17796483? ago

Funny how it's always each other , yet never the real enemy huh ?

17794998? ago

Its mentioned constantly you dumb fucking boomer. Seriously kill yourself faggot.

17794485? ago

Ii reject jesus, all other ridiculous ‘prophets’ and despise religion and it’s followers ... does that make me a Luciferian?

17792377? ago

You guys are ALL buying in to misdirection. Your religions were prepared for you. You frequently point out "Jews"...

Do you think they worship Lucifer? The rebellious light bringer that isnt even in the bible?

It is Yaldabouth that is your enemy. Do something uncomfortable and research the truth... fuck a red pill, you need to be worried about the light pill.

17793483? ago

The Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, Satan, Devil, Saturn, Jahbulon https://uncensored.co.nz/2018/02/10/god-freemasonry-exposed/

17803550? ago

The difference is the first two are the creators and Satan or Lucifer is supposedly a rebel to this evil CREATOR and most of the people on here dont know the difference, never heard of jahnulon thougj

17789142? ago

Lots of shilling going on in here pretending to try and debate the existence of God. Rationale, educated minds can have functional discussions on this and disagree. Ignore statements from anonymous online message board with people saying dumb shit like "if there were evidence of gods, there would only be one religion." Help these people seek additional resources or ignore them.

This video is a great jumping off point to explore. Ignore the title as it really isn't touched upon but Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris' recent debates erected the interest of a lot of my friends I didn't think would be down to ever talk about the subject.


17787843? ago

the synagogue of satan

17786738? ago

Imagine being more concerned about blacks and jews than literal devil worshippers. Good call OP.

17785688? ago

I've had enough of this anti antisemetism bullshit.

17785367? ago

It's retarded. Just like 98% of the posts on this board.

I reference luciferians all the goddamned time. I am no doubt considered a "shill" as I haven't fallen hook, line and sinker for the Qult that is Qalarp, so there goes your brain dead theory right down the shitter. I simply point out the inconvenient truth that hope is not the same as hard evidence, which is in painfully short supply in this forum.

Neg away, faggots.

17784622? ago

welp as Santa has his little helpers so does Satana sooo that's that .... They help him a lot and work as a gate keepers all the time

Btw. Even Q saves them for last what do you think why? For a final blow when we drain their power in money and media influence

FED is next after the gtfo to gitmo episode

17783782? ago

What is more satanic than killing God's son? Who did that? High ranking Jews.

17783208? ago

because the only shills on here are muzzy shitbags.. satan is their master.. hence raping babies, cutting off clits, wanting to marry toddlers, not showering, shitting in buckets, and being all around cancers to earth..

17783029? ago

This thread clearly disproves the message. I saw hundreds of so-called shills mentioning Luciferrians.

17783005? ago

They always say anti-semitic. It is never anti-jewish or anti-zionist.

17782845? ago

Well, the luciferians always call themselves jews, so sometimes it is just simpler to call them jews rather than try to explain to normies what a 'luciferian' is. They can understand what a 'jew' is just by looking at their actions throughout history, but if you say 'luciferian' you end up sounding like a crazy conspiracy theorist.

17782376? ago

Another #fact - you never see a Nazifag blame democrats.

17783038? ago

60% of money donated to Democrats comes from Jews, despite them being 2% of the population. I don’t care about Democrats, I care about the people Democrats (and a lot of Republicans, too) work for.

17783260? ago

I don’t care about Democrats

That's really all you need to know to put the entire Nazifag movement into perspective.

17782211? ago

Apparently RBG has been here all along. As of today the vocal Qpers all jump on to calling people who question her disappearance as “shill.

17781988? ago


New shill narrative = confound Jews and Luciferians together.


Nobody here actually listens or believes your bullshit when you insult Jews and Jesus.


Talmud has nothing to do with Judaism and is MAN-MADE. Period.


aka faggots.


17782914? ago

Why you put Jesus and the people who reject Him in the same category?

17781987? ago

The Jews and blacks are corrupting the Luciferians and giving them a bad name.

17781691? ago

We don't buy any of the kike fairy tales you dumb fuck. You're all pseudokikes if you believe the Rabbi Yeshua horseshit. As dumb as the goatfuckers.

17781362? ago

All religions from the middle east are the product of Satan. Now turn the other cheek while I fuck you wife and send your beloved offspring to die in the desert because you owe it to me because I'm always the victim. Hail Satan, I mean matzo.

17781279? ago

Synagogue of Satan=Modern Judaism=Luciferians/Moloch worshippers.

17781276? ago

jews are luciferains

17780918? ago

Cane and Baal, are twins?! What part of the bible mentions information about Lucipher, the morning star, Venus, or whatever the hell name people will use.

17780877? ago

Jews run shit. Luciferians are just creepy ass weirdos with some power.

Jews are the real psychos

17793363? ago

Who are the ones putting symbols on tv and ceremony? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3119984/17700836 'Well that's about fucked up'

17809239? ago

who gives the luciferians permission to operate? case in point: if the people request for the luciferians to be removed... they will be removed. request for the jews to be removed... you will be blocked at every point.

17780868? ago

Jews are luciferians you fucking idiot

17781920? ago








17809261? ago

look, i'm totally down to listen to the whole "real jews = follow jesus" claim... but how in the fuck are you differentiating "real vs fake" jews?

the jews in power = kazarian... ashkenazi... whatever...

the old hebrew israelites = the same old fucking psychos who worship baal, moloch, etc

17809530? ago

Pathetic attempt.

Torah = Real Jews

Talmud = Fake Jews (manmade bullshit)

Pretty ez

17827701? ago

ok... so torah jews are the good jews... and why have they not named the "jew"? why haven't they called out the jews who run industry? where is all the outrage from the "torah jews"?

17780830? ago

Why are so many luciferians jewish?

17781936? ago








17792495? ago

Rediculous, all of it, none of these things are remotely true. Jesus... belief here makes you Christian... Jehovah/Yaldabouth.... believe here makes you Jewish... Lucifer... belief here means you might have broken the bonds of the religion that was created for you.

