17814050? ago

George Soros who wants the collapse of the US and the industrialists who want cheap labor. These are not 'organic' mass migrations - these are encouraged/funded by globalists who want America to fall in line.

17813073? ago

Who is running Europe? Unelected bureaucrats. Same idea. Push for the NWO of unelected bureaucrats who think they are God.

17812179? ago

Why is "diversity and cultural enrichment" just for white nations? I'm tired of being called racist because I want what all sovereign nations have: Secure borders

17811895? ago

Oh, some one voted for this. Though it wasnt legal, they still counted the votes

17811810? ago

I have to question that if Patriots are in control, why is our southern border being allowed to be over run with invaders? Why is the the Justice Dept. and FBI continuing to stonewall the release of FOIA requested documents?

17810664? ago

Voat has gay rules so I couldn't create my own post on here, so I'll just put it here.

I'm sick of this "We have to slowly redpill people so it doesn't cause a Civil War" shit. The vast majority of the general public aren't being 'redpilled' at all by any of these tiny developments. For the most part, the Civil War is ALREADY HERE. The political divide has people violently clashing more than ever before; everyone's minds are already lost

Trying to slowly convince normies that the world is governed by a Satanic group of pedophiles with infinite resources isn't going to work at all. I'm sick of this "OMG LOOK HOW STUPID DA DEMS LOOK. OMG LOOK AT WHAT DA DEMS ARE SAYIN ABOUT THE RIGHT"

Literally FUCK all of that. We have evidence of Obama and all his underlings committing TREASON. Lock them the fuck up and host an Oval Office broadcast where you show everyone the evidence of these people being the evil fucking scum of the Earth. Who gives a shit if this shocks the hell out of people? WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

Society NEEDS to be shocked. What's the worst that could happen? The entire world is already fucking retarded, so you might as well set things right once and for all.

Also, AG Barr, you mentioned in your summary how "The Russians did indeed hack the DNC servers."

That's a fucking lie, from both you and Mueller. The data was domestically accessed and copied onto an external flash drive. The "Russian" part was when "Guccifer" (probably CIAfaggot) altered the files to have Russian metadata, and then RE-RELEASED two weeks after the initial WikiLeaks release.

Was it Seth Rich who got us all those emails? Probably. He was a populist Bernie Bro who was too naive to know that Bernie is just another establishment faggot towing the line, but even with that naivety, he was still brave enough to piss off the NYC/Broward faggots who ultimately offed him.

Just put everything out there. Stop expecting interesting news from the Paul Ryan Donna Brazille Fox News Network, it isn't going to happen.

Yes this is a Q forum and I haven't mentioned Q once in this post. I don't have to. Q has yet to be confirmed real or fake and it doesn't even matter. All I know is that all the worst people despise President Trump, so getting him into office was obviously a miraculous event, and he's not bending enough knees to get all the losers off his back.

So yeah, President Trump, not Q, please just release the FISA stuff and also release all the shit you have on all the worst people in the world. Why the fuck not?

If these evil pieces of shit aren't prosecuted before the 2020 election, I won't feel any bit surprised if Trump isn't able to secure a reelection. I'm sure these are extremely intimidating people with vast networks of clowns on standby for constantly suppressing any kind of resistance.

If Trump ultimately can't save the fucking planet from all this bullshit, I won't be upset with him at all. He's pissing off every recognizable piece of shit still, so it means he's at least intending to fix shit. But hey, he might be learning it's impossible to unfuck this world with any droppings of big hammers.

Anyway, I hope Trump's able to save the world. I think he'd love to.

17809983? ago

No one voted for mass immigration replacement.

Well, ackchually...

You did. We all did. We just either weren't listening or were lied to. Both, really.


17819895? ago

So with your comment here.... if the politician lied during their campaign and we voted for them, did we really vote for “immigration replacement”, really? Honest question.

17809264? ago


That is who has been running things. Our concept of our government was a carefully maintained fiction.

17808597? ago

Hold fast Patriots do not lose faith

17826653? ago

I do sense we are feeling a little low atm.

17808557? ago

Bought and paid for by the one world government shekel goblins. Look up Hart-Cellar Act. That's a good place to start.

17807643? ago

It's to create chaos so they can rule. To lure muslims into thinking that they have a chance to overtake the United States and the WORLD.

It's all calculated satanic insanity.

