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17772334? ago

No one wants to do any research, they want to be shown the latest tweet, the new MSM article.

This forum is dedicated to gossip. It's been that way since I came here 6 months ago. Anyone sharing actual research, presenting evidence, gets ignored, gets shilled, gets attacked like

"YOU ARE NOT PRESENTING THAT IN THE RIGHT WAY" instead of thanking the people for the hard work of compiling tons of prima fascie evidence.

I have been doing my own research for 20 years and I can tell you right now, this place is spinning in place and going no where fast.

First 10 comments here on a link to a video is complaints about video to long. Watching a video is actually the most mindless research anyone can do is to piggy back on the guy doing the leg work and just review his evidence.

That is a symptom of this twitter style research group you people have created here.

Give me 50 years of research in 150 characters or less, so I can get my PHD before I finish my mocha latte enema.

17789338? ago

You should make this comment into a post. This is the shit I needed to see.

17774704? ago

^ Triggered a panicking shill!

17781561? ago

The only way any movement causes panic is if it's members are actually willing to act on their own behalf. A movement that is willing to take their message to the streets is a truly a force to be reckoned with.These fuckers aren't even willing to get out from behind their computers. Say what you want about the hippies (I sure as fuck do), but they took their stupid message to the streets and changed the world...for the worse. Until you are willing to get out from behind your computer, look your enemy in the eye, and physically take your message to the people, nothing will happen.

17778217? ago

You. Are. Scared.

This user is an obvious troll. Just look for ridiculous language if you're wondering "real or troll".

17777265? ago

You. Are . A. Nigger.

17774923? ago

This comment isn’t that of a shill. It is of someone actually looking in at your so called movement. All that is shown is trust the plan when you nor anyone else has a fucking plan.

Your movement never had an actual plan except make a few people some money and well it actually became let’s make a shit load of money.

Hurry up and wait isn’t a plan, it is a death sentence.

17776194? ago

What do you recommend? In the end, researching or not researching amounts to the same thing - not changing the world or easing our predicament.

But what can we do?

I don't like the Royal family, but do you suppose I can walk up to Buckingham Palace and turf them out? I don't like the government - the traitors in parliament have stolen Brexit from us. Shall I sack parliament and hang the perpetrators?

We are confronted by a very powerful evil. Our only hope is to let a mighty military bring it down. You and I are completely impotent and would be squashed like flies if we tried to bring and end to the evil all by ourselves. That would be a death sentence.

Research is an accumulation of knowledge over many years. At least, by our research, we are prepared for what we are promised is coming.

17776299? ago

Well you can do whatever you want.

I however have stopped participating within society as much as I can. I won’t buy fast food, processed garbage, I have begun to reuse or repair items others would cast aside.

Attempting to find a way to make my own fuel, and I garden where I can. Fuck the system, and you can fight it yourself so just don’t play. Easy as that.

Or you can bitch and moan however you wish, and die without rememberance.

17776466? ago

We will all die unremembered.

And yes, making a smaller footprint on the world is helpful. I have practically departed myself. No TV, no air travel, no participation in civic society because of its sickness, no voting, no paying of taxes. No compliance, no bother.

17775022? ago

No, it's a shill.

If "nobody is doing research", then his assertions, AND YOUR ASSERTIONS ABOUT OP, are all UNRESEARCHED.

You are just spewing fake news level "opinion", devoid of facts.

"My" movement? Perceiving yourself as an outsider to it? And yet you post here challenging me?


17778257? ago

And yet you post here challenging me?

You're king troll here on QRV?

17776093? ago

There ya go. You just yell more so that your ideas are therefore much more relevant. As if you were some child throwing a tantrum.

To answer if I am one of I am an American and focus on being just that. I guide my response to that ideal and not political or ideology of anything else.

Now you want to assign labels to those that challenge you, and use an anon subverse to hide behind because you fear identification for some reason.

Before you throw “well you are here too” you are right I am, but I am not the one screaming. You are as if you have something to defend, and yet you won’t do it elsewhere.

17780841? ago


17774837? ago

Call it what you want, perhaps point me to any research on QRV to prove your point.

If you can't show me any original research written as OP, not some tweet research, then I presume you sir are the shill.

17773877? ago

Say what you mean........People are lazy and a large portion of the population want things handed to them in a nice neat package. That is one of the reasons we are in this mess.

17775134? ago

If what you say is true, then both the shill you're replying to, and you, are lazy bastards who don't do any research, which implies your pronouncements about whether or not people do research, is itself a totally unresearched assertion!

Logic motherfucker do you speak it?

Dumbasses are contradicting yourselves.

LOL, 'nobody is doing research'. OP is only speaking for itself, OP didn't do any research before accusing everyone else as nothing but opinion makers.

You low IQ shills must be in absolute panic mode. You're making total fools of yourselves.