17782072? ago


You can't be jewish and follow Jesus. Either you are a Christian or you are in violation of God and his only begotten Son.

Have you been saving your period blood to paint with?

17780851? ago

Line of Cane.

Lucifer's kids.

17792485? ago


17781036? ago

Cain. But yes.

17781915? ago

Sorry. My bad.

Thank God you got the reference.

17780818? ago

Did lucipher have offspring? Isnt Baal one of them? Im confused.

17780857? ago

Cane. Twins remember?

17780787? ago

I'm some one that some of you jack asses constantly call a shill and I believe luciferians are real, like alefantis is probably one, he is jewish also I though but I guess I'm just a shill because only shills don't like isreal.

17784625? ago

Masonic? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3119904 Murders of Whitechapel and the surrounding areas? Surgeon to Queen Victoria and serial killer "Jack the Ripper," encounters his Masonic god Jahbulon in Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell's From Hell, an old house in Cairo Egypt?

17784812? ago

"The Jews Are The People That Will Not Be Blamed For Anything "

17780768? ago

ITT: The shills are trying a new tactic because a thread like this one is TOO POWERFUL.

They are trying to mix Jews and Luciferians into the same group, a new tactic.

Easy to defeat though, just recognize that the ones using the above horseshit logic are just the same old muhjooshills as always.

Their end goal being to insult Jesus, this is always their end goal.

17783396? ago

The Jews hung Jesus on the cross. Don’t be daft.

17782969? ago

Lol? Have you read it? It’s hilarious. No one is convincing anyone of anything. Y’all look like a bunch of retards trying to impress your cousin in hope of scoring at the prom.

Also, the Jews are bad group is kicking your ass so I’m not sure how you feel powerful!

17781299? ago

How is pointing out that Judaism is a rejection of Jesus to insult Jesus? You are really bad liar.

17781792? ago

Nobody here actually listens or believes your bullshit when you insult Jews and Jesus.


Talmud has nothing to do with Judaism and is MAN-MADE. Period.


aka faggots.

17782976? ago

He was defending Jesus you puss infected septic gash. At least read the shit you are spamming with your copy msgs.

17780600? ago

Hmm... I wonder if the Satanic Elite Jews that run our world are part of the Luciferian Synagogue of Satan you talk about?

17793385? ago

and Victor 3rd Baron Rothschild executive with Royal Dutch Shell and N M Rothschild & Sons, an advisor to the Edward Heath? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3134344

17780496? ago


17780444? ago

Ok, how about a compromise? The Jewish Luciferians. Ta daaa!

17780402? ago

Never thought of that.....good point...I will pay attention to that.

17780338? ago

Good point shills dont talk about the facts, they only try to shoot the messenger. I say try because they are going to be defeated....... Amen

17782998? ago

I read this whole thread and I see it the other way around. The “mahjoo” group using facts. The neo-hippies just tossing out over the target or shit talking everyone who disagrees with them.

17780321? ago

Light. God saw it was good.

17780310? ago

Jews ARE luciferians...

The ones who control monetary policy, are not moderate Jews. They are those who believe in Kabbalah, the "Strange Gods" and the Talmud.

These people are by the very definition, luciferians.

17792467? ago

No... jesus christ... do you even know who Lucifer is? He isnt even in the bible and he is not Beelzebub or Sataniel???? You guys are so afraid to research... tell me something... who is the devil? Really... who? Where did he come from and show me scripturally... Next question, who the fuck was Michael fighting before the fall of your so called devil? Why did heaven have gates and walls and warriors.... the real enemy runs much deeper than a free thinker who realized that God was a rebel to the most high and fled.

17784561? ago

3 House of Saud, Rothschild and Soros ... Jahbulon or Jabulon or Yahb'elon https://voat.co/v/AnonDebate/3117553

17779607? ago

Oh, you mean the Jewish luciferians who are genociding the White race?

The real question is, why don't you recognize their goal and who they are mainly comprised of?

17783215? ago

because you are dumb and dont know the differnce between talmud jews who are basiclly muslime shitbags...

17783557? ago

I don't give a fuck. It is hard enough redpilling people without muddying the jew issue.

They are easy to spot, they are the ones pushing for white genocide.

17785292? ago

The only thing that matters is who does or who does believe in Christ. It is THAT SIMPLE. There is no division amongst the gentile or the Jew, or the black or the white, or whatever. Only sameness in Christ. They'll find out soon enough.

17785347? ago

That is great for the heaven above.

For here on Earth, as long as they continue to try and genocide my people I will fight back as the Christian soldier I am instructed to be.

17782328? ago


There's no evil thing in this world according to the Nazifags, except Joooos.

Is Obama guilty? No. Because he was influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood. And the MB was created by Joooooos.

Bill and Hillary Clinton? Innocent. Nobody is held accountable but the Jooooooos who made them do it.

17783108? ago

Who said only the jews were guilty?

17783224? ago

Re-read my post.

2nd line. 11th word.

You're welcome.

17783528? ago

I call out the jews here and am constantly called a nazifag.

One can recognize the jew problem without being a nazi.

17782713? ago

Hi @OtisT

17783247? ago

Hi #hitlerweeniesucker

17780481? ago

But not the real Jews see because the real Jews are the fake Jews who are fake because they believe in Jesus so the fake Jews are the real Jews and the real Jews are the fake Jews got it?

17783790? ago

Finally someone gets it ,thank you anon

17782108? ago

The Israelites became Christians or were martyred by the Romans circa 70 AD.

The people we call Jews pretend to be the Israelites but they are not.

The people we call Jews practice a religion founded deacdes after 70 AD that expressly acknowledges Christ and rejects him.

If you do not see this as inherently anti-Christ you are lost.

Is there a discernible difference between worshiping an anti-Christ god and being a Luciferrian?

17804084? ago


All religions are bullshit. So who cares.

17783356? ago

Yes, Monotheism. What Jews and Christians believe in and Lucifarians do not.

17779590? ago

They never mention the the Jesuits or the freemasons either. If I were the puppet master I would want the eye's off me and focused on another group. That is how you stay in power. No one ever knows who pulls the strings.