To have open borders to maintain the drug flow, childen and women, have wars to exploit the natural resources and ruin infrastructure to enslave the people with loans to rebuild, offcourse with US expertise etc

This is the New World Order narrative. To make the people feel helpless. Rule over the sheep. And they use the protocols of Sion do to it, every day.

17806516? ago

Not to mention BOTH sides of the Uniparty advanced nearly Identical Red Flag bills while everyone was focused on the Mueller report. Gun Confiscation rearing its ugly mother fucking head YET AGAIN.

17807234? ago

Not worried about that. I plan to shoot anyone who comes to my door for my guns.

17809565? ago

It will be a sweet 19 year old girl in a National Guard uniform and she will ask really nicely. You will say either NO or I DONT HAVE ANY. If you say either of them she will thank you and mark her form. Either answer will be checked against the records and other information they have bout you to see if you are lying. If so you will be labeled for extermination and they will come IN FORCE. If you fight back then it will be Waco/RubyRidge. Cops wont save you. Military won't save you. If you are ever asked for your guns you go to ground IMMEDIATELY and hide for all you are worth. If you do not you are a dead man. That is what it will look like.


Check out this bullshit. This is a group organized to supossedly protect your gun rights but look at all the info they want?! All this is is a list of dissidents who are going to have to be burned down with force as opposed to freely giving up their rights. Simple as that. I wonder how many idiotic faggots actually filled out this form? Probably half the boomers in the state.

No, There will be a bit of resistance but if they try to take your guns you will give them up or die without even taking out a single one of them.

17811948? ago

If you shoot back, they might not be so gung ho at the next home

17816807? ago

True but they will know their situation far better than the homerenter thinks. they will WILL have the drop on ya if you are there.

17811769? ago

It will be a sweet 19 year old girl in a National Guard uniform and she will ask really nicely.

And she won't go home. At that point I recognize that

If so you will be labeled for extermination and they will come IN FORCE

and will kick it off. They need to fear coming out in the first place.

die without even taking out a single one of them.

I doubt that.

17816724? ago

Thats the spirit. i made this response so people reading this will understand juwst how serious these times are. they are not like the movies. They are times where only hard people survive. be a hard ruthless killer or die.

17816995? ago

It doesn't need to be organized. If we send a message to the people following the orders that there is a decent chance they won't come home or that there might not be a family to come home to, maybe they won't be so eager to knock on the doors.

17818726? ago

They will be replaced with people who will and wil be bolstered with equipment and larger numbers. I present to you EXHIBIT A: The North Dakota pipeline standoff




When you get this point you need to be WAY out ahead of them. Sitting in your house counting your ammo and silver and posting on Voat how bad-ass you were because you told that girl from the Natty Guard to fuck off then said 'Merica when she walked away isn't going to work because what you see in these pictures is what will come if you do that. I know this because it happens over and over and over and over.

I don't say this to discourage people from fighting for their rights and pushing back against opression but instead to get the soft flabby useless cunts here in the US to understand just how much force will come against them so that they are ready with a hell of a lot more than they are today. Most importantly you simply cannot be at the recieving end of forces such at this. If someone comes to your house and sweetly asks for your guns and you don't give them up then you gotta be ready for what is coming next. This is a small example of what it will look like. Most likely we will all be first.

17806180? ago

What this means is that Trumps wants less illegal immigration but he also wants more legal immigration, for vetted people, educated people, successful people, he wants more diversity but from the cream of the crop. According to you, is that negative or positive?

17808359? ago

Replacement migration is replacement migration.

17806586? ago

Negative. Our own people aren't being taken care of. There should be zero immigration until the 30+ million illegals are kicked out.

17806509? ago

That shouldn't even be up for discussion until the illegal problem is completely solved.

17806244? ago

Nope. I like cream.

17805891? ago

They know what they can get away with. If the people of the world woke up and grew a pair...then we could start talking about doing something. This peaceful revolution BS takes a ton of faith. Things will be worse if the shadow war is lost. We will all be alienated and will remain the crazy conspiracy theorists for the rest of our lives.

I wish Germany and Britain would rise up and protect what’s theirs! Just go search YouTube for ‘Britain Gang attacks’ to see the kind of shit that occurs daily.

17811955? ago

it does not take faith, it takes unity, you need to unite with your neighbors, and get them to unite with theirs, until everyone is on the same page

17805545? ago

Kalgeri Plan...

