17805019? ago

It's called the United Nations.

17813767? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3138538/17812673 'tsar nicholas king george kaiser wilhelm all related, George and Nicolas looked like clones'

17803173? ago

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17799506? ago

Panicking "muhjoo" shill

17801509? ago

Found the shill

17958847? ago

^ Panicking leftist commie satanist defending jew.

We Patriotic jews despise you



Revelation 2:9

" I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."


17959813? ago

To deny that kalergi plan exists, to deny that a filthy version of jewish elite run hollywood, run the banks, run the cabal, is just plain nonsense. yes there are jewish people who are patriots, but to pretend like 100% of jews are completely innocent, don't run the above evil, is just dumb. There can be both acceptance of jewish patriots, and hatred for evil jews...

17801615? ago

^ Found the panicking "muhjoo" shill.

$0.50 deposited from Soro$/MediaMatters/Brock/Crooked cabal into its account.



17801666? ago

I love it when these shills project.


17806295? ago

I love it when leftist projecting shills fumble over themselves trying to say Q anons who out them as projecting, to somehow be projecting.

That's hilarious. Stupid, but hilarious.


17811306? ago

You really are fucking stupid. Honestly, deeply, profoundly stupid. Please tell us that you did not reproduce. Lie, if you must.

17958226? ago

Projection from low IQ panicking shill

17798581? ago

We must rid ourselves of the duel citizens and all of their lackys.

judaism = communism for the goy and Oligarchy for the jews.

Anyone who says not all jews is a fucking commie scumbag!

17799096? ago

Christians support dual citizens. Christians go to africa and feed the niggers.

17801246? ago

jewdao-churchtains do that yes, Anyone who follows the Word does The Fathers will.

1 Timothy 5:8- Now if anyone does not provide for the own, and especially his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Anyone who supports jews over their own people are not Christians if you go by Biblical standards.

17798322? ago

What we are missing is turning all the legal vetted migrants into maga voters. Infiltrate their churches, communities and workplaces with truth that MAGA Policies will lift them up off the bottom and give them opportunity to excel as productive members of society.

17804748? ago

I hope you know how to speak jungle. When you infiltrate be sure to wear a mask, I hear there's a lot of tuberculosis going around.

17802385? ago

You simpleton.

17798087? ago

Of course I can't find the video on YouTube anymore, maybe other anons can help. Soros was on a stage talking about Syrian and Afghan migration into Europe.

A couple of years ago Soros mentioned during one of his many on-the-stage sit down interviews that the current refugee migration into Europe is not achieving its goals and therefore they must now look into facilitating sub-Saharan Africa migration. He very bluntly and concisely spelled it out.

If you look now at the numbers of sub-Sahara African migration you can see their plan unfolding in real-time. The link is to an article from March of 2018, a year ago.


17798763? ago

17799250? ago

I just watched the entire video and this isn't it. It's a very similar setting and topic where he states that the current migration crisis hasn't achieved its goals.

Thanks for the vid, anon. I'll keep looking.

17797893? ago

Time to start over, from scratch

17804872? ago

Adnan Khashoggi and the Masonics? religion of Osiris? Was Epstein blackmailing for Mossad through the Maxwells? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3137502

17801501? ago

Where? And why should WE have to go? Why not kick out the invaders?

17801589? ago

So you can Tarrant some invaders, or protect something that works. https://texashillcountry.com/