17781266? ago

freemasons are mentioned often on 8ch as being the real problem. or they were a few weeks/months ago, seems to have dried up lately.

17781432? ago

Interesting. The Jesuits control the freemasons. Look at the symbols of the mason temples and the Jesuit churches.

17782861? ago


The Freemasons began to infiltrate the Jesuits In the late 1800s.

17783786? ago

The Jesuits created freemasonry as their Protestant arm in America.

17802170? ago

As long as we keep clinging to false premises such as these we will never be able to come up with a working solution.

17781321? ago

Where do the freemason get their ideas?

17782894? ago

Freemasons were founded to be the anti Jesuits. They even stole their constitution. Eventually they infiltrated the Jesuits.

17779578? ago

I despise the shills but I do not subscribe to the God vs Devil paradigm either. I'm sorry but for many it is just superstitious silly talk. Now if some of the Elites are into the Lucifer nonsense, I do not think it a good thing, because I see it as just plain demented. Anyway, shills or not, everyone does not see the world as you do. Not everybody is so religious.

17779498? ago

Shills won't mention them because people will learn the truth.

Others won't mention Luciferians because they'll be called anti-semitic.

People who aren't afraid of being called anti-semitic don't mention Luciferians because they're only a small percentage of people the Jews blackmail and control, and while that term does include all Jews, it doesn't include everyone under Jewish influence.

Relevant meme.

17779270? ago

They mention Lucifer favorably. You'll probably find some now that you've asked. They'll tell you he's a good guy and on the side of "light"..not at all like the devil whom they like to equate with God. This is their big "enlightened" secret knowledge. Sucks to be retarded.

17781368? ago

They mention Lucifer favorably. You'll probably find some now that you've asked. They'll tell you he's a good guy and on the side of "light"..not at all like the devil whom they like to equate with God. This is their big "enlightened" secret knowledge. Sucks to be retarded.

. .

I'm a Shill, let's talk.

Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a liberator, a guardian or guiding spirit, or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.


17844118? ago

Yes, that's exactly what i said.

17779239? ago

That's because they ARE luciferians.

17779175? ago

Judaism = Luciferians

17804092? ago

My God can beat up your god. 🙄

17806539? ago

There is the Creator and His creations, I worship the Creator!

There is God and then there are gods, who you worship is very important!

17792394? ago

No... they continued worshipping the same God that jesus rejected. The same one they have always worshipped. Yaldabouth.

17791682? ago

Trust sessions

17780744? ago

Ah okay I see the new angle, go ahead and befuddle the words jews and luciferians together.


I'll fix my copy-pasta thanks, you people are hilarious.

17781574? ago

judaism is just another name for mystery babylon, a child sacrificing religion that has many names.

17781818? ago

Nobody here actually listens or believes your bullshit when you insult Jews and Jesus.


Talmud has nothing to do with Judaism and is MAN-MADE. Period.


aka faggots!

17783105? ago

Who insulted Jesus?

17782166? ago

Copy paste kike.

17781386? ago

Synagogue of Satan, as warned in Revelation. Read the book by that name, (Synagogue of Satan) and it lays it all out clear as day. Or keep swinging in the dark at an enemy you refuse to properly identify, your choice.

17781801? ago

Nobody here actually listens or believes your bullshit when you insult Jews and Jesus.


Talmud has nothing to do with Judaism and is MAN-MADE. Period.


aka faggots.

17804104? ago

All religions are man made.

17781885? ago

I love Jesus, and I'm smart enough to heed his warnings


17781220? ago

How can one reject Christ and not be a Luciferian?

17792434? ago

If jesus was a man, would it be different? If his rising from the dead were spiritual and not physical, what would that change? It would bring us all closer to divinity... and be even more impressive. By creating this deity out of a man, the church separated the people from the light and cast a shadow into their souls. They manipulate and oppress. Remember, Jesus said to know me is to know thyself... the religions were prepared for you, made by men to keep your mind under their thumb. Learn by feeling, because your brain is flawed by design. It is not your fault child, but the light exists if you close your eyes and look within you can see it.

17785465? ago

If one does not believe in christ, it does not make one luciferion. It makes him an atheist. If one does not believe in satan, it does not make one a Christian.

17804124? ago

Thanks man. 🙄 These guys I swear.

17782326? ago

It is not possible.

He who rejects Christ rejects the one who sent Him (aka God).

17780722? ago

More like Satanists/Luciferians = Khazars = Fake Jews/Christians/Muslims https://youtu.be/CKaHJFpjEF4

17781737? ago

Khazarian meme is a red herring for morons.

17783666? ago

Possible. But that video is not your average exploration on the topic and contains some very interesting footage. It was produced by an educated anthropologist named Robert Sepehr.

17781507? ago

Yes the only people I see claiming to be jews are fake jews. If I am wrong let me know when real jews are found.

17783710? ago

I know there are actual Hebrew groups and they are the most vocally opposed to Isntreal and Zionism.

17782299? ago

The successors of the Adamic, Noacic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic Covenants as set forth in the Old are called Christians.

17779721? ago

Thats horse shit.

The Bible predicted that the Jews would reject Christ, then receive Him en masse as world events degenerate.

Jews, whom God refers to as "MY people", are called that even amidst prophecies that the Jews will reject Jesus.

And of course, Jesus Himself refers to the luciferians as those "say they are Jews but are not".

You are offering an erstwhile "Biblical argument" that really isn't supportable by the Bible.

17781456? ago

Today's Jews are not the Isrealis of the Bible, they are Khazarians who ARE the Synagogue of Satan. The Jews of the Bible are the so called "lost tribes" who left and spread Christianity through Europe.

17781819? ago

False. Khazarian meme is bullshit from disinfo website Veterans Today.

17782319? ago

Bullshit. It is well proven genealogical fact.

17782741? ago

You should check again, buddy. It's disinfo.

17786636? ago

So you believe some kiked leftist news articles over actual DNA tests?