17810626? ago

(((rubs hands)))

17805365? ago

Well the deep state is, obviously.

17805307? ago

The people are running the nation.


17807524? ago

So its the people wanting post birth abortion? Fuck off shill.

17958307? ago

Question asked but not willing to hear response, and assume straw man response?

You're literally retarded

17805281? ago

Why would they favor the wishes of the citizens? Why should they? If there's no repercussions for not doing that, and it's profitable (in more ways than one) to not do that, then why should they? If no one stops these people from fucking you over then they have no reason not to fuck you over.

17805348? ago

Just like a CEO deciding his own pay.

17806545? ago

Dont know the first damned thing about business, do you? Seriously? You obviously have no clue. NONE.

Now, go back to sleep, little one....

17810373? ago

I might not know about how the CIA steals money to setup Bill Gates and Bozo types, but I did become a millionaire before 40 with a business. Thanks for asking.

17805292? ago

We are their slaves afterall.

17811938? ago

You might be, but I am not

17805174? ago

Who is running the antion? ISRAEL & JEWS AND THEIR LITTLE PETS

17805139? ago

We cannot boast about being such a free country anymore and saying what mistakes Europe has made bringing in illegals because we are doing the same thing and at a faster pace than every before. We are not having enough children as anglo saxon populations to replace our families and our stupidity is coming home to roost. We are going to be devoured by the locusts before we know it. When are we gonna have enough and push back and will God walk with us? We need a spiritual revolution.

17804995? ago

It's time we dust off the instruction manual.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

17804868? ago

We're WORKING on it. Quit crying.

17810433? ago

I know. But to what end? We can mega but first we have to maga. Secure your own mask before assisting others. It's really easy. We have to get our shop in order before we can help out, and help we will. But we can't have people climbing over the wall and breaking rules to get there. We have a reprieve but we have to lock this place down first. America the beautiful will still be the beautiful city on a hill, but we do have to stay America in the process.

Friendly reminder to all mil Intel and QSec watching we thank and cherish you. Communication and feedback is part of any healthy relationship.

17804668? ago

I'm absolutely certain of one thing. It's NOT 'We The People'. Never has been. Never will be. I don't give a shit anymore about the great economy. You know why? Because it's all going to be undone by the demonrats and more important, the massive invasion at our nonexistent border. Welcome Fucks, Park's Open!

17812468? ago

https://voat.co/v/anon/3058906 What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe

17808319? ago

Restoring rule of law means enforcing immigration law. If existing illegals aren't removed and the people who brought them here punished then rule of law doesn't exist.

17804406? ago

Not disagreeing with the bulk of the comments on this, but everyone seems to be missing a HUGE piece of the puzzle. Old news but still going on, just bigger and better:


17804237? ago

The cabal runs this country, they always have, only Trump has shown a light on the evil that surrounds us.

17812460? ago

The guys at hollyweird, the political elite, the media they want open borders & keep saying the US is a 'Judeo-Christian' nation, Prussian Lodge, Thule ... and Voat names them Every Fucking Time!! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3064291/17050645 'The author was killed by the Freemasons afterwards, so you know he told their secrets.'

17811944? ago

the light was always on, you were just to brainwashed to see it

and this country was not always run by the cabal. The constitution would not exist as it does if that was true

17813969? ago

What we can't figure out is why enlightened people such as yourself, stood by and did nothing.

17808469? ago

Don't say "only Trump". Why do you think he had dinner with his military generals tonight?

17814021? ago

You are correct, he is simply the main character in this military movie.

17815566? ago

He is the civilian face for the military operation. Most Americans alive today may never know this was entirely a behind-the-scenes military op. History books will record the truth however. A much less deadly approach than a military coup.

17815619? ago

Absolutely accurate.

17804030? ago

Ok so you are saying that currently actual Americans are reproductive on a sustainable rate within this nation, and we don’t need any immigration?

Because that is fucking stupid. I don’t like these fucks here anymore than you. I also know that gen x for the most part had an average of one kid per couple (whites), and mellinials for the most part care more about the type of shoes they have more than kids.

17826872? ago

Whites all throughout history have shown a pattern of not breeding when there are not enough resources to feed and sustain that offspring. And at this point in time many are choosing not to bring anymore into the world not because they are selfish, but because the way things are currently going, they don't see a future for those children in this country. This is the reasoning behind the gen-x 1-kid average as well. Why the hell would you bring children into a world where they are 2nd-class citizens in the lands their ancestors bled for? It is economic genocide. THAT is the real reason.

