders happened.

Conley is also on the Board of Directors of Burning Man, a DARPA social engineering and mind control project. He spends millions of dollars a year to provide a luxury camp "Maslowtopia" at Burning Man with chefs and waiters for his friends. He also runs the site "Fest300", creating a "Fortune 500 List" of festivals around the world.

He is outspoken about being a homosexual entrepreneur. He was involved in a half-billion dollar hotel fund with the Pritzker family, who own Hyatt Hotels and many other businesses.


Chip Conley's Maslowtopia camp:

Burning Man self-service cult "you wash your own brain":

Gay entrepreneur, Pritzker fund:

Conley wants to bring back communal bathing:

Conley bathing at Fly Ranch, Burning Man's mysterious year-round facility funded by billionaires:

Burning Man is DARPA project, sex/drugs/nudity with children present, NAMBLA the clown:

Pritzker family fortune came from grandfather being tax attorney for the mob:

ASolo ago

This Chip Conley is a strange piece of work. Fit him in to Burning Man and Whammo you got yourself and instant freak. This Stanford level clone is a very interesting find. Linked up to the Standard, AirBnB and others omg deep dig there.

Great contribution, this beast has so many damn layers.

middlechild ago

Damn good info. I'll be busy tonight.

think- ago

@SandHog: Please see parent re Burning Man info. Thanks.

SandHog ago

Very interedasting. Thanks for the ping! I'll add to this later today.

think- ago


think- ago

Chip Conley who developed the Phoenix Hotel is a Vice President of AirBnB. He is on the Board of Trustees of the Esalen Institute, a CIA/Tavistock front in Big Sur, California. Charles Manson was at Esalen 2 days before the Tate/LaBianca murders happened.

@9217, you might find this comment interesting.

ASolo ago

Pretty awesome tie in and the entire thread is very good workable research. From the outset it looks like a jumbled mass of confusion but can only necessarily be deciphered by those quite familiar with pizzagate. I am no Q expert and have intentionally tried to divorce myself from giving the movement too much attention but it seems as though it was Entylawyer that had brought attention to the Standard Hotels and Q was riding off the coattails of that story there and from research here, or am I confused as to the timeline of events?

The Entylawyer blind suggested that whoever was able to access the Hollywood Standard they would have to have a very long key pass code that they would still have to present to a receptionist, this process certainly looks like a streamlined evolution of trafficking allowing select users of the application to bypass any human scrutiny whatsoever. There are tons of implications for this research.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I think it is also in the Manson record that one of the victims had called Esalen right around the murder time, perhaps it was determined to be Sharon or Folger? I believe it may have been a call made from the Tate house phone. This is just in my memory, so I don't have a link.

think- ago

Sorry, I'm not that familiar with the case. That would be interesting though, if true.

letsdothis3 ago

Great information. Thank you. @think- see parent

think- ago