17786796? ago

Kikes are descendents of Neanderthal hybrids who have infiltrated and maintained certain traits across millenia via maternal lineage and inbreeding. Same kikes as they've always been, absorbing just enough of the local genome to fit in. There are Asian kikes and Hispanic kikes too. They're all Jews by matrilineage.

17781455? ago

Yes only jews say they are jews, Gods people accepted Jesus along with the Gentiles.

501c3 organizations (jewdao-churchianity) and the Way of Christ are two completely different things.

Catholisism, islam and judaism are all mystery babylon child sacrificing religions.

There is the Way of Christ or mamon, you can not serve two masters.

17782489? ago

Actually, Catholocism is the church Christ founded. Suggest you go back and look at some of the writings by the direct disciples of the apostles.

That being said, it was infiltrated by the Luciferrians and appears to be running by them for quite some time.

17783098? ago

No, it's called roman catholocism, started with the council of Nicea.

The Way of Christ requires no leadership except through Father God, not a child molester in a funny hat.

17781952? ago

You’re narrative was created by Jews to justify their evil. God’s covenant was passed from the Jews to those that accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jews do not. When they do, that will be great, but until then they are Satan’s representatives on this Earth.

17780780? ago

Semantics. The people we call Jews today are the Synagogue of Satan.

17781305? ago

And they will be earths greatest blessing when they turn back to God.

Why else has Trump not been laying a hand on them?

He knows not to directly harm God’s chosen people, no matter how evil they have become.

You can only expose their deeds and plead them to come back to the light.

17782375? ago

Saving them for last. Do you even Q bra?

17782577? ago

You say that as if i don’t understand how that ties into everything.

God told us he is saving Israel for last too.

17783057? ago

He did. They rejected him. I am no position to judge anyone’s soul, nor have I done so.

17781791? ago

Because they accused him of antisemitism when he started talking about (((globalist international financiers))).

17781935? ago

No other mud slung has effected him so far, but I’m supposed to belief “antisemist” was enough to make him back down?


17782770? ago

Right, because Trump hasn't been shouting from the rooftops about niggers, spics and women getting jobs. Not a word about white men.

17782075? ago

No other mud was slung by the people that control the NWO.

17782279? ago

That’s verifiably false, but ok. Argument over.

17781577? ago

But in the meantime the reject Christ and serve Lucifer.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

You cannot be God’s people if you reject Christ.

“The kingdom of Heaven shall be taken from you, and given to a nation that will bear its fruit.”

17781620? ago

None of those statements you claimed equate to any verse you cited in any way.

God’s chosen tribe =/= God’s elect

17782040? ago

You’re narrative was created by Jews to justify their themselves. God’s covenant was passed from the Jews to those that accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jews do not. When they do, that will be great, but until then they serve Satan.

17782182? ago

Again, your confusing God’s chosen tribe with God’s elect.

The elect have symbolically become part of His chosen tribe, His Church, which will wed Jesus.

Those physical descendants of Abraham are the prodigal sons, like in the parable of the prodigal Son.

The Old Testament promised that the nation of Israel would be restored in the last times (see Ezekiel 11:17). Even though Israel was destroyed and its people scattered abroad because of their unbelief, God said He would rebuild the nation just prior to the end of the age. At the climax of history the Israelis will turn to God, and the nation will once again become a center of God's revelation to all mankind (see Zechariah 12:10). The law will go forth from Jerusalem, and all the nations will come to Jerusalem to learn the law of the Lord (see Isaiah 2:2-3). At that time, the natural sons of Abraham will be exalted, along with those who, through faith in Jesus Christ, have become sons of Abraham after the Spirit. So in the last days the Jews and the church will share a wonderful glory (see Romans 11:25-26).

17783092? ago

So you admit that Jews serve Satan. That’s good.

17783196? ago

I’m sorry that’s all you got out of that.

17779068? ago

I use the terms jew and lucerferian interchangeably because they're the same thing

17781946? ago








17778737? ago

Excellent observation ... satan is our real enemy.

17786754? ago

But he doesn't exist......Dipshit.

You idiots play right into their hands. They believe so hard he exist, you morons fight them over it.

17803869? ago

Well even if Satan doesn't exist. There are still people who believe he does, and there is still good and evil based on people's beliefs. A self fufilling prophecy if you will...

17793955? ago

What will it take for you to see the reality? That is the real question. It'd be wise to acknowledge the truth while you're still breathing here on terra firma. There is a next-life and you'll be there with your last breath, just like all of us. To deny that reality is foolish. I'm not fighting with you or anyone else but I feel compelled to shine some light of truth on error. What you do with the info is up to you. Dipshit.

17804994? ago

Sorry, I just don't buy into a vengeful God.

It's stupid to create something with fucked up wiring then give them rules that if they break they go to hell.

Im a good person. Don't steal, no drugs. 1 women in 24 years. Honest to a fault.

So if what your saying is true I'm in good shape. If God requires me to do all these things AND say to myself I'm doing it because im scared off hell, well, then fuck that.

No one is that stupid. Especially not a God.

17818077? ago

You must believe you are a sinner and your relationship with God hopelessly severed without acknowledging this fact and accepting the free gift of salvation found only in Jesus Christ.

Your goodness will get you straight to hell without Jesus. I never intimated otherwise.

17828025? ago

Be good human. Go to hell.

Be good human belive in specific religion that happens to be the ones many subscribe to at the time... Go to heaven.

Dude. That is fucking dumb as fuck.

Im sorry

17837434? ago

There are no good humans so your premise falls apart immediately. How do we judge what is good? Against what God says good is. And basically that is God Himself. Even the "best" of us humans falls woefully short.

It has zero to do with what we do outside of BELIEVE you're a sinner. Is has everything to do with what Jesus has done for us. The only way to get to Heaven is thru Jesus. The only way to reconcile our relationship with God is thru Jesus. Our is recognizing our condition. Lost and on the wrong side. Only Jesus can bridge that gap for us.

I'm sorry you don't get it. My hope and prayer for you is that you do. Should you discover this you'll see it is not dumb, but that it makes perfect sense.