17779453? ago

Humans are very unlikely to get motivated to do anything unless and until they think it affects their survival- directly or indirectly. Once you convince people their survival is at stake then they will act. That is the way it has been for thousands of years. Our ancestors had to ensure their survival by constantly searching for food and warding off predators. Go live in the outback of Alaska and live a year. If you live you will have leaned this lesson. Every day you need to work just for your survival and protect yourself from the predators or you will die.

Today for a significant part of the human population, survival is ensured rather easily. We have a lot of time to be lazy and do nothing- and our survival won’t be threatened at all. Modern human behavior has been primarily governed by this instinct. The way you get people to blindly follow is you keep them feeling safe. As long as they feel safe, they will merry walk along and never care to look if they are being walked off a ledge.

If you do not understand that this has nothing to do with liberal, conservative, republican or democrat then you are wasting your time being here. The battle of good and evil has been raging for longer than you can imagine. It been called by a thousand different names. The best weapon against the Father of Lies is the truth: that God is full of mercy and compassion like the father in the parable of the Prodigal son; that we are made in the image of God and have infinite dignity and value; that we are loved beyond reason, beyond our wildest imagining!

17777244? ago


This is the kind of shit that made me reconsider Q, and eventually see it for the cult it is. I suppose I should thank you, and people like you, for helping me see it.

But no

Go fuck yourself, qtard boomer faggot.

Enjoy disrupting your own (bowel) movement

17786815? ago

Yup, im here just to troll and get some shit off my chest.

America is a dead nation. Good job Trump. Thanks.

17778093? ago

I used different shit to be skeptical in the first place, but that guy you're replying to is almost certainly one of the fake Q shills. He's pretending to be a Q follower to make Q followers look dumber than they really are. They're certainly gullible and/or naive, but this type of troll exaggerates their cluelessness to ridiculous proportions.

absolute panic mode

panic-stricken motivation to attack

The logic here goes: Our enemies are panicking because they believe Q is /ourguy/, therefore our enemies have proven that Q is not a jewish op through their panic.
No one is panicking. In fact, Q is a pacification and identification OP, and it appears to be working Quite well on the target demographic.

17786843? ago

The panic meme is dumb as fuck. Im sitting on my recliner, with a nice blanky, cozy as fuck.

Watching this country burn to the ground while the last generation that knows any sense of sanity is tricked into typing (trust the plan) on their computers over and over instead of raising hell.

Psy op of all psy ops.

Its the not tech we should be afraid of, its the social engineering.

17778298? ago

Indeed. It wasn't just Q followers that sparked the scepticism (and eventual rejection) of the "Q movement;" things weren't lining up and the tone of the responses to my questions was...illuminating. This was before the copypasta "no antisemitism" and extreme retards like our subject were common on this board.

No one is panicking. In fact, Q is a pacification and identification OP, and it appears to be working Quite well on the target demographic.

Yup. Exactly this. However, I disagree with this:

therefore our enemies have proven that Q is not a jewish op

...only because it seems like most of the people here are good goys who would love for Greatest Ally to do this sort of thing to for them.

17777330? ago


Tell your cult puppet masters they made a poor decision in hiring you low IQ dumbasses who fail logic 101.

LOL, "cult"....PROJECTION!

17786868? ago

Think for yourself

Your retort is to trot a tired ass line thats been used 1000 times before. Holy shit...

Is Hillary in jail yet?

I didnt fucking think so...

17792628? ago

Bottom to top.

17777892? ago

Lol nice defense, boomer. Not full of cope at all

anonymous leader

Your "prophet" is, thus far. Not so much your "savior" Trump

imploring everyone to think for themselves

Sure, that much is apparent to all who dare disagree with the Qrthodoxy. If you truly were "thinkig for yourselves," why do you not question the everloving fuck out of this "plan" (that seems to go nowhere)?

Also: have you never considered the idea that your "independent thinking" might be guided in a specific direction by your prophet?

Tell your cult puppet masters blah blah boomer faggotry

Yes, all outsiders are enemies, yes, don't listen to the outsiders ever!

Let's not forget the holy sqriptures that you guys love to quote and tell people to read so much.

So, let's recap:

  • You have a prophet and a savior

  • They are not to be questioned, ever (there's your heresy)

  • Your beliefs are being molded to a specific shape and a specific end


17782084? ago

Lol nice defense, boomer. Not full of cope at all

LOL, not an argument you low IQ shillfuck who couldn't get a real job.

Your "prophet" is, thus far. Not so much your "savior" Trump.

You're projecting again. It is you who follows a cult, a cult ruled by those who had up until Oct 2017 controlled most of "the narrative".

Your cult includes 6 CEOs of media companies controlling 90% of "news".

Sure, that much is apparent to all who dare disagree with the Qrthodoxy.