17804359? ago

No more illegals.

17806506? ago

No more H1B visas as well!

17805058? ago

Ok well legal immigration process is broken. Completely fucked and I know because my wife had to go through the process. It is bullshit and takes years.

17807560? ago

Maybe theres a reason for that.

17807670? ago

I am sure it does, but you can likely understand why many just say fuck it. I can, but here is something else to think about.

How many illegals do you see living in a lavish home, or driving a nice car?

I never see that. No I see illegals begging for jobs at Home Depot, or mowing yards on 100 degree days, or shitty construction jobs, better yet picking fruit and veggies.

Jobs you wouldn’t see anyone else doing, and they do it with a fucking smile. They live in some shitty apartment with 8 other people.

Yet you see them as a problem, and not the fucks demanding you pay 7400 deductible a year for fucking health insurance you are petrified to use, and penalized the moment you do.

Or constant berated from law enforcement and fucked with at the shitty job you likely have paid for with a portion of your paycheck for the remainder of your life.

Just saying that the powers that be want you pissed at anything but them.

17808450? ago

You know why they do that shit with a smile? Because our money is worth ten times as much or more when they send it back home to their families.

They are taking jobs from American workers. There are homeless veterans on the street who need jobs. That money is being siphoned out of the economy. Those people are committing tax fraud or simply getting paid under the table. Those people are using medical services and infrastructure at taxpayer expense. Those people cheated to get here. Those people spit on everybody who came in the right way. Fuck those people. I'll say it again. Fuck illegal immigrants. Just because elite shitheads provided for them to come here doesn't make it better that they came here to take advantage of us. I would not go to their country and take advantage of them.

17808021? ago

I can be mad about many things at once. Just because cops are assholes and insurance companies are evil doesn't mean the guy at home depot isn't part of the problem. Why do you think insurance is so high? If the country was all white we would be running record surpluses even with current military spending without the economic burden of nonwhites. We could easily afford a world class public health care system but instead we get taco stands and sexual assaults. Same thing with cops, they treat you like shit because they have to deal with literal animals on a regular basis and are trained to treat everyone the same so as not to be racist. Also the problems caused by dirty cops and high premiums could be dealt with easily with little to no lasting effects. Changing the demographics of the country and ignoring it to not seem racist is a permanent problem.

17804253? ago

I say that it doesn't matter if Americans reproduce at a sustainable rate. If our population dwindles and our economy worsens, in the worst-case scenario we would still survive. If our population is replaced by third-worlders and their people and their cultures and values, then we as a people won't survive.


17805086? ago

Who is we? The average of 2.5 offspring that will have one more kid? Do the math and make sure you carry the 0

17810180? ago

I’m saying that our population will never hit zero. People are always gonna have kids. Even if we go through hellish terrible times like post-communist Russia, our people aren’t going to go completely extinct. You’re fixated on the concept of replacement birthrates, while I’m speaking more broadly of the survival of our people as a whole. We’re never going to completely stop having kids.

17803874? ago

You are assuming that these Congress and judges represents the people. If you did then you will be sadly mistaken. Just to sum it up. These people are the puppets that make you think you have a voice. But while there are listening to you they are robbing and stabbing you in the back.

Welcome to the world of lawlessness and do what thou wilt. Welcome to hell.

17803322? ago

What will the tipping point be? There is always a catalyst for revolution, then watch out. Have hope.

You didn't realize there was a white pill hidden in #WhiteGenocide did you? Neither did the Jews. They did this to themselves.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfi.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7gbx.png  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcb.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7gby.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7gcg.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7gu1.jpg

White genocide white pill

Far right conservative whites exhibit k-selection and therefore are more loyal, protective, and supportive of offspring, family and racial group.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfh.jpg

We work much harder  http://magaimg.net/img/7nex.jpg

And are much smarter and more inventive  http://magaimg.net/img/7nff.jpg

Our women are also THE most racially loyal despite constant Jewish propoganda.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhm.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhn.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nho.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhp.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhq.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nhr.jpg

The extreme far right is the only group with positive population replacement rates. Which means the white world will be ours  http://magaimg.net/img/7ney.jpg

Whites are the fiercest and most capable warriors. Do not fuck with us.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nez.jpg