17779260? ago

Satan is fake . Gods and devils aren't supported by evidence.

17780823? ago

Santa isnt real... that fact doesnt stop millions of kids from thinking he is.. same go for the luciferians. Doesn't matter that satan is just make believe...they still worship him and sacrifice people to him...

17781168? ago

So what? Our nations are being flooded with migrants

17781230? ago

Yea let’s just completely ignore the building fire because thugs are breaking in.

17781295? ago

Globalists worship money, not devils

17781488? ago

That’s a completely unbased statement.

17781516? ago

How so?

17781752? ago

It’s an unbased statement because it isn’t presenting with any corroborating evidence that conclusively indicates that there is no devil worship occurring, and that the worship is, in fact, directed towards fiat currency.

17781788? ago

Support your claim

17781867? ago

Support my claim that your claim is unsupported?

What a hilarious attempt to shift burden.

Goodbye shill.

17782034? ago

No. Your claim is that globalists are luciferians. Support the claim.

17804047? ago

Some are, and it's already proven. Think marina

17804239? ago

Some are other things, but so what?

17782043? ago

When did I claim that?

17783060? ago

Articulate your position. What is it?

17804051? ago

Lol tell me your position so I can attack it. 😂

17804230? ago

You can't articulate your own position?

17805499? ago

Dude I wasn't the guy you were talking to I just thought your tactics we're silly... So I interjected. Sorry I know this Anon shit gets confusing. Also I read the entire thread and he did long ago.

17805536? ago


17805767? ago

Oh well, he said there wasn't any evidence that devil worshiping isn't occurring. I actually believe there is plenty that it is... They use symbolism, and there the abromavich shit.. they sure seem to worship the devil, also the Vatican has devil symbolism all over it as well..

But clearly he implied he thinks they are worshiping Lucifer. I think that was implied in his initial statement.

17806128? ago

ALL or some? If it's some...then who gives a shit,? People believe all kinds of nonsense.

17815111? ago

Idk man half? A third? It's not like they put it in their bios....

I personally think all religion is nonsense so I definitely agree.

17783185? ago

I already did. The position is you being wrong.

17783229? ago

I'm wrong about what?

17783249? ago

Now you look like an incoherent idiot who needs his hand held too.

17783281? ago

You can't even answer a simple question, boomer

17783310? ago

Because you ask the wrong ones, and I like seeing you flounder in deflection.

17783496? ago

What was I wrong about, boomer?

17804066? ago

Dude anyone on here that goes around calling others Boomer is a complete fucking douche. And I'm not the guy you were arguing with just a bystander. It's just douchy as fuck..

Oh I don't like what you said so I'm going to call you boomer.. 🙄

17780732? ago

Lucifer or Satan is as real as God or Yaweh (or Ba'al, Zeus, Hades, or Allah). Gods are necessary to man as man is necessary to gods. People and cultures create and learn (and re-create) god(s) in an image they most want or fear in their minds. They project personality and intent on this creation. This explains how the absolutes of gods change over time and how and why gods fall from our favor.

17779807? ago

Belief in Satan definitely exists, and that is enough to say fuck no put those evil dangerous murderous sick fucks in prison and throw away the key.

17780826? ago

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist? -Q

It's the thought that matters, that these well-connected people on the highest levels of society act on this belief and premise.

17780988? ago

Yeah. They act on it. Check Epstein’s private island and then look at his friends. Many flaunt it.

17780006? ago

What "sick fucks"?

17779985? ago

This right here, just as Q said.

As long as the church of Satan exists and people worship the devil and what that entails then the fight for good vs evil will continue.

17779307? ago

Wrong. So wrong. But you already know that.

17786766? ago

Your not as smart as you think you are. Hur dur.

Cmon, gimme some some more dumbass platitudes.

17793889? ago

I think I've made my point. :)

17780480? ago

Satan lives in our minds. Fear is the mind-killer.

Those that praise what you know as "Satan" are really guilty of celebrating hidden truths and continuing to obscure those truths.

You see, the "protagonist" in the old testament, Lucifer, "The Light Bringer" is symbolic of ancient people obscuring knowledge and forming secret orders focused on continuity. The "protagonist", Jesus, in the New Testament came to realize these truths without their help and worked to spread the truth to everyone and everywhere. He was ostracized for this (no, not murdered by roamans. In fact, he simply left and went east to spread the good word, sending Mary Magdeline west to do the same), telling the people willing to listen that, "the kingdom of heaven is within you", although none or not many of us have truly understood what this means until about... a few years in to the present future.

Satan represents crippled agency or willpower. Time to break free.

17787091? ago

Is that your interpretation of the Old and New Testaments, or is this something that any learned theologian would agree with? I was never raised with religion, so I am not in a position to agree or disagree either way....but this is a very interesting post, if there's merit to it.

17787372? ago

This message comes from someone much more intelligent, competent and involved than I am and likely ever will be. I am but a mouthpiece.

17780832? ago

You are one confused cookie!

17781114? ago

Explain my confusion to me.

17780041? ago

I'm right. There's no evidence of gods, devils, or invisible unicorns

17780410? ago

No sir (m'am). You are incorrect. I would just say "ok" and go on about my day but I can't. I can only hope that someday you'll get your head outta your ass. God is real. Therefore all God speaks of is real. The evidence is there but you're blinded to the truth. This devil that you say doesn't exist wants you to think that. Count on it. God wants you to know truth. His name is Jesus.

17780434? ago

Gods, devils, and invisible unicorns are not supported by evidence.

17780775? ago

I find your lack of faith disturbing

17781178? ago

"Faith" is overrated

17782013? ago

The force is with you always 🙏

17780626? ago

Ever heard of different light spectrums -- such as a dog can hear a certain tone that we cannot (high pitch) ?

What if I told you cat's and other animals see into different light spectrums? Starts to get weird really fast.

17781225? ago

Noah, Adam, Eve, invisible unicorns are all fake

17781836? ago

Go back to bed please, this is not a place for children to hang out you will get bored.

17782042? ago

You can't prove gods exist, can you?