No, it's not about disagreeing or agreeing with PEOPLE. It's about agreeing and disagreeing the FACTS, which Q has greatly helped and continues to encourage anons worldwide to do.

That makes you low IQ shiklfucks PANIC.

You panic over what you claim is a cult of Qtards?

Your actions contradict the content of your statements, i.e. you are a fucking degenerate liar totally afraid of us.

If you were not afraid, you would not shill.

If you truly were "thinkig for yourselves," why do you not question the everloving fuck out of this "plan" (that seems to go nowhere)?

You're not thinking with that statement. Going nowhere? We've come so far that we have to see you panicking losers shill Q research board FOR TWO YEARS STRAIGHT.


Also: have you never considered the idea that your "independent thinking" might be guided in a specific direction by your prophet?

Projection again. YOUR 'prophet', MOLOCH, is guiding you to hate other people who think for themselves and see the lies in the fake news "narrative".

You only have hate and spite.

Tell your cult puppet masters blah blah

AHA! So you admit you do answer to puppet masters.

That'a why your garbage has a recognizable pattern. You stupid fucks all copy pasta the same talking points as fake news.

Yes, all outsiders are enemies, yes, don't listen to the outsiders ever!


Let's not forget the holy sqriptures that you guys love to quote and tell people to read so much.



So, let's recap:

Nope, let me recap.

You PROJECT your Moloch cult leader.

Qanons think for themselves and have no leader.

You fake news fucks conflate FALSE ASSERTIONS with QUESTIONS.

You didn't ask a single honest fucking question in your precious garbage shillpost. The few statements that were questions were assertions hiding behind rhetorical questions, and most statements were false assertions unbacked by any logic or evidence.

Your beliefs are being molded to a specific shape and a specific end of Moloch, to divide humanity into "classes", "tribes", based on fallacious appeals to history all while contradicting your dumb ass selves, e.g. Males commit most violent crimes, despite 'representing' only 50% of the population, which by your leftist collectivist shit insanity, means you yourself are evil and should be "thrown into ovens". Oh but no, "statistics" only apply to others. Hahaha, dumb fuck.

You PROJECT YOUR OWN 'holy book' written by 'your prophet', i.e. 4am talking points from your puppet masters.

You fucks couldn't get real jobs.

You PROJECT your own cult ideology by viewing Q anons as "outsiders and unbelievers" in the fake news, and you consider people thinking for themselves as the enemy.

You are in a cult of fake news.

Yup, you idiots are a cult.

You're projecting.

17783611? ago

Nice try. Triggered hard, obviously. Good job rehashing my own points, but I must deduct points for lack of creativity.

But, as you qultists are so fond of saying, "if you're taking flak, you must be over the target!"

Did I hit a nerve?

Thank you for assuming anyone not of your cult is automatically the enemy (thank you also for proving my point). Thank you for falling for the false dichotomy, left-right binary-only paradigm constructed and promoted by THE VERY PEOPLE YOU CLAIM TO OPPOSE! Did you ever consider, even once, that one can hate satanists/moloch worshippers/evil in general, and simultaneously dislike some anonymous 4chan LARP-turned-cult pacification psyop? You assume much about me - Moloch worshipper, fake news promoter, blah blah - based on a couple of comments in opposition to your favorite little internet psyop. Interesting.

Also, where did this come from? ...

Males commit most violent crimes, despite 'representing' only 50% of the population, which by your leftist collectivist shit insanity, means you yourself are evil and should be "thrown into ovens". Oh but no, "statistics" only apply to others. Hahaha, dumb fuck.

I never brought that up. Sounds like it's weighing on you. Perhaps some introspection on this subject is advisable.

Let me spell it out for you: Q is not your savior. Trump is not your god. Qdrops are not holy scripture. The US military is not a righteous army ready to conquer Jericho. Jews are not the chosen people.

Jesus Christ alone is your savior, the Word made manifest, and the only way to God the Father. The Bible is His perfect Word.

Anything else is dung.

17772879? ago

I remember being on the Chan’s before and during the creation of QRV and the legit researchers all understood that QRV is a place for newbies and the people who can’t use 8ch. They didn’t want the breads being filled with people asking the same questions over and over.

The good posts here almost always end up sliding away fast. Not sure what can be done but I spend most of my time using the ‘search’.

17772808? ago

Completely agree 👏

I’m sure you already do but I’d suggest using the QResearch board on the 8ch!

17773094? ago

I tried to years ago and my posts instantly slid, 4chan, 8ch both the same, my post was gone before anyone even noticed.

One thread was archived for some reason I couldn't post on it anymore. I was wasting my time telling people stuff they don't care about.

17772603? ago

Good show! Deaf ears... No point in educating these losers. Just ridicule them.

17772414? ago

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