We also own the largest amount of guns for a single homogenous civilian group. 46 million white, right wing adults own 125 million firearms. For context, this is 21 times larger than the world's largest army of 2.1 million soldiers in China and 31 times larger than the U.S. Army.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nog.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7noh.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7noi.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7noj.jpg

We are objectively the most beautiful and most diverse.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf0.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7fbl.jpg

And despite all the Jewish brainwashing and trickery, we are waking up unlike never before and realizing we are part of a much larger group. IT IS OK TO BE WHITE.  http://magaimg.net/img/7heq.jpg

The Jews hate to see a group superior to theirs create the wonders of the world.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf1.jpg

This is why they throw everything they have at us. Through all their media outlets, they try to convince us being white is a curse and is detrimental to the world.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfc.png  http://magaimg.net/img/7f2e.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfd.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfe.jpg

Make no mistake, their media reach is vast and powerful  http://magaimg.net/img/7cso.jpg

They tell the lie that whites don't have any culture when they know our culture is the most desirable. Some say it is even divinely inspired.  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf2.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf3.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf4.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf5.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf6.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf7.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nf8.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfa.jpg  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfb.jpg

The reality is that there will come a time in the very near future when the white man wakes up and decides he's done taking shit. The world will change forever.  http://magaimg.net/img/7h4p.jpg

NO MORE BROTHER WARS  http://magaimg.net/img/7nfo.jpg

17827562? ago

Id call this post a guitar solo

17831020? ago


17811932? ago

They openly state that they want me dead, and thats ok.

Thing is, it's not ok with me.

So, I want what they want for me

17804556? ago

You can add this to your list:

The Jewish God is Satan.

Saturn = Satan.

On the north pole of saturn is a permanent black hurricane in the shape of a hexagram.

What are the most prominent hexagrams you can think of? -Star of "David" (seal of Solomon / Star of Remphan) -Symbol of freemasonry -Sheriff badge

If you shift the angle of perspective against a hexagram it becomes a cube.

Where else do you see black cubes? -Mecca -9/11 memorial -Tefillin

Revelation 2:9.

Satanists love inversion.

Do you think that they would take joy in the inversion of your belief system?

17803832? ago

What will the tipping point be? Mandatory vaccination!

17802963? ago

We are going to have to fight our way out of this. Trump can only do so much. The rats need to be exterminated.

17803816? ago


17802458? ago

Yes, each and every day Congress ( radical democrats) are busting up this country. THEY are running it straight to Hell. Nobody can put them in their place, NOBODY. Trump still does not have a complete staff due to delays and obstruction from the Dims. His nominees will be confirmed in 8 years according to the senate. I'm sure Obama and Hillary are laughing their asses off. Trump is alone with a few patriot Republicans trying to hold the line. Brace for impact.

17808423? ago

The military clean-up is coming. Keep your Dimmie club close and go back and look at all the arrests and CEO forced resignations thus far. The military will choose the time and place bro.

17809988? ago

Way too much faith in the military, my friend

17810286? ago

What was the point of Trump meeting and having dinner with the generals tonight, friend?

17809504? ago

Bro, cant believe a clean-up until it actually happens. So far, Zero.

17805498? ago

(((They))) are running the country. Their destruction will be saved for last - JQ

17804940? ago

Us gun-toting patriots in Texas (I'm a chick with a gun) will be a willing citizen militia. Just give us the order, POTUS!

17811024? ago

Love you ladies with guns! So beautiful!

17808591? ago

That's literally never going to happen.

17808192? ago

Trump is never going to order the militia to defend the border. He's more likely going to give amnesty to the existing illegals who are already in the country.

17802205? ago

You must be new here.

17802148? ago

We need a Constitutional Showdown to bring Congress and the Judiciary back to their original intent. This is outrageous.


17808430? ago

We will see arrests and DC will be empty.

17804699? ago

Same over here in the U.K., mate. Not enough of our supposed elected representatives are determined to implement the EU vote given us - whatever you decide, we will implement the very next day - they lied. Then they all nodded vehemently to all the warm words that were spouted. Then....... nothing..... Worse than nothing..... Sickened.

17810977? ago

We need 36 barrels of gunpowder.

17804809? ago

Many blessings for genuine miracles in the UK, to regain liberty and sovereignty and reclaim your culture from the globalists.

17802232? ago

Article 5?