17787020? ago

You can't prove God doesn't exist, can you?

17787087? ago

We can't prove invisible unicorns don't exist either....it doesn't mean they do.

17786779? ago

A creator is logically sound, a satan that is a derpy bad guy is idiot superstition.

17786836? ago

Logic doesn't apply to existence claims. Those are resolved by supporting evidence.

17786943? ago

Meh, you wont catch me trotting out some pseudo intellect shit when it comes to discussions of a god. That kind of talk is used to disprove only. Jew shit...

You a jew dawg?

When you see a car driving down the street you know how it got there, someone made it. Take your atheist 101 tactics and head back to reddit, nigger faggot.

17786992? ago

Nobody MADE dogs, except other dogs, jewboy

17780902? ago

Try not to overfeed the trolls, I know it's hard. I feed them sometimes out of weakness. If someone responds back with the exact same statement as the original with no acknowledgement of your arguments you can pretty much guarantee they have zero desire in any actual discussion.

17781857? ago

It can be valuable to point out the shills so newcomers do not think they reflect true Qanon values.

17780370? ago

The Bible is the most recorded book in known history, as well as Jesus’ life the most well documented. There’s literally thousands and thousands of written pages worth of supporting evidence.

17803971? ago

🙄 evidence in a book written by man, and there are dozens of other religions that came before it that say the EXACT SAME SHIT. In other words that book is evidence that it's writers plaguirzed. That's all the evidence in that book.

Religion is mind control and can easily be proven to be fake just by the stars. It's all based on the stars. Just like astrology..

Religion is also the single most evil thing ever. More people are killed in the name of religion than any thing else on earth.

That's what's proven.

Free yourself man.

17804147? ago

Simple minded. Of course there is no higher power that created all of this. Please tell me more. Bahaha. I once thought just like you. You’ll mature someday once you see the light. Jesus walked on this earth and lived out prophecy after prophecy, that’s Fact, not opinion.

17804193? ago

Hahaha hahaha right. 🙄

Religion is for the weak minded that can't explain things without pointing to a man in the sky. And can't be moral without a set of rules from that man.

And you call me simple minded. 😂

17806369? ago

Watch the movie “A Case for Christ”. The story in it is was much like mine, I found Jesus’ truths only after trying to prove Christianity wrong. I wanted to prove it wrong because I felt lied to, but I couldn’t. My liberal religion professor in college told me all about the astronomy you speak of, but that only proves God created this beautiful world with intent to deliver Jesus and fulfill the ‘astrological’ prophecies. The other false God’s that told similar stories were Satan muddying history to convince simple minds that Jesus isn’t original, but he very much is and it’s ridiculously documented. I promise you, someday it will hit you. Watch the movie and prove me wrong.

17780418? ago

No, I've read the buy-bull, but that's just a bronze age myth book. There's no evidence of gods. Is any book proof of anything?

17780922? ago

Gr8 b8 m8 8/8! 😐

17780696? ago

^^^ shill detected do not bother replying to his posts any longer. These people are see-through and clearly not true human beings (fakers in every sense of the word, walking corpses essentially).

17803988? ago

Ahahaha so he's a shill because he doesn't believe your fairy tale? Nice try man... Guess I'm a shill too.. because religion is mind control. And there is no GOOD religion they're all evil.

17781197? ago

Gods are still fake

17782450? ago

Im sure ill regret chiming in on this but i will do it anyway. Your right Gods don't exist. Why do i agree with this? Because there is only one God. The one true God that is the God of Both Jews And Christians. He even has a name. You call him all the time you just don't know it. When you say the words "I Am" you are saying his name. I am sorry, i am happy, i am sad. You say his name.

Where is the evidence of God. All around you. Just the mear fact that you exist is proof that God is Real and Created you. Nothing like life just all of a sudden magically appears. Take the computer or your smart phone for example. You know that in oder for these things to exist someone had to invent them. Someone very intelligent. Thats the only way they could exist. We carry a high level computing power system in our hands now. The only thing that is more complex and has a higher degree of computing power is the Human Brain. Our brain is a super computer. Very complex. But you think that just happened by chance? Some higher intelligence clearly created us.

Now if you say aliens from another world created us.Then who created them? Cause something had to.

Go ahead and ask why created God then. GOD always existed. He is not bound by any space or time. He exists outside of time and space.

17803995? ago

My God is better than your good... 🙄

17804355? ago

There is only 1 God so my God Is Also your God. Lol

17805548? ago

I suppose... I down really have a god, don't believe in all that crap, just think it's a bit silly when people say their god is the real god... As if there was any proof either one was real..

17783027? ago

No, there's no evidence (((YHWH))) exists either

17797370? ago

Ok shill have it your way. I just proved to you there is God. You choose not to believe thats on you. When you pass from this life into the next you will wish you had listened while your being tortured for eternity in hell

17804004? ago

Bwahahahaha you just proved there is a good on fucking voat? Call the fucking presses man...

17797391? ago

Hell is also fake

17780884? ago

Definitely a shill! A shitty one.

17780308? ago

Dunning-Krueger. The evidence is there but you can’t comprehend it.

17780382? ago

No. If there were evidence of gods, there would only be one religion. But all religions are bullshit.

17803913? ago


17780866? ago

Religion != God

Pure evil exists and it has infested ALL religions to some extent.

17781144? ago

But gods are fake

17781350? ago

There is only one God. Sorry.

17781396? ago

Nope, not even one

17781427? ago

You don’t know that though....so you sound really stupid...

17781534? ago

Gods are not supported by evidence

17781344? ago

You should really read your comment again and then mine. You’re going in circles for some reason.

What is consciousness?

17781378? ago

Your brain connects sensory inputs with memories. That's consciousness

17781415? ago

That sounds complex!

17781571? ago

It's just electrical and chemical activity happening in the natural world

17780491? ago

But, my friend, God, himself, walks among us.

17781233? ago

No evidence of that

17778724? ago

Gods are make-believe. Race is real.

17793444? ago

and if they believe in this pagan Babylon Demiurge stuff? Jesters, Order of the Eastern Star, Shriners some of them take their rituals very serious! https://uncensored.co.nz/2018/02/10/god-freemasonry-exposed/ “Demiurge” and “Yaldabaoth” https://albertpike.wordpress.com/albert-pike-lucifer/ “The morals and dogmas”, the monumental work of Albert Pike, a famous American Masonic writer of the 19th century.

17778647? ago

Jews worship the devil. Judaism is the front for the luciferian as a group. All other groups are their pawns.

17792482? ago

Lucifer is not the devil. Jews worship him without involving a deity that you cant even find in the bible... Looking in other books, then you should really dig into Yaldabaoth.

17779142? ago


17778555? ago

As far as niggers are concerned, most slaves practiced voodoo. It was rampant during the Civil War, and still has a foothold in Louisiana. Next to Catholicism, probably the next biggest “religion”. The spics bring with them, Santeria, which is an amalgam of Catholicism, and hoodoo. So when we mention these two muddy races, it’s just like talking about the devil worshiper.

17778516? ago

My friend talks about the luciferians all the time on here and they just down vote him and call him bigoted names.

17779580? ago

Is your friend a shill? Because the only way that statement refute's the OP's point is if your friend is a shill.

17779087? ago

That's usually the standard response to Truth. Ya know, cause name calling is so productive....

17779422? ago

One of them even posted my picture on here the other day trying to make me stop calling them out. I don't even know how they found it but these people are sick!

17780311? ago

How did they get your picture?

17781237? ago

I don't know. My friend posted a video here and they were attacking him so I defended him and they started attacking me and then posted my picture.

17778397? ago

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice. Am I right?

Is Adrenachrome real?

Where does it come from?

17781201? ago

Moloch worship is alive and well in the FUSA. We just changed his name to "Choice." Sadly, we feed him way more babies than the Israelites ever did.

17782201? ago

That's only cause there are more babies to sacrifice now and it's easier to abort them since you don't have to drag and 10 ton Gold bull

17783079? ago

Entirely possible.

I think we have a larger percentage of fucktards amongst too, but I’m opening to being wrong on that.

17780372? ago

i think Baal is also another name - all the same.

17782170? ago

Yes, some Ba’al was his name. Ba’al also meant lord and was generically used for pagan demon “gods.”

17779562? ago

Isn't Moloch the idol the jews worshiped in disobedience to God? Solomon built a palace dedicated to worshiping Moloch in 1 Kings 11:1–8 yes?

17780712? ago

As usual replace the word jews with luciferians and yep...

Synagogue of Satan.

Bring your muhjooshilling to youtube where it doesnt matter please and thanks.

17781163? ago

How is pointing out the tribe of Judea at one point worshipped Moloch (historical fact) anti-semitic? Seems you doth protest to much jew.

17781846? ago

Nobody here actually listens or believes your bullshit when you insult Jews and Jesus.


Talmud has nothing to do with Judaism and is MAN-MADE. Period.


aka faggots

17782140? ago

Tell that to the “Jews.”

17782133? ago

Does repeating yourself twice help you to convince yourself of your bullshit? Find me a Jewish sect that rejects the Talmud. I'll wait faggot.

17779816? ago

Now do Luciferians

17782037? ago

They're literally the same thing

17782236? ago

LOL, up is 'literally the same thing' as down

17779232? ago

We all know where it comes from and we know all politicians and celebrities are addicted to it.

17779254? ago

So why don't the shills talk about it?

17791453? ago

they don't think for themselves or are celebs and politicians.

17780698? ago


These people are SICK.

Now read that again. Now go watch that video of Hilary falling down the stars, the one where she gets lifted in to the van quickly, now go search for her health issues over the last four years. Now read that line again.


Now are you starting to see the full picture? Where has RBG been? Why? Now read that line again.

17783270? ago

But may I ask why would they be sick?

17786415? ago

Of course you may not.

17801569? ago


17781082? ago

Thinking about that starts to make sense.... wow.. WTF?

17781037? ago


17778374? ago

yes yes yes this thread a billion times YES.


17779763? ago

Fuck all Jews, especially the satanist ones. Am I still a shill?

17780599? ago

Yes, you are.

Fuck only the luciferians who masquerade as Jews AKA fake Jews AKA Synagogue of Satan AKA Luciferians <<--- see what I did there?

17782557? ago

Where are the non-fake Jews?

In rejecting Christ, who are they worshipping?

Christ told us the answer: he who rejects me rejects the Father who sent me.

17780802? ago

That’s 99% of Jews. Only a tiny minority have accepted Christ.

17781337? ago

Ok, so “fuck all Jews” is equivocally wrong then.

17781860? ago

Imagine being so retarded that you use a book of kike narratives (lies) to justify being pro kike.

17781895? ago

If only my beliefs were actually that shallow.

17781736? ago

I suppose if somebody says ALL Jews you’re correct, but they’re just lashing out because of the 99% that serve Lucifer.

17781986? ago

Imagine being part of that 1%.

17782134? ago

It must be terrible. Now imagine being the 7 billion people that live under the tyranny of the other 99%.

17782290? ago

Are we victim contesting or something?

17782898? ago

I wouldn’t dare compete with a Jew on that ground.

17781487? ago

Not everyone dies of cancer because they smoke, but you don't go and tell your kids that makes it ok.

17781560? ago

A high portion of Jews believing in the Kabbalah is not at all equivalent to tobacco containing verified carcinogens.

That attempt is fucking hilarious though.

17781720? ago

Strawman. If a risk is well known, you avoid it.

17781827? ago

If you’re going to accuse me of that, then indicate the argument I just fabricated and chose to attack rather than any presented notion.

17778016? ago

I'm a Shill, let's talk.

Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a liberator, a guardian or guiding spirit, or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.

17782628? ago

There is literally no such thing as Jehovah. That name came about via piss poor scholarship. Specially, it is a misspelling of a really bad translation.

17780063? ago

I always interpreted the holy trinity to be a symbol that all is one. As above so below, God is all and that includes Satan. But that’s just on an instinctual level, I don’t know the first thing about religion and history, I just know my soul and the sacred self knowledge within my consciousness. DMT helped me to realize what we see is not all there is to it, the mind is so powerful any dimension exists all around as all the time.

17779637? ago

Next you're going to tell me that Islam is a religion of peace.

17779455? ago

Interesting. Luciferianism is the veneration of characteristics in oneself. I can see how it would appeal to a population alive with the narrative that all good works and goodness come from God. Take credit for yourself. Have self-respect. God didn't build your house, raise your family, build your business. You did. Take charge. Take command. Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.

Religion gets a lot of bad press. Taking credit for your creations. Wars. Oppression. Corruption. However, religion is a way that we grandparents who now realize that we gave our kids all the wrong information can encode some wisdom to bypass the prejudices of our children and pass along the painful, hard-learned lessons of life to our grandchildren and those who are still to come. Fairy tales do the same thing. They lull the confused brains of the young adults in the thick of it who are ever so convinced that they know something (and we know they don't because we taught them and then found out we were wrong) so that please God let Generation Z help us right the wrongs we did in our ignorance.

Religion is our pursuit of the question "is the universe good?" or "how is it that the universe is good?" For those who have been kicked in the teeth since birth, that is the key question. For those that have more to work with, the question is "what am I?" If you are curious and excited about what you are and what you can do, I can see why hearing that you cannot do anything without God is not so appealing.

That message isn't meant for you. That message is meant for someone coming out of sexual slavery whose mother was sacrificed during his birth in a vile ritual. It is for the destroyed ego, not the bouncing ego coming of age in a relatively good space. The destroyed ego needs a way to make it until tomorrow. Hearing that, despite all evidence to the contrary, God is in charge of everything and it's all going to be ok, is the right message for that moment. Not, follow lucifer and you can lift yourself up despite the fact that everyone and everything in the world is bad and against you and wants to eat you or impinge upon you.

17778781? ago

The greatest trick that Lucifer ever pulled was convincing shills that it's okay to be a Luciferian.

17780948? ago

I’d say the greatest trick he ever played was convincing Christians that the people who rejected Christ were still God’s chosen people even though Jesus clearly says they are not.

17781424? ago

Jesus never said “Jews are not God’s chosen people,” or anything remotely similar. Jesus had always predicted them to turn away from God, and reject Him as Son of God.

He also predicted them to be earth’s greatest blessing when they turned back to Him.

Do you always blaspheme God’s Word like this? It is an unforgivable sin.

17783238? ago

The unforgivable sin is when you blaspheme the Spirit, which is what you do when you defend those the reject Christ and try to claim they are God’s chosen people.

17783278? ago

If you really believe that, then it’s weird that the Bible defends them as God’s chosen people even after their rejection of Christ, huh?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Blaspheming the Spirit is blaspheming the Word.

You should be ashamed of your distortion.

17778672? ago

Why did you use god and not God? Why did you use Jehovah and not jehovah?

17778646? ago

You are clever, Luciferian shill. You disguise your morbid practice under knowledge and sophism, but it is not too difficult to spot your kind. You only serve ego, you rebel against the highest, the source, the truth. Since ego is not true, not even real, you invented all the lies and deception to veil the truth and maintain your illusory matrix. When people wake up, your pants are falling off, your borrowed illumination is gone, revealing your ugly nakedness. Lucifer is a POS!

17783117? ago

Did you give consideration to the idea that maybe Jesus and Lucifer are the same thing?

17782740? ago

Christ is the way the truth and the life. “He who rejects me, rejects the father who sent me.” How are religions predicated on rejecting Him (Jews, Muslims, etc) not Luciferrian in nature?

17794797? ago

I am not Muslim, but I know they recognize Jesus as prophet. How can you say they reject Jesus? Only Joos reject him, nobody else knowingly do that. Eastern and aboriginals have their own belief systems, but they are not aware of Jesus, so you cannot say they reject him.

17778620? ago

Attributing Benevolent traits to the Ultimate Manifestation of evil is the highest form of delusion.

As Jesus Says "By their fruits, you shall know them"

And what do we get with lucifarians?

Genocidal, murdering, child raping, cannabalistic, psychos.

But yeah tell me more how Lucifer is awesome...

17783099? ago

What if Jesus and Lucifer are the same person?

What if the God of the Bible is a fake deity and the real God is without a name?

What if the Luciferians committed all those artrocities in order to attempt to summon or call forth that entity to save the world?

Are you familiar with karmic balance and Dharma? Are you familiar with gnosticism? Are you familiar with the avatars of Krishna?

Do you think that it's possible the Luciferians were trying to create an inbalance of evil in order to evoke a balancing of good?

Is this entirely over your head? Do you think that the Bible is edited? Do you think that satanists enjoy inverting things? Do you think that satanists would enjoy making you despise your savior? Or would that make your indoctrination short circuit?

17779586? ago

Context: Jesus and I are close.

Okay but so is there a whole lotta that bad fruit in Christianity and Islam and Judaism. That's not higher ground. It's a call to humility, to question your own fruits and those of your team. Not higher ground.

Let's all meet at the lower ground and let every single one of us go where he or she sees fit to do. There are a lot of people struggling to come over to us and needing a little enzymatic assistance with the part of Christianity and friends that seems to be instructing us to self-hate and credit all goodness outside ourselves. That's hard on atheists and it leaves the door open to lose members who are interested in feeling good about themselves (for real reasons).

17778486? ago

Lol. Don't worry. It's a dry heat in hell. Not that bad.

17778469? ago

You are out of time! Perhaps, given a massive worldwide catastrophe (nuclear war?) and immense suffering you could have convinced enough of the hurt humans of your lies.

Ah well, maybe you'll have better luck on your next planet you enslave for countless mellenia - We are shaking off the chains this time, no more repeating of a 12,000 year cycle, goodbye to you.

17778406? ago


17778255? ago

Basically a religious form of Libertarianism? A proposition that all beings are sovreign unto themselves and should oppose tyrrany?

No. Luciferians obviously rape and eat children. My pastor told me so.